Racists infest Ft. Bragg

| August 9, 2012

Jack M sends us a link from some ditz, who strangely enough is/was a colonel in the Army, in Time’s attempt at being a milblog, called “Battleland” Oddly enough they claim that “Battleland” is “Where Military Intelligence is not a Contradiction in Terms”, but that is not in evidence in this piece by Elspeth Cameron Ritchie in which she claims to have deployed from Bragg to Somalia in 1992, which might be entirely possible, but she must have hit her head on something during the deployment;

Like many others, the question of military service and the mass shooting by Wade Page at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin got me curious.

So I simply Googled “military extremism Ft Bragg.”

A fascinating mélange of information surfaced, mainly from the Southern Law Poverty Center, but also from newspapers like Stars and Stripes, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the major daily near where the Sikh shooting took place.

Yup, and whatever wasn’t posted directly on SPLC’s website was somehow purloined from them, because SPLC hates Fort Bragg ever since that one couple was murdered a decade-and-a-half ago. Well, if you’re wondering what Elspeth’s Google search turned up;

– There was the murder of a black couple in 1995 by a pair of Soldiers, apparently to earn their “spider web tattoos.”

– Nineteen Fort Bragg paratroopers were discharged for participating in neo-Nazi activities.

– Timothy McVeigh tried, and failed, to complete a special-forces course at Fort Bragg, which some authorities believe was the trigger that led him to kill 168 people by detonating a truck bomb he had parked next to the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

Yup, we already mentioned the murder, but then there were 19 soldiers discharged after that – 19 out of a population of 39,457, according to the 2010 census. That’s pretty tiny, and I’ll bet you could find more racists in any county in the country.

And Tim McVeigh rises from the dead again. I don’t know if he was racist or not, I can’t remember him ever saying that he was a racist, but that little nugget aside, he was at Fort Bragg for a few weeks. Did the racist cooties attack him while he in pre-phase? Is just being on Fort Bragg going to turn him into a racist truck bomber. I was there for years and I’m neither racist nor a truck bomber. It must have been my daily dosage of that watered-down beer they served outside the gate that inoculated me. And we’re talking about racism in the military, so why even mention McVeigh, well, except for the scary truck bomb imagery and the loose tie to Fort Bragg? Um, Elspeth, WTF, dear?

In a 2006 report – a decade after Fort Bragg’s extremists made news – the Southern Poverty Law Center said “large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists continue to infiltrate the ranks of the world’s best-trained, best-equipped fighting force.”

Army officials say they do their best to weed out extremists. But as Sunday’s slaughter in Oak Creek makes all too clear, one extremist in the ranks is one too many.

First, anyone who believes anything from the SPLC is an ignorant POS, even if they are a colonel, and secondly, Page wasn’t in “the ranks” for more than a decade, dumbass. They booted him like they were supposed to do.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Race (or rather racial inequality) is the left’s big issue because racism is their greatest trump card, and helpfully enough here comes the SPLC and find racism all over the place (including those institutions that are widely admired, like the Army, which just happen to be overwhelmingly conservative) Ah well, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


considering as of late the left considers anyone who is patriotic and supports the Constitution a “racist, extremist, etc” it does not surprise me in the least.


I really never experienced direct contact with any racism in the 20 plus years I was in. First, I would not tolerate it around me and the folks I was associated with knew it, and second, I only saw “Green” against the rest of the world. I know I had to spend far too many hours in some form of EEO or Race relations class and honestly thought a waste, but, did understand the posible need. Thank the powers that be, I only spent a small amount of time on Bragg, I may have contracted the “extremist cooties” like the Dumb shit SPLC and Liberals in general claim we all have. My Sisters and Brothers are wearing the uniform of my country. If you peel the Green layer off, you will eventually find the red blood of an American. Not some hyphenated American, but, an AMERICAN. This may sound niave, but I assure you that I did not go through my career with blinders.


Call me a hater of the SPLC and sad for whomever must be under that Colonel. Yikes.


Spent most of my career at Bragg. The racist cooty must be a protected species along with the Red Cockaded Woodpecker.


Gee. If I Google “9/11” “truth”, I get a shitload of articles telling me how 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the US Government. Should I believe all those too? Aren’t they true?

