Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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@497 trakrat: welcome aboard. Nice to see another amtracker here! You’re right on target with your comments.


@497 trakrat: when I say “another amtracker here”, I’m referring to YatYas1833, and not myself.


@508 Marine_7002 I knew who you meant Marine..this poser needs to be shown what a REAL Marine looks like…up close and personal!


With all of the new laws and the Stolen Valor Act in place, when is it going to stop? A bunch of scumbag posers who don’t have a life try to discredit something that is so sacred to us. No matter if you served four years or 24 years, you don’t have to brag about being a Marine. It’s a title that nobody else can ever take away from you. But these fucksticks tarnish our name and our uniform every time they do something like this. Don’t worry America, there are real Marines that have your back.


here is his physical address.

Jonn edited this because we went through this a few months ago when the addresses on Numb Nuts turned out to be those of his ex-wife and daughter and not him so let’s try to keep this about Numb Nuts and keep his family out of it.


Violations of the Stolen Valor Act can be, like I have in this case, be reported to the FBI who has section devoted to this type of crime. I hope he gets to spend some quality time with a special agent soon.


I was the youngest brigadier corporal commandant ever but it was g-14 classified so I couldn’t talk about it.

Steve Ret USMC

The “jackwagon” has his pics posted on his facebook too!

Gunny Mike

We posted so many FB “shares” of his fucked up “red-skivvie shirt with deltas” photo that he removed it from his FB profile….but he left up the other 6 or 7. Keep pushing and he will take them all down! I’d still like to give the little douche-bag some Gunny style “wall-to-wall counseling” and some “hands-on” training from my 0311 buddies!


Who else just realized he deleted his Pictures of himself with the Red undershirt? Hey fist fuck Ron, Just to let you know, a SERGEANT MAJOR will have something called DEVICES on his ribbons, IE: Gold star in lieu of 2nd award on ribbons like a NAVY ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL aka NAM. Has Anyone else here realized that he doesn’t have any of these, I mean his ribbon seniority is fucked, but above all he is a god damn sgtmaj with 1 god damn good conduct!? No fucking way, 12 years in 1 Good conduct. If you are a real Marine (doubtful) give us some evidence that we are wrong, some official damn documents, but until then Ron, do us a favor and for the love of god suck start a shotgun, you useless waste of space, REAL MEN GIVE THEIR LIFE IN THAT UNIFORM. By the way, Ron, Marines have tough Skin (the higher the rank usually the thicker it is) so grow a pair man up to your shitty mistakes, take the verbal abuse. Hopefully the Marine Corps fucks you with the Green Wienie and you can see the full force of the US government fall on you for committing such a felony. Please feel free to write me (my name) marinedevilnut (incase you didn’t know) at Gmail . com

I will be waiting for your reply.

In the words of GySgt Hartman aka: (GySgt Ermey), “It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress!”


I can’t believe this what this man did is insane iv been reading this for over an hour! How can his PO. Not have known these things are going on. I don’t understand how he even got those blues. To get a new set I had to provide my DD214.

Yat Yas 1833

Why won’t this turd just die?!? Trakrat1833, welcome aboard Bro! Finally, another Marine with looks and BRAINS!? (hiding)


my father was a marine served in korea during the war and yet never talked about it or took pictures of himself in some jacked up uniform and like him i did my time except it was iraq but the thing we had in common was we dont talk about the shit, this ass clown though wow, its too bad he cant be taken to baghdad in that pretty uniform so he can show off his mad combat skills,


The Colonel/Doctor does not approve.


Shitbag changed his Facebook address… sigh.


gezzzzzz what a IDIOT, honestly why the lying anyways, oh well another dumbass DEBUNKED


i shared the rest of his nasty pictures and added some good verbal abuse to them. hopefully it works.


For my fellow servicemembers who have gotten out or retired, if you recall your orders when you left the service, they do state that you could be recalled back to active duty in time of need. Well…maybe what this moron and all other fakers need is a dose of reality and get recalled back to active duty and then charge for impersonation under the UCMJ. Just sayin.


@520 bonus points for the Scrubs reference.


You know the guys that get RAPED in PRISON??
Well, SGTMAJ…. You are THAT GUY….

So, I sincerely Hope and Pray, that you experience the LOVE of TEUFEL HUNDEN, as They are unleashed…. Knowing that you are ARE a coveted member of YEMX, you will receive so much FAN MAIL while serving as BUBBAS BOTTOM BITCH in Prison.

I have more RESPECT for the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium that was stuck to the spurs on my Bore Punch after spending my paycheck and 96 with my Marine Brothers down on B.C. Street in Oki….

In all seriousness, “Kafir”…. All the “LAWERS” in D. C. Won’t help you if one of my fine Kopfjager Teufel Hunden has his DOPE clicked in and sends you some 7.62 love.

