Rudy Schwartz-Mejia; phony Ranger
![Rudy Mejia](
Rudy Schwartz-Mejia claims to have been a Mogadishu Ranger, says he jumped into Panama with them, too. He claims that he was a POW somewhere in there, too. The American Legion Magazine featured him in their July, 2002 issue with this;
![Rudy Mejia AL Mag](
Soon after that he was booted from the American Legion because of an unwarranted outburst that frightened other members of his post. It was about that time that someone got his records;
![Rudy Mejia FOIA](
During Panama, he was in the National Guard and it was three years before he went to jump school. There’s no mention of the Purple Heart that you see on his jacket lapel in the picture above, or any mention of his being a POW like the American Legion article mentions. And I guess if you round his three years of service way up, well, that’s almost ten years right?
I see he has an arrest record for vandalism in 1987, and a weapons charge in the mid-nineties while he was trying to sell a tear gas canister in LA. In 2004 he was arrested for prostitution when he exposed himself to undercover agents, and there are two battery arrests in 2005 and when he was answering those charges, he told the judge that he had a Purple Heart according to a lawyer who was in the room.
Mary tells us that he busted more than a decade for his fake Ranger stories, but he continues to pop up on her screen. So let’s make him famous.
Category: Phony soldiers
This sh!tbird, again? He’s like a bad booger you can’t flick off your finger.
Try Kleenex. Or cornhusks.
VSO’s need to get their shit together. Here the VFW’s approval process is weak and they don’t do FOIA’s on the DD214’s that are required for applicants.
I’ve been wondering how many phonies are in the VFW chapter I’m in with so many recent phonies being exposed.
It’s so damn easy for anyone with basic computer skills to forge or obtain a DD214 nowadays. They HAVE to start getting the official copies.
The California Legionnaire says that he works for the VA. WTF? So now the VA hires convicted felons and valor thieves. I’ll bet he votes straight Democrat too.
Why do you have to mock the Democrats? Plus you have no evidence that this phony, wanna-be hero is a Democrat. Let’s be realistic, it has been proven that Republican right-wing fanatics in government who lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident that provoked LBJ to bombed North Vietnam that resulted in the Vietnam fiasco with 58,479 deaths of “my” U.S. Armed Forces brothers & sisters, millions of native Southeast Asian deaths, and destruction by chemical poisons of 75% of that country’s arabel lands. Both Republicans, G.W.Bush Jr. & Dick Chaney, both these clowns, were bona fide draft dodgers. But when they arrived to old age, they provoked our country to go to war in Iraq with lies of “weapons of mass destruction” that Saddam had ready to use against the U.S.,which turned out to be again a “criminal conspiracy” by Fascist Republicans to provoke yet another fiasco of bloody violence resulting in the deaths and wounding of thousands of our kids in uniform. In my service to my country as an 0311 grunt (advanced infantryman), I’ve never claimed I was a hero. I was only a Marine that obeyed all orders that I was confronted with, but I am a 50% service connected i.e. lost my left ear hearing doing my duty as a “loader” for a 106 anti-tank weapon and exposed to a foreign element in a jungle in Southeast Asia, for whcil I had dermotology surgery twice (San Diego Balboa Naval M.C. & San Antonio Veterans M.C.), and colon cancer (two surgeries at Housston’s Veterans M.C.). On the latter issue, the jury is still out if the cancer was related to the jungle exposure. Follow me on,Jr.
Fella, if you really believe the bullsh!t you wrote above – seek professional help.
The historical record makes it crystal clear that LBJ engineered the Gulf of Tonkin resolution because he wanted to neutralize Vietnam as a political issue for the 1964 Presidential election. LBJ also knew full well that the second attack (on the USS Turner Joy) almost certainly never happened. He ordered the retaliatory attacks anyway. And less than a year later, he used the Gulf of Tonkin resolution to commit the US to war – unilaterally, and without Congress becoming involved whatsoever in approving it.
That was no “right-wing conspiracy”, bud. That was just the LBJ administration doing what they did best: lying through their teeth for political purposes.
You would be funny, if you weren’t so pathetic. Your historical revisionism is laughable. Republicans did not force LBJ into the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. He did that all by himself. As for Operation Iraqi Freedom, you obviously haven’t been keeping up with current events. It seems the Obama administration is very concerned about IS getting hold of nuclear and biological material from former Iraqi dictator Hussein’s WMD stockpiles. You really should try reading some actual news rather than sucking propaganda out of Obama’s cock. I usually don’t jump on another veteran, but you are a truly biased fucking moron. BTW, I’m 100% disabled due to service in Iraq (OIF II).
