Brian Stites; Crossfit phony Marine
Brian Stites is a Crossfit trainer with his own business and he has a hearwarming tale to tell about how he got addicted to the regimen;
Brian began doing CrossFit in 2007 when he was in the Marines. During a special operations training accident, Brian was critically injured. He was told he would never walk again. But, six months later, Brian had rehabilitated with the help of CrossFit workouts. As he recovered from injury, CrossFit became a sport to Brian–and one that he would excel at. He began training others in CrossFit soon after.
He was never going to walk again after the injury that happened during his special ops training, well, since he’s here on TAH, you already know it’s false. here’s what the National Personnel Records Center says about his career;
So his active service began on May 29, 2008 and ended on July 4th a few weeks later. So he really wasn’t ever a Marine because I’m pretty sure that you can’t call yourself a Marine unless you’ve completed your entry training. And oh, yeah, he says he was in the Marines in 2007 (I guess to make the injury thing credible). It was a real Marine who knows him that blew him into us. I can’t confirm it, but the Marine says he was booted from OCS because of hemorrhoids. But that’s just speculation without any real proof, but it makes the “never walk again” story pretty funny, doesn’t it? In that case, six months to overcome a bout with hemorrhoids seems about right.
Category: Phony soldiers
Women’s boot camp in 1967 was longer than his period of service.
Nice of him to wear the split sided Tee, though.
he is a hemorrhoid
What a dickbutt.
Fake ass Marines really grind my gears.
Unfortunately if he ever served he can honestly say he was “in” the Marine Corps. Though as Marines we don’t consider anyone a “Marine” that hasn’t finished Recruit Training or OCS, if they attempt training they are considered to have been Marines from a legal standpoint.
It would be interesting to get his entire story. Since he lied about the time he went in I’m betting there is a deep pile of shit there.
If he just said he had a severe injury in Boot Camp, was discharged and overcame it, I would give him props.
More than likely his story is going to involve special covert ops, him being a sniper an an IED.
Ass-hat loser that couldn’t make it through OCS…..pansy poser.
“Sir, the candidate thinks his hemoriods just exploded sir!!!”
Special Ops? Nah make it Special Ed.
“Your workout is my warmup” is a nice crossfit t-shirt .. everytime I see it I just think “Fuck how many Rangers, SEALs, RECON will just smile and say ‘right back at ya!'”
The hole “macho” crossfit mentality brings the SF out of all the trainers and all, funny enough they call the winner of the crossfit games “The fittest man in the earth” but dude that won it last year can’t even run a mile (Kid you not, he actually said so himself) and I have yet to see one ex SF on the games, I guess doing a hard workout for 5 minutes then stopping gets boring to the dudes that run all day and get shot in anger *shrug*
Old Dog, I hereby declare myself to be an IED, in spades!!!
And the players for next year’s tournament are already crawling out of the woodwork in numbers!
“Unfortunately if he ever served he can honestly say he was “in” the Marine Corps. Though as Marines we don’t consider anyone a “Marine” that hasn’t finished Recruit Training or OCS, if they attempt training they are considered to have been Marines from a legal standpoint.”
I have to disagree with you on this one, Old Dog. Marines determine who is or is not a Marine, not lawyers. No Marine Officer Candidate, whether he completed the program or dropped out at the first opportunity, is a Marine until he accepts his commission. Your argument that he is “legally” a Marine would involve letting lawyers make the decision as to who is a Marine and who is not. With all due respect, lawyers can kiss my ass. You don’t accept the commission, you’re not a Marine.
It hurts me to say this, as my son completed 10 weeks of PLC training with a fractured shinbone during the last two weeks, but turned down his commission. (Turned out to be a wise move, I now see.) He would never dream of calling himself a Marine. But then, he’s not a worthless turd, like most of the folks featured on this site.
Looks like this douche, but no indications he says he was in the Corps.
The website I found said the following:
Brian has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and did the supporting research for a book that advocates treating depression through lifestyle changes such as fitness, nutrition, sleep and socialization. He also spent some time in special ops training for the marines until becoming injured in a training accident. After being told me may never walk normally again, Brian fully rehabilitated himself through CrossFit in about 6 months and is now an elite level CrossFit athlete. During his career as a trainer, Brian has specialized in helping people reach big weight loss goals and has restored movement and function in older, injured or de-conditioned folks. He has also developed speed, power and strength in numerous athletes.
