Old Gordo sees the end times approaching

| August 9, 2012

Thank God (Yahweh to my Zionist overlords) for Veterans Today and Gordon Duff, who is a one stop shop for hilarity. Seriously, I love this dude with my huge Zionist heart.

The election in the US is likely to turn violent. We hear things like this but there is actual mobilization and very real terror warnings out tied to the election.

Romney is so far behind, there has been nothing like this in US history.

Wait, what? Yeah, he’s so far behind that Rassmussen has him up by 4. (That poll was paid for with dirty Zionist Diamond Trade money no doubt.)

Tell me more….

The problem is, world organized crime is behind Romney. Bain has now been tracked to Africa, involvement in the blood diamond trade which is tied to arms and drugs, an explanation as to why so many bank accounts.

One of the groups paralleling his activities in Africa originated in Zimbabwe and has been involved in the development of germ warfare and the actual release of both ebola and influenza strains, not just in Africa but other areas much much closer to home.

Links? Those are for suckers, Gordo doesn’t need proof, he discovered it by staring at goats.

Out of fear of retribution (Obama is not so harmless himself) a large scale blackmail operation, worldwide, to raise funds and gain endorsements is going on.

Look for new endorsements and you will have a list of people with hidden police records of drug use and sales, sex crimes, even murder.

There is so much of this going on with the Romney backers, particularly those in Africa, officially “white supremacists” and in a certain area of the Middle East recently visited that the tabloids could be filled for a decade.

But how will the end come Gordo? Bang or a whisper?

What we have are a number of coastal military commands moving equipment, relocating, leaking announced plans for closure, if this is a “drill,” it is the strangest one in history.

For a bit of closure, two other issues need mentioning. Communications in the US are either suffering from the worst solar flares in history or something sinister is going on.

No guessing from me on this one.

Yes, Romney controls the sun. Think about it. Romney is just his Mormon/Zionazi name. He used to be “Mitt Ramanoodleman” which means he who eats many Raman Noodles. However, it is also a nod to his past life, when he was “Ra” the sun God.

Think about it people. Wake up and act before the next false flag operation that no one will know about unless Gordo tells us how the Sears Tower (not named that anymore since the Zionists took over) was destroyed with Nuclear weapons and rebuilt in an afternoon my Ramanoodleman.

Category: Politics

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Doof, it’s pronounced “Doof”.

Just Plain Jason

He definately has an inator of some type…

Just Plain Jason

The future according to Gordo…



Yes, it’s true…..this man has no dick…lol


He has it all wrong. My six year old son, got it right, he told me, “daddy … the end of world will come when all BeyBlades stop spinning”.


If I wasn’t subject to random tests, I’d want to have some of whatever shit he’s taking, just to see what it’s like. I mean, that sort of crazy just doesn’t come about naturally. No way.


I wish I could say he’s joking, but the frightening thing is that I think he’s serious.

I have just GOT to start investing in tin foil…


This guy makes John Hinckley look like the pillar of sanity.


Good luck, PintoNag. I think Duff and his ilk already cornered the market for tinfoil.

Old Tanker

WOW….my brain hurts trying to follow that….


Could.not.get.past. “Romney is so far behind, there has been nothing like this in US history.” O.M.G!!! The Triple L Syndrome alive and well. (La-La-Land Syndrome)

Old Trooper

I see Gordy’s shipment of lithium is late, again.

How this chucklehead can be walking around unsupervised is beyond me.

In all fairness to Gordy; he has it right, but the details are wrong. It’s the Jooooooos!!! An article not blaming Mossad and the filthy Joooos written by him is actually starting to worry me. I hope he comes to his senses and concentrates on the real culprits!

BTW That last paragraph was sarcasm, in case there’s someone new reading this that hasn’t taken sarcasm 101 in school.


PN, forget the tinfoil, vinegar is the answer. Chemtrails and all that.
“a list of people with hidden police records of drug use and sales, sex crimes, even murder.”?? WTF, over? If their records are hidden, how does one look for them?

B Woodman

How does The Gordo (Fat One) manage to walk, talk, and breath at the same time, or even in sequence?
As #6 said, I want some, too.


Links? Those are for suckers, Gordo doesn’t need proof, he discovered it by staring at goats.

He obviously got the information from a pre-screening of a new ad from Obama’s SuperPAC.


Keep tellin’ ya folks that this mess started when the druggies of the 60’s turned all the crazies out of the asylums then encouraged them to breed. Every neighborhood is now infested with the results.

(OK, pass me the industrial strength tinfoil hat, PN! I’ve got the bottle of vinegar already in hand.)


I wonder if it vexes this former admin clerk that he can’t put a dent in our secret Zionist powers. His tears of impotent crazy rage serve as better fuel than the blood of the victims of the Israeli lobby.

I wish I had the ability to control Mitt Romney using the mysteries inherent to my Joo-ish race. I’d make him be angry and passionate and stuff.


I’m kinda with NHSparky here. I also am subject to being told to “pee in a bottle” – but if I wasn’t, I think I’d like to try some of Duff’s secret stash too. Whatever he’s using obviously lets him see visions and hear voices. And some of them actually sound kinda entertaining – in a demented, detached-from-reality sorta way. Might be fun for a while.

Oh well, guess that’s just not meant to be.