Wesley Miller; phony wounded warrior
The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on this Wesley Miller fellow. He was genuinely in the Army for nearly nine years and it looks like he served in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division. He came in the Army as forklift operator and he left the Army as a recruiter. A pretty good career overall.
![Wesley Miller](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Wesley-Miller-249x333.jpg?resize=249%2C333)
But I guess he didn’t think it was enough. His wife posted a set of orders a few weeks ago announcing the award of a Purple Heart Medal;
The orders say that he was awarded the medal “Posthumously” – and clearly he’s alive. He also doesn’t have a Combat Action Badge, which would indicate that he had participated in some sort of engagement with the enemy justifying the Purple Heart.
So, you know me, I don’t want to bust people that don’t deserve busting, I called Walter Avery, the man whose signature appears on the orders. He said that he couldn’t comment on the case, but he did tell me that he forwarded the case to the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) for an investigation and he said that their investigation would lead them to send it to the FBI if it warranted that action. I’m thinking that if there wasn’t anything wrong with the orders, Mr Avery wouldn’t have sent it to the CID.
Anyway, here are the rest of Miller’s records which don’t show any Purple Heart or any reason that he would have earned one;
![Wesley Miller FOIA](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Wesley-Miller-FOIA-318x333.jpg?resize=318%2C333)
I’m thinking that Dimbulb, here, thinks that “posthumously” means after his discharge and not realizing that it means after his death. But, you know, these guys are all smarter than the rest of us anyway.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
It’s even worse when it’s someone that actually served…fucktard
I bet that CID and the FBI will find out that the wife did it all on her own without any encouragement from him. Yup, he had no idea.
He knew,,he was the one probably telling her all about his big war fight, and how he deserves a PH, and never got one.
Cover the erectile dysfunction he suffers from. Shrapnel means no woody for Wesley.
He was TDY with the 333rd Mess Kit Repair Battalion to [redacted] and came in direct contact with [redacted] resulting in [redacted].
Frank Burns, Injured by a “Shell Fragment”
Egg shell.
Please, ChipNASA – give the full story.
“Shell fragment in eye”. (smile)
That was an eggshell, wasn’t it?
In the MASH episode, yes. But in the episode it was listed in Burns’ medical records as “shell fragment in eye” vice “eggshell fragment in eye” – and in the episode he thus got a thoroughly-undeserved Purple Heart for that “combat injury”.
I believe he was awarded the purple earring
I think it is too early to make a call on this.
The “Posthumous” could be a clerical error by a clerk that used a standard format and neglected to edit it out from a previous award.
This could be a claim for purple heart made after his deployment that was approved, with a clerical error.
It would explain why his DD 214 does not reflect the CAB or purple heart.
Often people file for these things after deployments/discharge when they learn of eligibility that was ignored.
Not all commands look out for their troops with respect to awards.
An ARCOM or other EOT award? Sure.
PH 7 years after the fact? I’ll take that bet.
I suspect it could be related to injuries that are only beginning to be recognized as sufficient for purple hearts.
Such as damage to brains caused by blast shockwaves that caused no other apparent physical injuries.
My point is that I kind of want to give a fellow veteran the benefits of the doubt before publicly shaming him right off the bat just because the initial information is inconsistent.
Military records are often inconsistent.
But a posthumous award to a live human is not.
That is likely a clerical error.
Did Walter Avery likely make a clerical error as well?
No, but he could have signed a document with one on it.
And I am not saying he did. This could be fraud.
I am just saying it is too early to tell and you are shaming a veteran.
Another possibly is a doctored set of valid orders for someone else’s award. We’ve see that before, too.
Yes. That might even be more likely.
But is “more likely than not” the standard for shaming a veteran?
I think it is for many people on this board.
Should it be?
It’s VERY obvious that they DO NOT teach logic, common sense, OR deductive reasoning at UC Berserkely.
You are literally just going to every one of my posts today and trolling like an asshat.
You’re like any squeaky toy I give to our Labs, SQUEALING at every bite!! 😀
You obviously never spent time in rehab for wounds sustained in battle.
Or understand the injury mechanism, associated sequela and pathways.
No. I was never injured in combat.
However, I am not sure how that makes my post wrong or me a moron. In fact your response has nothing to do with my post. It sounds like you just wanted to highlight that you earned a purple heart and imply that makes you an expert on other people’s purple hearts.
Not all purple heart injuries takes rehab to heal. I know a few that returned to duty within hours.
The current research is that blast waves cause a great deal of damage that is not physically apparent. This damage is now regarded as sufficient for the award of the purple heart if it is later proven to have occurred and the brain dysfunction can be conclusively linked to a blast wave.
I know more about the research than you could ever dream of moron.
You really are dim.
Can’t see the forest because of the trees, huh?
“Not all purple heart injuries takes rehab to heal.”
Wow. You really have gotten around. No shit, moron.
And to help you out, you must have a 15-6 and witness statements. Do you know how much self-reported data is being put forth by shitbags to secure a PH? Do you know how much self-reported data is being put forth to those clowns (and accepted, no less) in the VA for benefits? Especially those that were no where near the mix?
For some type of self-styled expert, you suck. I would just shut my suck if I were you and move on to another topic of which, at the very least, you have a base of knowledge.
You, sir, are a NO GO at this station.
Move along.
What. The. FUCK?!
I am saying that MAYBE, just FUCKING MAYBE we should not be so quick to attack FELLOW VETERAN and publicly SHAME him until the CID investigation reveals fraud.
I am arguing that what happened is suspicious and he most likely did try to game the system…
And you decide to be as asshole and attack me for ASKING WE FUCKING WAIT BEFORE SHAMING A FELLOW VETERAN.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What are you trying to gain by attacking veterans so quickly?
Ok Lars… as a reservist who who saw 7 service members receive awards after the fact. every damn one of them also received a 215 with the award me included why he would be any different is beyond me.. two of them received PHs a third one had it revoked after there was a social media backlash because. I’m still at a loss as to why my last 214 I received left blank all of my military education and two awards that I received overseas. but simply put I don’t give a shit anymore. I have a feeling what ever the issue here the lesson is don’t post until you have all the paper work with you jumping the gun is a bad way to do things period
And I am not claiming to be an expert on this.
You are.
Skippy the Mil Ed was blank on your next one because you didnt go to those schools during that periof of service
Green Thumb…He’s definitely a NO Go at this station. Yungins’ listen and learn from your elders.
Lars T., (THERE I said THAT instead of “Commissar” -*OOPS!*, I hear this when you spout off after either I or anyone else critiques any of your comments, you’re not only predictable, you’re like a “squeaky toy” one gives their dog to play with:
I’m really tired of this bullshit – see, where I talked to the guy who typed out the award? Are you really that hard-headed?
Stay calm, Jonn. Taylor himself has said on multiple occasions he doesn’t read things posted here completely before running his yap. This is likely yet just another example of that.
Unless maybe he really does have a serious reading comprehension problem. That would also explain it.
I did read what he posted. I just did assume the guy that signed it was the guy that typed it.
That is rarely the case.
Based on what is written and the image I saw a clerk type up a purple hear using a format on file from a previous award. Neglect to remove the “posthumous” and submit if for signature.
Then a chief, who signs several a day or week looks it over and signs it without verifying the specifics because it has all become routine.
I think there is nothing in the award that points to wrongdoing.
I think the evidence of wrongdoing would be in the application. Which we have not seen.
EDIT: I just did NOT assume the guy that signed it was the guy that typed it.
I am sorry, but all that backtracking you just tried makes it seems like you enjoy trolling. But that is a really shoddy excuse for making an argument about this guy having a clerical error.
Its clear you are either trolling and was looking for attention. Come on dude…
With awards the guy who signed it is not usually the guy who typed it.
I do not think it is bullshit to want to wait a little before claiming this guy is a piece of dirt.
What is the rush?
It is not like it can be undone once he is publicly shamed.
LARS Taylor, are you expecting us to rendezvous some where for you one day to gather round and give you a fresh glass of Kool-Aid and a group hug for what you display here and allege to be even remotely intelligent? Seriously, if you ever need someone to give you a hug and a warm fuzzy, DON’T LOOK AT ME, yo’ll need to go see someone else.
Stop using my full name in you posts you troll.
Lars T., DO try to pull out at least half of the corncobs out of your ass that you walk through life with, you might actually begin to enjoy life! 😀
Commissar…Pick me, pick me!!!
Commissar, AKA Comrade Poodle Dik. The same Commissar who said on this web site, “People who are afraid of Communism are foolish.”
Stop breathing our air you jerk.
