Legacy governor is a moron

| April 19, 2013

Andrew Cuomo, the legacy governor of New York couldn’t help but push his liberal agenda today in the pall over the nation in regards to the terrorist attack in Boston. Apparently, the attack on completely innocent people watching the end of the Boston Marathon is due to global warming;

“So much of society is changing so rapidly. We talk about a ‘new normal’ when it comes t0 climate change and adjusting to a change in the weather patterns. ‘New normal’ when it comes to public security in a post-9/11 world. Where these random acts of violence, which at one time were implausible, now seem all-too-frequent.”

Yeah, so we can adapt more liberal crap to our daily lives and society can sink even further into the morass of idiocy generated by mindless morons like this guy. This guy whose father single-handedly destroyed a state’s entire economy. This guy who crammed totally illogical gun regulations down the citizenry’s throat.

Y’all New Yorkers were better off with the accidental governor, or even the whore-monger than this blithering idiot. Make sure y’all vote for him again because you recognize his last name.

Category: Liberals suck

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Someone PLEASE sew Cuomo’s mouth shut! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!!!!!


No, he didn’t claim this was due to global warming – he said that the types of temperatures we’re now seeing represent a ‘new normal’ for us, and similarly, acts like this may represent a ‘new normal’ for us. There was no causation stated or implied, just a discussion on a ‘new normal’.


(This doesn’t mean he’s not a moron, but he doesn’t say that this sort of act is caused by global warming.)


It’s not a deliberate attempt of correlative association. It’s the deliberate attempt to craft a broader political narrative by associating non-sequtive concepts through rhetorical proximity. An old tactic.

I’m pretty sure I just blew up the Latin language on my way to victimizing English.


No, Anonymous (2,3) – you’re right. Cuomo didn’t explicitly say that this is due to global warming.

He did, however, imply that – indirectly, and by association/comparison. Which is both (1) dishonest as hell, and (2) can be persuasive to his political base, the terminally stupid.

But I do agree with you that he’s a moron.


Both of the NY dimwits were no longer in the news due to Boston and West, Texas. They are both narcissistic and had to do something to get themselves back in the news. Ohh, and Bush did it!

2/17 Air Cav

Some of the comments at the source are hysterical. One guy says, “What a f%4#ing idiot.” The next guy says, “You beat me to it.” I think he was referring to this one: “Being governed by idiots “The New Normal”.”


@4: I understand that idea, but between the difficulty of drawing out a coherent political narrative from these topics and that such a plan would require one give Cuomo far more credit than he deserves (and your average voter far less), I just don’t see it as likely.

Also, it may be an old tactic, but like many more recent incarnations -neurolinguistic programming, for example- its effectiveness is questionable at best.

And I’ve never gone to Latin America, so I don’t speak Latin. /kidding


There is as similar a relationship between the Boston bombings and climate change as exists between asteroids and automobiles.

Oh, wait – actually there is a greater relationship between asteroids and automobiles because they both begin with the letter “A.”


@5: I will respectfully disagree – where you see an indirect association, I simply see a rhetorical device. Listing several items that all illustrate how society is changing fast (the main subject here), without any causative implications, and pointing out that the incidents in Boston might be the start of yet another ‘new normal’.

I speak this way all the time and without some ulterior motive other than illustrating a point – in this case, what is meant by a ‘new normal’.


My dream — and I admit that it’s hopeless — is to have a chance, in a public venue, live, up close and personal, to tell Cuomo and his ilk, straight to his face: “You’re an asshole. You don’t know your anal orifice from a hole in the ground, and you’re stupid enough to let everybody know just how stupid you are.”

It’s only a dream. Some day….


Anonymous (10): are you seriously arguing that the typical Cuomo supporter is capable of perceiving the difference between that list of “representative examples” and claim of cause-and-effect relationship? If so, you’re one naive individual IMO.

Cuomo is banking on the fact that most of his supporters won’t perceive that difference – and that he’ll get a “two-fer” here. I know that. If you’re being honest with yourself, you do too.

2/17 Air Cav

I see no reason whatsoever to extend any kind understanding toward Bloomberg for his apparent inability to express whatever the hell he was thinking in a succinct and straightforward fashion. His association of global warming and a bombing is his. He could have provided many sensible examples of ‘new normal’ but he chose two disparate items. And what’s with this ‘new normal’ anyway? The very phrase is nonsensical.

