Random Open Thread – Election Day

| November 5, 2024

We haven’t had one of these in a long time, but today justifies dropping a ROT. There’s a good possibility that election coverage is going to run long into the night… Unless the GOP side voted in large enough numbers for a winner to be declared sooner. If past elections are an indicator, expect a long night. Enjoy the week!

Category: 2024 Election, Open thread

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Warren Peece




Warren Peece

Well, well….. think I’ll grab a couple o’ lottery tickets on the way home, just in case


I’m concerned about what all TPTB be are going to foist upon us when this (s)election is over.

The good (?) news is I “voted” two (2) weeks ago and Ms Thang, The Chancre Mechanic, validated my warranty card for another three (3) months. A1C was 5.9, BP 110/72 and pulse rate was (heh heh) 69 BPM.

A pot of Great Northern Beans with bacon (that’s what makes them great) and a skillet of Southern Buttered Milk Cornbread (sans sugar) is offered up.


Got my warranty checkup today too, good for 90 days. A1C won’t match yours (6.5) but that ain’t bad for a diabetic. Cholesterol was actually too low, so meds get reduced. Ya think the world is ready for 90 more days of us?


My A1C was 7.5, BP was 112/68, pulse was 70. Not bad for one on the the lower side of 80.


Buncha tough old sumbitches here. I’m just a yute of 61.


I remember being 61. It was good. Rotator cuff issues were just a caution, in those days, still rode horses. Haha, I still might ride a steady walker. Having a horse is NOT cheap.

Neither is golf, skiing, boating or dating.


Long may they remain on this side of the grass, says another yute of 64.


Welp, Lil’ Bro…so far the world has survived a combined total of 132 years of us, but that could be only because we are 2K+- miles apart. It could get sketchy for their readiness if we were in the same AO. (see my post on Boomer’s for confirmation)


“Sketchy”? Not nearly a strong enough word. It’d be straight up dangerous. Picture if you will, a world where all the denizens of TAH were within driving distance of each other…


Glad you got your warranty card validated, brother. I’ll be glad to hear “cancer free” from your Cancre Mechanic Sweet Thang.
I get my next warranty checkup FIRST (h/t WP) part of December.

I’ve spent the day trying to fix various plumbing fixture for Mrs. GB in the Compound. Got a wee bit more work to do tomorrow, but it’s mostly done.


Thanks Ya’all, I appreciate you guys making me feel young. I just hit the double nickel this year. After a “disagreement ” with the chief, which led to an early retirement, I’m rolling the dice with no insurance / checkups, but a month before that happened, I passed the annual with better numbers than I have in years, so I guess that’s good.


Punched the warranty card on that one last week, doc said see ya next year!


I vote 2 weeks ago just to make sure there were no unforeseen obstacles. I voted straight Republican which in my county Dems are virtually non-existent.

Hack Stone

Don’t know the sexual orientation of the candidates who Hack voted for, but they all were Republicans, where there were Republicans running for a seat, but this part of Maryland only seems to field Democrats in the local races.


We have ranked choice in Maine so I got to vote for Trump
five times on one ballot.




Spent 25 years in Montgomery County. The Chesapeake Bay made it livable.

Hack Stone

Did you encounter car parts from a 1980’s vintage Jaguar obstructing the road, particularly on River Road near the I-495 on ramp?


I never vote straight ticket because there is always at least one on there I don’t like. However, this year there was literally nobody on the other side of the ticket except for Harris. They haven’t just surrendered around here they have fled in terror. Still, there was one guy I didn’t like, so he got a non-vote instead of a vote.


umm, and where, exactly is your AO. Asking for someone who is looking (fleeing) a cesspool blue state. I can’t even imagine living somewhere that solidly red blooded. But I want to. I really, really want to find out what that feels like.


Georgia on your mind? And I mean the REAL Georgia…not the cesspools of the Metro Areas.


Alabama. Greater Huntsville region. Huntsville is more balanced and actually quite civilized but once you step a foot outside the city it becomes a deep Mars like red. South Tennessee is the same, North Mississippi makes us look like liberals.

There are tons of jobs down here and the cost of living is a few deviations less than any Northern city except Detroit, but who would want to live there? In 2016 Alabama had the highest percentage of red voters in the country. I am willing to bet this year they put in respectable numbers.

