Randolph Walter German; phony Marine, POW & Vietnam Vet
![Randy German photo](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Randy-German-photo-300x297.png?resize=300%2C297)
I hijacked this from Scotty’s house about Randy German who claims that he’s a weapons expert and a sniper. According to Scotty, his awards span over 33 years of service, yet he has one service stripe. I guess the other 10 stripes would make his uniform look crowded and draw attention from his ribbons. But those are a lot of ribbons, for someone who spent three years as a cook, when he wasn’t serving a sentence after a summary court martial;
![Randy German assignments](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Randy-German-assignments-196x300.png?resize=196%2C300)
The Marines differ somewhat with Randy on how many ribbons he has;
![Randy German FOIA](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Randy-German-FOIA-300x236.png?resize=300%2C236)
Scotty writes;
He claims to be a Marine Corps sniper and weapons expert, yet wears a first award expert rifle badge and pistol sharpshooter badge and none of the devices I would expect to see on the uniform of a career sniper or Recon Marine, including jump wings or dive bubble. As I mentioned, he wears the POW Medal, yet appears in no POW registry I can find. He wears the extremely rare Navy Marine Corps Medal, typically awarded for noncombat lifesaving. And through his many private messages bragged excessively about his Marine Corps service
His defense is that Mary pasted his name into someone else’s records, because, you know, Mary isn’t busy enough that she has to make up phony records. But, there’s more at Scotty’s place. You should click over because he makes up dead wives and pretends that he’s really the “Saluting Marine”.
Category: Phony soldiers
He’s in my facebook album of shame. The guy also claims a Silver Star and Purple Heart,, As well as being a Gold Star Spouse and Parent. Hes a scammer of epic and biblical proportions.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4253696698635&set=a.3968771895693.2154488.1172311351&type=3&theater
An old, gnarly turd.
You know, the kind you scoop up (your dog) after the snow melts?
For our esteemed Marine colleagues here…I know that the 27th Marines eventually deployed to Vietnam, but I think it was not until late ’67 or early ’68. This dude served with 1/27 during late ’66; so where was 27th Marines stationed during the 66-67 period before they were deployed to the RVN? Was it in Pendleton or Kaneohe or somewhere else? Just piqued my curiosity. Thanks!
What a gold-plated idiot.
27th Marines were at Camp Pendleton conducting training prior to receiving orders to deploy to Vietnam on 13 Feb 1968
It amazing how I, who is not that computer literate, can type in a few words on google and in seconds pull up the information on the 27th Marine Regiment. So surprised the posers don’t before they start their web of lies and deceit. Especially those trying to use their “Military Service” for financial gain.
Obvioiusly, his chronological record is correct, as 1st Battalion was in Kaneohe Bay, and 2d and 3d Battalion were at Pendleton. As far as when the regiment deployed, I recall some elements (if not a battalion) was sent to Vietnam in response to the Tet Offensive (I’ll have to check).
Also, I just checked Scotty’s page and saw the rest of his chronological record. After K-Bay he went to 29 Palms, where he remained with 9th Communication Battalion (referred to 9th “Crime” Battalion in the mid to late 80’s) still as a cook. That unit falls under IMEF at Pendleton today. There’s no FPO listing in his records, so that tells me he never deployed or ever went overseas.
Well, I can think of many Army Cooks who seemed that they were trying to kill us with bad food.
Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m rusty, but I read his records as him leaving 27th Marines 13 Dec 66 and transferring to Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot, Oahu, from 14 Dec 66 to 13 Dec 68. With him splitting his time between guard duty, cooking and in being in custody.
I read the first sentence of this and nearly crapped my pants. This guy has the same name as my brother. It sucks now that if you Google my brother you get this asstard. It made me think how many other people these butthorns screw that share a name with them. My brother was in the Army so some confusion could happen. Thank goodness my brother is a crazy person and tries to live “off the grid”. Haha!
Ah, family. Isn’t it great that everyone has that “one member that is a little off” that we all speak about in whispers.
#10: I saw his leaving 1/27 in Dec 66 and going to the NAD on Oahu, thus piquing my curiosity as to whether he transferred from the mainland to Hawaii, or whether he just transferred from Kaneohe to Lualualei (one side of Oahu to the other). This prompted me to ask the question in #4. I guess he just transferred from one end of Oahu to the other.
If he wants to be a POW so bad, how about we ship his ass to the Vietnam jungles now and let him live in a bamboo box for a couple of years?
24K Asswipe poser douchebag.
