Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Sotomayor Regional – Round Three – Day One

| August 2, 2012

I did not walk into the light, so I am back at work, but you still get an abbreviated/plagiarized version of the contestants.  Will try to make up for it next week peeps.

Books For Soldiers = awesome. Good people, good organization, send them some Dinar.



Here we go, vote at bottom.

1 Tim “Stuttering Jackass” Poe v.
4 Bill “Psychic SEAL” Brockbrader

POE: Dude cried on TV more than when Kristen Stewart got caught boning a director and had to admit to her Twi-tards that she cheated on her werewolf. The guy that did the “Leave Brittney Alone!” video wrote me and said “That dude looks like the biggest sissy in history.” I can just imagine the increased flow of Estrogen if he takes home the win in the Stolen Valor Tournament. One small step for Poe, one giant leap for stuttering jackasskind.

BROCKBRADER: His video is the greatest thing since opposable digits. “Hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. ” I was once in a very similar unit, a sort of interspecies A-Team. It was Me, Sam the Eagle, Camilla the Chicken, Fozzie Bear, Rowlff the Dog and Rizzo the Rat. We sat there and intoned the major words “Mahna Mahna” while looking through a 1300’s invention called a window. We had 8 in our team, but the old bastards Statler and Waldorf bitched non-stop so we sent them to an MP unit. (I keed, I keed)

3 Graham “IVAW Ranger Brigade” Clumpner  v.
2 Ron “Gunny Driveway” Mailahn

CLUMPNER: His IVAW thing had the stupidest bio I have ever seen. “told to deploy to Iraq with a reserve unit..I resisted and went underground for the next 9 months until I received enough disability to be released from my orders. I know what it feels like to be afraid and I want to help others never feel the way I did. Racism, Patriarchy, Poverty and Militarism have to end. We will be the light at the tip of the candle.” Forget all the other crap, but WHERE IN THE HELL ELSE WOULD THE LIGHT OF A CANDLE BE? Also, living underground will scare just about anyone. I hope you went into the depths armed with a Winnie the Pooh nightlight. And some depends undergarments.

MAILAHN: At 574 comments and counting on his post, Gunny Driveway here has always been a fan favorite. Maybe it is the red T-shirt under his Marine uniform, maybe his unhinged comments, maybe the ex-wives showing up to bash the man senseless… For me it was the picture of his rotund then Fiancee hogtied, and the ensuing vomitus that I was forced to choke back. Well, Ron has a new girl (Hi Diana! Nice boob shot on Date #2) and a new job (Mazda dealer) so he might be too busy to check in with us. (P.S. You pump the neighbor’s dog again, Ron, or are you always slack eyed and silly in the afternoon?)


Holy teeth.

8 Mike “Goth Special Forces” Wilson v.
5 Brian Leonard “T-Shirts and Tattoos make you a SEAL” Creekmur

WILSON: Look, who among us hasn’t gone out in public with a Tropic Lightening Patch, pencil thin moustache and eyeliner? According to his still-existent Facebook page “I can’t talk about my job discription. All I can say is that I was special forces.” Dude, first rule of SF is the same as Fight Club, don’t talk about it. Also, learn to spell. He kind of looks like an ugly tranny version of the chick from Evanescence. The flirting with Brianna Manning doesn’t help.

CREEKMUR: Only two things I have to say about Creekmur. First, the dude claimed to be from Excelsior College which cracks me up because every time I read that I hear AlGore in South Park lamenting ManBearPig and saying “Excelsior” to fly. Secondly, isn’t Creekmur the dude from the movie Waiting that was the chef who kept trying to do “The Brain”? Spitting image of that guy, even though IMDB tells me that dude’s name is “Chi McBride.” Which itself is a kind of awesome name. If I could rename myself it would be Namaste Waitforit McDreamysauce. I got lost somewhere writing this, let’s just move along.

11 Robert “72 medals and a dump truck to carry them” Vaughn v.
2 Jake “I rethunk whether I was in Astan” Diliberto

VAUGHN: “Vaughn is a VietNam vet with 72 decorations during the 5 years he was in VietNam in the 101 Airborn. [sic]” Yeah, probably not so much, but nobody can track his ass down. This silly sack of shit is wearing so much stuff on his left side it looks like he has palsy. As one person noted, he looks like the product of a 3-way between Soup Sandwich and the guys from ZZ Top.