2/17 Air Cav

My apology. I mistook Cuomo for Bloomberg. I guess that’s understandable, but it was unintentional.


Agreed regarding the phrase “new normal”, 2/17 Air Cav. I think Bork most correctly and eloquently phrased the concept many years ago. We do indeed seem to be “Slouching Towards Gomorrah”.

And “no harm/no foul” on the Cuomo/Bloomberg confusion. What’s the difference? (The question was rhetorical.)

Just Plain Jason

Air Cav…I have a had difference telling the two apart. They are assholes from New York that want to tell me how to live. If this is to be the “new normal” I don’t accept it. He can kiss my ass.


Bloomberg and Cuomo are clones. They’re just too stupid to admit to it. The rest of us who live in the real world know all about it.


Oh, lest I forget to mention it: this is hardly the most violent period in this country’s history.

According to Ripley’s Believe It or Not, in the late 19th in Philadelphia, commuters rode in armored streetcars, because the cross-street gun battles were so intense, they threatened people’s lives and people who took public transportation could be hit by stray bullets.


@Hondo: I think the typical ‘Cuomo supporter’ is a fairly average person who, for whatever reason, sides with him over an opponent in political races, and isn’t necessarily a knuckle-dragging moron who by simple virtue of hearing three different things in proximity to one another draws a causative relationship between them.

If this was an attempt at some sort of covert linkage between these concepts, why include the ‘post-9/11 world’ bit, which is a phrase far more often associated with a conservative viewpoint than a liberal one?

I’m fairly independent with my politics and I see people on the liberal side of the fence make similar claims about conservative types – “Oh, he’s carefully mentioning that in a special coded message so he REALLY means X instead of what he SAYS which is Y.” To me, this is utter nonsense. I typically don’t hold the politicians smart enough to do that even if it worked, which it really doesn’t. Again, I don’t know of anything on ‘associative wording’ in the psychological research, but NLP -neurolinguistic programming- is a similar enough idea and is utter garbage. People will not draw an association between global warming and the events in Boston simply by stating them in proximity and in relation to a new normal.

You may think that’s naive, I think it’s honest.


Anonymous: sadly, today the American public is appallingly ignorant. I’d guess well over half of American voters couldn’t tell you where Chechnya is, nor could a majority correctly define a nuclear chain reaction and define how or why it works – or correctly define “marginal tax rate”, for that matter. IMO you grossly overrate the capability of the American public to grasp complex arguments and their ability to reason.

I hate to say that. But as best I can tell, that’s God’s honest truth.


@ Hondo: I don’t disagree with you one bit on the general ignorance of Americans, I simply don’t think that means they’ll draw a causal relationship between things that aren’t described that way. If you want to make the point that IF Cuomo had said “Global warming is partly to blame for these shootings”, some people would believe it simply because they’re morons / partisans, I’d be inclined to agree, much to my personal dismay. But listing things in proximity doesn’t magically cause that sort of thinking.

I also think it’s quite a stretch to grant politicians (always on the other side of the fence from our own views!) some sort of super-genius ability where by merely crafting sentences carefully they can get their drooling moron constituents to draw conclusions they didn’t state.

This wasn’t a complex argument by any stretch – if it were, again, I’d probably agree that it would be difficult for many to accurately grasp. This was illustrating how the events in Boston might usher in yet another ‘new normal’, like things such as the post-9/11 worldview and the record climatic changes we see (which are pretty much indisputable in a statistical sense, even if you might wish to disagree on the cause).


I agree with NSOM. Cuomo wants to be the next POTUS, and has to move rhetorically to the activist base. The funding base will follow if he and O’Malley can marginalize Hillary. Or the Dems resort to sexism again.


@#11, PH2, the chances of being able to convey your message directly to Gov. Coma, er Cuomo, is, I agree, minimal. If you venture to New York City, you could put that message on a sign and go to the Today Show, and wait for the camera to pan the audience and hold up your sign. Gov. Coma would see it, he and Baracka watch those shows for validation.
Personally, as long as New Yorkers elect assholes like Gov. Coma and Doomberg, they’ll never see a dime of my money. Much like Colorado.


Is it true that Maine is a lot less obnoxious than New York State? I mean, despite the moose on the highway and all that.

Common Sense

@20 – Check out the large number of idiots on Twitter who thought that they were from the Czech Republic, not Chechnya.