Maybe ole Lars is getting close to the ban hammer now? That would be so nice.
I seriously believe that the first thing Commissar does every time he gets out of bed is to club himself in the head with an Acme® STUPID HAMMER.
I disagree, API. It’s more likely that his mommy smoked dope while she was pregnant with him.
There’s a study out now that says women who smoked pot while they were pregnant have been found to have children with brains that have dysfunctional brain cells in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher thinking skills.
It could also explain the increase in the slacker trainspotting millenials, as opposed to the millies who aren’t slacker or useless twits led around by their noses.
Or, alternatively, it could be someone trying to “game the system” years after the fact in order to get essentially no-copay VA medical care and other additional benefits/preferences associated with a Purple Heart.
Since the orders were issued less than 2 months ago, apparently at HRC, I’m guessing that the application is still on-file at HRC. I’m also guessing that if the PH was legit but the orders had a clerical error, Mr. Avery would have merely had his folks issue an amendment vice referring the matter to CID for investigation.
In theory, this could all be “just a misunderstanding”. But that’s not the conclusion best supported by what’s know so far.
Pity. The guy apparently had a fine career up to the time he got out, or shortly before. But it certainly looks to me like he felt it wasn’t enough and decided he “deserved more” – and tried to make that happen.
This is possible too.
In fact the gaming the system theory is my gut theory as well.
My problem is that it could be all be an administrative error.
I think it is too early to tell.
Well, Mr Avery has the order number and he saw something fishy and forwarded it to the CID. Why would he do that if there was nothing wrong with the orders? I’m just tired of people casting dispersion on my work.
I did not see what I was doing as dispersion.
I thought you submitted you evidence for discussion and some of that discussion might include people who could see other possibilities in the evidence,
I see my concerns as unlikely but possible and given the number of veterans and number of awards with the number of clerical errors even unlikely possibilities are bound to happen.
I hate to see a veteran get shamed for something that was really just a clerical error and a misunderstanding.
As for the CID reference. I think the Chief responsible for the orders looked at the application after this order became a point of public contention.
I think he saw something suspicious or unusual in the application and having no investigative authority referred it to someone that does.
I think it may very well be fraud. But it also could just be an unusual application. But any application submitted years after the event is bound to be unusual.
I never submitted for my CAB because my only witnesses who could say for certain exactly where I was standing at the moment in question were two interpreters and the command would not accept witness statements for combat awards from non-US citizens.
It turns out that the regulations do not have that restriction.
If I were to submit for my award today (assuming I could find the two interpreters and get statements and get a hold of the SALUTE report for the event) it would be highly unusual. Probably unusual enough to warrant a CID inquiry if someone were to question the application.
Who is Mr. Avery and what is his place in all of this?
He is the guy who’s name and signature appear on the Purple Heart orders for Wesley Miller.
Walter Avery
Chief, Promulgation Team
Why you ask?
Because Lars is always right and everyone else is always wrong.
I am not saying I am fucking right.
I am most likely wrong on this.
I am saying I MIGHT be right.
This is a veteran you are attacking. Why no wait a little longer? CID has it now.
Why are you guys so damn in a hurry to attack?
Just posting this with the questions about it is enough public exposure given the questionable nature of the award.
But outright shaming him and calling him a shitbag with no allowance for the possibility it could be a misunderstanding is flat bullshit.
Fuck you Comrade Poodle Dik! It really gets old reading the rants of some know-it-all who begins most every sentence with the all-important word “I”.
Please say it again, “I (fucking I, I, I, I, I, I, I,) believe anyone who is scared of Communism is foolish.” You is “I” and your “I” is an argumentative dumb ass.
BTW, you have NEVER ever in your life said I MIGHT be right. That’s what makes you the asshole you are. Always right…in your superior opinion. Superior rhymes with posterior and that’s what you are.
PLEASE for the umpteenth time honor your commitment to leave this site once and for all.
Fuck off.
I asked that we wait until we have more evidence of fraud before attacking a fellow veteran and you asshats attack me instead.
This board is full of toxic fucking shitbags,
I never called the dude a shitbag and never attacked him either. Yet you accuse me of both those actions?
And this board is toxic entity? Hmmmm…
Yet here you are returning once again, throwing a fit that ends in labeling everyone toxic shitbags instead of “waiting” to find out if we really are or not.
Typical liberal. Do as I say not as I do. Always believing that turds can be picked up if you just grab the clean end. But YOU want others to grab it, not yourself.
Others did. My original post was simply that the evidence was not conclusive.
That should not have been such a fucking problem for everyone.
This is a veteran’s reputation we are dealing with.
Maybe it was all a hoax that went too far?
Maybe it was someone he knew trying to frame him?
Maybe it was someone that hacked into his Facebook account and did the dirty deed?
Maybe an alligator came out of nowhere and there were no signs posted?
You can take any situation and inject some doubt. The position you take is super safe with NO risks. No matter how much evidence is presented you can always throw some doubt and be an advocate for waiting… and waiting… and waiting.
This post will most likely drive questions that get to the bottom of what is going on.
Maybe you should wait before you post with your pontifications? I mean, you never know if you might be wrong.
I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the veteran.
That was not an unreasonable position to take.
People were calling him a fucktard and a fraud.
L. Taylor:
If this board is really so “full of toxic fucking shitbags”, then why do you keep coming back in here?
For someone who consistently claims to be so highly educated, insightful, and omniscient, it’s astounding that you also consistently fail to grasp the very obvious fact that you never really contribute anything productive to any of the discussions that you stick your nose into here in this forum. The only thing that I ever see you do here is belittle and antagonize everyone that you manage to engage in conversation.
Maybe that’s your objective. Is it?
It’d probably be better for everyone concerned, especially you, if you simply went on your way and stopped coming back in here. The conversation always rapidly degenerates whenever you show up.
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
P.S. If communism is so benign and “not to be feared”, then please explain the conditions in the former East Germany (DDR). It was such a beautiful, benign communist workers’ Utopia that they actually had to build a wall and a “death strip” to keep the happy East Germans from escaping. And only the police and military had guns.
How did all of that work out for the average East German citizen?
L. Taylor might actually find himself capable of being functional one day if he were to pull at least 10 or 12 of the corncobs he keeps stuffed up his ass!
You don’t know Jack Shit, Larsie-poo… but I do!
Taylor: after the fact awards approved by HRC for the PH (and for and CAB/CIB) have to be accompanied by documentation sufficient to prove the claim. For the PH, that documentation typically includes (1) medical records substantiating the injury, and (2) witness statements supporting the individual’s claim that the injury was due to enemy action.
If the application didn’t include both, there’s very little chance it would have been approved. And if it were a mere admin error on the orders (e.g., a spurious “Posthumous”), an amendment corrects that without an investigation.
I think there is something suspicious in the application.
I think that is why it was referred to CID.
But suspicion alone is not enough to publicly shame a veteran since we cannot take back the shaming after the fact.
Commissar, Jonn DOES NOT fool around with posts on this site, he makes damned sure he has all the corners covered on a dirtbag before he publishes. I did my fair share of missions outside the wire and I lost buddies as well, fake PH’s really put a burr up my ass, and this turkey really needs to be fried!
I am a SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR that is BALLS DEEP FOR BERNIE! You are all wrong…every one of you is wrong!!!!
I’m a SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE! You are violating my SAFE ZONE!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
LFMangina, when you strip off for a bunch of charity calendar photos like the Cubbies did, then I’ll listen to you. Otherwise, piss off, buttinski.
I asked that we give a fellow veteran the benefit of the doubt until we had more information.
And you act like an asshole about it.
Do you have any clue what toxic pieces of shit people like you are?
“Toxic pieces of shit.”
Pot, meet kettle.
Very true. Not all commands take care of their soldiers. When I retired, I received a MSM. A year ago I discovered that it was never posted in my records. Fortunately I still have the original orders.
Our Commander at the time did not have a good reputation with his troops. He later retired without getting his star. Too bad….
Yeah, I did not get an ARCOM that way. Years later when I contacted the commander on Linked in to see if he could help me track it down he basically said “what difference does it make, it is an ARCOM and you are in the reserves now, it won’t effect your career.”
Jesus. Been on this site for what feels like a decade, but I haven’t been in he comment section for a long while, and now that I have I’m ashamed. The reaction to your dissention is an embarrassment. For the record, I think you’re wrong, but there’s nothing wrong with that. People disagree all the time, and your argument is perfectly valid.
John and Hondo’s reaction, fine.. They’re tired of this shit and here’s why, no problem.
