Idiotic Cabal trying to figure out Stolen Valor Vulture Command Structure
So, despite our not discussing Wittgenfeld around here lately, he’s been a busy little bee. ShOrTbUsPaTrOl 41 is deep behind our lines, ferreting out information that many Bothans died to keep quiet. We don’t know how he got it, he’s just crazy good like that. In Viet Nam he would fire his AK to draw the “gooks” in, and then sky dive down on them in a clown costume and assault them with candy, and presumably they would all die of gun decay or something, but with him so close, we figured it was time to come clean.
Now that he’s teamed up with fellow short bus rider Combat Internet Stalking he’s on a roll, including having stolen what he presumes is our graphic command strructure:
Alas, that is only our phone tree in case we have a snow day.
We can not hide ourselves any longer, and thus I share with you for the first time, our ACTUAL command structure:
Apparently according to his theory, because I interviewed Ollie, than Ollie must be our #3 guy. Yeah right. Like I am going to write monthly counseling statements on that guy.
Everyone should go follow the “Combat Internet Stalking” guy though. He’s hella-crazy.
(BTW- How did they find out about Sniper? He was our best agent.)
UPDATE: Confirming he is N-V-T-S nuts, Wittgenfeld responds:
Dallas Wittgenfeld
8:38 AM – Public
This is LoNgE RaNgE PaTrOL 41….. over…! Oh, Yah… I love to visit this shit-hole … Soooo when the news media begins asking “Ol’ Ollie” if he really knows the people I have found on his lists..? This pictured echelon structure hereon.. He will say: “Why, yes. I know all those Marines and the Army Dog-Robbers too”. THEN the real-deal Airborne Ranger LRRP Vietnam War Veteran who used to shoot his AK-47 to signal the enemy to their doom… will be on a roll then.
Don’t try to attach me to your other valor vulture victims… I am NOT THEM… Only me. Focus On me…. THE LRRP 41 COMETH..!
Yeah, dude, focus down. You keep promising media front page coverage of us harrassing you, but all we get are your dopey updates read by like 8 people, 7 of whom are our guys. Do, or do not, there is no try.
UPDATE: Dude just can’t help himself. I wonder if he even realizes when he is lying.
Yeah, see that Air Show was cancelled back in February.
So which of you Valor Vultures invited this man to a cancelled air show? Because he couldn’t possibly just make things up to be an implied threat, right?
Category: Politics
Damn his mad (or, perhaps, psychotic) skills
Where’s the Smoking Man? Ahhhh…that’s right, he’s back there, behind the scenes. He doesn’t exist.
The Beard is a WMD.
What a great service, I have always wanted to meet the folks who run this site. Keep up the super fine work you are doing!!!!
@4, we live in the shadows, and only come out to fight crime.
Unless the first round is on you, in which case you need only name a time and place.
But thank you for the kind words. We obviously enjoy what we do.
I once said I was in the company of the finest rogues on the planet. I can think of no better place to be.
Thanks for the laugh this early in the AM, TSO. Cleared the cobs out of my lungs. 🙂
I am pissed that I was not at least identified as the logistics guy!
Maybe Wittgenfeld is concerned that he will not be in this year’s contest and needed to pop up and grab a slot?’s all good. Sniper got picked off, but we’ve still got some deep sleeper agents in Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys and Ed Grimley.
Nobody suspects Canadians, man…aw, shit. What have I done?
Damn, Shortbus has you all figured out….the jig is up!
What’s next, DullASS? ‘Shopping penises near pictures?
Wow, that was so hella funny, like in 4th grade.
Damn, NHSparky – you’re a bit late in trying to Blame Canada. South Park already did that. (smile)
Oh, shit – WitlessOne is off his meds again . . . .
How did they find out about Sniper? Must have been the fez I brought him back from Kosovo a few years ago!
@13, he’s always on his one trick pony, we just mostly ignore him, but I love how he can take disparate things and tie them into the conspiracy. I literally interviews Ollie for a story, and somehow now he is part of the conspiracy. I don’t recall even bring up Stolen Valor with him. I didn’t get it on tape if I did.
TSO: my comment 13 was more of a joke than anything else. IMO WitlessOne pretty much always acts like he’s off his meds.
@15, I’ll let our PAO here know that she is part of the vast conspiracy. Won’t she be shocked.
Yeah, well, he tied Michelle Malkin to us (I wish!) when TSO met her in Vegas, too. So apparently, everyone who gets their picture taken with us is an “Orwellian valor vulture”. I’m still waiting for his lawsuit and the VA doctor cracking down on us.
Homey needs to take his meds
In case he’s reading this column:
I’m warning you, Wittgenfeld. I WILL satirize you ruthlessly.
I have a pen and I know how to use it.
@7: Sshhhhh! OpSec, Master Chief, OpSec. They don’t know about me, either, and we need to keep it that way. We work very hard to keep our super secret ninja squirrel identities ATS (That’s Above Top Secret for Dallas).