OCS is just like special ops training right?
Once again…this guy has what appears to be a very good business
And is even a rated athlete in cross fit
Yet another guy with absolutely no need to embellish or make shit up
Yeah, I went there.
This clown strikes me as a guy who keeps the backdoor unlocked.
I have already alerted the admin on skinny with this guy. I grew up with him and went to school with him. The facebook page thebronze posted is the same Brian Stites. He is from Olathe Kansas, he attended and graduated from Olathe South High School in 1998. I couldn’t believe it myself, but it’s the same guy I knew. I’m ashamed to say I used to call this guy a friend.
I checked, if you have your head up your ass, it stays inflamed forever
Or its infected.
Fake ass wannabee Marine Officer? What a tough guy :p
I have to disagree with you on this one, Old Dog. Marines determine who is or is not a Marine, not lawyers. No Marine Officer Candidate, whether he completed the program or dropped out at the first opportunity, is a Marine until he accepts his commission. Your argument that he is “legally” a Marine would involve letting lawyers make the decision as to who is a Marine and who is not. With all due respect, lawyers can kiss my ass. You don’t accept the commission, you’re not a Marine.
It hurts me to say this, as my son completed 10 weeks of PLC training with a fractured shinbone during the last two weeks, but turned down his commission. (Turned out to be a wise move, I now see.) He would never dream of calling himself a Marine. But then, he’s not a worthless turd, like most of the folks featured on this site.
@11 We aren’t determining titles here, we are talking benefits and status. If a guy signs the dotted line goes to the depot and goes to shit the first day he still gets a DD214 that says he was in the Marine Corps.
I’ll go a bit further, I ran the seps platoon at MCRD I had a few reruits that were Jacked up during training and got med boarded out. When their VA packages came back they got a clean DD214 VA bennies and Military ID that had their rank ( some were even LCPls) on it. Never graduated boot camp, but to society and legally he was a Marine, He could put Marine on a job application and no one could say squat about it and he couldnt be charged.
There is his personal fb page.
There’s the link to his cross-fit business fb page. You don’t even have to “like” his page to comment, which is pretty convenient!
He’s only a little over an hour away, may have to take a trip up there and say hi!
TURD. He. Is.
@10. I agree. We might have to go to a quarterly “Mini-Tournament.”
Since this is about me, I’d like to clarify. In 2007, I began training for enrollment in the USMC. I was training with guys who had been recon and planned to pursue that path. Due to my qualifications, I got moved over to the officer side. During training I got injured and was given the option to disenroll, as the severity of my injury would not allow me to continue. I began training again for another go at it, but got badly injured. At the time, the severity of the injuries was such that a military processing doctor told me I wouldn’t be able to walk normally again, and wouldn’t be medically cleared to continue. That’s the whole story. Sorry if it comes across differently, but that info gets passed through a lot of hands before it finally gets published. The hemorrhoid thing isn’t true either (although I have had them, thanks). I actually had a rectal ulcer that had to be surgically repaired. If you’ve ever had one, they’re very painful, and the blood loss got me down to anemic iron levels. You can continue to smear me if you’d like, but it doesn’t seem necessary.
Trainees/recruits who never completed BCT/OSUT/OCS/ROTC advance camp etc. should NEVER call themselves Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen/Marines. If asked, they should say they are exactly what they were, military trainees who never completed basic training (for whatever reasons).
This case reminds me of that media-loon Dan Rather, who kept insisting that he understood and empathized with the Warriors and Vets because he himself was a Marine; when in fact the real truth was that Dan Rather was a recruit who got kicked out of Marine Boot Camp in 1954 on a trainee discharge during his third week of training because he couldn’t hack it.
YOU are responsible for leaving the impression that you were a Marine Special Operator. YOU are responsible for leaving the impression that you were injured in the line of duty. YOU have never been a Marine. And YOU are PISSING OFF THOSE OF US WHO EARNED THE TITLE!!!!
So now it is a Dr told you you might never walk normally again…from would never walk again… Dude, you are the king of exagerations.
You told the story exactly as it was published. you gave the impression and wanted to give the impression you were a Marine Special Operator who was severely injured…
Sorry about your hemmorhoid buddy… must have been fucking rough. There are men in Special Operations still serving missing legs and arms…
You told your blown up story to boost your personal image in a business where image is everything. You did it to make more money….