Green thumb, a proud infidel, and a couple of others are just irrational and juvenilistic to the point that I’m having a hard time believing that they’re actual veterans. If they are, they really need to rediscover some self-respect because they’re acting like fools.
Point is, don’t worry about the people throwing out personal attacks. It says WAAYYY more about them than it does about you.
WHY ! ! ! ! ! !
His alleged combat wounds occurred very early in 2009 (7 Feb). His records shows that he completed air assault training and WLC in 2009 – more likely than not after 7 Feb. He also subsequently completed pathfinder training and combatives training. It doesn’t appear that his “combat wounds” slowed him down very much.
“records show”…or “record shows”. Need an edit button.
Another forklift driver?
Who knew that these guys had such exciting wartime exploits…
Oh, hell yeah! You’d be amazed at the damage you can do with a forklift.
I’m an expert in that.
Me Three.
/yay TMO
This guy had nine ,, count em’ NINE combined ACMs and AAMs together.
Combat tour, SSG and recruiter. Great Career.
Possibly suffered a non-combat injury and decided he needed to spice up his records.
Y’all are just jealous, ‘cuz nothing says a purple heart like a purple heart hat rather than an actual purple heart medal.
Just sayin’
^^^ This guy got it!
I was thinking the same thing. As soon as the orders came down, the hat was a guaranteed purchase. Maybe it came with the orders.. you know, purple swag!!!
^^^ This guy got it!
Oh brother, you’re in for it now!
Grabbing the popcorn and waiting. . .
Snotcrow: FYI, the problem in your comment above is highlighted.
Be glad the lioness was in a good mood today, amigo. (smile)
^^^ This guy got it!
You want to tell him, clams – or should I? (smile)
You can. (smile)
I’ve been called worse. 😉 LOL
No biggie.
Only a couple of people understand the significance of the screen name (and it goes beyond the comic strip).
Hondo: feel free to email me if you want to know. Jonn: You can give him my email if he can’t already see it.
Nah. You can tell him. (smile)
If someone hasn’t been around for a few years, they wouldn’t know.
Few know the significance of the name beyond the comic strip.
If you want to know what it means, email me. Jonn can give you my email address if you can’t already see it. Correct email addy in this post.
clear the room, send the kids to bed, and put the dog out. It’s about to get interesting…
MrBill wrote:
His alleged combat wounds occurred very early in 2009 (7 Feb). His records shows that he completed air assault training and WLC in 2009 – more likely than not after 7 Feb. He also subsequently completed pathfinder training and combatives training. It doesn’t appear that his “combat wounds” slowed him down very much.
IMHO that somehow paperwork was submitted for an injury that was received during Air Assault training and the fact that the injury occurred during training in the States just happened to be left off of the paperwork.
Word has it that All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, Florida has a warehouse position available.
And OJ Simpson was not guilty. The fly is in fine form today. What sickens–aside from the fly, that is–is the strong possibility that this knucklehead lifted someone’s posthumously awarded Purple Heart and inserted his own name.
It is possible but doesn’t it seem really odd that he would leave the “posthumous” on there?
He could be that dumb. Might even be more likely he is that dumb then it was a clerical error.
But both are possible.
One other possibility….he might be dumber than a Poodle’s Dik.
It is possible but doesn’t it seem really odd that Lars would leave the “posthumous” on there?
Lars could be that dumb. Might even be more likely Lars is that dumb thAn it was a clerical error.
But both are possible. Just sayin’
Nothing says owned like a joint FB account Lol….
crap is it me or should I say why is it every one of us puts on a little weight after say good bye to the army…
cuz we don’t have to get up every morning at 0430 to get ready and get to morning PT, but we still eat like we do? lol
RIght, carrying a heavy load for miles at a time and then carrying your own ass to a desk job requires a slightly different calorie count…plus getting fucking old seems to tank your metabolism if you’re not careful.
I need to drop about 25lbs to get back to a comfortable weight class again…I’m a big boy at around 6’3-6’4″ depending on how my spine is on any given day, but my best weight is south of 245…that keeps my waist below the heart attack parameters for my height and these days that’s about all I care about…I still run and referee soccer, but it would be easier if I were lighter so now I’m eating rabbit food and boneless, skinless chicken or fish and dropping the weight but it gets pretty fucking boring after a while…
26, VOV. Testosterone production HALVES at 26. We. Start “getting old” at 26. Don’t that just suck?
Oh, quitcher whining. If you guys want to drop 25 pounds, you will have to allow a minimum of a year to do it to avoid bone loss, and you will have to drop the junk food, drop the starchy carbs (vegs/fruit are also carbs but watery) and skip a meal occasionally. Not to say you can’t have treats, but do you REALLY need cheesecake every day? Mac & cheese? Yeah, once a month, but not constant intake.
If you think it doesn’t work, I have lost at least one dress size and maybe two in the past year. My clothes are hanging on me. If I can do it, and I love my treats, so can you.
Ex….Yeh, yeh, yeh…You obviously don’t know what an addiction to home made brownies is. Anytime I want, it’s always easy to promise it will happen. Never happens. But now I find out I can lose one dress size, now that makes a difference. Of course that would probably mean the loss of my weekend job in the local cabaret; but those false eyelashes and padded bras get expensive after a while. When I get all tussied up, I look for a dude with a smaller Johnson than mine. Perhaps a Poodle Dik. Happen to know one?
‘Course you know JHead is pulling one on you, don’t you?
Excuse me, you think I don’t know what an addiction to home made brownies is like? MOI??
Ha! Why do you think I don’t keep brownie mix in the cupboard? How about brownies with vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate and caramel sauces and whipped cream?
All I’m going to say is that if it costs more to buy the raw ingredients than I want to spend, it doesn’t go into my shopping cart.
Love you, too, jarhead.
As someone that has a joint account with his wife, I’m offended by that statement.
I’d give you a piece of my mind but my wife won’t let me.
I am not fully aware of the awards criteria, but I was under the impression if your award/medal was awarded after the fact, your rank at the time of the action was indicated. This letter awards the PH at his discharged rank of SSGT. In 2009, he would have been a SPC or SGT (promotable) since he attended WLC at that time.
Interesting read. Can’t wait to see how it plays out.
I was Army at doing Detainee Operations. Had an uprising going in one compound, the Base Commander (a Marine) was up at the Facility checking it out when it happened. I was the escort and videographer for the upraising. Shoved the Marine out of the way of a homemade molotov cocktail, sustained some minor burns on my arms and neck.
The Marine Colonel submitted to my commander (Army Lt.Col) PH paperwork. My Commander denied it, saying it wasn’t from enemy action.
But honestly, I’m not completely upset about it and I am sure as hell not going to create fake award letter for it.
Wow, I know Lars pisses a lot of you guys off on a regular basis but I’m sort of surprised he’s getting hit so hard after simply saying he’d like to wait before piling on regarding a guy who had a decent career.
Maybe the guy will deserve the piling on, maybe he won’t.
I tend to agree with Lars point that nothing is changed by waiting a bit to see if this is a straight up BS case or something far less insidious.
And Lars is absolutely right about one thing, once you trash someone online there’s no fixing it. No matter what apologies you make the words are still out there.
As many of you have said the internet is forever even if it turns out that we are wrong here….and the veteran wasn’t to blame.
I get caught up every once in awhile with the desire to tell someone who may be a liar that they are terribly wrong for making those lies to the public and their families so I get it I think about a young man who died in February in 1966, and the liars piss me off to no end.
Sometimes caution is the better part of wisdom, that’s how I took the Lars stuff today. Nothing more, nothing less and it seemed maybe appropriate.
My apologies if I’ve stepped on my dick by not understanding something clearly…maybe forwarding something to CID is enough to hang the man, or maybe it isnt’ when CID comes back and says they looked into it and it’s of no concern to them for whatever reason. If the latter is the case how do you put back the damage to the guy? Or anyone for that matter?
Great point.. That’s the reason I’m staying a good boy here and only stating what I know HRC can be a bit on the Crazy side when it comes to awards and the way it issues them.. Why hell a buddy in Texas is still trying to convince the VA he is alive and not a KIA and I have had a few issues myself too
I just get tired of all of these folks who are willing to give these derelicts “the benefit of the doubt” and have no respect for the folks who try to get these things right on the first pass.
Sorry Jonn, it was never my intent to cast aspersions on your work ethic or the quality of the work being done.
When you stated in the article that you contacted the man whose name is on the letter and he had forwarded it to CID I took that to mean perhaps it wasn’t completely settled as a full on turd status yet.
If there’s a chance CID comes back with nothing that was the reasoning for my thinking there’s an outside shot this might be the one guy who’s not a complete assclown. That was all I meant.