I had FAMILY that died During the Rhineland Campain, Korea, the Gulf of Tonkin, al Jabala, and In “Tunisia”…. Three were Marines. You EVER show your sorry face anywhere NEAR ME, MY losing your shot card WILL BE THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES….. My sweet and innocent inner child was keelhauled by that mean, twisted evil fucker who took his job…. I will be EVERYWHERE you DON’T WANT ME TO BE….. So Check your six…. CAUSE NONE, NO, NOT ONE, OF THESE WARRIORS and honorable men and women MARINES WILL CHECK IT….

REST WELL, For TONIGHT, THE WOLF PACK OF 3d L. A. R. IS At your gate….
They have the watch…. Rest well, SGTMAJ MAILBAG….
Kopfjager awaits, bringing peaceful rest to the wicked and the weary….


527 posts…should be an instant 1 seed for the JMB tourney…


First, I thank and salute all of you who legitimately served in the US Armed Forces and protected those of us unwilling or unable to do so for ourselves.

Second, isn’t it a crime to misrepresent yourself as having served when you haven’t? If not, IMO, it should be a felony.


OOOPS, I guess that’s what the ‘Stolen Valor Act’ is all about! Please excuse my ignorance on this matter.

I wish the PTB on this would act more swiftly.


it’s funny how some lawyers try to fight the stolen valor act, that it takes away an americans freedom of speech. so why is it illegal to impersonate a police officer and/or federal agent? i fully support the stolen valor act and believe who ever does steel the valor of so many service members deserves to get castrated.


Ah, I see some people on here like to bash this poor guy who just wants to belong . . . can I join in?

ATTENTION WEAK-ASS POSEUR: You are wearing items that you obviously didn’t earn. I say obviously because you are unkempt, your uniform isn’t pressed in any picture, your ribbons are not in order, your Corp ribbons are mixed in with an Army ribbon, and what the fuck is up with your hippy-ass haircut? STOP SHOPPING AT THE SURPLUS STORE AND MAKING UP STORIES TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOUR NOW WORTHLESS LIFE!

I will tie a static line around your neck and clip it to the anchor line cable in a C-130 hitting high speeds, NAP of the Earth, and cast you out the paratroop door and watch you bounce off the tail til you quit kicking if I EVER catch you near me or my family!


Violence against the guy isn’t the answer. The US is a nation of laws, for better or worse; upholding them is what you people served for.

Give the system a chance to work! Your anger and energy might be better served writing to those in charge of enforcing the Stolen Valor Act.


I posted this to my 5000 FB friends in the hope of making this go viral. I don’t live in America, so pardon my ignorance, but don’t you wear a khaki hat with a khaki uniform and a white hat with dress blues? Doesn’t the white hat have an insignia on it usually?

Regardless we know this person to not be genuine, perhaps by sharing this article we can get someone to deal with this person legally, it is shameful to see someone making claims that are untrue regarding their military record, when so many served and still served honourably.

It should not be permissible to bring servicemen and women into disrepute.


Depends on what uniform you’re wearing. Service uniforms have green trousers, and you wear the green barracks cover or green garrison cover (also known as a piss-cutter) with them. With dress uniforms you wear blue trousers and the white barracks cover only, even whilst wearing the khaki quarter sleeve (Deltas) or khaki long sleeve with tie and clasp (Charlies).

USAF Ret TSgt 100% Disabled Vietnam Vet

I hope that this poser will be dealt with sternly because he is giving his self credit for something he is Not!!! No one can hurt the Marine or other military members with being a Fraud! I was looking very closely to his medals, also, & thought I saw the Vietnam Service & Vietnam Campaign Medal mixed in his ribbons! Please correct me if I’m wrong cause I saw the colors of the ribbons. There is No way that a 43 Y/O could get those medals, so that is Fraud & disrespectful to all Vietnam Vets!!! I’m 60 Y/O (DOB 02/17/1951) & was in Nam in 1973 & 1975 for the pull-out, so I really want this guy put in jail for all his crimes, & the sooner the better!!!


260 – had me tinkle a little in my pant, that was funny as hell!

A Real MGunz

You speak of wearing your Blues at a wedding, invite me you little twerp and I will be there to beat you like a baby seal. Have your lawyer there to “SUE” me to and after I’m done beating his ass, Im going to continue to beat you in the name of every service member that wore a uniform with honor. I have served with honor for 29 years, 12+ deployments with 5 Combat Tours. I hate your guts and I dont even know you but the fact that you “Pose” you have earned my hate. You lack integrity which makes you a failure from the start. You want to be famous? I will definately be your ticket to fame if thats what you seek. You think its funny as you sit there and laugh at the post here and at the same time you have disrespected every honest American that served our country in the process. Laugh now shit bag as sucking soup through a straw is no cake walk. Im confident that if you show your face in public, somebody will beat me to the punch and take care of business. You think you have balls? Walk your stupid ass through the wounded warriors ward at any Naval, Army or Air Force medical center and when some 20 year old LCpl who has made the sacrifice and who serves with honor jumps up and kicks your teeth out with his partial/missing limbed body, think about what got you that ass beating. Trust me, he will go on to do great things, however you will be spitting chicklets for months!

Alan Fife

What a piece of shit! One more piece of crap trying to steal our glory. We should give him the treatment we gave all shit bags to “square them away.”