I knda “get” the POW claim. From looking at his assignments he was confined as a prisoner, and the US was at war at the time. (That’s sarcasm, btw) Maybe he should try PDW – Prisoner During a War – rather than POW.
Classic example of shitbaggus maximus. Unfortunately, they’re nowhere near being an endangered species these days.
Since the original FOIA gives his old USMC serial number (not protected info under the FOIA), I think I have what I need to file another one. I’m guessing it will say exactly the same – and will conclusively disprove German’s contention that “someone pasted my name on that”.
Stolen valor should result in being committed.
@16. If you don’t, he’ll keep repeating that as his mantra. I always like the absence of support from others with whom someone served. Is there anyone who can’t name a few people with whom one served? I mean, even without records, a fellow with his claimed record would have men in full assault mode on his side if what he claimed were true. And after 33 years? Jeez.
I feel like a shitbird now. I only made E-5 under 4yrs. While he made E-7 under 3yrs, sarc/off
Go for it, Hondo. Drill him.
USMCE8Ret@8, you got that right. 9th Comm Battalion has quite a reputation (as well as 7th Comm). I always say their battalion motto is “Tap, Rack, Bang!”
It just seems to be alot of these guys around these days.
The question is are they just morons? or are they sick.
There was a guy here in Jacksonville at the Memorial Park
gave a speech dressed up as a Lt. Col. Memorial Park is
where the Beirut Memorial a beam from 9/11 and the Vietnam
Glass Wall is, but it is still part of Camp Lejeune, so he
was arrested and did sometime, i think he got 3 months. In
my opinion he is a sick man.
My “ancient” memory of Navy career paths leads me to believe that this poser came out of MCRD and went forth to be the duty pass around: mess hall commando and Main Gate ID checker; Never broke out to earn another MOS. The “correctional custody” between guard assignments could either be as an error listing his assignment as a guard there or a resident.
Anyone who has been in the service and goes back to check their folder finds mistakes.
@21 – “Tap, Rack, Bang!” That’s a good one!
I was with MHG HQ back in the day when it was across the street from the mainside firestation (Pendleton) off Rattlesnake Canyon Rd. I was “fapped” over to 9th Comm for a stint to help them un-f-ck some things, then got rolled up to fight fires in Yellowstone. In the field, the Marines seemed to do O.K., but in garrison, the majority of them were criminals, thugs, punks and drug pushers. For some reason, it always seemed to be that way for that unit. I think it’s cursed somehow.
Phrog: you might have a point – except the guy was discharged at an odd time (3 yrs 8mos 9 days) as a Private/E-1. Last time I checked, it was pretty damn rare to see someone discharged as an E-1 after close to 4 years unless they had either a history of NJPs or a courts-martial.
Big Chicken Dinner.
That is my bet. I offer 3-1 odds.
Any takers……?
@26 Hell no, that’s a suckers bet. 🙂 Big chicken dinner sounds right…..Mmmmmmm Chicken! (It all comes back to Homer Simpson)
USMCE8Ret@24, I was at 9th Comm from April 1995 until January 1997, when I went over to 7th Comm. I was at a Staff and officers dinner for the Cahnge Of Command, and the outgoing CO had a list of “You might be the Commanding officer of 7th Commm Bn if….” The one that stuck out was “If PMO has your home phone number on speed dial.” As Homer Simpson would say, it’s funny because it’s true.
Dunno, Green Thumb. They still had the “undesirable” discharge back in 1969. Plus there were various other admin discharges (think the USMC equivalents of Army Chapters 10 and 14). Could have been any of them.
But IMO you’ve got a damn good chance of being right.
Hondo, I do recall a bosun’s mate who was such an obnoxious, disgusting person that he was routinely busted down to E-3 from E-5 and got busted to E-4 just before he was retired (fired) from the Navy after 20 years.
Whatever miscreance this guy committed must have been pretty bad.
As I understand it, that was rare but possible until Vietnam ended; up-or-out controls reputedly weren’t as strict then as they became post-Vietnam. But such became very difficult after Vietnam when the max number of years for an E5 was capped at 15.
I did know of one case where a guy retired after either 21 or 22 years service as an E3 in the early/mid-1980s. But that involved him getting a General Court-Martial (and getting busted from E7 to E3 as a result). Reputedly the only reason he didn’t get the boot was that the Army had already approved his retirement and JAG told the convening authority that giving him a punitive discharge was a NO-GO because of that fact. Don’t know from personal knowledge if that was the real reason he didn’t get a BCD or DD, but the guy ended up retiring as a PFC.
