IVAW’s big guns

| February 7, 2008

Of course, most of you know that I volunteered to cover the IVAW’s Winter Soldier II “hearings” next month. Well, apparently some of the members of IVAW are a little worried about that. I sent them my DD214 (redacted, of course) and they’ve pretty much ignored my application to blog their event. Until now.

I received this email (I don’t usually post email I receive, but this one graphically illustrates the types that IVAW attracts) from this IVAW member named Jonathan DeWald;

Hey bro,

You know why I was a Sergeant after ten years? Blasting a loud-mouthed E7 in the mouth when I was a promotable Staff Sergeant. He had the same sour, b****y look you do in your DA photo… where you’re also an E7! What an amazing coincidence. Another sassy senior NCO stepping into my sector of fire. Anyway, luckily for me, everyone else in all of V Corps hated that fat pogue as well and I got off with just an Article 15. And my disability comp gets paid at the E6 rate!

You’ll be providing “security escorts” to Gathering of Chickenshits members “counter-demonstrating” at IVAW events like Winter Soldier II? That’s a laugh. In response to your statement on Robin the Man-Thing’s page (I really had no idea she was considered a woman. I thought she was a dude with man-***s.), any “encounter” between us will go down however the **** I see fit.

Though I truly do hope to see you and every other Gaggle**** of ****birds member in DC next March, I must advise you Winter Soldier is being held at a private college. The campus police have already been instructed to arrest any of you dip****s who attempt to trespass. I personally thought we had room to accommodate all 17 members of GoE, but with 100 vets testifying, another 700 in attendance, 100 members of the national and international media, an as-yet undetermined number of Iraqi and Afghan civilians (man, the government’s making it hard to get the travel visas!) and perhaps another 100 scholars, legislators and other guests, we simply have no room for you!

But I’ll be at my favorite DC haunts every night I’m there: Hawk and Dove, Sign of the Whale and every bar in Adams Morgan. Come on in and see me. Unless you’re afraid to mouth off to me when there are no cameras or cops around to protect your b**** ass.

At ease,



Whatever that “keep it necro” means unless he’s threatening to kill me or something.

But, I got that at about 5:30 this morning (Zulu). Apparently he felt the need to address my offer to Robin at Chickenhawk Express to escort her to the IVAW “hearings” after he threatened her physically.

Keeping in mind that the name of the organization is “Iraq Veterans Against the War”, I checked out Mr DeWald’s profile at IVAW;

Branch of service: United States Army (USA)
Unit: Rakkasan Regiment, 101st Airborne / 1st Tank, 2nd ID
Rank: Sergeant (Retired)
Home: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Served in: Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, USA: Fort Campbell, Kentucky, USA; Fort Polk, Louisiana; USA; Camp Casey, Republic of Korea; Babenhausen Kaserne, Federal Republic of Germany; Novy Mir Garrison, Sulęcin, Republic of Poland; Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA.

No mention of Iraq at all, well, unless they moved it to Poland and didn’t tell anyone. So I guess he’s just another wannabe phony soldier. As Thus Spake Ortner mentioned in his post at The Sniper, even Jessie MacBeth qualified for membership in the IVAW with his 42 days at the CCF barracks in Fort Benning.

I may be stepping outside my area of expertise here, but I’ve never heard of “1st tank” outside of the Marine Corps. I know they have a 1st Tank Battalion at 29 Palms, but I’m not aware of any Army unit, anywhere called the “1st Tank” – the Army calls them armor battalions. And I’m not sure what an infantryman would be doing in an armor battalion unless he was working at a pogue staff job.

Now, Mr. DeWald claims to be an Infantryman – but I only see three possible duty stations for an infantryman in his list. Campbell, Polk and Camp Casey. And eight duty stations in ten years (and he doesn’t mention basic or AIT stations). That’s a lot! Unless he’s counting the places he visited or trained.

But back to DeWald’s email. He mentions disability comp “paid at an E-6 rate”. Now I get a disability check from the VA and I don’t get an E-grade rate. I get a flat percentage rating – the VA doesn’t care what a disabled veteran’s pay grade was, it pays everyone the same. Now, it’s possible that he’s talking about his Army retired pay (if he’s retired for medical reasons) and it’s impossible to retire at an “E-6 rate”. The Army computes retirement pay on your last three months’ pay on active duty – not on pay grade information. So I don’t know what this fellow is talking about.

