Pelosi: We did not treat President Bush this way

| January 28, 2014

Nancy Pelosi is trying to rewrite history, claiming that Republicans are big meanies because they won’t let Democrats have their way. She claims that Democrats really tried to work with President Bush, well, sort of. From the Washington Times;

Mrs. Pelosi argued that while Democrats opposed Mr. Bush on many issues, including the Iraq War and his efforts to privatize Social Security, they also worked together on many issues such as the Wall Street bailout and energy legislation.

“We did not treat President Bush this way,” she said. “We thought we had a responsibility to work with the president to get a job done for the American people and we did. This obstruction to President Obama is something quite stunning. It’s something quite different.”

Oh, really? Did any Republicans stand on the roof of Bashar Assad’s palace in Syria and declare that he was more credible than the president, because Democrat congressmen did that before the Iraq war. Speaking of Syria, I’m pretty sure that Nancy Pelosi went to Syria to sit down with Assad and play footsie with him despite Bush State Department objections. The Democrat controlled Congress didn’t pass a budget the last two years of the Bush Administration because they were spending all of their time trying to undermine the war in Iraq. How is that “working with the President”? Jim Webb, Democrat Senator from Virginia, snubbed President Bush in the White House. If a Republican did that today, we’d hear howling from the Democrats, the likes of which we’d never heard before.

Well, y’all know the stories, they are legion. But, my point is; get over it, Democrats. I’m particularly happy that Congress gets nothing done these days, especially when what they do get done screws American citizens to the wall.

Category: Congress sucks

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How quickly they forget “BDS”.


Now THAT is pretty hilarious, Nance! It is just her default to “Lie” position, or has she simply forgotten? Yeah, the first would be my guess as well.


Rumor has it that President Bush actually called members of both parties on a regular basis to discuss the issues of the day. Even the Democrats, however, complain that they never hear from Obama.


OWB: that would be my guess, too. However, she does turn 74 this year. Some people start “losing it” in their 70s.


Nancy Pelosi of Mars…


Go figure the elephant never forgetting and the jackass party literally having the mascot of a jackass.

Pelosi should be charged with war crimes. Tit for tat, scumbags.

2/17 Air Cav

“We thought we had a responsibility to work with the president to get a job done for the American people and we did.” Oh, bullshit. What the Dems want and are getting much more often than not is a rubber stamp to the Emperor’s wants. We don’t need a freakin’ Congress that is hell bent on granting ANY president’s wants and desires, least of all this president’s. Where the heck did this notion first arise anyway? Separation of powers. Three branches. It’s in this crazy old document called the US Constitution. Arrrgggg. This shit gets me crazy.

2/17 Air Cav

‘Just as soon as we pass it, we’ll read it.’ Idiots. Knuckleheads. Morons. Buffoons. Jerks. Scoundrels. Bastards.

2/17 Air Cav

There must be a basic IQ test for Congress. If you fail it, you’re qualified.

Pineywoods NCO

Well, shit…2/17….536 members would fail…and that includes our Vice-President.

Pineywoods NCO

Oh hell, I meant the other way around…they would all pass it, thus making themselves all ineligible to join Congress.

Green Thumb

I quit paying attention to Nancy Pelosi years ago.

Pineywoods NCO

When I hear Pelosi talking…I usually think it sounds like this:


Nancy Poledanceski … KMRIA!

“We will have to first pass the law … Ah … Dah … Ah … So we can find out what is in it … Ah … Dah … Beyond the controversary.”

So let’s believe what she is saying now is true!

A Proud Infidel

@13, Piney, DITTO!! She/it is a poster child for an example of political hypocrisy, she and her myrmidons did all they could to hamper and stymie GW Bush, but we’re all supposed to goose step alongside her to B. Hussein 0bama’s cadences? She’s another piece of living, breathing proof that liberalism IS a mental disorder!!

CC Senor

@9 I don’t know about IQ, but way too many of them don’t have a very good grasp on civics.


It’s like when the Democrats kept Congress in Pro Forma session to keep Bush from making recess appointments and then crying foul when the Republicans did the same thing to Obama.

CC Senor

Re #16 You have to click on the additional findings to see how poorly elected officials do.

The Other Whitey

Fuck Pelosi. And fuck San Francisco for keeping her in Congress.


All of that botox has infected her brain.


Hang on here, I’m channeling that inner hood rat…

Lokit here cuz, ayes HERD dis Pelosi broad went to Syria not to stand on a roof top but she got LAID on it. Fo’ reals, man! Yea, yo check dis chit out. I was bangin’ ona her female aides. Mahn ayes swear she be a lil ugly but any way, she be going on bout this that and sum otha thing an then she toll me mid-stroke saying chit bout how dat ol Pelosi, she be like all up on that old cougar thang an, an, an dat she like ‘um yung, bra. That right dare be sum reel nassy ass chit!

vietnam war protestor

This is why corperate democrats suck! Obama should arrest republicans in congress for treason and sabotage! The republican party censored john mccain for being a war criminal NO! For not being a big enough nazi! He must of not attended enough cross burnings or forgot to wear a white sheet!


Methinks Madame Pelosi may have hit her head after falling from her broom 1 too many times.


