Letters from Palmer Paul Wickre
UPDATED with Bernath at the end
I wish I could tell you what he’s talking about, but I have no effen clue. I told him if he stopped emailing me, I wouldn’t post anything else. Apparently he didn’t agree to that. So here you go, translation desired if you understand what he is saying:
Paul Wickre
10:52 PM (9 hours ago)to me
They are all down, every single one of them. There is no any TAH
presence on my name, wife or companies. You are done and spent. The
calls into your employer are damning. You are running like a scared
little rabbit.You have no more balls, the mob abandoned you. Who would think for a
little bit of money that all your speakers would turn on you?There is not one post up. You are either a fool or betrayed.
Your words are empty. You are an inferior as I portrayed, as well as
your mob. The filth you attracted are PTSD addled little kids that
wrote the most vile words under your guise.The better class, wins again. The problem you are facing is that
society picks the lower mob to fight wars and die for their betters,
all through history. You are representing the blue collar nee’r do
well lower class, who has nothing, owns nothing and is even abandoned
by the Military after their tour.So that Roman, is your Army. Mine is better with pedigree and
provenance. You lose again as foot soldiers have always been cannon
fodder.You are a lower class of society and proved it through your speech.
You are dregs, thugs, murderes and rapists. You are nothing. Nothing
at all.Less than zeroes, we have the authorites attracted to your 5000 hits,
the DNS recors, the MAC layer addresses, the physical Ethernet ports.If I were you I would worry about your livelihood once I am done with
you and your household.We know on the inside the pressures you are facing.
Ha Ha you lost.
Loser. poser, I guess by know the named posters called you as to
their pressures.Since you are not repentant then I go back to my original scheme to
seek you 7×7 or a horrific destiny to your puny efforts.Your own people gave you up on tape.
I am rich you are poor and you cannot stand any litigation cost, at
all as you have no savings nor net worth. This will be proven out, as
you cannot sustain any legal filings, or court battles, or even fund
them.You are a punk. Once the years go by as to your downward slide, the
last thing you will here in this life is a “click” behind your left
ear. Could be an Mp-3 player, or maybe just an embolism. I have every
confidence out of trust, that your end of days, will end with a small
sound, as God delivers his courtesy on you, for your evil.
Paul Wickre
11:19 PM (8 hours ago)to me
The reddit and facbook and zoom will be down in days.
Guess you lost our voice, you fucking litle girl punk.
You fucked with the wrong guy, re read my posts.
One day you are going to here a click and I want you to know where it is coming from. It is coming from your readers and followers on the American Legion that will get rid of you.
They have called me and they want you out. Try and find a job, Chump.
Mason was bought off you ape.
Email 3:
AS we cut the backlinks, attack your advertisers, and deprogram the Meta-data I want you to know who is doing it\
Email 4:
Google severed all the links I and Tah cnt be found onthe Intenet
Paul Wickre
2:33 AM (5 hours ago)
to me
English Translate message
Turn off for: Filipino
Spilled my coffeeSnort
You are an idiot
You can forget about court you moron
I will give you a hint Next Stop is your WordPress admin account out of NJ
Oh, and one small addition that I am including not to brag, but just in case people are worried about me. My job is more solid than ever. Literally. So far not a single email has come in about me from anyone but the Dutch Ruder club, and every time
UPDATE: Bernath chimes in. I haven’t discussed him at all, because that is working its way through the court system at all. But he wanted it known that he is going after our advertisers. Which is great, since I never get a dine of advertising money. In fact, running the blog actually loses Jonn money each year. We do it because someone has to look out for our brothers and sisters. Either way, to say I am less than concerned about the hit to our advertisers is an understatement of epic proportions. (Also it should be noted that Bernath sent this about 5 minutes after the post went live, so apparently he sits around in his underoos just waiting for us to post.)
Oh by the way, attorney Daniel A. Bernath is demanding that Sony, Ford, Amazon and all those that place ads on your websites that call women cunt, blacks as apes and gorillas in the mist, tormented veterans to suicide, say that the Speaker of the House hates gays and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is “gay” and boasted about killing veterans to STOP PLACING THEIR ADS on your website.
TSO is gone as is all support from the American Legion.
Frank E Caryle has changed his name.
Randy Ryder got hit in the head by a rolling pin by his angry wife and on and on. Guy Power on probation at NASA for creating Wanted posters on NASA facilities and computers.
So, now you will lose any money you got by running your kill-the-veteran website.