I’m assuming that DeWald is referring to the photo of me in uniform on my “About” page. But, as most career soldiers know, it’s not a DA photo. A DA photo is a full length shot of the whole uniform and it’s black-and-white (or at least it was the last time I took one). So I guess there’s something else this “retired” E-5 doesn’t know about military service.

I’m not a member of the Gathering of Eagles, even though I fully support their activities. And if DeWald had ever been to a Gathering of Eagles, there are a few more than 17 members. There were thousands at their first counterprotest last March 17th and numbers have grown since. I know it bothers the Left and the IVAW that they are outnumbered, so the disingenuously deflate the numbers of their opponents.

DeWald, though has a real hard-on for the GOE folks. He wrote about them at the IVAW site;

Have you heard of these guys? Man, they blow my mind! I’ve never seen so much patriotism confined to one website: http://gatheringofeagles.org/. How do they contain all that kick-ass patriotism with such a small amount of bandwidth? I thought I was a patriot: driving my Ford all drunk, getting tattoos of naked chicks, beer mugs, bald eagles and Confederate battle flags, and then these guys come along and BOOM! I get to see, first-hand, what a real bad-ass American looks like. I thought I was supposed to go to the gym and get all muscular. Nope! To judge from the physiques and prêt-à -porter attire of the Eagles, all I need is regular access to a buffet and some straight-leg Wranglers to attain that patriotic chic.

Well, that’s some real mature stuff, ain’t it? It’s real apparent that DeWald has some real “daddy issues” that he needs to deal with before he goes out in public.

Well, after that first email, I replied to DeWald that he should step back and take a deep breath before he gets himself in trouble for what he’s writing to people. His reply;

My man,

I’ve taken a step back. I’ve breathed deeply. And I’ve never met a loudmouthed conservative/Republican/fascist whose ass I couldn’t kick in under 30 seconds. The challenge still stands, tough guy. If you or any of those other ****ing corny sham “patriots” want to double down on your laughable bull**** threats, I’m available. I told you where to find me in DC come March. You know where my boxing club is in Milwaukee.

I really hope one of you pogues comes after me. I haven’t beaten the **** out of somebody in the street and outside of the ring in awhile. I especially hope; no, I pray that one of you ***heads pulls a weapon on me. Make it a good one, though, and not some bull**** like a Taurus or an M9. I really want a Springfield XD in .40 cal.

Thanks dude,


Now, I never threatened him (except that I did threaten to expose him as a poser unless he got himself under control – which is what I’m doing here), but all of a sudden he has visions of me pulling a gun on him (hand guns are illegal for everybody in DC, so I figure he’ll be in the wrong place if he’s hoping for a confrontation involving firearms).

So I guess this is IVAW’s way of trying to tell me that I won’t be blogging their Winter Soldier II “hearings”, since I’m the one DeWald chose to start sending emails. Pretty cowardly, actually. But predictable. IVAW attracts some pretty unsavory people. They have the Jesse MacBeth saga – the Pink Power Ranger, they have Adam Kokesh – the gun smuggler, and now this illiterate psychopath. Not to mention all of the other phony soldiers who’ve forced me to expose them as posers and sociopathic liars.

Now, I almost like Army Sergeant, who seems to be the only decent guy in the bunch, although he’s somewhat confused. But the rest of these goofballs are really deranged.

It’s easy to just declare that you oppose war. Hell, I oppose war. But it takes just a little bit of intellect to accept that sometimes war is necessary for our survival. Unfortunately all the theorists and academics don’t have to be right when they influence young immature minds to oppose war. They just have to sound smart.

Fortunately, the rest of us are around to protect the theorists and academics while they commit mental pedophilia. But some of their victims are lost to the ages – mental midgets to begin with, they use the ideas that they’ve had crammed into their pointy heads to try to give themselves an aura of being half-way smart. The result is people like Mr DeWald; illiterate half-baked morons physically threatening anyone who disagrees with them.

Maybe if his Daddy had hugged him more often…or a little less.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Thus Spake Ortner

I agree on all of it. Unfortunately with ArmySergeant, because I thought he was a good sign of some of the people in IVAW. He seems honest and willing to listen. But he has a link to this guy on his blog, and this dude is quite obviously seriously unhinged. Threatening people is just weak.

I’m 37, a combat veteran and a law school graduate. My days of rolling around in a bar room scuffle are behind me. Some day this guy may grow up, but I’m not counting on it.