Queen Nancy & Prince Reid allegedly put the Emperor on mute during a teleconference over the stimulus bill writeup…empty suit & feather weight easily ignored.


vietnam war protestor: are you really stupid enough to believe the crap you posted above? Or are you so stupid that you actually don’t understand what you wrote?

Just curious.


vwpussypants, shut your silly mouth. Or stick your thumb in it. One or the other, but shut the frack up, you moron.

In re: Pelos: short-term memory loss is not a good sign, especially at her age. It’s just a shame, isn’t it? She can’t stop using that bottle of dye to cover the gray and admit that she’s just another old fart with nothing important to say.

OH, yeah, boys and girls: tonight, tonight, bodaprez is going to make a speech to the congresscritters outlining his executive orders to have his own way about everything. Just look at it as another give-away-the-farm program, outlined on TV. Maybe nothing will come of it. It’s like that part in ‘Dave’, where one of the (real) congresscritters said “It’s a great idea, but where’s he going to get the money for it?”


VWP … If I have told you once, I have told you 10,000 times. Never mix the more powerful (of the 2000’s) Mary Jane with gin and Ny-Quil.

It kinda just scrumfuckles everything up a wee bit and makes you sound like you are … Well … BAT SHIT CRAZY!

Keep it up … I enjoy reading your work!

Green Thumb




One of the major problems with this country is our “professional legislators”. I think term limits for Senators and Representatives would be a great thing for this country and stop alot of the useless bullsh1t that goes on in the puzzle palaces in the cesspool we call the beltway.

I was going to watch the State of the Union but decided I would rather go tea bag a paper schredder.


Uh, oh… VWPutz, the bedwetter, is into the Oxycontin again.


Green Thumb

Obama makes Carter look better and better everyday.

2/17 Air Cav

Thank goodness for satellite TV. I have a wealth of things I can watch while that idiot in the WH is flapping his gums and spewing his bullshit. I was just at a pizza shop and the TV was on there to some news station. ‘OMG! OMG! It’s the President of the United States! He’ll be giving a historic state of the union address. OMG! We have been granted EXCLUSIVE access to the White House as staffers prep[are for…’SLAM! The slam was me leaving. I sat out in the parking lot while the pizzas were in the oven. Phuk Obama.

Green Thumb

I wonder if any MOH recipients will be in attendance.

If I am not mistaken, a MOH recipient is guaranteed a seat at the State of the Union Address.

Anyone know for sure?


Nancy Pelosi quotes

“Every week we don’t pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

“Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program”

“I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels.”

“It’s almost a false argument to say we have a spending problem.”

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

You know what? The hag (Pelosi) is right. They didn’t act this way with Bush. They acted worse.

As much as it surprises me to hear myself say this, VWPutz was almost on to something when he/she/it mentioned “corporate Democrats.” I’ll add to that the qualifier, “Is there any other kind?”

That said, VWPissant, I’m still waiting for your reply. Quit being a pussy and answer.

vietnam war protestor

@25 republican party censores mccain look it up.


“Censores”? What is that, vietnam war protestor – a town in Portugal or Guatemala?


@34, Jonn, novelas? Really? When I was in, one of my roommates was TexMex, and he used to watch Univision all the time. I couldn’t stand it, all the shows just sounded like people arguing in Spanish.


VWP – John McCain is, and always has been, perfectly free to speak. No one has censored him.

3/17 air cav

@31 ….overwhelmed and under prepared, both of them. Sad to say, but my last name is Carter

2/17 Air Cav

@22. Hey, you! Stinky! Yeah, you! This Saturday is the 1st of February. You missed your diaper change on January 1st. Don’t miss it again! Even the cockroaches in your place are complaining.

Cylon War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

@37 I’m still waiting, VWPutz…

@39 Say what you will about Univision, but their entire female lineup are all 10s!


vwp–you make it sound like pimp-slapping McLame for being a dipshit is a bad thing.


Somebody should explain to the putz the difference between “censor” and “censure”.


FC2 Dewclaw

VWP… It’s “censured,” you ignorant twatwaffle. And he was censured for gladhanding too many liberal policies and proposals while trying to pass himself off as a Republican. Hell…. he should be a hero to the stinky hippy crowd you associate with. Why don’t you go run along and play chicken with a steamroller… the adults are talking here.

defensor fortisimo

Well, she is right in that Democrats worked with bush at key points. What she fails to mention is that they supported the invasion of Iraq in the first place.

Revoltionary War Protestor aka Mustang2LT

VWP – To quote WC Fields: “Get outta here kid, ya bother me!”

Oh, and “Come mierda, pendejo!”

Revolutionary War Protestor aka Mustang2LT

Aaarghhhh…..Stuck in moderation!


what the actual fuck…


No movies I wanted to watch. Most certainly did not want to watch anything being broadcast from the cesspool formerly known as our nation’s capitol. It finally became a choice between the Waltons and watching Bobby Flay do something with chiles and burgers. At least that one sounded educational, and not likely to elevate the BP.

Actually, all the roasting of chiles, the melting cheese on the burgers has me kind of hungry now. Much better than pondering the prima donas and their clown king.