What’s that? You say I can’t believe everything I read on the Internet, and I have to consider/evaluate the source?

Too bad some folks never figure that out. Even some who should know better.


Time has a military blog and the first post admits Detective Googling and uncritical use of the SPLC?


Yeah, we know where the Colonel didn’t spend some time. Ft. Bragg.


I bet they could find equivalent statistics for any other major command. It’s just more fun to pretend like its more prevalent, between a division full of paratroopers and the special force-y-ness of Bragg.


She’s a psychiatrist. No fucking wonder. She deals with fucktards.

Why the hell a psychiatrist was deployed to Somalia is beyond me. That’s a corps asset, psychiatry. I can see it pushed to a division occasionally…but….whatevs.

Still as a psychiatrist I seriously doubt her evaluation of troops. The only ones she saw were fuckweeds trying to get out so yeah…they will say anything that gets them out of their contracts.

even still her Army…wasn’t mine. not sure what one she served in.

Veritas Omnia VIncit

Hmmm …

.0005% is now considered a statistically accurate population indicator? In what universe?

There was a statistically higher quantity of racists in Scotland CT while I was serving in the National Guard in CT during the early 80s as the KKK held a nice little bonfire in a state where most folks like to talk about how racist the south is…I tell folks from New England that I never met a KKK member while at Ft Benning GA, but saw some in CT in the early ’80s which usually pisses them off…

Racism and nut jobs are pretty common in American society, in statistically higher numbers than the military which indicates to me that the military is catching most before they enter service. Perhaps her article could have pointed out that civilians are far more likely to be violent nazis or skinheads than ex-military personnel and actually done something useful with her post, like disseminate some facts that actually will assist in a discussion of race and racism in this country instead of pandering to MSM fears of veterans gone wild…


The widening disconnect between our civilian society and military is at an all time high (and getting higher). When someone of “authority” makes inane statements, for self- aggrandizing purposes, sensationalism rules. We all know the media LOVES sensational stories. Those stories drives readership, viewership, and ratings. CNN/Time’s “Operation Tailwind” in 1998 was a great example.
This shit from this clown is just another example.


For the record, I think I now somewhat understand the double standard thing when it comes to racial epithets. See, it’s just cute and stuff when one of y’all says, “Military Intelligence? Isn’t that an oxymoron?” And I laugh. When those leftists at Time say it, it makes me see red.

FYI, I was a 98C from 1992-97.


WRT the whole “extremists in the military” issue, I think there’s a kernel of truth to it but not for the reasons the MSM (and the SPLC chicken littles) would give. It’s not some sinister plan by the great organized cabal of racists (who are, in reality, the most pathetic collection of sad-sack losers one could imagine) to train themselves up for some imaginary revolution.

Rather, it’s because the core of the various racist/extremist groups are poor whites who live in predominately rural areas, and that happens to coincide with a large portion of the military.

The MSM and SPLC are making the “post hoc ergo prompter hoc” fallacy, assuming that simply because there’s a correlation between some of these wackjob extremists and the military, that the military must be the “cause” that makes them go crazy.

Incidentally, I’ve heard similar false correlations made on the other end of the racial spectrum where people on the right have hyperventilated about the Crips and the Bloods sending their members off to the armed forces to learn some mad killing skillz. Again, there is a correlation but it’s a correlation that comes from the fact that the poor blacks from the bad part of town who are likely to see the military as an opportunity for advancement are in the same group as those who would be drawn into the thug life of a “gangsta.”

Seeing as how both the military and the extremist groups are fishing from the same pond, it’s inevitable that every now and then they’re going to land the same fish.


@13 There you go perpetuating the “wars are only fought by the poor” myth. This has been proven incorrect multiple times and through multiple sources (one of those sources is this very blog). The truth is that majority of service members are recruited out of the middle to upper middle class.

That whole high school diploma thing, gets you every time.

Annoying Mike

It’s interesting. Wade Page was an alcoholic and had been one for years. He was kicked out of the Army for an alcohol incident, as I understand it. Why doesn’t anybody focus on that?