I’ve got to fly today and tomorrow but my demand that your advertisers abandon you will be drafted this weekend and be served on Monday.
You terrorists lose against the real deal Vietnam/Cold War veterans, again and again. Who will get you first? Mother Nature or the Real Deal warriors?
Daniel A. Bernath
Category: Politics
See, TSO, you done pissed off the Illuminati. Oh horrors, whatever will become of us?
Yeah, fuck that bankrupt, T-Bird guzzling shitbird. Hey Palmer, go fuck yourself.
He must have a fantastic drug dealer
Wow. Just. WOW. Agreed. I want to know, WHO the dealer is? WHAT Psul is ingesting? WHERE can I get the same? And HOW much does it cost?
On second thought, after seeing the first and second order effects, maybe not.
For someone as rich and powerful as PSul claims, he seems to be drinking straight from the sterno container. That is the rambling’s of a deranged squirrel right there I tell ya!!
But, its got what Paul craves.
Damn, good timing.
“It’s Got Electrolytes” is a quote from a movie titled “Idiocracy” A time and place where the Dutch Rudder Club would fit in.
Less than five seconds and I find TAH with the search engine(s) of my choice. Not sure what he thinks he’s doing to metadata or whatever, but it clearly is about as effective as his meds.
Well you see the metadata is tied directly to the wordpress admin account through backlinks attached to Ethernet ports. All this leads to DNS errors that are attracted to 7×7 MAC layer addresses.
LOL, I have no idea what I’m talking about.
And neither does Wickre.
You are actually not far off. Each Web page its own Meta Data. You can even alter the Meta Data for a specific Web page to reflect it’s contents.
Technically as well, the servers are connected to the Internet via MAC Adresses and ethernet ports, lol.
Wow now I know what batshit crazy looks like. This guy has to be off his meds.
Took the words out of my mouth.
Jonn, you’re going to be fired and won’t be able to find a job? I thought you retired and weren’t looking for a job?
“I am rich you are poor…”: and he can’t afford a new mailbox?
My bad…I thought Jonn posted this. But you-know-who already said he was firing TSO when he takes over the AL.
Cliff Notes:
Oedipus meets Macbeth.
For all the drool pouring from his mouth, I’m guessing he has Saran Wrap covering the electronic device he uses to pen those indecipherable ramblings. Wait. Maybe that’s the problem: he has his keyboard covered with aluminum foil, not Saran Wrap. That would explain it.
TSO, just a quick question.
Have you and Jonn been doing volunteer work at a mental institution? You may have looked at a group of them the “wrong” way.
Nothing else seems to make sense.
I think Palmer Paul the Moron’s hacking and internet skills are about as good as his spelling and Grammar !
The only click he should hear is the lock on his Looney Bin Cell Door !
Nah, the aluminum foil is on his head and covering his windows….
I think metadata doesn’t mean what he thinks it means. The first thing that comes up in every search engine I play with is the youtube link to the voice mail left on Jonn’s phone.
The 2nd thing is LinkedIn and the third thing is Fake Warriors…I hope he didn’t pay real money for someone to clear that metadata thing up for him.
I never metadata I didn’t like.
Close the internet, 2/17 Air Cav wins!
^^^^ this ^^^
Somewhere a Mental Institution is missing it’s idiot.
Just in case there was anyone who didn’t know that Paul K. Wickre is a phony, he had to send that bunch of drivel. One day soon all the world will know that Paul K. Wickre is as nutty as a California Walnut Grove.
He does not have a clue, (as do any of the Dutch Rudder Quartet), and is one of those poor people for whom the saying was made, “If I have to explain it, you couldn’t understand it.”
What a Pathetic Mega Class Loser
You meant to say:
Pathetic Meta Class Loser!
Ditto what farmgirl wrote. About the only thing I can think of is he’s trying to use SEO (search engine optimization) and Europe’s ‘Right to be Forgotten’ rules to get the search engines to ‘forget’ about the posts about him on TAH. (Could be why the fake CPO claimed to be posting from Switzerland when he was facebok spam’ing.)
Well, dammit, I’m going to start posting from Houston, if that’s the case.
North Dakota is FAR too chilly for me. Oh, you betcha!
That. Is. Simply. Factastic.
I would have settled for crying but a complete mental breakdown?
After shave + NyQuil = bad choice for emergency late night cocktail when your gin runs out!
Don’t forget the vanilla extract chaser.
With over 45,000 visits to TAH in the last seven days, I would have to guess that the plan didn’t work out for the genius.
I couldn’t make head nor tail of those mindless ramblings, so I ran them all through Google to get them interpreted.