Most of the Democrats are concentrated in Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile areas. Don’t go to Birmingham, that place is a complete shit show. 15 years ago the entire county board of supervisors went to prison for corruption charges related to contracts. If you take the Jefferson County murder rate (Birmingham) out of the state stats the rate drops 40%. Montgomery is in steep population decline but the Mobile area isn’t terrible.


Not that you’d be near as excited about me as OAM there 5, but me and the wife are seriously looking at Alabama in the next year or so. Cost of living, warmer winters, and the fact that the once great state of Colorado is now a bright blue hellhole are driving us to it. If I can find the right job, that’d seal the deal even quicker.


I loved Colorado when I was stationed there in the 90s, last went in 2007 and couldn’t believe how badly it had changed in ten years.

Peter the Bubblehead

I try and do my research prior to an election. This year my very-local state representative race featured 2 Dems (people I know in person) and 2 Repubs – on whom I could find NO information whatsoever other than; Yes, they are Republican Candidates for the State Legislation for your District.
The town held a ‘Meet the Candidates’ night last week. The two Dem candidates appeared, the 2 Repub candidates did not, which pissed off a few voters – How are you going to earn my vote if you don’t meet with us and answer questions on where you stand?
When election day arrived yesterday, I voted for the two Republican – sight unseen. Because I knew the policy positions of the two Democrat candidates [Hell, they wouldn’t shut up about their views on Facebook for months! To the point I finally had enough being insulted by them and Blocked them both!] I would rather elect candidates sight-unseen then Democrats I know!
Election results for the town were announced early this morning. Both Dem candidates were beaten by over 1000 votes each in a town where 4200 people voted!
Tells you a little about how some towns feel about Democrat positions and policies.

Slow Joe

I voted straight Republican as well.
I know a bunch of Republicans are weak weasels, but at least they are not communists.


My polling place this year is the local American Legion, voted and stepped nextdoor to wash my sorrows away with some coldies 🍺😎


A one stop shop. Nice.


First, (h/t Warren Peece) keep your head down.
Second, (h/t Kumhalla/Walz) keep your head down!


Don’t you mean Kamala is supposed to keep her head up and down?

I love Walz channeling Al Gore. If he loses Minnesota he will officially be the biggest loser in the entire world.


No news yet…wake me when it’s time to bitch!

Wrench Turner

I’m going to take a nap on the couch.
Wake me when it’s time to go to bed.


Last I hear, the Ho was leading in NC, apparently getting shit on by the feds after the hurricane wasn’t enough to convince them to vote for someone better..


9:30 central time…Its looking good for Trump at the moment.


Good is a cautious understatement.


2251 Central and the NY Times (!) is giving Trump and 89% chance of taking it.


Yeah, that is what I was saying an hour ago. The liberal tears are already flowing on NBC.

“How? How could it be?”


NBC already sounds like they’re trying to let their blue audience down gently. They don’t sound certain kamala has it locked up.


ABC is showing the crowd at Howard is getting “dramatically smaller, and vibe is not gooood, brutal”.

They can still pull the rabbit out of a hat but it’s looking less likely as time goes on.

Hack Stone

Campaign cochair for Harris just announced to the remaining crowd that she will not be appearing on stage tonight. The response was somewhat muted, but that may be due to there only being 35 people remaining in the crowd. Hack is having flashbacks of Hillary losing her shit election night 2016. Let’s make garbage deplorable again.


Throwing the race card in 5, 4, 3,


Don’t forget the misogyny card.

A Proud Infidel®™

CNN came out already blaming “racism” and “sexism” as the reasons she lost, ain’t that a surprise? 🤣🤣

Daisy Cutter

Odds are when we hear her concession speech on Wed, she won’t have that cackling laugh. We will, however, get a condescending “schoolteacher” lecture she is famous for.

Last edited 1 month ago by Daisy Cutter

How long till the dims try to use the 25th on old Joe so she can wreak havoc for two months before the inauguration?? And has anyone heard from Commissar? I was wondering if he might be able to advise us what time the riots will be starting so we can avoid / confront them as is our wont…


No no no, you are referring to “mostly peaceful protests”, an expression of displeasure protected by the first amendment. Nah, too wordy. It’s a riot.


Will she be hung over or still in bag? When she concedes defeat to the MAGA King of America. lol. Trying to piss off the left with talk of Trump being the new king🤴


93% now.