If that’s my dumbass for misunderstanding your words, you of course have my sincere apology if I’ve offended you. That was not and would not be my intent.
Next time I’ll just stay out of a thread like this….nothing to be gained by piling on and nothing to be gained by misunderstanding what’s been written.
I’m not so thin skinned that I can’t take legitimate criticism.
Jonn, I did not give him any more benefit of the doubt than the source of you blogpost did….
“If everything is legitimate as far as Wesley Milller’s Purple Heart award, we suggest to him that he come back from the dead and get his paperwork straightened out because none of this adds up at all.”
They certainly brought to light a great deal to be suspicious of without actually concluding that he was guilty.
Which is all I was trying to get people to do.
I posted that I think her was LIKELY guilty and the circumstance were very suspicious but that it is not conclusive.
I am not sure why that pisses people off. It is no different that what the source of you post did.
Im pretty sure this pissed people off more:
“This board is full of toxic fucking shitbags,”
You know instead of just talking things out, as usual, you go full retard. And the assumption you have is that Jonn is careless with his postings/determination of this guy.
Does the guy deserve proper vetting? Certainly.
Does Jonn do proper vetting? Certainly.
If Jonn makes a mistake, does he correct himself? Yes he has dedicated full threads to this type of thing.
I would say that you like to be contrarian against everyone here, but it seems you like the punishment and then are not thick skinned enough to actually take criticism. Your responses directly contribute to that belief.
Good luck with getting your ARCOM.
“This board is full of toxic fucking shitbags,”
And who still comes to TAH and comments? Who usually is the first one to walk on in and crap all over the place when people disagree with him?
Lars, do yourself a favor and back away for a good, long time before Jonn drops the banhammer on you. If anything, lurk but don’t post.
“All posts about Wesley Miller’s Purple Heart that were once on the Miller’s Facebook page have since been removed.” Military Phony
Golly. FB has been scrubbed of posts dealing with this guy’s Purple Heart? Happens all the time. Guy is discharged but his papers show no PH. He later applies and the Purple Heart is reportedly issued. The letter authorizing the PH is forwarded for criminal investigation by the selfsame individual who purportedly signed it and the FaceBook posts regarding the Purple Heart allegedly issued are removed. Yep, happens all the time. This guy must be legit.
It is highly suspicious he removed the posts without a response. Do we know they were removed or did they merely have their privacy levels changed to friends only.
Either way, it certainly seems . . . odd. If not damning.
Proverbs 28:1? 😉
They were removed relatively soon after they were posted back in April. Trying to nail down exactly when they were removed, but it was not a result of the recent blog exposure.
Talking with someone more familiar with it and will post when I find out. They were not on the site in early May from the first indications I have received.
UPDATE: Apparently the photo of the Purple Heart ball cap and award letter was still up as of this morning. It has been taken down today sometime and the Facebook page is being scrubbed of photos, namely military photos.
More accurately stated: the Facebook account is being locked down as we speak. So the photos may be visible to just friends. One or the other, but there is some active work on tightening up Wesley Miller’s account that he shares with his wife.
My previous statement was incorrect in that the posts were taken down soon after being posted. Must have had settings for viewing just for friends.
Anyone want to make some bets?
I’m thinking it will be said it was his wife’s account and she was just fooling around without his knowledge.
The Facebook account will be closed before the end of the day.
AAAAnnnndddd… the Facebook account is now shut down.
AAAAnnnnddd… now it’s back up.
AAAAnnnnddd… it’s now down again.
Posting down here, well clear of the above train-wrecks. — Once upon a time, in addition to handing me a mailbag for my battalion, the PAC NCO made me Awards Clerk. As a highly-motivated 11B, I was a bit under-trained for this role. I typed with one or two fingers, and lots of swearing. It wern’t pretty, no suh, nossuh. We had a primitive word processor called a Lexetron, made by Burroughs. (Edgar Rice, I believe. Pellucidar standard issue.) Much time was saved by the judicious edit/re-edit/re-re-re-edit of prior work. I occasionally had to fix a certificate or order that had leftover crap from the prior efforts. Thus, I can see how a real award had “posthumous” in it when not actually for a dead person. I also spent a whole bunch of time fixing prior work (or lack of it) by my predecessors, tracking down proof, submitting person(s), etc. So, I take these situations with a gigantic grain of salt, because I know how messed up the awards system can be. I also know just how easy it is for skeezy people to slide red herrings through the “legitimate” channels, let alone just type up complete fakes. Modern printers and word processing tools make display-only/post-service fakes a cake-walk. At one point, my PAC NCO asked me to type up a second “special” Army Achievement Medal certificate for his retiring buddy. At the end where it says “is a great credit to… and the United States Army” I was tasked to add “He is an Outstanding F***head.” SFC (redacted) slid that puppy into the huge 5pm “for signature” pile, with a sticky note on the top page “Checked (redacted)”. The BN CO signed it, apparently unread. Officially, the retiring service member did receive the “correct” AAM certificate for his award. The “special” copy was also presented, somewhat more informally than the norm. So, I can see how “spurious” bits and errors can wind up in orders and certificates through “explainable” means, inadvertant or deliberate. — I concur on waiting for proof before throwing someone to the lions. Plenty of time… Read more »
All of that is well and good BUT FOR the referral for possible criminal investigation and the sudden collapse of the FB account. Would a reasonable Veteran run from the accusation that he falsely claims a Purple Heart, especially when the accusation has been kicking around for weeks? Are we to assume that the FB action was coincidental? By the way, what sort of proof do you require? It is possible that wifey created the whole enchilda, I guess, but that would require hubby here to be in the pitch-black dark about this matter. Likely? Hell no.
I’m leaning towards where you’re headed on this 2/17AC, just thinking I’m still a fan of innocent until proven guilty even in the face of a lot of circumstantial horseshit like what’s going here with the FB and all of that shit…
Probably not going to be surprised to find out he’s been less than truthful, but for some reason I’m thinking I don’t want to pile on just yet.
That’s just me and I know I’m hardly any sort of arbiter for what works for anyone but me so no hard on from me either way. Just was surprised earlier at the rants against LT for his comments about waiting a hair longer. Figured his advice wasn’t horrible and maybe didn’t require the level of response it received. Again that’s just my crazy old ass thinking out loud and should never be considered useful advice, just another old fart’s crotchety fucking opinion.
Be well!
I don’t think husband was ignorant of the posts, even if he did not participate.
Here was his direct response to the congratulations.
I think there is enough to go on. At least enough to raise questions, don’t you think?
I believe the burden of proof is on the service member at this point.
What kind of proof would you looking for anyway? Someone from his unit stating that he was with him every minute in Iraq on the day in question and saw no incident? The results of the CID investigation? (would they even make the results public) The failure of service member to supply a PH award? An admission of guilt?
This blog is not a formal judge and jury for prosecution of a case. I view it as bringing light to a case and airing it out for public opinion when enough legitimate questions are raised and enough evidence gathered. Then, people offer their opinion.
Just my two cents.
I don’t speak Mexican and, clearly, I don’t write it either.
Here I am, Wesley Miller, and I am going to explain all of this. First, I have a 15 year old son that has a hard time understanding how things can easily be taken off the internet and used against you, misconstrued because things read wrong. So in a study to show him how things can be costly and how easy things can be taken off certain pages and used against you, I did this.
I know this wasn’t probably the right thing to do, because I have nothing but the utmost respect for individuals from all branches wounded or killed in action. My heart breaks for their families and them individually each day. I do apologize for using something so meaningful to prove a point to my son, didn’t think it would be taken this far out of context. The things everyone is pointing out, those things were done on purpose. I found an orders letter on the internet signed by these individuals and turned it into my own. Unfortunately the lesson learned by my son, is costing me and my family.
I am truly sorry for this, didn’t mean any harm and didn’t want to make it seem like I was truly “stolen valor.” I did my time, proud of my time, don’t take it for granted, but I am not a soldier anymore, I am a father and a husband.
This was a valuable lesson not only for my son, but more importantly for me and for that I am sorry.
Wait, you doctored an award and had your wife post up pictures of it for the purpose of … teaching your son a lesson or something?
Yeah, I’m calling BS on that. That doesn’t pass the smell test.
What [b] does[/b] is that you phonied up a set of orders to obtain some benefit (maybe purple heart license plates or even just ‘bragging rights’ at the VFW) and when you got caught you decided to hide behind your son and not take responsibility for your actions.
It’s the same shit we’ve seen a thousand times before.
Remember the first rule of holes: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!