Each one of them came up with the same results:
Google lists this blog as the second hit, just for starters. Bing lists it as #1. So, no, the genius failed again. He really ought to list his goal as failure. That is the only way he will accomplish anything.
One thing he said which is true. Paul K. Wickre is rich. Rich I tell you!
See it for yourselves:
Looks like Paul K. Wickre and Karen M. Williams rode the Peregrine Financial airship, into the ground… that commonality thing they have with Birdbath. Must be that superior breeding and intellect at work.
Yea… he’s so rich he needs to file bankruptcy. Dude is bat shit crazy.
In this case, it was Peregrine Financial Group that filed bankruptcy and Paul K Wickre and his wife Karen M. Williams sold their claim for $53,000. $53,000 will buy a lot of Mad Dog 20/20. Perhaps a few polyester ties as well.
Question: Now that Peregrine is gone, where do Vikings go to invest their money?
It’s also about what Karen Williams was grossing a year at her job.
Again, Psul, you touched something and it went to crap. How much did you lose in that deal? I can guarantee that ASM made a lot more that that $53K off the bankruptcy, and you lost your ass both times.
GD, wasn’t Wickre and William’s claim against Peregrine $53K, but not the amount they received from ASM?
It looks like the transfer purchase price is x’d out; ‘XXXX’ in the Assignment of Claim paragraph. I’d surmise the bluebloods were desperate for cash flow and grabbed what they could as the Peregrine BK proceedings went on. Whatdya think, 10 cents on the dollar for a BK claim? Wasn’t this around the time the fake SEAL fired Paul Wickre?
Some people should never attempt to metadata after midnight. Also, picking random (misspelled) words and throwing them at a computer screen doesn’t work out well even when sober.
Translation: Blah, blah, burp. Blah, blah, blah, fart. Ahhh, blah, blah, zzzzz, whelp? Oh, blah, blah, blah.
++100 LIKE.
That guy is batshit crazy, I imagine that guy and Birdbath and Shittenfeld all get together with the other fakes in some sort of room like the Legion of Doom but they all wear football helmets and light up safety vest and talk about bring down stolen valor websites in some abandoned warehouse in a shitty part of town.
I think that that is some form of English, but even my red neck hillbilly translator can’t make sense of it. I’m still trying to figure out how the son of a Texas dirt farmer who became a typist in DC during the war can claim this “pedigree and provenance.” At best, he’s a half breed. Psul, I have proven descent from the Mayflower, several kings of England, William the Conqueror, and Charlemagne. While your ancestors were looking for scraps in some God forsaken land, mine were conquering Europe. I also have a complete and functioning mail box, a garage that can hold cars, and I make more than three times what your wife Karen made when she had a job. I’ve never been arrested, never been put on a psych hold, can frequent all of my local bars and restaurants without being told that I wasn’t welcome, never filed for bankruptcy, never screwed my family out of money, never fired from a job, and never violated parole. Let’s face it Psul, for all of your bluster and claims, your life is one big $h!t sandwich that you have to take a bite of every morning. You haven’t touched one thing that hasn’t turned to crap. You decided to set up your latest venture by lying and claiming ridiculous business statuses on your government filings to try to sneak in under the wire on some contracts, and that bit you in the ass again (we’re still looking for your non-existent female executive who you used for your woman owned small business claim, and there’s an ongoing investigation into your wife, Karen Williams, regarding her executive position in your company while still employed as a congressional staffer). You’ve spent an extensive amount of time and money to find us, but the only ones who you’ve found are the ones who let you find them. You’ve partnered with easily the most incompetent band of has-beens and never-weres that can be imagined who make even you look intelligent and reasonable. Really, Psul, where do you think this is going and how do you… Read more »
My guess is that Psul/Palmer and Karen have had a few visits from some “three letter” federal agencies about the activities of a certain company… just like Psul’s daddy and mommy were sued for their financial activities (FRAUD) in the purchase and management of a radio station in Longview, WA in the early 1960’s.
I’m sure that’s it a matter of time before we hear about someone so “near and dear to our hearts” being frogged-marched off to jail…
*Again*, being the operative word here. Can’t wait.
I’d suggest he avoid day labor tents at Home Depot or selling flowers or oranges on freeway off-ramps.
People get real defensive when you try to muscle in on their territory.
I see Paul Wickre found the key to the Mad Dog 20/20, again.
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
That bastard is doing nothing more than fucking up fast and picking up speed. Time for him to invert and pull up.