Hey leave this guy alone, he was just acting as an Officer and a Gentleman. Pushing in people’s stools (er I mean hemoriods) when he was washed out.
So, Brian, the doctor told you that you were never going to walk again? From anal warts or something? Seriously?
Wowzers!! Mr. Tough Guy is threatening legal action when the truth is told about him. This will be entertaining.
“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
? Friedrich Nietzsche
@26 I’m a crossfiter (let me say an EX crossfiter) and
1. It’s because of people like you that I dislike that training, you didn’t have to let people think you were RECON, I’m glad you got back on your feet, you you more than anyone know that crossfit is nothing more that second week of ranger school .. elite fitness it is huh?
2. I’m not going to go into a crossfit rant as is not the purpose, but I would have believed the Marines showed you to be humble put your head down and work and I know crossfit is all about bragging rights, but for FUCK SAKE really? Khalipa can’t fucking run 400 meters!! is that “the fittest on earth”? really!? (BTW I live in norcal so I actually went to the norcal games and saw his bulkiness in all “glory” and how everything is lifting now)
Now I might be incorrect on this one and feel fre to tell me to fuck off but, unless you get assigned to a team, you are technically not in UDT so I presume it would be the same with RECON, unless you get that nice 0321 you are not going anywhere and I’d presume you get that assigned to a team so again … sounds like you can’t really call yourself RECON
so while the crossfit cult has done you good and I hope you keep getting better and keep healthy you should stop the douchebaginness crossfit already has a lot, it needs more humble people, so do the sport and yourself a favor and just keep your head down, work hard and be humble.
PS Nice crossfit times hope they are not RX 🙂
@26 – So just what where these qualifications that got you moved over to the officer side, besides a degree?
Just for clarification
If you’re in the Army – You’re called a Soldier
If you’re in the Navy – You’re called a Sailor
If you’re in the Air Force – You’re called an Airman
One is never “IN” the Marines, one is always “A” Marine, if you had actully served you would understand this.
Earned Never Given
So using your own logic I could train with Don and his Extreme Seal Experience and claim to have spent some time in special ops just like you.
A bad case of roids by someone who is literally “busting their ass” or “working their ass off” as in the case of hard working military folk – no problem and treatable.
A case a roids by a flunky OCS student who could not make it through a third of the course – not so much.
So, Brian says that for some reason that he couldn’t post a comment again. I don’t see it in “spam” so I don’t know what the problem is, but he wants you to know this;
name = Brian Stites
email = xxx
phone = xxx
comments = I tried posting a comment on your blog. Will you put it up? It goes like this: I began training for the Marines in 2007 with guys attached to the recruitment office who had been recon, and my plan was to pursue that path. Due to my qualifications, I got moved over to the officer side. I went in to OCS in May, but got injured pretty badly and was given the option to disenroll as the injury was severe enough to prevent further training. After I recovered, I began training for another run at it, but got severely injured (knocked out of a 3-story stand). A military processing doctor told me that the injury would disqualify me from serving and that I probably wouldn’t walk normally again. That was the end of my military career. The injury I sustained while in OCS was a rectal ulcer that leaked so much blood that I became anemic. I did have hemorrhoids (unrelated, but I’m glad you brought it up), but have also had those surgically repaired. In getting this information to the website, it passes through a number of hands and gets condensed down to the point where it doesn’t even sound like what I sent them. I’m sorry if that’s confusing, and we’ll try to clarify it on the website. Thank you for allowing me to address this post.
Special operations training I wasn’t aware that Officers had that option in the first 5 weeks of training….
The problem with this whole thing is that even if Brian wanted to be a special forces, or force recon marine he wasn’t training with spec ops in the first 5 weeks he was learning how to become a Marine Officer when he was injured.
Brian, no matter what you wanted to do in the Corps you didn’t survive basic training at OCS. There’s no shame in that it happens to lots of guys they get hurt the get medically released it is what is is.