I give him 2 points for originality, but the beat is hard to dance to, Mr Clark.
It wasn’t a total waste. His son learned a valuable lesson from all of this. You can’t put a price on that.
That if you screw up and get caught you should invent an idiotic excuse that shifts the blame away from you in order to justify your unconscionable behavior?
That’s what OJ’s Lawyers did…
Fire for effect!
Nice American Bandstand reference, Mr. Lilyea.
Jonn’s really old.
You do realize that American Bandstand ran until the late 1980s, right?
Huh? Really?
Sounds good, except for:
“Thank you to everyone for the kind words, especially my wife. She is the reason I am able to make it through each day. Extremely thankful for her. I did it because I wanted to, not for the recognition, but sometimes it’s good to hear thank you!!”
If this is truly you, Wesley Miller and if you are TRULY sorry, then post on your Facebook account that you lied. And tell everyone else you were trying to teach your son a “valuable lesson.” You should be ashamed of yourself, using your son to cover your behind. What a wonderful example you are setting for him. You got caught..and now you are telling this BS story and you expect folks to believe it? Anything else you are lying about to your family and friends?
Shit I just saw this post.
I was way behind the curve on this. I had no idea the guy had come forward.
Damnit. I don’t regret giving you the benefit of the doubt Wesley but your explanation comes across as bullshit. Doctoring PH orders and claiming a purple heart to teach you son a lesson is an inconceivably ridiculous plan. I just don’t buy it.
You did teach your son (and yourself) a valuable (and possibly costly) lesson but I do not think it was your initial intention to do so.
Dude, you are so full of shit your eyes are brown.
Why can’t you just admit you fucked up and got caught?
I’ll be darned. Lars was right all along – there was a reasonable explanation for everything. 😉
Yeah, but how did I not guess he was just trying to teach his son a lesson?
Seems so obvious now.
Such a simple and straightforward plan he had. I am surprised it backfired like it did.
I know, right? Like my son needed a lesson on how money laundering schemes worked so I sent his college fund to some lawyer in Nigeria who has promised me $10 million if I just let him use our bank account.
A lesson worth every penny. 😉
You just can’t buy something like that at Harvard or Yale.
Or even at UC Berserkely!
I’m trying to imagine Miller standing in front of a judge and saying “I didn’t actually intend to rob that bank, I just wanted to teach my son a lesson about how easy it is for a bank to get robbed, and it got out of hand.”
“Oh, well, in that case, case dismissed.”
Jonn, if you haven’t done so you should come up with the 5 stages of getting busted for stolen valor. It would be similar to the Kubler-Ross stages of grief except it would go like this:
Stage 1: Denial. “I did what I did and I have the certificates to prove it. I don’t know what those guys on the Internet are talking about and I don’t have to prove anything to anybody.”
Stage 2: Anger. “How DARE you! I was dodging mortar fire in the Poon Tang Valley when you were just a gleam in your daddy’s eye! You’re lucky I’m taking my PTSD meds or else I’d go all psycho vet on you!”
Stage 3: Blame-shifting. “It wasn’t me! Somebody got ahold of my facebook/email and claimed all these fake accolades. I didn’t do it but I’m sorry that it happened (a subset of this is “it was a joke, nobody was supposed to take it seriously.”)
Stage 4: Depression. “Are you happy? You ruined my life and cost me my job/spouse/kids/friends/cushy job at the VA. Maybe you just want me to kill myself. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
Stage 5: Acceptance. “I did it, it was wrong and I am sorry.” Unfortunately very few seem to get to this point.
And then there are the Sub-sets of these, such as; “I’ll sue for definition of character”, or, “I’m in my car, on my way to torture your family”.
Like Jonn said, it’s refreshing he didn’t use the classified record, ex-wife set me up, memory problems, or St Louis Fire excuses.
But seriously? Just because he went original doesn’t mean he still didn’t go full r-tard.
If that really was your honest reason for making up the BS PHM…..you still deserve to be bitch-slapped.
I know you don’t believe this and I’m sorry that you don’t. If you don’t have children, especially those old enough to drive and have a phone, then it’s hard to believe. If it wasn’t something relevant, have many people involved, then he would have never gotten the point. Both of us learned our lesson, maybe me more then him. Nothing was gained from doing this on my end, a lesson was learned that was it. No bragging rights, no license plates, no war stories at the bar, just a tough done of reality. Sorry again, maybe should have chosen a different way to make a point like this known.
Most of us have kids your age, so no, don’t.
Wesley Miller:
Appreciate you coming forward. I have a couple of questions if I may.
* When were you going to let your friends in on this? Or were they all aware already?
* What happened with the ‘posthumously’ designation? Did you know what it meant and decided to leave it in there?
Miller is kin to WHICH Bluementhall?
WM said
Don’t know what jurisdiction he’s in but here in Colorado if he did that for the purposes of obtaining something of value, then he just confessed to a class 5 felony (CRS 18-5-102 (e).
He’s in South Dakota according to his Facebook and his IP address.
What would the item of value be?
He claims it posthumously, perhaps he wants a free burial site?
No idea at this point. Some states offer certain benefits to PH recipients: Free or reduced cost license plates, reduced property taxes, etc.
If someone presents a forged document in order to receive an intangible benefit, it may or may not be a crime depending on the jurisdiction (I seem to recall that under Federal law, forgery is a crime whether you obtain a benefit from it or not.)
Here in CO if there is no tangible benefit, there is no crime.
So if I walk into the VFW wearing my Space Shuttle Door Gunner hat and someone says “lemme buy you a drink, Space Shuttle Door Gunner” then no crime has occurred.
But if I present one to the County Clerk in order to obtain a Space Shuttle Door Gunner license plate, then it’s forgery under Colorado law.
Well, having a Purple Heart puts the recipient in VA’s Priority Group 3 for medical care, irrespective of rating. It’s the same Priority Group for which MoH recipients and former POWs qualify.
The only copayments members of Priority Group 3 pay for medical care is for prescription medications for treatment of non-service-connected conditions. All other copayments for medical care are waived. Seems to me that avoiding those copayments might be considered a “thing of value”.
Not saying that’s what’s going on here. Just answering your question.
Look, whatever the actual reason, the SOB falsified a federal record and it is being investigated. He helped the investigator by making a statement against his own interest here and it will take little to prove or disprove that the “WM” comment was made from a device the POS had access to. If it suddenly disappears, matters will worsen for him. He’s in the shit and a better candidate for it I haven’t seen lately. 2
To get really pedantic (which I have a lot of practice doing), there are really two parts to the crime of forgery: (1) altering an official document or constructing a document that appears to be an official document, and (2) presenting that document to another person with the expectation that the person receiving the document will accept is as being genuine.
From the limited evidence we’ve seen, the only people that Miller ever “presented” his forged letter to are the faceless mobs of facebook. I’m not 100% sure but I don’t think that’s a crime.
That’s a publication of a falsified document presented as if genuine. A reasonable FB viewer would conclude that document to be evidence of a Purple Heart award for the individual named (I hate to use this) thereon. In any event, I’m sure you will agree that our give and take illustrates why there are two counsel at most legal contests.
I’ve only seen what’s on Military Phonies and here. If Miller never actually presented the forged letter to anyone in any official capacity, he is in the clear legally.
It’s not a crime if you only put your fake claims on social media or other “unofficial” web sites.
LTG, US Navy
CMH w/5 gold oak leaf clusters
Space Shuttle Staff Judge Advocate (retired)
Yeah, he would be in the clear if he never submitted it to anyone for benefits or record and if he had injuries, even non-combat, related to a contingency that would otherwise make him eligible to participate in the wounded warrior program.
BTW since the FB post that Jonn captured above was from the wife, it begs the question: Was she in on this elaborate “let’s show junior how easy it is to create fake purple heart orders on the internet” scheme, or was WM bullshitting her, too?
Because it’s got to be one or the other.
Wes? Still waiting to here whether Mrs. Miller is a co-scammer or whether you were lying to her, too.
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
I go on the internet all the time and never looked for an order for a Purple Heart. That was true until about 20 minutes ago, after I read this lying sack of shit’s pitiful excuse and explanation. That’s when I decided to use google and, lo and behold, I believe I found the very order this sorry SOB used. The word “posthumous” was not a clerical mistake. PVT Ernie Hanks was three months in Europe when he was killed in action in Belgium on 7 February 1945. Ernie came from a very large family and, at 24, was well on his way to having his own large family when the war interrupted his life, Ernie was married and he and his wife had two children. Here’s the thing. Someone realized that Ernie was never issued a Purple Heart and sought it 68 years later. It was issued. If you go to this link and page down, you will find it. Go ahead. Have a look. In my view, this is the very soldier, one who Fell serving this nation, whose valor this guy stole. Words fail me.