I wonder if the Assembly of Asshats got together to write that shit. The amount of stupid in those emails is astounding.
I love Paul K. Wickre. Who else can write this:
“Google severed all the links I and Tah cnt be found onthe Intenet”
and this:
“You are an idiot”
In the same fucking message.
Google severed all the links?
I’m on Google right now because MSN sucks big time.
When did this happen?
What did I miss?
They severed links on “the intenet”, not to be confused with “the internet”. “The Intenet” is a open only to Vikings, so it’s a big deal.
Wait, did Bernath just try to call out TAH for posting “racist” comments? Does he even remember some of the shit he’s written on his Disqus?
Even Psul makes the “ape” reference above. Go MESNA!
Dear Advertisers: the complainant has publicly referred to Jews as “heebs” and blacks as “knee grows”. He is also nutty as a fruitcake. So please consider the source. Sincerely, TAH.
Daniel A. Bernath has also addressed me as “jooboy” on Disqus threads. A few weeks later he claimed he’s a SEAL Rabbi Chaplain, but hey, he’s also claimed to have been the thirteenth POTUS! I can’t wait to hear the next chronicle of Daniel A. Bernath’s astounding idiocy!!
If Paul K. Wickre had even a shred of integrity, he’d look right back at everyone who has ever called him STUPID and thank them for their honesty, DITTO for all the rest of the Dutch Rudder Gang!!!
Proud, peckerwood doesn’t have a shred of anything, period. Not even a mailbox door.
VERY TRUE Ma’am, I was merely contemplating IF… 😀
Wickre speaking to others ability to compose any form of written work is absolutely laughable. Psul, stop drinking the antifreeze!!
“As to” Birdbath, he should stop drinking the avgas.
Home from work just a stone’s throw from Paul Wickre and Karen Williams’ palatial broken mailbox, so it’s time for JAGC’s legal interpretation: Bernath says: “Oh by the way, attorney Daniel A. Bernath is demanding that Sony, Ford, Amazon and all those that place ads on your websites that call women cunt, blacks as apes and gorillas in the mist, tormented veterans to suicide, say that the Speaker of the House hates gays and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is “gay” and boasted about killing veterans to STOP PLACING THEIR ADS on your website.” Interpretation: There are lots of big-name companies. I know some of their names. They place ads on the Internet. The Bernath family, along with my friend Paul, enjoys calling people on the Internet “women cunt, blacks as apes and gorillas in the mist, tormented veterans to suicide, say that the Speaker of the House hates gays and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is “gay” and boasted about killing veterans.” In fact, I just did it now. Because my words are on the Internet, I want these large companies to know about it. This makes me feel smart and important. Bernath: “TSO is gone as is all support from the American Legion.” Interpretation: TSO is gone in the abstract; meaning that he is in another room from me. And yes, the American Legion employs TSO and yes, his job seems secure. But I believe that the American Legion does not support the notion that TSO poops in the corner of his office. Of course, there is no evidence that TSO poops in the corner of his office. But hypothetically, if TSO chooses to do so, the American Legion will not support it. I just needed to point out this observation in case nobody has considered it. This makes me feel smart and important. Bernath: “So, now you will lose any money you got by running your kill-the-veteran website… I’ve got to fly today and tomorrow but my demand that your advertisers abandon you will be drafted this weekend and be served on Monday.” Interpretation: I… Read more »
Serve? Who is bernitwith going to serve? I thought he can’t serve without filing and can’t file without serving, or some such thing.
I’m so confused… by what peckerwood cranked out in his alky-dimmed haze.
Mongrels? What? What did I read?
I can trace my family back to the first emperor of Sicily, a nasy Norman knight.
Note to pickwickre peckerwood: are you really stinking drunk this early in the morning?
Seriously, get some help with your problem you mordant, braindead, hag-ridden walking corpse.
bernutsless still doesn’t get that the squirrel is a better pilot than he is.
Bernath and Wickre are nothing more than a few taint-tickling, two-hole licking, ball-working losers.
Lawn Dart Danny is flying? God, I hope that he’s the one at the controls.
Nah, it’s the dog with the duct-taped paws that will do the flying…
I hope he uses his trusty 99 cent iPad app to display his airspeed! What could go wrong with that?
Mental illness is a hell of a drug.
I have know idea what the fuck Wickre just wrote. It sounds like he was huffing paint. I know it wasn’t because he was sitting in his car with the garage door closed because well, you know. Bernath is an idiot. The advertisers that he speaks of are probably the tracking cookies at the top of his screen. Bernath, those are sites that you visited and those sites remember your web browsing. Those companies are going to send your emails straight to the trash. Once again you have failed. Eat shit, dirtbag.