Not participating in the HOT firsts, but wanted to share this. A Chicago cop was executed late last night by a known criminal thug, on electronic detention, with a fully auto weapon.

I can’t say how much I despise what my beloved former hometown has become. What makes it worse is the way most of the media is reporting it, “Officer among two killed”, “Shoot out in Chatham neighborhood”.

No, just no. This cop was assassinated while conducting a traffic stop, after repeatedly telling the scum bag to “stop reaching”. This cop was shot AFTER his buddy opened fire with a fully automatic weapon at near point blank range. That piece of crap waste of oxygen seems to be on the wrong side of the veil, unlike his buddy who currently and forever more resides on the correct side of the veil.

Countdown to protests in defense of the good boy who wasn’t doin nuffin, just protecting himself from the ebil police in 3… 2… 1…



Obviously, we need better gun control laws. That’s always the response. Bullshit. We need better prosecutors and judges.

E. Conboy

Unleash the hounds.


If you remove a very small and specific demographic, gun crime drops to nearly zero in the US.. Just saying


Those strict Illinois gun contol laws really stop gun crime, don’t they. The thugs were even armed with full automatic firearms, which would be prohibited to them and anyone else by federal law. The only positive fact is that the shooter killed one of his homeys in the car.


I hate to lay it out for you but I know at least three recent Chicago transplants down here in the South. They were all single women who were simply fed up with the violence and attitudes of the windy city. People are more polite and treat women, children and the elderly with much more respect around here, even the thugs to a certain extent. I don’t think it will get any better up there, but it could definitely get worse.

E. Conboy

Tragic loss, my sincere condolences to his heartbroken family.


All I can say is “Damn”, and may the God of All Comfort comfort the LEO’s family and friends in this tragedy.

I have a goddaughter in that AO – and keep her in my prayers constantly. I wish she’d come back to Texas.


It’s almost as if the pentagon was in charge of handling the ballots.


Yesterday would have been my sisters 78th birthday. May she RIP.

Funny thing though is that I recently read the obituary of one of her ex-husbands that said he was born in 1943 and fought in the Korean War. /s/

Army-Air Force Guy

A 9-10 year old passing for 18? That’d be something!


Trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump….TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyone but Heels Up….


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Phillie in PA is all set to drag out the processing and count of the ballots, especially the mail in ballots. They only have 90 poll workers, when Pittsburg has 200 poll workers with 500K less residents. Moreover, the D-rats in Phillie have bought mail in ballot processing machines that are 60% slower than Phillie’s. The D-rats prolly have several 100K fraudulent mail in ballots on standby for the secret 3:00 am delivery, once they find out how many votes Trump is ahead there. Anyway, that is how it went down four years ago, via that semi-tractor trailer from Beth Page, NY.


Expect Pennsylvania to take 3 days.
Record numbers of early and absentee ballots,
and state rules prevented them being counted
before starting at 7am this morning.

Watching Fox News LIVE Bret Baier talking
“Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania”,
but at 6:20pm on this election day,
there is nothing but hype and hypotheticals on TV.
That’ll change in 3 hours.


Especially after Midnight:
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Other countries can do it same day — the greatest nation on earth takes several days and shipments of ballots to round it out.



Well, our math and science skills leave much to be desired.


Are the black panthers “guarding” the pols like they did when zero was elected there? Somehow the DOJ failed to investigate voter intimidation / fraud back then too it’s almost like there’s a pattern..


Think this is going to be a free and fair election, then read this article. Election Chicanery Update: Is It Happening? Sure Looks Like It – PJ Media


If you want to see the mechanics of how the D-rats steal close elections, watch this video. (628) Vote the Failed Biden-Harris Administration OUT OF … – VivaBarnesLaw Community


This link may not work as this video is paywall admission. The guy with the info is Mark Graubert. You may be able to find the video by googling him. He lays out how the D-rats have been doing this since the days of LBJ.


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I’m getting my Antifa friends ready for some heavy street fighting tonight! Prepping my street medic bag with soi enemas for those that are going to wage street warfare on out enemies! Gonna burn it all down if the Orange. Man. Bad. wins!

Anyone have some black bloc for me to wear???


Go make your moms proud, shitstain.


How about your mom’s black lace crotchless panties from her days as a SF hooker?