Semper Fi!


Kill it with fire or purify with water…boarding! Either way, I now know why I don’t have the power to wish someone away.


He’s too chickenshit to reply to emails, and he still hasn’t sommoned up the cojones to post a ‘mea culpa’ at

Maybe he’s too busy stealing money from kids’ softball leagues to reply. For those of you not familiar with his sorry sordid background, this will help: . It includes links to the stories about how he ripped off those kids.

Or maybe he’s been too busy burning up the 900 phone sex lines. He was fired as a VOLUNTEER firefighter for making those calls to the tune of $800 that were charged to the fire company. It’s tough to get fired from a VOLUNTEER job, but he managed to find a way to do it. Very resourceful, I’d say.


I’d love to bash this dude’s balls in with a 10 pound sledge for trying to pass himself off as a Marine. We’ve lost too many men and woman who have proudly served for this ass clown to claim he has earned the title Marine.

#1. Hey fuckstick, we don’t wear red t-shirts in our Dress Blue Deltas.

#2. Your ribbons are all out of order and you’re not wearing any devices. A SgtMaj would have multiple.

#3. Only three service stripes? Are you fucking kidding me? I’ll be lucky to be a funny by the time I’m wearing three hashmarks.

I could nitpick the shit out of this poser if I sat here all day.


I meant Gunny. Damn autocorrect.


@537 well put


here’s a tip for you,he is already a felon,he is good friends with his PO . that is what he tells people,he lives with his mother,has no job, and she has that big proud picture of him in his dress blues on her wall,the same one that you real marines noticed that everything was put on wrong, she really believes that her son is a marine,and when he gets married he told everyone that he will wear his dress blues to his wedding,again he is so direspectful to all the men and women who fight to keep us safe,who are sent to foreign countries,who leave their children,husbands,wives,family,and serve to keep people like you ronald mailman, safe, God Bless American,i say prayers every night for our brave men and women who serve this great nation,


Cover on indoors? Someone please show this man a drill instructor. Yut.


I love the name tag in his delta pic too. Haha, must be a Recruiting Station SgtMaj, right?

Commandant Al Grey

you looking for a blanket party boy?


Please tell me he has been arrested by now

Don Collett

I cannot believe how this liar keeps saying he served. I worked with this jerk off and saw it first hand how he pretended to be a Marine. His job assignment was a shuttle driver. He would stand proud in his Marine League jacket and red hat with the Sgt. Major chevron on it. The Marine League jacket also had the stripes of a Sgt. Major along with a multitude of shoulder patches showing all his duty stations. Whenever a “real” marine would say him “Semper Fi” he would respond “Who Rah” When asked about his service record he would always say that he could not talk about it because he was Spec Ops and his records were sealed. One day last summer before he got fired a couple of plainclothes cops came in and placed him in handcuffs and hauled him away. The following day he told everyone that he had talked about something that was top secret and they took him in for questioning. Later we found out he was arrested for not making restituion payments to the fire department. Eventually he got reassigned within the company because the customers he drove were complaining about him. He was no longer a driver and became a lot boy. I go to the NASCAR race at Pocono each year. Thanks to my daughter she is able to get me a hot pass for the weekend. This gives me unlimited access for the entire weekend. Before the liar was transfered we would talk about NASCAR. He told me his favorite team was Logano and the Home Depot #20. He knew I was going to Pocono and asked me to bring him back a Home Depot hat. Friday s the best day because there are not many people in the garages and the drivers are usually just hanging around between practice sessions. Prior to the start of practice I went to the Home Depot hauler and bought the hat. Between practice I went to the Home Depot garage and was asked Joey Logano to sign it. I returned to work and present… Read more »


Ron Mailahn = SCAMMER, Felon, Thief, FAKE MARINE VET!!! – Topix

type this in. i found this on the internet


OMG thank you Don, for filling us in its amazing how much you can find out on the internet,he has disrespected so many people telling some that they are nothing and that they must refer to him as Sgt major,and belittled so many others,because he felt he was so much better,

8404 FMF DOc


HA HA HA HA… I posted that topix forum rant… ha ha ha just MORE notariety for old Ron


@496 Doc when were you assigned to 1/6?

I was with 1/6 briefly in 1992 before going on recruiting duty and again in 1995 – 1999.

My second tour with 1/6 I served as the platoon sergeant for 81s, when we were pulling migrant ops in Cuba and then flew down to take over Bravo Co’s weapons platoon after the mass hazing incident in Panama.

Got a rifle platoon in Bravo after that and was moved to Charlie 1/6 for Urban Warrior. After being promoted to Gunny I was moved to weapons platoon.


@478, 479 and 480.

It is rare, you are right. The only place I think I ever wore them (badges with ribbons on C and D uniforms)daily was recruiting duty.

Never on the pocket; 1/8 of an inch above and backed by cardboard for that neat appearance.

CPL 5811

Any news on this fag?


The dumb ass sucks at putting a fake uniform together however he is awesome at being a thief and a dead beat dad

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