Alcohol kills more people every day from drunk drivers plowing into people, to numb-nuts who’ll try any stunt once they get sloshed. I read years ago that a preponderance of violent crimes are done while the offender is on drugs and/or alcohol.

So now the media takes this sot, who lost his job and his cracker girlfriend, and says or implies that his Army veteran status is the proximate cause for his criminality-right.


You tell them lilyea you’re definitely the expert on racism around here.


^^^ carrying on your Jonn is a meanie antics I see?

Your infatuation with the author is so curious. I wonder, if you ever met him in person if you’d be inclined to fight him or kiss him. I’m leaning towards the later. Jonn called you out for being a fraud. Get over it move out smartly.


Still butthurt about your ‘outing’, Knees? LOL


Been wondering where all those racists were that we hear about all the time around here. Certainly glad we cleared that up.



I also wonder if Knees2TheBreeze has ever seen a photo of Jonn and his wife. Or if he’d be smart enough to realize how much of a fool he’s been after seeing one.


Everyone bleeds red. 91b20


I have seen a picture of lilyea before he looks like a semi erect penis.. The man called a black service member he had never met before an ape.. I guess to you people that is a term of endearment towards African Americans..


^ If he looks like that, you must love him. Which explains your constant need to come spew your BS here.


What do you mean “you people”?

(What do you mean “What do you mean ‘you people'”).


@knees your “Jonn is a racist” straw man is tired. Give it a rest. You accusing Jonn of something unfounded, no matter how many times you chirp off about it, will never change the fact you are a fraud. We get it, your feelings are hurt that Jonn wouldn’t suffer your BS and told the world. Go be a petulant child elsewhere.


Above anon is smoke-check


Knees2, the term “ape” has a long history of use in the military, applied equally to people (usually of the lower enlisted ranks) of all races, when being berated for insufficient performance. It is intended as a negative reinforcement for poor behavior. I must question your military credentials (do you have any?) if you don’t know this.

It seems you name would be better as Knees(spreadandintheair) or (Onmy)knees(andelbows). Good luck with that.

Back on topic, I was stationed at Pope AFB, 91-93. There were racists there, but seemed no more common than any other mostly rural area to me. The few times they made themselves known to me, I sneered and moved on. When a skinny Air Force punk thinks you’re a yellow-livered gutless wonder-fuck… you probably are.

The Dude

@27 You are full of shit! I was in the Army for 7 years and never heard the term ape used for anybody..

The Dude

If you think ape is such a harmless term go out and call the next black dude you see one and see how he takes it. The soldier that Lilyea called an ape was offended and Lilyea didn’t even apologize.


Leftist ignorance is probably only surpassed by their willingness to repeat any lie to break that which is not broken so that they can fix a problem which did not exist until they created it. Of course, they never claim responsibility for their deeds.

Isms exist less in the military than anywhere else. Leftists will never acknowledge this and will continue to screw with the military because we refuse to conform to their negative world view.

I was only party to one event which might have been racism during my military career. (It might have been a rank thing, or a couple of other possibilities.) I was able to successfully neutralize the situation and life went on.

Personally, I’ve worked for and with just about every category of human. Those who did the job were accepted no matter who they were. The screw ups were not. End of story.


@29 Why should he apologize? Because he said something, and somebody was offended? Don’t want to hurt anybodies feelings, make sure everybody feels like a special snowflake.

Also just so you know Ape was a common slang term used in the Navy to refer to sailors that worked above deck manning the guns. “Deck Ape” has fallen out of popular use as everything is being off the decks into computer control rooms. You will also find Ape was used extensively for many years in both the Amry and Marine Corps, especially by Drill Sergeants/Instructors when referring to privates/recruits.

If we are not careful, the whole english language will be banned, because some special flower will get upset and everything will be racist.

ape (e?p)

— n
1.See anthropoid ape See also great ape any of various primates, esp those of the family Pongidae , in which the tail is very short or absent
2.( not in technical use ) any monkey
3.an imitator; mimic
4.informal ( US ) a coarse, clumsy, or rude person

— vb
5.( tr ) to imitate


Somebody told me K2b and The Dud haven’t paid taxes in 10 years.