There is NO new normal for weather or climate. Humans have always had to “adjust” to variations in climate. Or does he think that the Little Ice Age was a walk in the park? Warmer is better, that’s why ancient cultures worshiped the sun. Cold kills crops, then people and animals. Warm makes crops grow, humanity expands, see the Medieval Warm Period and why Greenland is so named. Humans came into being in one of the few habitable periods in Earth’s history and we had better hope our nice little temperate era continues for a long time.

I read an article a couple of weeks ago about how a melting glacier in the Alps revealed a body, including his clothes, tools, etc. The blogger said that global warming was responsible. I wonder if she stopped to consider what the temps must have been when that man was walking in the particular spot and how the climate must have changed so suddenly to cover him with a glacier, intact and preserved.

Common Sense

@23 – we’re on the wait and see program here in CO. If the 2014 election doesn’t change things around, we’ll head to Wyoming. We’ve already started checking things out and will take a weekend this summer to visit in person. If we stick to Cheyenne or Laramie, I can probably keep my job since I work from home most of the time anyway. It would add 1.5 – 2 hours to my commute.

We have deep roots here and are reluctant to leave, but we may be forced to.

2/17 Air Cav

A thing or condition is normal when it is usual occurrence or a common experience. If a thing or condition is new, it previously has not been known or experienced. When one says “the new normal,” one is saying that a thing or condition previously unknown or unexperienced is, at the same instant, common or usual. This cannot be because a thing or condition that is usual or common is not new. Rather, it is old or abnormal. Eventually, that which was once abnormal can become normal. When this eventuality is realized, the thing or condition can no longer said to be new.


The ‘new normal’ indeed. Sure, everything will seem like the ‘new normal’ when the media frames all acts of violence in such a way to make it look commonplace. If you hear about one thing or another often enough, you will eventually assume it happens all the time and with great frequency. Sandy Hook happened almost 5 months ago, Aurora even longer -but the media keeps it so fresh in the American mind that the next time it occurs, they will seem like back-to-back incidents. One thing we DON’T routinely hear about are defensive shootings, and how many lives are saved.

Beyond that, Cuomo is a fuggin’ idiot – and always will be.

Roger in Republic

I remember that his daddy was no shining example of intellectual prowess either. People of these types should be prohibited from reproducing.


@25 – That blogger was talking about Oetzi the Iceman, discovered in 2004 on the Alpine border of Italy and Switzerland. He was judged to have died some 5,200 years ago, fully equipped for a trip to visit someone. He was killed but wasn’t robbed, because his very rare (for that time) copper-headed axe was still in his possession, so from what I’ve read about this kind of thing, he was on a spirit walk to communicate with his tribe’s or clan’s spirits, and someone was sent to dispatch him, as in a ritual sacrifice.

Yes, the weather is changing. So is the recessional tilt. It moves one sidereal degree every 72 years. With the change in recessional tilt comes changes in weather patterns. Some day off in the future, our winter in the northern hemisphere will be summer.

That means changes in weather, climate and crop cycles, and it can also mean warfare over resource. There is evidence that a drought just before the summer of 1789 caused so much damage to grain crops that the peasants rioted and overthrew the French king because their staple of diet was bread.

You’re right – humans have had a pretty good time to become who and what we are now. I don’t think most people realize how lucky we are.


There’s something else: the people who are ‘in charge’, elected or otherwise, seem to be completely oblivious to what is really going on around them. When someone like Cuomo says ‘unprecedented acts’, it’s as though he’s been living in a closet.

How can you or I have a physical memory of things like the events of the last 20-plus years, and prior events, such as the slaughter of Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics, and the IRA’s constant espisodes of violent assault on British troops in Belfast and bombings in London, and that moron Cuomo thinks it’s all new and no one has ever done anything like this before?

My question should be, is he really that dimwitted, and how many more of them are there like him? And how can we possibly rely on people like him to meet our needs in a real emergency?

These questions aren’t rhetorical and have a relationship to a lot of things besides gun ownership. I don’t trust any of these clowns who are elected, because they keep proving how incredibly stupid they are, over and over again.

So how can I (or you) possibly look to them for leadership when they don’t know what it is? We can’t.


My concern, PH, is not so much that they are stupid, which they are quite capable of being, but that they know the truth and must dumb it all down because so few among us are capable of accepting the truth. Neither is a good alternative.


I know, OWB, and to me, self-sufficiency is more important than ever. I wish I could drop several decades off my life, just to be able to face whatever is coming down the road.