Randolph Walter German; phony Marine, POW & Vietnam Vet

| April 19, 2013

Randy German photo

I hijacked this from Scotty’s house about Randy German who claims that he’s a weapons expert and a sniper. According to Scotty, his awards span over 33 years of service, yet he has one service stripe. I guess the other 10 stripes would make his uniform look crowded and draw attention from his ribbons. But those are a lot of ribbons, for someone who spent three years as a cook, when he wasn’t serving a sentence after a summary court martial;

Randy German assignments

The Marines differ somewhat with Randy on how many ribbons he has;

Randy German FOIA

Scotty writes;

He claims to be a Marine Corps sniper and weapons expert, yet wears a first award expert rifle badge and pistol sharpshooter badge and none of the devices I would expect to see on the uniform of a career sniper or Recon Marine, including jump wings or dive bubble. As I mentioned, he wears the POW Medal, yet appears in no POW registry I can find. He wears the extremely rare Navy Marine Corps Medal, typically awarded for noncombat lifesaving. And through his many private messages bragged excessively about his Marine Corps service

His defense is that Mary pasted his name into someone else’s records, because, you know, Mary isn’t busy enough that she has to make up phony records. But, there’s more at Scotty’s place. You should click over because he makes up dead wives and pretends that he’s really the “Saluting Marine”.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Sharn L

Holy cows! S**tstorm Bob is at it again with his handicam!

SB: (Whispers) “We’re entering the barn…no sign of Uncle Bob…”
Unknown Person: “Hey boy, get Randolph in here with them hogs…”
SB: (Whispers) “We enter the barn, and see Hondo hanging upside down by his ankles, and Randolph at his side holding a machete.”
RD: “I cooked that chicken soup just like grannma!”
Hondo: “If you believe that, you are CRAZY!”
RD: “You callin’ ME crazy?!”
Hondo: “Not an ounce of seasoning!”
RD: “I done cooked hotdogs in places you couldn’t imagine!”
Hondo: “Yeah, (winces in pain) up your…”
Stereotypical Russian General: “Enough!”
Hondo: “I ain’t tellng ya nothin’!”
Stereotypical Russian General: “Technically that is a double negative, thus, becomes a positive…”
Hondo: “You misunderestimated me!”

Holy…what the…video cuts off…guess Hondo is…

Sharnell Ludgrow (Hondo’s Stuntman Double Retired)


Sent you a serving byway of carrier pigeon, old boy.

No being mean to Hondo, flesh too tender, that sort of thing. He may be a nerd, but he does not cry in his beer.

Sharn L

Ex, Sharnell gonna have to draw a squiggly line in the sand when it comes to Hondo (cries in his Chateau Lafite)…you is the prize, and Hondo is pushing his luck!

Who does you love?

1. Sharnell in full dress uniform?
2. Sharnell in Bay Watch uniform?
3. Hondo in a lime green bikini in the Antarctic?
4. Jas, with his beer belly, hairy legs, etc?
5. Randolph, with some kinda tattoo on his arm that looks like a dog writhing in pain?
6. Randolph in a remake of ‘When Harry Met Hondo’?
7. Jas being kind to Hondo?
8. Hondo, in a car with Beavis and Butthead at the wheel?
9. Brad Pitt, who hasn’t showered for an hour?
10. Randolph in a lap dancing club with Lindsay Lohan?

I trust you will make the right choice.



“Being mean”? Was someone making an attempt to “be mean” above?

Sharn L

Hondo, you coulda chosen Randy, dude.

New question. How did Mel Gibson get the part of the road warrior? Clock is tickin’.

Kindest regards, Jas.


Sharn L: geez. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Max#Casting

Was that supposed to be difficult?

Green Thumb

What about Sharn hanging with Boy George?

Sharn L

Green thumb, are you a lass, or a laddie?

You name it, and Sharnell can slam dunk a treacle pooger with a mutton weasle!

Kindest regards, Jas.

Sharn L

Hondo baby, you ain’t answered the kwestion!

I love ya baby, in a Kojak way, but how did he get the part?

Jas is waitin’!


Sharn L: RTFM. Or in this case, the link.

Sharn L

Hondo, because I think the world of you bro, Mel Gibson drove his friend to the audition for Mad Max, and had been in a pub brawl the night before. The agent took one look at Mel, and said, “That’s what I want.”

The next day, Mel turns up like a new pin.

Cracked.com Hondo, study dadio.


Sharn L

Ex, please protect me.



Sharn-el: Oh, no. I am not breaking up a fisticuffs bout between you two jealous weenies. Pick your weapons, walk the distance, turn and take aim.