P.S: Don’t crash your airplane, that would break my fucking heart.
Among them, there seems to be plenty of material for multiple dissertations. Perhaps their machinations can serve a useful purpose for a few grad students in the veteran community.
Textbook examples of delusions, delusions of grandeur, projection, breaks with reality, pathological lying, and a grand assortment of other psychological infirmities on display. All of which are beyond our abilities to diagnose much less to properly treat. Yet, they keep coming to us desperately seeking exposure of their ailments.
They have repeatedly been advised to seek counsel from those actually qualified to treat them. They refuse, so we continue to dispense advice such as to simply sit back quietly instead of obsessing on this community of veterans, spouses of veterans, and supporters of veterans.
Oh, well. While they are very sad individuals, it is also profoundly disappointing that public officials hither and yon have not stepped up to do their duty to stop this antisocial behavior. Their expressed intent to destroy the lives of people with whom they have had no interaction is despicable.
Besides all that, they are liars. I don’t like liars.
Sounds like the special member of the “Lucky Smegma Club” had been drinking from the fountain again. Does the MD 20/20 help wash the salty taste out of your mouth retard?
Does Google translate work in Authentic Internet Gibberish?
Rbbble !!!!
Still can’t figure things out, can you, psulie-o the uncoolie-o? As much as I would just LOVE to try simple reasoning on you, I do understand now that the only thing you will EVER respond to is a serious dose of tranquilizers and a padded room.
Just don’t spend too much time with your head in the toilet trying to find out where stuff goes when you flush it.
Okay I haven’t chimed in on Palmer (Of The Ballsacks) Paul Wickre for a while because he has numerous, sociopathic and neurotic filters between the outside stimulus of the real world and what gets to his brain for processing. In such a condition, he talks and writes to himself as a form of communication to others. He is just plain old, out and out, tripping over the line into being, insane. If not verifiable, then it’s only because he has never been evaluated by a mental health professional for determination. If he were to sit and be questioned by one for an hour in the most whacked out, liberal state in the union, I have no doubt he would be held involuntarily for the minimum 72 hour evaluation period. Afterwards, with the information gleaned from the 3 day inpatient time, I still have no doubt his habeas corpus hearing in court would have him remanded back to the psychiatric facility for the safety of himself and others. His paranoia is beyond most I have ever encountered. Palmer (Of The Ballsacks), I know you are reading this. So since you are well off financially, for the sake of yourself and your family…get some help. Get some therapy. I have never met you but your paranoid, incoherent ramblings are evidence enough to me that you desperately need help. The truth is, you don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it our of. Not one of any substance anyway. Your life is a myriad of lies, compounded by deeper seated lies, based on your paranoid delusions of grandeur and self contemplation. In your mental state the last person you should trust to evaluate your conditions is you. Your mind is no longer trustworthy or reliable enough for self examination and introspection. Your internal mirrors of reflection are like those in a carnival fun house. Warped and twisted. Therefore you get back a warped and twisted sense and image of self. Please get some help before you act upon the deep seated anger which controls your life. Or…simply go… Read more »
Don’t these guys have a real job or anything?
Or do they just sit around and email threats to TAH all day?
Just look at Danny-boi’s Facebook rantings before those were shut down… 5:00 AM or earlier on the West Coast!
There is a word for how wrapped up these assclowns are about TAH – OBSESSION!
A: How can you tell if Paul K. Wickre, Daniel A. Bernath, Dallas Wittgenfeld,, or Frank Visconi have been in a house?
A: There are straws in the toilet and the cat is pregnant.
Oh Psul, here’s a little love message for you….
“I’ve got to fly today and tomorrow”
Please tell me someone else is piloting that aircraft!!!! If not, I’m thankful I don’t live anywhere near that dinglefritz.
“I’ve got to fly today and tomorrow”
Doesn’t sound like something a light sport pilot would say… sounds like something a commercial pilot would say. What’s that FAA hotline number?
Now GDC, if you do that, then Danny-boi will have to talk with them about the plane crash near Sisters, OR that is still being investigated by both the FAA and NTSB… and we know how much Danny-boi like to talk with them!
I’ll just leave this here…NSFW!!!
Mr.Psul Wickre-dickery-dock, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Paul K. Wickre’s ramblings make those of a typical street wino sound like prose being read by a Harvard Phi Beta Kappa!