Christie is a moron, too

| April 19, 2013

So, Governor Christie of New Jersey has proposed stuff to add to New Jersey’s voluminous gun regulations and apparently he has caught the “do something” bug according to the Courier Post;

The proposal calls for expanding government-funded mental health treatment, requiring parental sign-off before minors can buy or rent violent video games and mandating would-be gun owners show government-issued IDs.

The governor also recommended banning the sale of Barrett 50-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifles. But his plan doesn’t address classroom security or propose limits on magazine capacity.

Now, tell me what banning .50 caliber rifles will do to make the streets safer. How many crimes have been committed with one of those beasts? A Barrett weighs almost 30 pounds and costs over $9000 – so how many lives will be saved, Governor? The first paragraph says that this is a plan to “curb violence”. It’s a true sporting rifle – only folks who are fans of long range shooting invest that kind of money in them. And I’m sure there aren’t that many sold or owned in New Jersey anyway.

And, by the way, every time I’ve bought a weapon, I’ve had to show my driver’s license to prove that I’m a resident of the state in which I’m buying the gun. I hope he didn’t break his brain thinking these proposals up in order to do something, anything.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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It’s not April Fool’s Day again, is it?

Herbert J Messkit

The first question we should ask lawmakers when they propose a law is “What problem are you trying to solve?”

Just an Old Dog

He should just pass a law making murder a crime,,,, oh wait…


Darwin was wrong. Man is descended from lemmings. Oooh! Cliff!


New Jersey must have a problem with people lugging Barrett’s around and scaring everyone. /sarc/

A Proud Infidel

Good Lord, being a politician in the American Northeast must be a cause of brain damage!!


I’m from Jersey. Believe me I’ve known he was a moron for quite a while. Unfortunately we have no good choices here.

The Laughing Man

Christie must have seen YouTube footage of someone dual wielding M82’s in a modded “Call Of Duty” clone and thought it was real.


He wants people to show IDs to exercise a right??? RAAAAAACIST!


When Christie first came upon the national scene I was a fan. Until I started listening to his gun-control stuff, I thought he might show some future in the national GOP scene. He will never win the nomination for POTUS, he will have way too many gun owners to battle, I will be one of many.

Bam Bam

Clearly you guys are unfamiliar with sawed off 50 cal rifles. They only weigh 20 lbs and can be easily hidden inside a trench coat by nare-do-wellers.


for every asinine,proposed law we effectively counter,,these scumbags have 1000 more in reserve!


Just out of curiosity, when the state of New Jersey is as bad off as it is financially, with places like Camden – I used to live near there – looking like Detroit, where is Christie planning to get the money for the expansion of government-funded stuff? Not everyone lives in north Jersey. A lot of people still live in south Jersey and cross the bridge to work in Philly, if they can even get any work there.

What I wouldn’t give for a real Philly cheese steak right now.


“Where is Christie planning to get the money for the expansion of government-funded stuff”? From his butt-buddy, Baracka?


Good point. What if buddy boy isn’t available to do the deal?

Common Sense

I first knew that he was a moron when he bought into the anthropomorphic glowbull warming crap. His actions since have proven it.


In the history of this great nation, has there ever even been a 50 cal murder? I can’t think of any, but if there were it would probably be some kind of super-hitman that would go after crockett on miami vice or something. It’s not like street punks are aiming at eachother on a daily basis. Might as well ban flare guns too, it’d save about as many lives.


It’s possible to murder somebody with a 50 cal in the same way it’s possible for a jazz band to have a set of bagpipes in it. I can imagine what it would be like, but don’t think I’ve heard of it happening.

The Dead Man

Guys guys, it’s obvious he’s just seen Robocop for the first time and he’s afraid of the Raptor rifles they use. Someone should set him down with a nice glass of warm milk and tell him that it was just a movie, that it can’t hurt him and that it’s all made up.


Now guys… We got California to ban Barrett fifties in 2005, and there hasn’t been a single murder with one since! Banning stuff clearly works!

– Violence Policy Center

Old Trooper

Christie has been a gun grabber since he was a US Attorney and that’s why when people start yipping about him running for President, I say the same thing I did about Guliani (another gun Grabber US Attorney); hell no!


He would be more effective registering and licensing pressure cookers.

B Woodman

Yeah, there have been RINOs and Republitards saying and pushing that CC should run for El Prez in 2016, just because he has an (R) after his name. I hope they now wake up and realize this isn’t such a great idea. Unless, of course, they got visited by the Good Idea Fairy.

2/17 Air Cav

He would be more effective and less dangerous if he headed up a NJ branch of Michelle’s anti-obesity program. I like the image. Christie on a poster with a donut in each hand and one in his mouth.