I’m going off with my homeboys, Green Thumb and IDF SGT Yatzhiki.

Sharn L

Ex, I…thought you…loathed me…



Actually, Sharn L, cracked.com is “a bit off”. (smile)

Multiple sources say the casting agent told Gibson to “come back in two weeks” because “we need freaks”. When he returned 2 weeks later, he’d healed up – but they liked the look enough to give him the part of Max.

Should have read the link I posted, amigo.

Sharn L

Hondo, I love your love of reading up on shtuff, but I ain’t seen you read bro.

Pray, a simple poem about myself and Ex, no naughty words, just a poem about our feelings for eachother.

Waiting dude, Jas.


Glad to see you two making up.

Now I’ll get on with my picnic on the hilltop in peace.


Sharn L: a poem? You wanna freakin’ poem? I got yer poem right here:

The sun kisses the morning sky,
The bird kisses the butterfly,
The dew kisses the morning grass,
And you, Sharn L, can kiss my . . .

Does that work for ya? (smile)

Sharn L

Hondo, you said Dew! You ar antisemitic!

That’s in the groove baby.

Choose how you want to have Rando feel pain next, because the tiger cage thing is a bit too cliched dude.

He cooks for WHO in a James Bond situation with a poison burito, etc at a conference on global whatever.

I came through for you on the soup kitchen thing bro, youzz got the poem down.

We is fifty fifty on the money.

Rando needs some serious laser watch, burger van action. My ultimate Bond babe is Ex, but the hero is double O who?”

Cheers bro, Jas.

P.S What is the highest mountain in Russia?

Sharn L

Ex, baby, whole new thing comin’ up…action…err, hero figure…hmm, ha…you in a 1920’s swimming costume coming out of the sea?

Oh, YEAH baby!”

P.S, Randolph loses an arm during a barbecue accident!



Sharn L: the barbie accident works as well as any. Go with it.

For the answer to your last question, use Google with search terms “highest mountain Russia”.

For the answer to the question before that – you’re not authorized to know, amigo. Sorry. (smile)

Sharn L

Hondo baby, the highest moutai in Russia is MT. Communisma, in one’s head, but Rando is gonna be serving up some nasty burgers, etc, on the strip tonight…wearing a…

Just for you bro, cheers dood, Jas.


Dude, where have you been the last 22 years? Mt Communism is now in Tajikistan. It has been ever since the USSR broke up.

Sharn L

Hey guys, check this out, Rando the pando done got a katerin’ truck on the stripe in Los Vegos! S**tstorm Bob is there to film this sucker. Check it out!

SB: “We’re here with reformed pooch peddler…”
RD: “You want some ******* fries with that?!”
SB: “Who has moved up in the world since his days in the soup kitchen.”
RD: (Yells) “That bag a weed is mohdisinal!”
SB: “And now helps the starving…”
RD: (Sinister) “If you take that pickle off the burger one more time, you ain’t gonna see your sixth birthday boy!”
SB: “I’ve interviewed Rando before, a guy who cares for…”
RD: (Screams out) “You one legged piece a s**t, them onions was cooked perfect!”
SB: “The most highly decorated…”
RD: (Yells) “Kitchen in the world”
SB: “Sorry…low battery…what does that mean?”

Whoa dudes, Youtoob done broke down!

Sharnell Ludgrow (Best Selling Auto Repair Manual Author Retired)

Sharn L

Hondo, you are just jelluuss of me and Ex, go on, say it!

Then tell me how many moons the Earth has…muhahaaa.

Peace bro, Jas.

2/17 Air Cav

Whoa. Some strange stuff here. I have an image of a guy sporting a beach towel cape with clothes pin clasp and a paper plate mask pounding keys and laughing out loud to himself.


2/17 Air Cav: if I remember correctly, Sharn L is a Brit ex-pat who’s currently living in Hong Kong (or somewhere in that general vicinity). He comes here occasionally to chime in and post some . . . interesting comments.

With apologies to the late Douglas Adams, he seems to be (to paraphrase the upcoming edition of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) perhaps a bit “off” but otherwise “mostly harmless”.

He seems to have a bit of a “thing” for Ex-PH2, and she seems to tolerate that. And his prose is reasonably entertaining.

Just think of him as kinda TAH’s own “Ford Prefect”. (smile)

Sharn L

Mister 2/ 17 Air Cav, just a question, dost thou talkest about one’s self?

Please think of dear Randolph, who was misrepresenting his service, a crime, I know, as I’ve served, but he DID do his service.