SGT de Wald

Me, a poser? That’s laughable. 1st Tank is 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor at Camp Casey, Korea. I was an FO on active duty; an 11B in the Guard, though we did have infantryman in my old tank battalion in Korea: mortarmen, actually. It was with them that I earned my EIB. My service record is beyond reproach. Don’t even think you’re going to pull this Rush Limbaugh/phony soldier bullshit with me.

DA photos are now in color. For some reason, they’re taken from the knees up. Yeah, I’d say anything I said about army minutiae which you took issue with is due to the fact that you’re kind of old. Really, you think quibbling about VA Comp and Pension scales and other minor shit that evidently changed in the years since you’ve retired is going to “debunk” me? I’M A REAL SOLDIER, A REAL VET AND I’VE NEVER LIED ABOUT MY SERVICE RECORD OR MISREPRESENTED MYSELF IN ANY WAY. Ever. If you want to look at my DD214, I’m bringing it to Winter Soldier so I can lord it over all the civilians in GoE. I’d be happy to show it to you. You and everybody else who wants a look. I promise I won’t kick anybody’s ass.

So knock this phony soldier shit the fuck off. It makes you look pathetic, attacking other veterans.



If that’s in fact true, it’s so different from the original Winter Soldier hearings in Detroit with Senator Lurch Kerry.

SGT de Wald

Yes, you are attacking veterans. And how! Kokesh, the guy who fought in Fallujah I, a phony soldier? That’s the most fucking ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

You haven’t exposed shit, you fucking degenerate. Apart from your bitterness. You’re the fucking bullshit liar, you fat bastard. Everything I have ever stated about my service is unequivocally true. Attacking my record makes you a fucking worthless liar.

I’ll let you alone for the time being. The intrusion of the truth seems to get to people like you. Hope to see you at Winter Soldier, though. We can finish this in person.


Hey DeWald,
For all your fucking bluster, I bet you couldn’t kick your way out of a wet paper sack. Your a loud-mouthed pussy who probably practices that puffery in your bathroom mirror becasue it gets good reviews. I’ve been to Iraq, and I support the war. You’re not even a war vet, but you’ve been accepted into the IVAW? How token.

As for them: No one forced the jackasses to enlist. They did it willingly. Apparently, they’re not smart enough to figure out that the U.S. sends the military where it’s needed, you don’t get to pick and choose assignments or conflicts, and the purpose of the Army is to fight and win the nation’s wars. I’ve always wondered why these morons volunteer for duty then piss about what they were sent to do.

Their sudden mealy-mouthed anti-war, anti-military epiphanies seemed to occur in conjunction with their disciplinary problems. Go figure.

The problem with these kids is their pompous sense of entitlement. They join just for the ‘college money’ and are genuinely shocked when they get sent to do what they were trained for. If they’re looking for sympathy, it’s in the dictionary; between “shit” and “syphilis”.

Do us a favor, DeWald and crawl back into the woodwork.

SFC Cheryl McElroy


Oh yeah and by the way, when you finally meet, my money’s on Jon.


Nikki Fellenzer posted this on Chickenhawk Express:

Could this be our hero? Seems like he has a history of running off at the mouth….

State of Wisconsin vs. Jonathan P Dewald

Ozaukee County Case Number 2003CM000408

The Defendant was charged with the following offense:
Count No. Statute Cite Description Severity Offense Date Plea
1 947.012(1)(a) Unlawful Phone Use-Threatens Harm Misd. B 06-14-2003 No Contest on 11-04-2003
On 11-04-2003 there was a finding of:
Action Court Official
Guilty / No Contest McCormack, Joseph D.

On 11-04-2003 the following was ordered:
Sentence Time Begin Date Notes
Local Jail – Imposed and Stayed 90 Days imposed and stayed
Probation, Sent Imposed 18 Months
Condition Time Notes
Prohibitions no contact direct or indirect with Delbert Reynolds, Siobhan Reynolds or Reynolds family or Reuss Bldg Milwaukee accept for business purpose only
Other pay supervision fees

Return to Case 2003CM000408
Printable Version (PDF)
Cricket | 02.07.08 – 10:15 am | #

Nikki Fellenzer 02.07.08 – 10:34 am


WHAT??? I read this post and really get astonished at what some people can do to get some attention…

Anyway, I was just commenting here to tell you, I have given you an award. Congratulations!


