Explosions at the Boston Marathon finish line
Daniel sends us a link to the Business Insider which reports that there are some casualties near the finish line at the Boston Marathon. I’m in a teleconference but I can see some a lot of ambulances and scurrying people on the TV on Fox News – while my workmates just blather on and on over the phone. So if you know something, drop off a comment so the rest of us know what’s going on.
Category: Breaking News
Some of us have to Blather!!!
Reports of possible causualities and EMS is reporting another device in front of Mandrin Hotel. It happened as the last runner crossed the finish line.
20 injured 3 possible fatals!
Two explosions have been reported near the finish line of the Boston Marthon. Reports indicate one of the explosions occurred inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel, and another a few buildings down. The Marathon has been halted and an unknown number of people have been injured. Law Enforcement and medical personnel are on the scene and rendering aid. 3:15PM ET More to follow as facts are known.
A suspicious package has been reported at the Mandarin Hotel. 3:27PM ET.
Two explosions have been reported near the finish line of the Boston Marthon. Reports indicate one of the explosions occurred inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel, and another a few buildings down. The Marathon has been halted and an unknown number of people have been injured. Law Enforcement and medical personnel are on the scene and rendering aid. 3:15PM ET More to follow as facts are known.
A suspicious package has been reported at the Mandarin Hotel. 3:27PM ET.
You were right Jonn the war came home.
Sky News I think it is caught one of the explosions.
@6 I’m sure that’s foremost in all our minds, but there is nothing solid in that direction yet. It just happened, and no one knows anything yet.
3 dead, 20 injured so far. Reports of more IEDs in the area. Police are conducting searches for additional bombs.
Boston scanner is reporting that device was in a “trash” barrel. There is also reports of a device in the JFK Library.
At first I didn’t think it sounded so bad, but now not so much: http://deadspin.com/explosions-reported-at-the-boston-marathon-473008941
Two explosions isn’t an accident. Someone masterminded it, and I think most of us have an idea of who it was.
don’t bother to read the comments sections on MSM articles, almost uniformly they are written by left- or right-wing flakes who can’t seem to let any story go by without bashing Obama/Bush/Tea Party/NRA/ etc.
@8 those were IEDs any Iraq war vet could spot that a mile away I wish I was wrong and if by some chance I am I will come back and apologize, ask any of the Iraq guys they know what that was.
David: I wouldn’t be so sure we know just yet who did this. Today also happens to be Kim Il Sung’s birthday.
I’m speechless for a change. I just shudder thinking about what the politicians will say while they grandstand on this before the First Responders are even finished!
Started writing and had to delete everything. This is very upsetting – – dammit, I’m pissed!
Foxnews is reporting multiple casualties. There are some reports of people with missing limbs. At least 2 Explosions. One man reported the blast “came from a trash can.”
Shemp Smith on Fox is pontificating that the explosion(s) were on the opposite sides of the street, even though Fox’s own homepage is showing smoke and a fresh explosion, on the same side of the street. http://www.foxnews.com/
Not to worry, though, the President has been notified.
@14,15,16: I think you’re right. But what you KNOW, and what we’ll be TOLD, could be two entirely different things. And I hope I’m wrong on that.
@19 I am sure he will classify this as workplace violence.
Reports are sketchy, right now most sources are saying two separate explosions near the finish line of the race. Casualties right now are supposedly light. Same images are being played, lots of smoke not much else.
3 dead. Multiple injuries to lower limbs and elsewhere. Possible explosion came from trash can= all officers warned to avoid trash cans. All EOD and off-duty officers called in. Possible secondary devices spotted- EOD en route. One controlled detonation from EOD so far.
fatalities may be light but there will be alot of wounded I saw a guy with both legs missing in one camera shot and I would expect a bunch more..
http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/6254/web A link for the Boston Police, Fire and EMS service.
Howie Carr just reported lanyards being used as tourniquets.