Don’t be too hard on the fool, ArmyATC. He obviously reads the MSM and takes everything they say at face value – even after it’s been proven false.
Take the “Bush draft doger” horsedung, for example. It’s been documented that Bush in fact volunteered to go on active duty from the USAFR and serve in Vietnam. However, the USAF at the time had enough more experienced pilots already and did not allow him to go.
Those too stupid to research the facts and comprehend things for themselves must be spon-fed. And they sometimes swallow crap disguised as truth.
In short: individuals like this are to be pitied.
Very true, Hondo. This guy is most definitely pathetic. I just can’t find it in myself to drum up even a smidgeon of pity for assclowns like Schwartz-Mejia or this Garcia character. Now contempt I have in buckets full, and disdain by the barrel.
JJ – I don’t know what you hoped to accomplish by your post, but let me thank you for one thing you did accomplish: drawing renewed attention to Rudy Schwartz-Mejia, phony Ranger!
Wonderful. Another fool who considers service in the ANG to be “draft dodging.”
Gee, all those C-130 crews flying around delivering folks in the ME might enjoy hearing you call them that. And, all the refuelers serving back in the day would really have enjoyed you trying that on them.
Willful ignorance is always sad.
JJ, it’s evident that you are everything that you seem to hate; a partisan political hack, but with the parties reversed. Honestly, crack a book to research what is spewing out of your pie hole and stop making a fool of yourself.
Why do some here mock the Democrats? Because, much like their political opposition inside the Beltway, the just beg to be mocked.
Also, as a former CA resident, I am pretty familiar with the voting demographics of the area. And unless you’re somewhere behind the Orange Curtain (and Highland Park sure as fuck ain’t) the chances of him being a good reliable Democrat are pretty fucking up there.
The crime of Stolen Valor continues… and No real consequences! It is maddening.
Where can we find this flake? Online, or in person.
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There is something about this clown that really ticks me off.
He was outed at the AL post by two Rangers. He panicked and jumped out the 2nd story window. They were able to grab onto his legs before he landed on his melon and dragged him back in, whereupon he confessed to his sh!tbaggery.
We have not even finished this year’s tourney and the brackets are already filling up.
“So let’s make him famous.” Or, should that be INfamous?
As you’ve pointed out many times before, where there’s one offense (SV), there’s usually many others (theft, fraud, assault, child xx, etc). Just another shitbag that proves the rule.
Another Mogadishu Ranger. Of course.
In the movie, he’s the one Hollywood portrayed as the guy who fell out of the helicopter in the fast-rope accident – or the guy who had his eardrums burst by his battle-buddy who crossed the M243 and fired at the skinny’s.
Once again….the Legion..MY Legion…that I have been a proud member of for 20 years…totally ignoring this asshat’s outlandish claims until pushed into a corner
Maybe his POW status came from being held against his will in a 2LTs training meeting… a 2LT who just learned how to make PowerPoint Presentations!
Folks have gotta know that there are only a handful of POW’s from Gulf War/War on Terror…This is so incredibly easy to validate. Shame on him for telling his lies. Shame on his Post for buying it!!!
FUCK ALL Valor Thieves. I’d love to meet the two Rangers that outed him, their next shot and a beer would be on me! I’m also curious as to what other scams and con games he’s got going.
Another scumbag…
And the hits just keep on coming, folks. This guy had a decent hitch – ABN, AASLT and an EIB. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. I just don’t get guys like this. As many as I’ve seen in the short time I’ve been here – and thank y’all for putting up with me – It all comes back to a single question: “Why?”
LebbenB: a guy once gave me that answer years ago: “Some people are just assholes.”
Works as well as any other answer I’ve heard.
Hondo: Yeah, it works. But damned if these folks don’t break my heart…
@3, I didn’t have to show anything when I joined the VFW. Granted the fact that I’m from a 2 stoplight town, was the only Iraq veteran from that town at the time, and everybody knew me helped.
@20, There aren’t a whole heck of a lot of us with an EIB now days. With the optempo during the war on terror there hasn’t been much time to earn one. That’s why for the E-8 board they put more stock in the EIB than they do the CIB.
Can someone please just once pretend to be a US Navy “Boiler Technician (BT) from the 1980’s” who sailed the seven seas, visited exotics ports of call and enjoyed every possible available of native libations?
#24: Problem is who wants to pretend to be a boiler tech when they can pretend to be exotic amphibian animal life, like a SEAL or somethin’…
@ 25 … Good point.
If he’s claiming an unearned purple heart that is prosecutable under the new statute as it is one of the awards specifically mentioned in the legislation….