DullASS–unlike PH2, I’m not nearly as kind, or gentle, and frankly, I just don’t give a shit.
She’ll satarize you. I’ll just give you a nice proverbial kick in your 1/4-inch dick.
It’s okay, they only got my body double and that week it was being played by Rosie O’Donnell in a viking helmet. I’m just pissed off that they found out that I have to report to a slinky. It’s kind of humiliating.
Could be worse. I have to try to rationalize with Jayne Cobb.
This guy is as crazy as a sack full of meth addicted weasels.
I am dissapointed, at one time I played a key role in this chain of command, at least in the mind (or what passes for one) of dillworth and company. They even tried convincing my employer of this, which was cause for much laughter.
About time Combat Internet Stalking guy has made the rounds. He is beyond batshit crazy. He goes out of his way to send veterans messages on facebook, threatening them and harassing them when things dont go his way. To think he started out trying to bust people for Stolen Valor. Now he is out teaming up with that nutcase Dallas. Things are about to get really embarrassing for the character known as Douglas Collett.
Come on, Whipitout, I have sweaters with higher IQs than yours. Lame-o, lame-o, lame-o.
You gonna jump out of an airplane today? Let me know where and when. It’s been a while since I got a boor without firing a shot.
Oh, yeah — do you REALLY trust that parachute rigger??????
dude either needs to double or even triple his medication dosage or cut it way back
That’s Mr. Slinky to you.
Message sent from deep cover hidesite inside TSOs beard.
I confess I am not a veteran and try to follow this site as much as I can. But I have no idea what this guy is talking about. Or is that really the point… 🙂
Andy Kravetz, reporter
Peoria (Ill.) Journal Star
@31: Andrew, I’m sure that the point is buried so deeply that peyote will be involved before you understand.
Andy Kravetz: many of us wonder whether WitlessOne actually is trying to make a point – or if so, if he actually understands the point he’s trying to make.
Well, Andy, I AM a vet and have the same issue! We may not have the correct meds to properly interpret whatever it is that appears the result of self medication?
@31 – he’s batshit crazy. That’s all you really need to know.
You might try some tequila, so those ramblings make a little more sense, but… I doubt that will help.
DAMN, he’s nuttier than a barrel of squirrel shit!
Wow. That dude’s FB page pretty much screams for the men in white coats. Anger issues much? Jeezus.
He has a LOT of bats in his belfry, too!
Still advertises himself as the Archslayer Warrior of God.
A couple of seriously high voltage shock treatments might help. Or not.
Dunno about that, Ex-PH2. I understand he’s down to three working brain cells – and one of those is balky as hell and regularly goes on “vacation” as it is. You wanna risk burning out one of the other two?
Sure, why not? Then we’d have a reason for naming him a zombie. I’m just amazed he hasn’t found anothe blunt instrument like Timmy Ramey to do his dastardly deeds for him.
@Andy Kravitz. I believe I am one of Dullasses earliest targets for slander and bizarre accusations. Started up around September/October of 2010 on facebook. When facebook finally tired of him and his lunacy he had to move to Google which apparently has much lower standards.
It goes beyond just tirades online, he has actually tried getting people fired from their jobs (myself included) Harassed them, their families and friends, and is just an all-around loon.
The man is absolutely batshit crazy, and there is no reasoning with him as he is incapable of rational thought.
The other one… birds of a feather flock together.
I am taking it this wont be the end of Combat internet stalking aka Douglas Collett. Because he is dragging everyone in this mess he has created. Dallas guy is funny, him and Combat internet stalking was a match made in heaven. I guess they are like Steven Seagal and Jean Claude Van Damme if they teamed up together to make an action film.
@43 – You mean, they’d get into a stud fight?
How could that happen when they’re both geldings?
Batshit crazy is something I get. I cover the courts mostly and well, there are a lot of people whom you just look at and shake your head. Like the guy who wanted to go pro se (by himself) in a murder trial.
You can’t fix stupid….
Where’s Mikey in his hierchy? If he don’t know about Mikey, he don’t know sh!t…
BTW, Ollie is part of EVERY conspiracy- it’s on the internet dontcha know…
Mikey, the Large and In Charge, is resting on his throne. He will respond, if appropiately bribed with tuna fish and catnip.
He just won’t let it go, will he? The two words that spring immediately to mind are “Psychotic Break.”
#44 Well pretty sure Doug and Dallas are having plenty of swordfights in the basement.
@49 – Heeheehee! 🙂 I’m having FAR too much fun today.
@48 – This is the problem with someone whose brain has turned to slush. He can only focus on one thing at a time… for an unfortunately VERY, VERY long time, kind of like a pitbull with a bone. If you tap the pitbull’s head, he just looks at you and goes on hanging on like a leech with teeth.