I don’t think so. All the order issued by that office during that period of time would look similar.
He even seems to have Avery’s signature and not a “for”.
If he copied it, he likely did it from a different set of orders than the ones in the image.
I will make an exception this one time and respond to you directly. What you “think” is of no matter to me. You and your opinions hold no value. Whatever your medical issues, the only one I can say with confidence that you suffer from is assholism.
Sure. Whatever.
So be convinced that your Google search cracked the case and you can now say with certainty that another veteran is a shitbag.
That would make two of you.
The signature on both are Yvonne Someone, so he may have at least lifted the signature block and the format and forgot the “for”.
You are correct, I missed the “for” and could not make out the signature.
I believe that both documents have a “Yvonne Fookey” [sp?] signature but they are a little different.
They also both have the “for” designation. You have to look closely on the letter that Miller has, but it is just to the left and combined with the “W”.
You are correct. I missed the “for”, thanks for pointing it out.
You think Yvonne may be handing out the Purple Hearts like candy?
A reliable source that knows him said that Wesley has gone beyond teaching his son a lesson. It seems that Wes has been taking free vacations through Wounded Warrior and Wishes for Warriors. The suspicion is that he was using his PH to take advantage of those opportunities.
Uh oh.
What is the background on the teaching his son a lesson part?
His shared Facebook has a picture of himself with a wounded warrior jacket.
I guess “I was trying to teach my son a lesson” is the modern day equivalent of “the dog ate my homework.”
I’m still trying to understand how going to elaborate lengths to create a fake award and make himself into a fake hero is supposed to teach his son that not everything on the internet is what it appears to be.
And wouldn’t 5 minutes on any internet dating site prove that lesson much more quickly anyway?
I can’t say/don’t know about the son. I was only going by what he posted on that.
Just saying that it all goes beyond teaching his son a lesson to take the trips. That’s the part I got from someone that knows him.
Yeah, I had no idea he had come to the board and explained his reasoning when I read your post.
I missed that he had joined the forum and discussed he “reasons”.
Was way behind the curve.
Hondo, Jonn, or nearly any other regular commenter here. If you look at PFG (I earlier wrote PVT) Hanks’ order and say that you find significant telltale signs this was not the one used by WM, I will certainly accept your view. I did not closely examine it and came upon it while looking for KIAs for 7 February 2009, the date of WM’s order.
As I said above, you might be right that he snagged the signature block and the format. Both are signed by Yvonne for Walter Avery.
Thanks for responding, Jonn. Whether or not he used the order for PFC Hanks is really neither here nor there. He used someone’s and it especially sickening that the soldier’s Purple Heart was a posthumous award.
It’s kinda convenient that the “purple heart” ball cap obscures the letterhead.
Ain’t it?
A source that knows him also said that Wishes for Warriors took him on a hunt in Hawaii.
Also, this person is pretty certain that Wounded Warrior covered a couples trips for both him and his wife.
These were things that he posted on Facebook over the past year.
“Can’t wait to hear about your trip.”
I can think of at least 3 felony charges right there: Theft of services (most likely the cost of the trip exceeds the felony threshold), obtaining goods or services by fraud or deceit and of course, now that a tangible benefit appears to have been obtained by presenting a falsified official record, good ol’ forgery.
I think Wes is about to “teach his son a lesson” about how to get thrown in the state pen for a few years.
Maybe soon he’ll be writing his son telling him about his adventures with Bubba & Thor?
Over 170 posts and this is the first mention of Bubba and Thor. I was wondering when they would make an appearance.
Going to jail may not be so bad since you’ll always know what time it is.
Bubba will says “It’s time. It’s time.”
You guys and gals always forget Julio and Mr. “Tiny”… some in the pen never “forget” them.
Ladies and gentleman, may I present the money shot…
OUCH !!!!!!
I Will say not all these groups require you to have a PH to attend. but on the flip side something stinks here. and I’ve said this here before they are going to start dropping like flies in the next few years. case in point
In SSG Wesley Miller’s own words, he reveals his thoughts on joining the Wounded Warrior Project:
This Mother Fucker has done crossed the line.
SHIT-BAG !!!!!!!
I’m going to talk to a buddy from game and fish here in Tucson. dip shit has crossed the line
Arizona Wilderness brewing is in Gilbert. They might like to know that they’re supporting a lying piece of chit
I’ve been there in fact back in January of this year had a pow wow with family and a X-mas gift exchange because I didn’t want to drive way over to Peoria.
I kills me that one would lie and make shit up. I can think of a dozen places that don’t give a crap if you served they will take you out on a free trip or hunt, or hell they will pay on your mortgage or help you pay bill no damn need to lie…
On served I meant when you served they don’t care
..and so he went and shot some poor fucker`s goat?
best be packin up your shit, there Wes.
Up to now, I’ve only commented on things like home made brownies – that sort of thing, because I wanted to see just how much SH and IT would float to the top.
He tries to apologize, then blames it on trying to teach his kid a lesson that doesn’t make any sense. Something did not quite ring true. Then, finally, someone with mad internet skills provides the money shot, so to speak.
At this point, he’s just the lying crapweasel I thought he was in the beginning.
You know what he did, don’t you? He went full — !
Never go full —!
Dear Ex-PH2, ya mean THIS?
No, it’s the other full —-. That other one. You know the name. And it ain’t Heisenberg!
And BOOM goes the dynamite…
I can’t believe I am doing this again but….
He does not have to be combat wounded to participate in the wounded warrior program. Non-combat injuries qualify as well.
But at this point the guy has demonstrated severe integrity issues.
WHEN was the little cotton candy-assed little fluffy-fart EVER deployed to a Combat Zone?
He has a ICM with four stars so I’m guessing he has four separate 90 plus day deployments to Iraq so he is coved there lies about a Purple Heart to get a free trips is Bullshit !!!! No need to lie to get free swag
His record of assignments above shows 2 deployments to Iraq, API – one in 2006-2007, and a second in 2008-2009. He was there for 4 of the 7 campaigns.
OK, I stand corrected, but I still say FUCK HIM for lying about a Purple heart.
Roger on that Lars. He had no need to lie…
WTF !!!!!
Made him cross the line is beyond me. Plus as a retired SSG myself he has nothing to be ashamed of ?????
This guy is looking like Shane Ladner’s battle buddy.
E-6, 9 years? Wonder why he bailed? Anyway, he had an enviable career. He chose to toss it so he could wear a hat. First entry on Google until the end of time will be these posts. Jeez, I don’t get it. Yes, his son will learn a lesson.
Chief, his terminal assignment was as a Recruiter before he bailed.
So the first thing that came to my mind was “can anybody else say he might have taken a dip in the shallow end of the DEP pool?”
If he had did that he more than likely wouldnt have left as a SSG with an honoran=ble discharge.
Wesley, you and your other half, if even in the slightest any of it is false, can both go stick it.
Lars, oh Lars…I been waiting for over a year to say this to you…but in the words of the first drill sergeant I ever met….
Wesley Miller… in the words of a CC I had in boot camp – YOU DONE FUCKED UP, BOY!
His world is darkening and the walls around him seem to draw ever closer. Sleep won’t come easy. There is much to worry about both in his family room and, perhaps, the courtroom. He must be asking himself, “How did this happen?” It sucks to be him.
Son, let this be a lesson for you — you can find any old official Army document on the internet and change the name to your own, but never, NEVER pose with a dead goat that you shot on a hunting trip that you used the document to go on. – Inmate#3873545
P.S. Can you bring a carton of cigarettes next time you visit? I don’t smoke but I can use them like money in here.
I thought they used guys like Wes for money?
So it seems that the Poodle Dik Commissar’s fair haired boy did get caught with his britches down and his hand in the cookie jar. Even after the vigorous defense was waged by the Poodle Dik Commissar, it was proven that, once again, shitbaggery and turdliness do indeed rise to the top when tangible benefits are involved.
Speaking of Commissar, the Poodle Dik, listen up O Infallible One!
That one comment you, Commissar, made to Infidel about using your full name of Commissar is an incomplete order and need not be complied with.
As a graduate of the PV9 “Fighting Joe” Gainey’s course on how to defend lying POS’s, you, Commissar, of all people (since you, Commissar, were both enlisted and officer) should know that unless the words “IS THAT CLEAR?” are included in the order, it is an unlawful order that can be blown off.