If you were going to tell the truth it would have been honest to say, “Brian wanted to be a member of the Marine Corp Force Recon program and joined the Marine Corps in May of 2008 where he was seriously injured in basic OCS training forcing him to leave the Marine Corps in July of 2008. His recovery from these injuries was aided through the use of the cross fit program, to this day Brian regrets being injured prior to being able to serve but he holds all of our service men and women in the highest regard and honors their service”
That’s how a decent PR person makes you look good with the truth instead of some fabricated nonsense about special operations training….get your PR folks squared away, make an honest apology for the confusion and move on…veterans are a pretty forgiving bunch when folks are sincere in their apologies and corrections….not so much with continued bullsh1t and falsehoods.
Here’s his new bio on the website:
Has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and did the supporting research for a book that advocates treating depressionthrough lifestyle changes such as fitness, nutrition, sleep and socialization. He also spent some time in special ops training for the marines until becoming injured in a training accident. After being told me may never walk normally again, Brian fully rehabilitated himself through CrossFit in about 6 months and is now an elite level CrossFit athlete. During his career as a trainer, Brian has specialized in helping people reach big weight loss goals and has restored movement and function in older, injured or de-conditioned folks. He has also developed speed, power and strength in numerous athletes.
@ 35 … Ain’t that the truth!
“In the Navy” brings on a whole new meaning of what it means to be a “Sailor”.
Note: The above message is satire.
@26, the fuck it isn’t neccessary! You’re a shitbag liar and you should go eat a bag of a dicks! I hope you get a hemorrhoid the size of your ego that never goes away!
^^^ I like her!!!
@42, eat a bag of dicks may be one of my favorite phrases I’ve learned here 🙂
What a lying, word-parsing piece of shit. How the fuck does one get “moved over to the officer side”? It doesn’t happen, unless you take the path the CWO above can tell you about. And what the fuck does training with recon have to do with it? Having a few runs in the morning != “training” with them. And even if it does, nobody gives a fuck who you trained with. Did you finish? Did. You. Finish?
No? Then GTFO and DIAF, you posing cock-sucker.
@37 Jonn this makes my point, so you are “an elite crossfiter” but you get hurt on basic at OCS twice … @39 that sounds more honest Now “Elite Crossfiter Trainer” let me give you some very honest advice, if you are going to train ppl: 1. Learn to figure out if ppl have hormonal problems. Some might and instead of saying “maybe you should get a surgery” (kid you not) a simple test would have learned that 2. Stay away from the zone diet, LEARN nutrition. Robb Wolf the guy that created the paleo diet that so many crossfiters follow to the T advocates NOT doing crossfit (BTW the strict paleo is VERY bad for your eyes as they ned glucose and the strict paleo without no carbup days denies it and you will hurt your sight … pro tip, free too not like crossfit that even using the name gets you a “license fee” I’m amazed they haven’t emailed Jonn already) 3. Learn how ripped muscles look like, no … REALLY … working out with a fucking torn muscle is not a good way to keep on doing Fran is it? so learn it as your ppl are going insane as fast as they can and if their technique is bad it might hurt them in the end 4. You look like you care (I took a peek at your FB page), thank you, keep on caring, never get into your “elite gang” and forget that person that is struggling, puking and giving it all but is not making the “elite gang”. 5. While ice baths might be a “good idea” I would sugest you look into heat-cold-heat treatment specially with rice bags, heat will relax the muscles, an ice bath will drop the inflamation but will seize them, and believe meeeeeeeeee … not a fun experience to have a leg seized up with 80 lbs on your pack in the middle of nowhere (that’s how I learned .. NO FUCKING ICE MR!!) it was a decent view but I was in pain, with no ibuprofen, I’m an… Read more »
@43 – You can learn all sorts of fun and educational words and phrases on here. Hell, they ought to start charging! Sometimes I like to try the really good ones on my boss…
So does the fact I once did a semi-annual PRT with a SEAL mean I “trained with the SEALs” too?
@47 – I thought in the interest of making things less complicated, Ray Maybus said all sailors were to be considered SEALS – even those who previously served?
Naw, man. You’re good. I’ll send you a TRIDENT. Just let me know where to send it. It’ll be my gift to you.
@40 – You want one too?
In the 60’s, I wanted to be a fighter pilot, so I joined the ANG. Since I didn’t wash out of training, can I now claim to have been a fighter pilot?
(No, I never went to USAF pilot training, but I wanted to. Following the logic displayed by Brian, that would just not matter because I WANTED to be a fighter pilot and every bit of training I did have with the USAF was toward that unfulfilled goal.)
@49 – I’ll send you your device, too. What the heck?!