Haha, gallows humor is always amusing.


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jeff LPH 3 63-66



With 0% of the vote counted the AP has called Manchin’s Senate seat for Jim Justice.


Well, I may be the lone Harris voter here, but I’ll say that regardless of who wins, I’ll wish them nothing but success — in the end, it’s about us, not them.




If only the deep state politicians felt the same LC


And, for some levity on an intense night, here’s the Onion News Network poking fun at CNN’s zoomable election map.


I remember the opposite problem in both 1980 and 1984. Reagan’s opponents those years both conceded well before 9:00 ET and the networks kept reminding viewers, “We still have a lot of other races to cover”


Rest his soul, RR showed me the light when he fired PATCO union maggots.

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard accounts of that action “cleaning house” in a lot of instances, it got rid of a lot of “ash and trash”!

Slow Joe

Let’s go, West Coast!
Everything depends on you now.
We did our part on the East Coast.


Lol, I suppose if the San Andreas fault went active and Los Angeles fell into the Pacific and wiped out most of Southern California and San Francisco, and the only people that survived lived in the mountains and East then maybe, maybe California would go red.

As it is it is looking pretty solid. AP I think is in denial. Once they confirm PA it will be over.

Tomorrow Commissary will come and tell us that Russian bomb threats caused people to not vote due to threats they never heard about.

Sheerod Brown will have to go find new job now.

Looks like a House, Senate win.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC

Watch, the commie f*ckers will do it again…
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Thankfully not this time.


Yes, indeed.


This was one where the win was too big to effectively cheat with their mail in ballots for dead and other inactive voters.


Am thankful for that.


Not quite


Democrat cheatin’ couldn’t beat the competition.


Well, nationally no. Arizona is still a bit of a shitshow at the state and local level.


So…. PDJT popular vote winner?

He’s been up no less than 3.5% at this point.



Jus’ sayin’


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Army-Air Force Guy

This one’s for you, Peanut.


Trump projected to win Ga.


Good, I hope it holds.

If Democrats fraud this motherf*cker, I’ll laugh when they reap the wirlwind of angry f*ckers,

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Half hour ago she would have had to have won 75% of the remaining votes to win it.


Currently she will have to pull a minimum of 63% of the remaining votes in PA to win there. The VP is leaving her watch party without making a statement. Her chair said; “We are holding out hope….”

Meanwhile in Palm Beach they are partying like it is 2016.


They’re busy printing straight-ticket Democrat ballots right now… count on it.


Well, keep in mind I’ve been saying since last year that Trump will never be allowed to serve. But who knows? He literally dodged death itself by a whisker so maybe?

One of the commentators finally got it on CBS. He said, and I quote; “The American people are choosing a path… It is a path that will take power away from Washington”.

So even a blind squirrel can find a nut every once in awhile.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC

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Army-Air Force Guy

I have to go to work in Portland this morning. Hopefully it’s a quiet day but I wouldn’t put any money on it.


Am happy they couldn’t pull it off.

Worried about what they might do next though.

Amateur Historian

Fox called Georgia a little while ago…


Republicans take control of senate. Let’s hope some of the douche nozzles aren’t there anymore.

A Proud Infidel®™

It would be VERY NICE if Kentucky dumped “Blubberneck” McConnell.

Hack Stone

Another 16 Electoral votes for Trump, thanks to the fine people of Georgia. That puts him at 248 of the necessary 270, with Kamaltoe sitting at 216, as of 00:50 Eastern.


My math says she needs 62% of the remaining votes in PA for the win. Not impossible, but not likely either since she’s so far behind already. I’m going to go ahead and call that one myself. Remember you heard it here first.

That makes it a three point race.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC

Going need to 64% of the remaining votes in Wisconsin to win, that’s not going to happen either.

All the rest of them are still too close to call.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

Any one state and it’s all over. She would need to win every remaining state, and that would give her a win by one vote. It could happen, and Psul of The Ballsack could pay his back rent for that rental he is squatting in on Lonesome Pine, but not bloody likely.


As of 00:05 NBC still showing her at 194 v 246.


00:05 central.


Theoretically she could still take the two States but it’s not going to happen. It would require a major deviation from the current trend.

Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will put him over the top, so I’m off to bed. Just winning Pennsylvania and any other state will do it.