Saw a couple soldiers in ACU’s assisting clearing barriers initially.
an NBC terrorism expert is saying that it is likely a lone wolf domestic extremist, I want to know what school he went to become a “Terrorism Expert”
1st,,gold is downgraded for the 1st time since 83
2nd,, stocks plummet
3rd,, this crap! WTF? happy friggin monday! aaarrrggghhh
Ok. 2 dead, 22 injured (at least). EOD en route to clear possible devices reported at library and elsewhere.
They managed this, despite all the security around the Marathon, at the finish line.
Whomever did this, they got what they wanted. It was caught on camera and I’m sure the explosions will be shown again and again and again.
I’ll wait. The reporters’ accounts are worse than eyewitnesses to a crime.
Hopefully there are security cameras in the area that will give some clues.
Device exploded at JFK Library and one found in a parking meter.
And the speculation begins.
EOD working to confirm other devices. There was a controlled detonation earlier near library. No other confirmed devices at this time.
now they say they have a suspect! how convenient
@31, 2/17, Yeah, you’re absolutely right about that!
@34, Jonn L., DAMN, , and of course they’re trying to blame Conservatives and Right-Wingers ASAP, just like when “Blowjob Willie” did his damndest to align McVeigh with Rush Limbaugh. I pray that the article you found isn’t the vanguard of a leftwing propaganda blitz!
Possible suspect at a Boston Hospital being reported by NY Post
Approx 1430 Ut DST: Two explosions timed about 20 seconds apart, about an hour after the men’s winner crossed the finish line. Two killed, about two dozen injured. Two more bombs found and being disassembled (gotta love those EOD types).
I haven’t read all the comments above, I’ll do that after posting.
Jonn, you’re a regular Cassandra, prophecying what all the mundanes wouldn’t listen to. Time and again you’ve said we’ve been lucky so far with the terrorist bombings. Most were “stung”, many were duds, a few have blown themselves up. It’s only a matter of time before one got lucky. Well, today was that time. Some (unsubstantiated so far) asshole jihadist muzzie terrorist managed to get lucky this time today.
If our Appeaser-In-Chief had any stones, he’d point an ICBM or someother
Number of injured is rising. @ 3:43PM CDT.
No-fly zone now over marathon route.
Another terrorist attack on American soil, Thanks Obama!
NY Post reports 12 DOA. Also saw that ball bearings were in the IED. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/two_explosions_at_boston_marathon_iMR0LCkcwASg0RQfVsH1yI
We’ve been lucky for a long time. At least it seems that the casualties have been few. It could’ve been much worse.
@41 Seriously?
@31. True dat, AirCav. The talking heads are just talking to fill air time now. And, one of the local reporters was going on and on about a doctor who was connected, somehow, to Obama and “he was doing all that he could to help”. Like no one else was?
@24. I saw that pic too, I couldn’t believe it when they showed it, the poor guys face was clear and in focus. I’m sure his family appreciated them showing the pic.
Penske truck was turned away from a hospital and fled when security tried to talk to them.
5 devices. Five! How in the hell do they manage to get 5 devices in and set up, especially so close to the finish line?
I’m sick of the speculating dipshits. I want to throat-punch every single fucking one of them, left or right.
Memo to those tinfoil hat wearing m-effers…don’t. Just don’t.
I’m so pissed I can’t see straight right now.
Nik, any idea how big these devices were?
I’m sure that local Law Enforcement probably had instructions NOT to scrutinize people of certain ethnicities (NO Racial Profiling, remember?)so’s not to stir up discrimination lawsuits. What’s next, pols screaming for explosives control? Outlawing the unlicensed manufacturing of bombs and explosive devices? How about a Federal Agency to monitor explosives,…*OOP!* we already have that, don’t we? Like I said earlier, I shudder when I think of what the liberal press and pols will say about this as well as who they’ll scapegoat first, and how much more of our freedom and liberty they’ll want us to surrender under the guise of “safety and security”?