I’ve a thing for people who call me out, and hiding behind a paper plate mask is the mark of somone who can’t read the previous part of the thread.

Air Cav? I might as well have an onscreen name like Rambo/killed all them Gooks with a bar stool.

All the people here with actual military service say, “Ugghh!”

Air Cav…whoa, we in the sixties again…Sarge, Sarge, we bin hit…”

Service number dude.


2/17 Air Cav

Brit, huh? Well, then, I have to amend the image. I now see a guy sporting a beach towel cape with clothes pin clasp and a paper plate mask pounding keys and laughing out loud to himself, through bad teeth.

Sharn L

Air Cav, again, your sevice number?

I served for six years as an aircraft engineer, and you were in…oh, “Duga, duga, duga, we got a Black Halk down…if you are really Air Cavialary, you must be in your late sixties now. Again drongo, Service number.

Oopps! no service number…dugga,dugga,dugga, we gotta take that hill Captain!

When you’ve done your service, write a reply.

Oh, and my service number is in a previous post…

Fakes like you are what Mike Anderson spent his time for!

Air Cav, you are someone who brings shame on those who died in the Vietnam War, just by using that name.

I’ll bet your real name is Herman, you wet the bed in your parent’s basement. Your prom date was called Kathy…

Again, service number please.

Kindest regards, the dullard.


Sharn, leave AirCav alone. Now. Period.

Sharn L

Sorry babe, Jas.


Sharn L: you might be best advised to do your homework before calling out a regular commenter here. The military unit 2/17 Air Cav uses as his screen persona – 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment – has long service with the US Army post-Vietnam. In 1973, it became the Air Recon Squadron for the 101st Airborne Division. I’m reasonably certain it still is today.

If I recall correctly, 2/17 Air Cav has indicated elsewhere in comments at TAH that his military service was all post-Vietnam.

Also be advised that since the early 1970s the US military has used the SSN as a service number. In the US, unlike the previous service number the SSN is generally considered private and is not causally released. Due to the potential for identity fraud, only a complete idiot would post his/her SSN in a US public forum.

2/17 Air Cav might be many things, including acerbic and/or abrasive at times. But he’s definitely no idiot.

You owe the gentleman an apology.


Who the fuck is this troll, and why do you all keep on feeding it?


rb325th: see comment 229. Up until the last couple of comments, “mostly harmless” was my assessment.

As I said above, IMO Sharm L has now “stepped on it” and owes 2/17 Air Cav an apology.


I concur Hondo.


For as long as 2/17 Air Cav has been posting here I’m sure he would have slipped up at some point if he was a phony. He would be the only poser in the history of posers that says “I served, but it was pretty uneventfull”.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I missed the comments from the Hong Kong Brit that prompted the backup from a few of you. Thank you. As for Sharnell, his speculation and taunting is laughable and, for that reason, I see no reason to engage him as I do others who come here to kick up some dirt. He will doubtless see my lack of response as an admission of fakery. That’s fine, too. If someone I respect needs to see my DD 214, let me know and I will accomodate you.


Sharn, do NOT apologize to me.

Apologize to my friends. NOW, OR PISS OFF.

I’ve known these people a LOT longer than I’ve known you.

Sharn L

Sorry Hondo, he’s got no service number?

Randolph had one.

I’ve got one.

What’s yours?

Kindest wishes, Jas.


Sharn L: see comment 235 above. And until you “man up”, GFY.

Sharn L

Air Cav, I wish you the best, and I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. My bad, I just took it the wrong way. I appreciate your service, and raise a glass to you now.

If we can get along, then that would be cool dadio. Jason.


OH, yeah, before I forget: everyone on this board knows that the photo of me, the one that you’ve been drooling over, was taken in 1969 when I was 26.

You do the math. And have a nice day.


OOOOPSS! I meant 23, not 26! Too early. Not enough caffeine.

2/17 Air Cav

@244. Okay, bud. I will accept your apology with some caution and will say no more about it. And, Hondo, you omitted caustic and ornery in your otherwise apt description of me.


2/17 Air Cav: I believe what I wrote is the functional equivalent. Plus I preferred the sound of “acerbic and abrasive” – the alliteration just seemed to work better than “crusty and cantankerous”. (smile)

Sharn L

AirCav, if i said I once shared a room with a man who had four nipples.

We got off on the wrong foot, you take care, all the best sincerely, Jas.


WTF? Who is this Canadian asshole?



He’s a Brit from Hong Kong. Pay him no mind.

Green Thumb

Canadian Turd.

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