The National Guard is a bit different. In the ramp up to Iraq, I discovered one of the mechanics had been an E-5 for 20 years. He was waiting on his uncle to retire or die so he could get promoted.
Sometime having family in the unit is a great thing for discipline. One PFC was acting up, and his 2LT dad promised to take him behind the track if young britches didn’t straighten up.
In the “old” Army, it was all about the PT test.
300 = What you want it to be as Command.
Met dudes that were 300 hardcore, motivated, north arrow guys; met clowns that were “ethicaly challenged” as 300 guys.
Old School.
Will leave it at that.
Time to call some posers!
My college stress reliever.
“My Lady”
I apologize.
The Guard can be very interesting with rank, especially with reductions in rank not involving disciplinary action. Yes, I say that from personal experience.
The Guard family deals can work both ways, of course. For the most part, it is a benefit, but when it isn’t, it can get very, very bad. But there are always ways to overcome the obstacle. Always. 😉
GT: 🙂
You guys should really call these clowns.
Turds they are.
Show some respect, the guy faught with the goddam vIetkong. So what his phony records say about him being a cook, clssic government tactic after the work they made him do over there.
Guy worked DEEP cover, and is the guy that Seagal based his character on in Under Seige, quote: “I’m just a cook.”
Sharnell Ludgrow (Green Berray RTD)
You sure ol’ Randy didn’t say, “I’m just a crock”? 😀
Thanks for the comment trashing a dekorated hero who was on the last chopper out of Kaysun! My father was the guy who was held in his arms when he’d been hit by one of our own bullets, and Randolph kept him company in those last seconds.
Randolph was awarded three medals of honor for his service in Korea, Vietnam, and Bresnovsia during the break up of the Soviet Union.
Sharnell Ludgrow (Army Black Ops Retired)
Thanks for the laugh this morning!
OWB, you have never SEEN action, never been in a forward area, but Randolph has! Service in Muk Twan, (shrapnell in the chest) Twon Bai (purple heart, saved an officer from a burning helicopter, Zai Pan Valley (took out an enemy sniper with a modified Santanovshi .999 cal rifle from three miles away, broke his shoulder from the recoil). Five tours in Nam, led the partisans in Bresnovsia, you name it, he’s done it!
He’s the kind of guy you can only hope to be, a true hero!
Sharnell Ludgrow (Black Ops Navy Seal Retired)
But I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express! Surely that counts for SOMETHING!!
OBW, you have never been through what Randolph went through, and I’d appreciate you not showing such a lack of respect to the man who once took a bullet for the President of the Republic of Nan Psu during the uprising.
Have some respect, please.
Sharnell Ludgrow (Major Retired)
How little counts as “some?”
You just don’t go away, like the mosquitos Randolph told me about when he was in th Du Suk Valley camping out for nights at a time as Charlie crawled past on the Ho Chi Min Trail.
People like you need to pay your dues like Randolf did!
Sharnell Ludgrow (Special Medical Reserve Batallion Retired)
I heard he was at the battles of Phuc Hym and Bin Do Va in Phlung Dung province, serving under deep cover alongside the famous General Wat Du Fok. I also heard he received the coveted Hee Ful Dung medal after the war.
I might buy those. But I ain’t buying that Kaysun claim without more proof, Sharn.
Last chopper out of that hellhole, last chopper out! Want proof? Try a freedom of information act check! He was busted down from LT. Colonel for going back from the chopper to rescue a guy hit by a morter round, so don’t talk about proof buddy!
You want photos? They were all destroyed along with his paperwork when they said he’d turned rogue. Lesson for you guys, when people like Randolph do the dirty work, the establishment turns their back on them.
Sharnell Ludgrow (SBG4 Team 4 Retired)
Sharn L, are you taking up writing novels? If not, do so. Just don’t use my pen name. If you do, I’ll have to make you consume my koolinary byproducts.
Well, of COURSE! A couple of us here were on that same chopper, so that is all ya need to know. Are you sure he wasn’t the guy carrying the K-rats to us?
Time for a trollcheck.
Anonymous, claiming to be a combat veteran Marine, eventually devolves into Anony-puss. His commentary and mode of argument is Insipid.
Now we have Sharn L, who claims to be a Retired Major, writing at the 2nd grade level, and who ‘signature block’ changes – but it’s never the correct style for signing as a retired Army officer. His arguments are equally Insipid.
Calling for a trollcheck.