The coup d’ grace:

The members of IVAW all have one common denominator; they’re abject losers.
Read their “profiles” and comments. Not one of them has any outstanding achievements. They omit full disclosure of their military backgrounds, and are dumb enough to think that Buck Sergeants can “retire” under normal circumstances. Dewald’s unique way of “expressing himself” is indicative of an emotionally retarded individual. For someone who served in the Army, he’s totally clueless about the reasons for the WOT. The Islamofascist goal of a world Caliphate is lost on the X-Box generation. Throwing imbecilic tantrums against the military and his own country is his way of compensating for his intellectual impotence.

Let me be more succinct: He’s a worthless fuckstick with no redeeming value.

That about covers it.


Hmmmm….. never served in Iraq, but joined the IVAW? Sounds an awful lot like the original Winter Soldier hearings in Detroit. Many of those never served in Vietnam, and some never served period.

If it looks like BS, and talks like BS, I’d guess it is BS.


Touchy Touchy DeWald, seems a bit overly unhinged.

Guess if I was about to lie to the entire nation, with the media recording every detail of the lie, and being under oath — and risked going into the pokey for several years, I’d be a little unhinged too.

Pretty easy to be calm if you are telling the truth.

DeWald, you have just failed the first IVAW test of credibility. They don’t need you any more. Run away to Canada and hide your treasonous butt from the real veterans.

Are they still going to hold this Lie Fiesta? I’ve made travel arrangements to Berkeley, where other traitors need to be attended to.

Army Sergeant

Holy bejesus. Jonn, I could almost like you too, if you wouldn’t fly off the handle every five seconds without contacting me first .

First, I’d like to state that I don’t know De Wald, TSO was mistaken, and posted as much once I informed him, like a champ. I will ask him here to stop as well as on The Sniper. This is not productive, and I would greatly prefer that no one be riled up or provoked to violence on /either/ side. For the love of all that’s holy.

Secondly, Jonn, the only person that has even seen any of the people who has emailed me about blogging is me. I haven’t even given the names on my list to anyone yet. I don’t even know myself how big the space will be and how many I can accomodate. I’m not going to be taking the names to anyone else until I know that and know who I want and if I have to beg space for extras.

In short, I’m sorry that you seem to have attracted the ire of this fellow, I apologize on behalf of my organization for his behavior which is not representative and is not helping express what Winter Soldier is about at all. However, this has nothing to do with me, nothing to do with you blogging or not blogging, and holy hell, Jonn, you have my email, how hard is it to ask?


Jonn – my money is on you too. My Dad always said that when you hit on the truth that’s when they get nasty – so looks like we hit the truth. GI Jane’s assessment was spot on.

Concerned IVAW member

IVAW sure does get a lot of attention from all of you for being losers. Is that what you all spend your time doing? Following losers around?

I think what is really going on here is you have an idea of what you want this country to be and you are willing to put some effort into it. We just don’t agree on what that looks like.

How about all of us stop pretending to care that “women” have been insulted when you throw around the insult “pussy” when you feel like it. Stop calling people fat as an insult because I am willing to guess not too many of us are in the shape we would want to be in.

Stop insulting veterans. Just stop.
Just because you don’t agree with their politics doesn’t make them fair game. If you want to beef with their record do it with out personal attacks. All of us, IVAW included.

There will be no violence at Winter Soldier.


“IVAW sure does get a lot of attention from all of you for being losers.”

You get NO respect from me. I and many of us had to put up with the damn anti war types and the VVAW a long time ago, and from what I see there is no difference between the VVAW & IVAW. Which one of you is gonna be the NEW Hanoi John Kerry? I considered the VVAW traitors to their brothers that were still fighting in the rice paddies & jungles of Vietnam, and consider the IVAW to be the same when your brothers are still fighting in the heat & sands of Iraq.


“Concerned IVAW member”

I’m not scared of confronting anyone, especially IVAW losers. We don’t “follow you”; we wait for you to spew your bullshit, then we call you on it.
Secondly, as for insults, I can fling them with the best. I wasn’t the one who complained about the “insults to women”, but you’d have known that if your cognitive and reading skills were up to par. Having said that, Dewald is still a PUSSY.

Army Sergeant

Gramps, I do wonder what you say to the IVAW members that are active duty and currently deployed? We have IVAW members in the sandbox right now .


“Gramps, I do wonder what you say to the IVAW members that are active duty and currently deployed? We have IVAW members in the sandbox right now .”

Exactly what I’m saying right now. I have absolutely no use for the IVAW. Anyone who volunteered to enlist in the military has no right to bitch about it when they get sent to war. Maybe y’allthey should have joined the girl scouts instead.