Pelosi: We did not treat President Bush this way

| January 28, 2014

Nancy Pelosi is trying to rewrite history, claiming that Republicans are big meanies because they won’t let Democrats have their way. She claims that Democrats really tried to work with President Bush, well, sort of. From the Washington Times;

Mrs. Pelosi argued that while Democrats opposed Mr. Bush on many issues, including the Iraq War and his efforts to privatize Social Security, they also worked together on many issues such as the Wall Street bailout and energy legislation.

“We did not treat President Bush this way,” she said. “We thought we had a responsibility to work with the president to get a job done for the American people and we did. This obstruction to President Obama is something quite stunning. It’s something quite different.”

Oh, really? Did any Republicans stand on the roof of Bashar Assad’s palace in Syria and declare that he was more credible than the president, because Democrat congressmen did that before the Iraq war. Speaking of Syria, I’m pretty sure that Nancy Pelosi went to Syria to sit down with Assad and play footsie with him despite Bush State Department objections. The Democrat controlled Congress didn’t pass a budget the last two years of the Bush Administration because they were spending all of their time trying to undermine the war in Iraq. How is that “working with the President”? Jim Webb, Democrat Senator from Virginia, snubbed President Bush in the White House. If a Republican did that today, we’d hear howling from the Democrats, the likes of which we’d never heard before.

Well, y’all know the stories, they are legion. But, my point is; get over it, Democrats. I’m particularly happy that Congress gets nothing done these days, especially when what they do get done screws American citizens to the wall.

Category: Congress sucks

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3/17 air cav

There’s alike on his Facebook, by a Steve Jordan, could it be snake eyes Jordan?

Mandalorian War Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

Any day now, VWPindejo…

Clone Wars Protestor aka HS Sophomore

@22—Mr. VWP, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul!


Twist # 17, you have that right! This woman has lost touch with reality along with most of our government. They are not leaders, that would require direction, purpose and motivation. The ‘gridlock’ is a ploy to line their pockets thru contributions and everyone knows it. Orwell would be proud. Dicks.

Old Trooper

How do you know a democrat is lying? Their lips are moving.


Didn’t watch the STFU Address last night. I was tired and pissed enough already, and taking care of two kids and a sick girlfriend.

I caught the highlights (lowlights) this morning. Suffice to say, our ancestors would have been shooting by now.

2/17 Air Cav

@57. I nearly missed my opening. Our ancestors WERE shooting by now.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Wait, are you suggesting the rich little princess Pelosi might be less than honest, that she might be a hypocrite, that she might be….dis-honest?

Stop the presses this must be news right?


She’s been full of sh1t since day one, lying on national TV is as difficult for her as breathing…I wish she had a monopoly on that ability but she is far from alone in that talent…

How does Hondo put it? She defines the acronym LSOS?


Damn #20! You have to be quick on the draw around here. That was the first thought that came to mind.


@56 Old Trooper – Roger that, Brother.

A talent not exclusively Democrat, alas …


might note in Webb’s defense that his objection was to gladhanding pols who exploit kids going off to compbat – his son was headed to Iraq at the time. He himself was awarded a Silver Star in Vietnam. Plus served as Reagan’s Secretary of the Navy, and was notable for making fat-assed reservist pass a PT test and making David Robinson actually use his Naval Academy education rather than skating directly into the NBA. Let’s not eat our own young.


@59-VOV-as bad as Pelosi is, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is WORSE. But as head of the DNC, she at least has an excuse–sort of.


@62 – that’s right! I had forgotten about that, thank you for reminding me!


I worked on the Nancy Poledanceski bit for months … and not one shout out for my satire par excellounce!


@65 upon further review of the play, player did have possession of the ball as it crossed the goal line. (Raises hands above head) Touchdown!!! Happy?