SFC Holland

@28 I was in the Army 18 years (still am) and know the term was used in the services, not as a racial term but as a big burly dude, knucklehead term, and saw that meaning change over the last 10 years as well. You won’t hear it today but you are forgetting with whom you are speaking. The terminology of 20 years ago is not the terminology of today’s Army, and you are being willfully ignorant of that in order to be offended. You should know our history.


“you big ape” is a line thats been used a few times in movies and TV to describe certain meatheaded guys. Here is a reference to IMDB page where “ape” is used in film. http://www.imdb.com/search/text?realm=title&field=quotes&q=you%20big%20ape


More stuff,
Movies or shows, with “you ape” as term of affection or scorn. http://www.imdb.com/search/text?realm=title&field=quotes&q=you%20ape


I know John, so will not even comment on the dip shit K2B. However, Dud(e left off for a purpose), as being the first or second generation of my family walking upright and retired from the Army, the term “Ape” was and is used quite a bit. I would imagine that if you spent 7years in the military, it must have been in the politically correct units, units that are more concerned of being pretty and wearing comfortable undies, than actually discipline and mission success.

Just the opinion of an “Ape”


I was in the Army for 7 years and never heard the term ape used for anybody..

I was in the Navy for 12 and heard the word “ape” about 4 days into boot camp, referring to “deck apes.”

Maybe if you got some time on the fucking pond, ape…

In Class

@29 I took you up on your challenge. There are four black guys in my class (I’m currently worming my way through TRADOC), college-educated intelligent guys. I called each one of them an ape over the course of the day, along with four other random members of the class just to play fair.

NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS OFFENDED. We still went and played softball after class. It’s not a racist slur. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to do (as far as my career goes), but it just proved that some people just get off on getting offended for other people.


Affirmative Action promotions suck


I’ve seen racism in the military, both overt and covert. It exists…just not to the extreme in which this individual says it does.


@37 Maybe you should get some trigger time Sparky.. You conveniently missed out on all the conflicts this great country fought while you were in service.. You profile riding piece of shit..


@Knees and Dude

I’m currently in the navy and just walked out to the smoke shack and called a couple of my students retarded gun monkeys.

Yes, one of them was black and he giggled like an idiot.

U Mad Bro?


Now, isn’t that just . . . “special”. Our own Knees2TheBreeze (AKA IVAV’s “heroic” Jonathan DeWald, I believe) castigating someone else for “missing out on all the conflicts”.

Hey, DeWald: just precisely where did you serve? Wait, never mind – your former profile at IVAV listed where you served, remember?


None of those are combat-zone assignments, dipstick. So how about you just go grab a big, steaming mug of STFU?


68W58: you do realize you just gave Knees2TheBreeze his next avatar, don’t you? (smile)


You conveniently missed out on all the conflicts this great country fought while you were in service

I’ll be sure to mention that at the next Legion and VFW monthly meetings I attend. My fellow members will no doubt be delighted to hear that.


Hondo-mea culpa, maxima mea culpa.


@14: Sandbag: C- for reading comprehension. Read what I said above – the extremist groups recruit a majority from poor whites, for the military it’s “a large portion” not the majority or even most. And I say that from experience, not opinion.

As for the military being mostly middle class, perhaps if you include the officer corps that may be true, for the enlisted ranks most come from the middle class or lower (and obviously “class” is a malleable definition, subject to manipulation based on whatever it is a person is trying to prove or disprove at any given time.)

So please read what I say and not what you think I’m trying to imply. No, I don’t agree with the silly notion that the military is composed only of poor schmucks who can’t make it anywhere else and who are “economic mercenaries.”

FWIW I served in the Army, Army Reserves and National Guard for 23 years, retiring in 2005.


Addendum to the above: I was also stationed at Fort Bragg in 1995 when those two creeps shot that couple in Fayette-Nam. As usual the military overreacted and my unit (3rd Group) conducted the only barracks inspection I ever saw in nearly 4 years there (because of reports that the two killers had a Nazi flag displayed in their barracks room, the Bragg CG ordered commanders to inspect every single barracks room in their command.)


@46 I doubt you are allowed to speak at meetings I am sure you just go for the free food. The legion and VFW will take anybody.