Of course, since you, Commissar, never read all the comments on a post to get a sense of what is going on and stay behind the power curve all the time, I fully expect you, Commissar, will not read this one either.
Got it? IS THAT CLEAR, Commissar?
And Wesley Miller, you Dumbass, you sowed the shit field, it’s now time for Karma to do the reaping.
UH-OH Claw, you done said Commissar’s full name (*AAWW* FUCK IT, so dood me!! 😀 ) Now we done gonna get his wrath and I DONNA GIVEAFUCK!! 😀
Hell, Commissar can bring it all he wants.
I’m a big boy.
IS THAT CLEAR, Commissar?
Why don’t we meet claw. In person. Message me on FB we will arrange a time and place.
Lighten up Francis!! Your panties are in a wad….
I am tired of cowards using my full name in their posts.
It is a troll tactic these coward shitbags have been using for months while hiding behind their anonymity.
You were the one who claimed anyone who used an alias was a coward, then proudly pointed out you use your real name when posting. Can’t have it both ways….
First, There is a difference between my using my own name in my own posts.
And someone else using my name in their posts.
Second, the reasons I used my real name (a huge mistake) when I came here was..
1. I knew what I was not in accordance with the conventional wisdom on this board. I put my name in my posts so people would know I believed what I was posting and was not just trolling.
2. I stopped using my full name because the attacks got out of hand. And people were using the information OFF site to harass me.
3. I mistakenly believed since this board claimed to be mostly fellow veterans that they would have a basic level of integrity and not use the personal information to try to troll or attack me.
I have called people cowards for hiding behind anonymity for calling me out for being a troll or calling me a liar or poser when I was putting my name on my posts and they could check my veteran status.
I believe that most of the ones trolling me the most are not veterans. Or if they were they were discharged with poor character of service codes.
Because they are absolute shitbags.
Lars, if you can’t stand the heat (criticism), get out of the kitchen…
Commissar used his full name many times here before he decided he’d rather not. But, by that time, the cat was already out of the bag. Pandora’s box had already been opened. So retreating to a first initial doesn’t really accomplish much. Everyone knows who “L” is. If Commissar doesn’t want to be known as Commissar, Commissar should use a totally different name and not rely on a naive assumption that using his first initial with his actual last name will conceal his identity. Of course, if he were to do this, he’d be wise to also use a totally different personality, so that readers would not readily connect the new name with the insufferably arrogant Commissar.
Alternatively, Commissar could simply go the hell away and never come back. No one – and I emphasize NO ONE – would mourn his absence.
Do you really think I could post under any anonymous tag and not get called out for being me?
And stop posting my name in your posts.
It is a violation of TAH rules.
From the Forum Rules, on the subject of getting banned:
“Become a disruptive troll (e.g., someone who comments here merely to “stir up sh!t” and p!ss off the site’s readers without ever making a substantive point), and once that’s apparent you’ll very possibly be told, “AMF” too.”
Might want to be careful there, cupcake.
Oh, here we go! It’s the DICKLESS TROLL POODLE calling the wolf pack black.
Watch it, Peeps! He likes to snap at passersby.
I gave a veteran the benefit of the doubt until it was proven he committed stolen valor.
That does mean my “hand was in the cookie jar” you asshat.
It was the right thing to do.
I said several times he was more likely guilty than not but that it COULD be a misunderstanding and should withhold judgement.
I stand by that.
It floors me that shitbags like you utterly lack the ethical compass to accept what I was doing as reasonable.
You also lack the ethical compass to NOT USE SOMEONE’S FULL NAME in you posts while hiding behind an anonymous tag. You worthless coward.
This forum has too many people that pretend to be veterans. You among them. I do not believe for a second you ever served a day in your life.
You actually said I gave an “incomplete order” and thus it need not be complied with?
What kind of poser language is that?
First, is was not a military order. It was one forum poster telling another not to use another poster’s full name in their post. A common sense thing to say someone. It is a shitbag thing to to do to use someone’s full name in their posts. It also VIOLATE JONN’S FAQ. You are posting other commenter’s personal information which is a BANNABLE OFFENSE.
Second, if it were a military order (it was not) the fact that is was an “incomplete order” would not make it an order that did not have to be complied with. Only a LYING POSER would think an “incomplete order” could be disobeyed.
YOU post under YOUR OWN FULL NAME, you imbecile.
If you didn’t want your PI being broadcast, then you should have picked a suitable pseudonym. You brought this on yourself. You repeatedly refuse to take any responsibility for anything you do, and that includes failing to proofread your own comments.
On top of that, you’re self-centered, and limited in vision. You can’t see past the end of your long, pointy nose. You fail to be accountable for YOUR shortcomings, but you sure are willing to find fault with everyone around you.
You only post comments here, Commissar, because no one else pays any attention to anything you say.
And you’re a boring little mushroom.
I post under my first initial and my last name.
That is not the full name.
And how the hell do you not understand that it is ok for someone to share their name but it is not OK for someone to post personal information about OTHER posters in their posts?
Oh, how could I forget?
YOU, larstaylor, consistently turn every thread on which you post comments to YOURSELF.
You are a self-centered, self-important, overbearing little Banty rooster with a seriously desperate need for attention. If you can’t get enough attention, you pick fights, which is what you’re doing right now.
So suck it up, buttercup, you brought this ALL on yourself.
I didn’t turn this about me. Claw did. Literally, look at the post stack. He is the OP on this stack and he called me out by name.
So fuck off.
Bullshit. You started it.
You want people to victimize you.
If that weren’t true, you would not pick fights with others.
Are you out of you mind. It can’t be more clear.
He literally is the OP on this post stack. He called me out by name.
Can’t be any more clear than that.
Seriously, how the hell is that so hard for you to understand.
I swear to God I have to assume you argue with me just to troll because you can’t be so stupid as to claim I am the one that started this.
He is the OP of the post stack.
Lars – if you have an issue with any of us tha you feel violates the TAH rules, take it to Jonn or one of the mods off line. Let them make the call on dropping the banhammer.
Contrary to you opinion, you’re not the one calling the shots here. It’s Jonn’s blog, his rules – plain and simple.
OK, Claw.
I think I figured out who you are.
You served in Vietnam, I apologize for thinking you might be a poser.
You are also in your 70s. So I am not going to call you out.
Comment #200.
Sucks to be you, Wesley Miller.
At least he served.
When are we going to work out a time and place to “discuss” you issues with me?
This is exactly the behavior that got you in trouble overseas. Lars I mean this sincerely, you need to get help. I mean you come to a site knowing that 95% of the time people are going to completely disagree with you and then get offended to the point where you want to challenge someone to a fight? Really?
I can deal with people disagreeing with me. It happens constantly.
I have a problem with the constant trolling, using my real name in posts. Or posting comments using my name.
Flocking to every post I make and calling me out using my name.
Clearly it has become personal. So I say let’s deal with this in person.
I am not looking to start a fight. i am looking to finish this fight.
So then I ask, why even come here if its so intolerable? My piece of advice (which you may or may not take) is to go elsewhere, it would save you grief. This is not the first time you’ve challenged someone to meet. It makes you look unstable and petulant.
This did not start out bad today.
Most people were decent.
But the same little squirt of shitbags flocked to my post.
Today. Among the 5-6 that always flocks to my posts. Notably missing was Jarhead.
If they would stay on topic and stop trolling for the sake of trolling things would be much better her on TAH.
They bitch about my presence but they LOOK for my posts and FLOCK to them.
Making nonsense off topic attacks and personal insults for no reason but to troll like a bunch of basement dwellers.
And despite the fact that trolling for the sake of trolling is not allowed on TAH, Jonn does not do anything about it.
The internet is never fair, you know that. John gives posters leeway in thier posts, that includes you as well despite what you may think.
I still belive you would be better served in taking a self imposed timeout from TAH…your choice.
I think at the minimum Jonn should enforce the personal information rule.
His allowing people to post other people’s personal information is not prudent.
As I said before, you posted your name (full name) many times so that ship has sailed. I have PT in the morning so I’m out of this conversation.
I think I’ve asked the same question several times. No one here appears to welcome your presence – Jonn and some others appear to tolerate your presence because you’re a veteran. But is that the best you can do? Are there no other forums that actually welcome your viewpoint? Or do you persist here because “barely tolerate” is the most favorable attitude that ANYONE has toward you?
A few do welcome my presence.
But they are a significant minority.
Many don’t seem to care one way or another.
Several dislike me.
A few hate me.
And a few, for their own pathological reasons, constantly look for my posts and troll me while complaining that I am here.
No, Mr. Bill. He shows up because he’s spoiling for a fight in addition to being an attention whore.