Clogged arteries have killed more people in Joisey over the past eight hours than have been killed by a .50 cal over the past 20 years.

AW1 Tim

You know, Jersey is famous for craptacular gun laws. You cannot even purchase a black powder rifle, musket, etc without having a permit and going through a waiting period.

Why is this important? Because the Feds exempt black powder weapons, and repros thereof, of models made prior to 1898 (I believe) from the definition of firearms. It’s there in black & white.

Some years back, they instituted a law which banned anything over 50 caliber from being owned in NJ. THAT was a great eye-opener as to how the legislature there fails to do due diligence, or any form of research, actually. The Governor’s historic guard (Rev War period) which formed for all state occasions, ceremonies, etc, had muskets of .69 caliber. In fact, it would have done away with ALL RevWar and ACW period reenacting, as the RevWar guys had .69 or .75 caliber muskets, and the ACW infantry used .577 and .58, as well as .609 arms. ALL of the muzzle-loading cannons would have been prohibited from ownership as well, and the bill gave no exemption for collections, museums, etc.

Fortunately, the backlash was great enough that the legislature added amendments to cover “historic arms, etc”, but it was a close call.


A Proud Infidel

It’s snowing in the Rocky Mountains, but most of the flakes are in Northeastern political offices!


@15, he can just mail CC the check(s)?


Now, tell me what banning .50 caliber rifles will do to make the streets safer.

It’s my understanding that Barrett won’t sell to government agencies in states where civilians aren’t allowed to own their products. If the police in NJ shoot like the police in NYC and LA, I’m sure innocent bystanders in NJ will be glad to know they’ll only be at risk of being negligently shot by 9mm, 5.56mm and 12 gauge and not have to worry about taking a stray .50 round.


Isn’t the .50 caliber gun what the EOD teams have in their EOD trucks in Afghanistan? Those are mounted on a turret and require two hands to operate, and they freeze and jam when they get overheated.

I guess you could mount one on a taxicab or something, but it seems like an awfully big gun to just carry around on the street. Oh, wait. I forgot about the giant alien cockroaches hiding in Christie’s closet. That’s what they use, and that’s why he wants to ban them.


Ex-PH2, the Barrett .50 cal is a sniper rifle carried by most infantry units and some specialized organizations. The M2 .50 BMG is the heavy machine gun we’ve been using on trucks, tanks, and aircraft since around 1932. It’s a sturdy and reliable weapon. Every machine gun jams when it overheats.

California banned the ownership of .50 cal weapons about 10 years ago using the argument that gang members could roll through a neighborhood loaded up like Somali warlords. Nevermind that the weapons are insanely expensive and impossible to conceal.

Herbert J Messkit

I live in Washington State No registration and open carry allowed. I checked Boston area gun laws and found that firearms in the house are supposed to be unloaded and secured. Curious whether people in Watertown area being searched loaded their weapons and what happened when police showed up to search.



That’s an interesting question.


I’ll go on record and say: If Christie is the GOP nominee in 2016, I will stay home on Election Day. Or write in a candidate, or vote Libertarian or some other 3rd party.

I mean, if we’re going to have a gun-grabbing fascist from the Northeast in the White House, what difference does it really make if it’s Pantsuit or Jelly Roll?


My wife loves her Barrett, and put two through the same hole, setting up her Leupold scope. She’s all about target shooting with it. If she was inclined to knock off neighborhood gang-bangers, she’d use her AR.

Don’t see where Christie’s going with that, unless he’s worried about citizens out-gunning a police-state.


@30 – I didn’t know that. Did they ACTUALLY BELIEVE that gang members in LA would build a bunch of “technicals” with .50 cals mounted on them, and patrol their neighborhoods for drive-bys? That’s fuggin’ hysterical!


@30 TMB – Got it. Thanks!

T-Bird Henry

@7 Dear God have mercy on you all in Jersey!

For me, this is political pandering of the highest and most obnoxious order. If he’s such a gun grabber, why doesn’t he go for the “assault weapons ban” like his brother in arms (forgive the pun) Mr. Cuomo did in New York? Because he’s a “Republican” and that won’t sit well with potential voters? Look at McCain, he’s just about as bad with gun control and for some reason we still have him around.

No, this was a triangulated political move of the first order and I for one will not support a Christie for President campaign. If you truly believed that “spooky guns” and big magazines were the problem you would have pushed for and supported a ban, I MIGHT be able to understand and forgive that, particularly if you EARNESTLY BELIEVED that it would do good. I might even be able to overlook it at the ballot box. However, you sir have shown yourself to be a political toady and pandering swine. I therefore cannot support or back you in any national endeavors.


From conservative darling to goat, all in a few months time. Man, you guys are fickle. I guess that’s what you get for thinking for yourself Chris.