DILIBERTO: As Jonn noted at one point: “His records say that he was in “Afganistan/Pakistan” but we know from our three witnesses that he only got as far as Pakistan before he flattened his penis and got sent back to the boat to scrape barnacles or whatever they do on boats these days.” I know this is supposed to be about Diliberto (and there’s plenty there for a guy from “Rethink Afghanistan” who has never been there) but can I take a detour? Who uses the phrase “flattened his penis”? Stepped on it with golf cleats, yeah, I’ve heard that one. But flattened? How would one even flatten a penis? All I know is that I am never using my Panini maker in the nude again. Thanks a lot Jonn.


Your Lyrics of the Day:

I’m not a coward, I’ve just never been tested
I’d like to think that if I was, I would pass
Look at the tested and think there but for the grace go on
I might be a coward, I’m afraid of what I might find out.

I’ve never had to knock on wood, But I know someone who has
Which makes me wonder if I could It makes me wonder if
I’ve never had to knock on wood
And I’m glad i haven’t yet
Because I’m sure it isn’t good
That’s the impression that I get.

So go ye now, and vote ye brains out…..

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Category: Politics

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I had to vote against Poe. He already got the recognition he deserved when TSO rained on his parade, someone else should get theirs.

And I voted for Dildoberto again just because he is in the spotlight.


Damn. That last one was a doozy! Diliberto is a complete asshat, but the Dumptruck is just a bag of complete asshattery that is too funny!

I did vote for Poe. He’s a douche of the highest order. The sniveling, sniffling, teary-eyed, confused confession was about the cherry on the fruitcake!


For the first time, I voted against Ronad. He’s a certified asshat, but I have a particular vitriol for the frauds who attempt to make a name for themselves as “experts” and validated protestors through public spectacle based on lies and deceit, etc. Clumpner is trying to get away with using his fake credentials to further his political agenda, and for that he should be thoroughly exposed. Same for DiLiberto.


Gunny Driveway FTW!!!

2-17 AirCav

I have some cramming to do on this. The Witness Protection Program (Secret Squirrel Section) wouldn’t allow me internet access so I need to brush-up on this latest crop of misfits and miscreants before I vote. The naming of the Regionals is a scream. Clearly, the Roberts winner will necessarily be a turncoat with who thinks that if an apple is called an orange, the apple becomes an orange. The Sotomayor Regional winner, on the other hand, will surely be a knucklehead who looks at an apple and an orange and sees class struggle and the inherent goodness of the migrant worker who picked each.


Creekmur carried it easily for me – old enough (and really-served enough) to know better, used it for all the worst purposes. He pretends to be a squid; Wilson only knows about “squishing the squid.”


I find it funny that a guy who is a part of an organization that exploits and steals from veterans is trying to out people for stolen valor


Hmmmm. Sounds like a Yawn fanboi.


Sounds like UncleSugar doesn’t like the Mighty Mighty Boss Tones.

Of course, he could just be a douchetool.

Oh, and favorites except Wilson. Goth Death Blossom FTW!


You know exactly what I am talking about.. Your soldiers angels charity is as crooked as a dogs hind leg.


Well maybe you can explain how, shitbag.


Looks like we have another “live one” from Joisey . . . .


Stuttering Poe’s performance was worthy of an Emmy. A grenade went off in his ass and shot a turd into his brain. You just can’t top that. You just cant.


there is alot of money unaccounted for, why don’t you ask TSO how he has been paying for all those big macs he has been shoveling down his gullet.. I was taught a long time ago by a better soldier than any of you to never trust a fat infantry soldier..


Will all that money skimmed from the top TSO should use it to go join a gym.. No as for the rest of you assholes leave me alone before you piss me off.. I have Soldiers to train.


UncleSugar – don’t you mean you have a Thai tranny hooker to fuck, asshole?


Nicki–nah, although there I’ve no doubt there are tranny hookers in Elizabeth, NJ, it’s a bit of a reach to assume a Thai IP would proxy to NJ.

HOWEVER, there’s a little phony fuckstick who has popped in from time to time who it would not surprise me if it’s him, he of the claiming he’s SF but won’t show his papers, he of the DUI’s, etc…

Ain’t that right?


Just ones named “Dave”, or “Richter”, or “Obama Girl”.

And I bet he STILL hasn’t sent his paperwork to either OT or Hondo.


I’m tracking Union County College in Jersey. Is that correct? Not sure how one credibly berates veterans through the guise of training soldiers at a community college, but then again, this person chose to comment on a post highlighting fakers and frauds. Dredging this stuff up just reminds me of the crazy associated with Michael Yon and the selfish deception of Paul Reickhoff. Good job buddy.