Shown Here:
Public Law (06/03/2013)
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)
Stolen Valor Act of 2013 – Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:
a Congressional Medal of Honor,
a distinguished-service cross,
a Navy cross,
an Air Force cross,
a silver star,
a Purple Heart,
a Combat Infantryman’s Badge,
a Combat Action Badge,
a Combat Medical Badge,
a Combat Action Ribbon,
a Combat Action Medal, or
any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.
@23. Indeed. A bunch of my former minions are now SSGs and as a group they were whining that they had to go through EIB training when, “I already have my CIB.” I told them that CIBs are easy to get. EIBs take effort (FYI, it took me 5 tries to get mine.) I was surprised about the “makeover” done to the EIB POI. Everything (Except APFT, Day/Night Land Nav, and Weapon’s Qual) is STX lane driven.
OKAY Chief, I was BT on the Princeton, Valley Forge, Iwo Jima and the Lpd Vancouer. Sailed the Nam,PI and Oki. Part of this is true(well actually almost all of it). Joe
I saw the same thing from many of my E-5’s and E-6’s.
I heard the same thing and I told them to knock it off and go do it.
I got mine as an E-2. That shut them up.
All of you 11Bs and 0311s The pride you take in your combat medals is why I go after POSERS claiming Flight medals. Joe
I remember reading a quote by some Stolen Valor Hunters, the Schantags if I’m correct, and Mrs. S. said that “Only about 500 US Navy SEALS served in Vietnam, and we’ve investigated all 30,000 of them.” It appears that the same applies for US Army Rangers in Somalia!
A total butt plug,kind of makes me wonder just how many Vet’s I see now at military parades etc,have ever really served.He should be pistol whipped until he begs for forgiveness.
I wonder why he was discharged with less than three years active duty in the Army and combined service with the Guard at just over four years?
There is typically an eight-year miltary obligation that is not accounted for here.
What a first class ass rash.
Eight year thing can be fulfilled by just being on the IRR doing nothing. You can do a 2 year enlistment and get out. It’s just you have six years where they can call you back is all.
@36- Understood. The IRR period is typically documented on the FOIA documents we see here.
“Ranger” Burrell’s long, lost son.
Hmmmm….I’ll try it your way:
See, I can type in ALL CAPS too, you fuckstick.
@39- Would you care to share your version of the truth with us?
He has no version of the truth, just an alternate set of lies….
I had the unfortunate experience of knowing this TURD. We were in the same American Legion Post together for a short time back in the late 1990’s (Highland Park-Los Angeles.) He was a total ASSHAT/FUCKTARD. He ALWAYS played the disturbed combat vet act. He was always talking about having spoken with different soldiers involved in Mogadishu,(which he claimed to have served in.) He carried around a copy of Black Hawk Down, supposedly autographed by several different folks mentioned in the operation who were made famous after the book release. I recall him showing me pictures from Morocco, where he claims to have been thrown off the set during the filming of Black Hawk Down, where claimed to be an adviser! Talk about delusional! I left the post after finding out about his lying. I have never seen or spoke to him since. He may not have PTSD from combat, (since he was never in it,)but he certainly has issues with psychosis and anger. Nothing a frontal lobotomy won’t cure. If anyone else out there runs into him, don’t be afraid to rearrange his face for him. 😉
he is recently at los angeles trade tech college.
Fake Gothic Serpent dirtbags. Every time I read about Randy Shugart and Gary Gordon, both REAL heroes, it makes me want to puke when I think about people faking it. Not to mention Michael Durant.
If he’s got Purple Heart plates he can be prosecuted. Anyone know if he does?
In 1989, I went through Basic Training and Infantry AIT with Rudy Mejia at Ft. Benning, GA. He continually tried to impress/intimidate others in the Company by claiming to be a member of the LA-based street gang, “The Avenues”. He would flash the gang sign over his heart, and couldn’t understand why nobody was ever impressed or intimidated. He was extremely unstable, and had the mental faculties of a small child.
After graduation, he returned to California and the CA National Guard. Since I was active duty, I thought that was the last I would ever see of him. Unfortunately, a year later, he transferred from the CA National Guard to the Regular Army, and was assigned to my BN.
He did earn his Basic Jump Wings, Air Assault Badge, and EIB. He did not, however, attend any other schools he claims, deploy overseas, earn any of the awards he claims, or see any combat whatsoever. He ETS’d a month before I did, so I know his claims are 100% false.
Inside Rudy’s head are tiny squirrels juggling tiny flaming chainsaws. I pity him more than anything else.