“I can deal with people disagreeing with me. It happens constantly.”
I’m seeing a pattern here. Of course, it could simply be that everyone else is constantly wrong.
I am getting help by the way. Weekly.
We discussed that in the past.
And if you look at the posts these shitbags are posting…
they are not disagreements. They are constant attacks. Often for nothing.
I felt that people should wait until we had more evidence before rushing to judgment about a fellow veteran.
And these guys personally attack me for that? Really? Calling me out using my real name?
No damn way a real veteran would pull that shit.
Fuck “Claw”, if he is going to call me out by name then he can back it the fuck up.
Excuse you, shits for brains, but YOU called Claw out,
He did NOT call you out.
Look again asshat. he is the OP. He called me out right off the bat. By name. Then when Infidel responded to him he called my put personally that I could “bring it”.
These are YOUR words, Taylor, you moronic fan belt, right here:
‘When are we going to work out a time and place to “discuss” you issues with me?’
Rinse and repeat.
Rinse and repeat.
Rinse and repeat.
Rinse and repeat.
Check the post times…
*me out
not “my put”
damn brain injury bullshit.
yeah, and someone with a cane is just not trying hard enough to walk better.
It is a disability you twit. Proofreading without computer assisted correction just ads to the aggravation and frustration of the condition.
It is easier to live with if I am not constantly focused on correcting it since it is not something I can ever “fix” through practice.
All the other attacks you make aside the fact that you constantly attack me for a service connected brain injury makes you a total fucking piece of shit.
Oh. My. God. Now it’s a service-connected brain injury.
That’s strange because you said WAY back in the beginning of your dysfunctional rants was that it was something you’ve had a LO-O-O-NG time.
I had dylexia.
But the malapropisms is not the same thing and I made that explicitly clear. That is only the last several years. I even posted it was probably due to brain injury and I was worried it was degenerative.
That was before I knew for sure.
I found out for sure last year.
And posted last year that it was brain injury.
To you.
I still do not know if it is degenerative.
It was listed as service connected TBI in 2013.
However, not all symptoms were clearly brain injury so I was not sure what was and what not.
I had chronic insomnia. Hyper alert sleep. Irritability. Muscle Tremors. Balance disturbance. Anger issues. Persistent suicidal thoughts.
And other physiological symptoms that were not explained by psych or TBI.
Since 2013 I learned that I have multiple auto immune syndrome and TBI.
The official diagnosis started coming in last year. Most progress was made in the last 6 months.
Did you do down?
Literally, did you get hit?
Or is your claim self-reported data?
You demand is literally the same as telling someone with a cane that they should constantly focus on the fact that they are walking with a cane and constantly try to “correct” their walk so nobody can tell they have a cane,.
It makes dealing with the condition much more frustrating if you are fixated on its effects all the time.
It is easier just to deal with it.
That way I can use that bandwidth for frustration when I have to turn in a paper or professional work and need to make it error free.
Seriously, if you can’t understand and accept that then you are an fucking sociopath.
On a serious note if this is getting on your nerves that much, back away for a bit. It’s not worth your piece of mind.
You have been singled out by people for “special treatment” because you tend to more than likely take a 180 degree turn from what their stance is.
It’s gotten to the point where even if you agree it seems confrontational.
Not saying who is wrong or who is right, I just dislike seeing a veteran have a mental melt down over something as petty as a forum.
As for Lar’s sparring partners. It’s easy to constantly find fault with every little thing someone says, especially if they have rubbed you the wrong way. There comes a point where the constant going back and forth is nothing but a distraction from the Original Posts and Subjects.
Put your cheese back on the cracker, Lars. Personally, I have no doubt Claw was a UH-1 door gunner in Phu Bai in the ’71-72 time frame. Those of us who were in Viet Nam tend to have a tuned radar about such things, and it’s way too easy to screw up the small details. Those things you can’t get from watching a film or reading a book.
Also, be advised that if you offer to fight Claw, it can also be read as an extensible offer to fight me, 2/17 Cav, 3/17 Cav, SJ, and others. None of whom is likely to be particularly afraid of you. And if that sounds like a ‘Nam vet mafia thing, well, xin loi, pal…
Yeah, I think i figured out who he is. I have a short list of possible names/photos and all of them served in Vietnam as Phu Bai.
I feel like an asshole for thinking he didn’t.
Just a little surprised that a vet. Especially one in his 70s would think that it is OK to hide behind anonymity while unnecessarily posting someone’s name just to troll them.
Fuck it. After doing a search for my name on the site I realized how often people use my full name even when I am not around.
There is shit I can do about that.
*at Phu Bai.
Oh, and thanks for the 71-72 tip. That will narrow down my search a bit more. I had the whole range the base operated.
Listen asshole…….I’ve read your bullshit posts for months. You’ve never been worth a response from me. But even suggesting that Claw is not who he says he is is total bunk. I’ve been to his AO twice. He served in Vietnam the same time as I. He was a doorgunne/ crewchief. I also was a doorgunner. I know the real deal when I see it. He’s the real deal!
Do us all a favor and just go away. It will save all of us a lot of grief. By the way Claw is not in his 70’s he’s 66.
Break out the popcorn !!!
The show is going full swing !!!
So far the score is about 13-2 with the home team against the visitor from left field !!!
He must be desperate to find something to use as an excuse to jerk off.
What’s the score, Stixx?
Well, I got three really great moon shots in the clouds moving into my area.
It just looks like Old Rinse and Repeat is have another of his hissy fits. Now, he’s just boring and repetitive. And predictable.
Why do you even respond to me.
We literally despise each other.
You never say anything that makes me want to start a conversation with you.
So why do you initiate conversations with my.
Just ignore my posts.
If you and I stop engaging with each other my post count would drop almost in half.
Burp. Fart. Giggle.
He’s predictable, so he’ll make more protestations, wait for the response. I say we give him crickets….
Wesley Miller:
Have you used a claim of wounded in Iraq to obtain something of value?
That what I do!
I take a picture of a a hat and orders and Post them on social media!
I wonder if his forklift had as Ma Duece mounted on top?
Do not get me wrong, Pathfinders can wind up in some dangerous shit, but this turd is all about the attention.
I’m not sure if they go in order, but my PO# for my PH i recieved in 2014 is in the 20000s, I also never recieved that form only a certificate because mine was hand signed in which I found out the certificate is all you might get or all you need because it has the PO# on it. But hey, maybe I’m wrong. After all, I was alive when they gave me mine. But lets also direct our eyes to the fucked up ass letterhead that looks like someone took a logo off paint and couldn’t figure out how to get it to print correctly. Open and shut case Johnson.
See following article on pages 14-15: “Visiting Veterans Experience Hawai`i Island Hunting at its Best”
Photo of Wesley Miller on page 14 and then on page 15 the excerpt:
“Wishes for Warriors Corp. is a 100% non-profit organization dedicated to helping combat-wounded veterans.”
Also on page 15 at the end of the article they detail the donations. I wonder who paid for the plane ticket?
Wesley Miller IMO you are the worst kind of stolen vallor.
People who have served should know better…. then have the adasity to take advantage of programs dedicated for real combat vets who need help is a complete shame.
“Nice try” with your reason for acting like you received the PH..
I guess you wanted to keep going until you got caught only to come up with some lame excuse.
What ever happen to honor, courage and commitment or in the Army “Be all you can Be” doesn’t mean stage a photo of a purple heart award and post it on face book. I hope the repercussions are swift and damaging to your fake world of heroism.
If anything, he “taught” his son how to not be a completely fucking toolbag.
If this was all designed to teach his son a lesson he took it to a whole new level – hunting trips which includes a trip to Hawaii, couples retreat to Texas, all from orgs that support wounded troops.
I guess he wanted to show his son not only how easy it was to pull documents off the internet and alter them (never used the word forgery, but that’s what it is) and then show his son how easy it is to dupe respected organizations into sending him and his wife on costly trips.
Yeah, OK, I can see it – NOT.
And just to pile on,
Let’s not forget this little nugget….
I (Jonn) called Walter Avery, the man whose signature appears on the orders. He said that he couldn’t comment on the case, but he did tell me that he forwarded the case to the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) for an investigation and he said that their investigation would lead them to send it to the FBI if it warranted that action.
Let’s see you lie to military and federal investigators.
I’ll be interested in their reaction to ” I was teaching my son’s dog a lesson and My Son ate my handwritten excusal note from Epistein’s Mother.”
I think WM finally smartened up and shut up. Of course, it’s much too late to do him any good. He done screwed himself. He is quickly becoming an expert on the 5th A.