TSO – I actually reprinted Ricky John’s letter in its entirety on my site. Not that Yawn will bother with an apology… dick.

NHSSparky – didn’t see the IP addy before I wrote that. When someone spews that type of shit, I have to assume it’s Yawn or a someone who’s sucking his cock.


He sounds pretty great. I think that was a perfect response to Yawn’s garbage. You should post it in its entirety and spread it far and wide! 🙂


BTW – the current write-up on Gunny Driveway is the most hilarious thing EVAH!!!

2-17 AirCav

“After a while it gets tiring defending from morons.” –TSO

Yes, but the knucklehead isn’t so much a moron (whose stupidity can be forgiven by decent people)as he is a malicious SOB who is foolishly hopeful that spewing fanciful and pernicious falsehoods and groundless accusations, someone, somewhere just might buy his drivel. He is merely a whack job in need of having his mug submerged in a 50 gallon shit bucket.


TSO is Seavey, right?

I guess we know what that stands for:


I can’t wait till Yon brings you down you fat waste.


You’re thinking of Shylock. And you’re not Irish, you’re just a fat piece of shit who likes to wear green while you get plastered. Lots of those around. But most of them aren’t using charitable donations to feed the monkey.

If that money was really going to help service-members you wouldn’t have gotten throatfucked by the good people at Charity Navigator. Yon’s on the case, and he will bring it all to light.


And then what, shitstick? He’ll go back to making baseless PTSD accusations while getting assplowed by Thai ladyboys?

Seriously, why you can’t stick to your own crazy little corner of the Internet? You gotta come in and shit on the carpet and scoot around for fun?


Well, I see our troll has moved to a proxy server belonging to the Gold VIP Club. I think that’s an online casino of bad reputation, but I could be wrong.

I do wonder if the good folks at Wholesale Internet know he’s using one of their clients to violate item 9 of their AUP – e.g., the one prohibiting any activities designed to harass another user, whether that user is a Wholesale Internet user or not?


Well, it’s good to see proud veterans who operate without airs working to help individuals and the overall image without being mired in the crazy. In all seriousness to the good people of TAH, please post if you plan on being in the DC area as I’d love to buy you a beer.

Just Plain Jason

Psychic SEAL is too awesome to pass up..

The Dude

@37 good people of TAH? Let me know when you find one.

2-17 AirCav

Yes, The Dud, the good people, the seemingly ever-dwindling number of decent folks who eat the meal out of politeness, help others without fanfare or recompense, watch out for kids and old people, stand up for what is right, have well-developed consciences, and who often downplay their own sacrifices to spotlight the sacrifices of others. They’re here. One day you may become one.

The Dude

@40 that description you gave doesn’t fit anybody on this site.. The only thing people do on this site is insult others who don’t share the same political idealogy and ethnic make up.. it’s mainly people like this I met in the Army is why I got out after Iraq and became a pacifist.



Looks like the kiddies have gotten around the parental locks on the computer again.


@40 Remember DUIDave, Obama Girl, and Richter. Yeah, well, there you go…


Oh, so Dude is one of those 10 percenters.


And after checking the IP and previous posting history from said IP,



Are these particular trolls showing up on this thread because their fraudulant IVAW bretheren Clumpner and Diliberto are figuring more and more prominent in this “competition?”

I get that Dave hates the military and veterans because he got booted from the Army, and others (Yon fans/IAVA/Paulites)are blinded by close-minded ideology, so maybe this is just par for the course…


NHSparky: beat me to it.

But yeah – where are they, Dave? I’ve been waiting nearly 5 months.

As a vet, you should have a package (of documents). Where are they? How about it, you disloyal, whey-faced bum – are you still checking yer package? Or do you even have a package? Or are you still playing with it?

Or did you lose yer package? Does that make you packageless now? Or would that be “docless”? Or did I get the first vowel wrong in “docless”?

C’mon, fella – man up and send them like you promised. If you have any of yer package left, of course.


Re: diliberto: you flatten a penis by taking the balloon out of it. Talk to a urologist about it. There is some kind of balloon insert that inflates it with a pump. For enlightenment, watch “The Full Monty”.


It must have been in an isolation ward somewhere. It’s been quite a while.

The Dude

@44 my disability rating is a little higher than 10% sparky I live off my va disability and unemployment but I am not ashamed to admit it.. I don’t need to come on a website and spew self importance to a group of bigots like yourself..