brian stites

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brian stites
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Since this is about me, I’d like to clarify. In 2007, I began training for enrollment in the USMC. I was training with guys who had been recon and planned to pursue that path. Due to my qualifications, I got moved over to the officer side. During training I got injured and was given the option to disenroll, as the severity of my injury would not allow me to continue. I began training again for another go at it, but got badly injured. At the time, the severity of the injuries was such that a military processing doctor told me I wouldn’t be able to walk normally again, and wouldn’t be medically cleared to continue. That’s the whole story. Sorry if it comes across differently, but that info gets passed through a lot of hands before it finally gets published. The hemorrhoid thing isn’t true either (although I have had them, thanks). I actually had a rectal ulcer that had to be surgically repaired. If you’ve ever had one, they’re very painful, and the blood loss got me down to anemic iron levels. You can continue to smear me if you’d like, but it doesn’t seem necessary.