Amateur Historian

Fox just called Pennsylvania 😁😃😃😀


Given 30 minutes ago.

Good on ya, PA.


NBC so far hasn’t acknowledged the fox report. Claire McCaskill trying to put a positive spin on it. Apparently nobody has told her kamala went to bed.


They’re still in denial I got up to pee and checked and the math says she now has to get 75% of the remaining votes in order to win Pennsylvania. That would certainly be dramatic if it happened.

Math says she has to get 71% of the rest of Wisconsin. Again that would be quite a stunner. Almost incredible or unbelievable.

Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC

The rest are still too close to call but Michigan is starting to look like a real uphill fight for Harris. But there’s no way that she can win Pennsylvania or Wisconsin now.


Is she really going to lose the popular, the House and the MF senate?

Good job, Dims. Good job.


Honestly? She likely prevented an even more disastrous landslide if Biden had stayed in. After the assassination attempt a half dozen states went red and purple. If Bite me had stayed in it would have been a complete rout.


NBC finally called PA 0105 central.


Same ol’ sh*t…
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Happy they couldn’t. Thank God.

Amateur Historian

Trump is now the 47th President and the 2nd President in history to win two non-consecutive terms. 😃


Not yet, not till January. Watch, lots can happen between now and then.


Sadly, I fear you may be correct.. Demonrat lawfare will go into high gear now, and the crazies will come out of the woodwork


It’s been called. I’ll sleep a little bit easier.


Good night everyone!


The migrant invasion parasites is gonna storm the borders bigley while they still can before the Donald swears in as #47.


Meant are not – is.


Dear Democrats,
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Shellacked sans a rubber.


Author of this feels title is bad now:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Good old CNN. There was a loud popping noise and Trump fell down. Now it is “Trump’s edge grows to 270*. Hey geniuses you do know that means that he won right?


“Alaska could still do the right think for us” –Van Jones


It’s 2:20 in the morning and they will not get past 266 or 264. They just won’t admit it. I’m watching MSNBC and CNN just to watch them try to dance around this fucking thing where Newsmax news nation and Fox have all called it.,
My son and I did the math. I think he’s gonna pull 307.

You’re right we still have to make it to January 20 but the option is if they try to take them out or something happens JD Vance becomes president?!?!?!




CNN is reporting 130M votes between Kackles and DJT with Trumpster still leading by ~5.3M.

Unbelievable outcome. Mandate is what this is.


312 is what I come up with.


Could be 316.


You (we) win!


Missed ol’ Cenk Uyger going “F*ck!” on live TV though.


Outstanding! Now we get to sit back and watch what unfolds over the next 2.5 months. Do the Dems and their media lapdogs spin this as a stolen election? Do the extremists take up bricks and black masks to start looting in peaceful protest of our unfair election process? Do we get a peaceful and honorable transfer of power back to a former and future President who continually makes history despite the Left’s concerted attempts to silence him?

Hillary’s loss was bad enough. She was part of a would-be DC dynasty, like so many other establishment families become. She was a woman, slated to take the helm from America’s First Black President. After 2016, it was determined that Trump would have an embattled and, ideally, shortened term and never see the White House again after January 2021. Biden paved the way for us to see “What can be, unburdened by what has been,” in our very first female president with Kamala. Think Obama was cool? Well, he can speak and lacks an annoying laugh and repeated quotes, but he’s the boring type, a middle-aged run-of-the-mill person of White and Black descent. Kamala? She’s Black, she’s Asian, she’s Southern, she’s Northern, she’s Latina, she’s a blue-collar worker, she’s tough-on-crime, and/or she’s all for defunding police and releasing criminals, depending on the audience. Obama had his beer summit; Kamala gets “caught” on a hot mike in a bar talking with an equally artificial governor over a beer and living the High Life on late night TV.

Trump will have an uphill battle, but his best bet is to make smart decisions when selecting his cabinet and others close to him. He’s built quite the diverse team over the course of his campaign, and some of those who’ve been supporting him for the past year could help unify us as a nation.


I wonder if the Dems are having each other for breakfast…


Ask Lars…
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Of boy, CNN is really butthurt. Does my heart good!

Daisy Cutter

What I think is interesting is Kamala is essentially unemployed. She is not even going to be a Senator. So, what does she do? Where does she go? Write a book “Why I Lost” like Hillary? Does she stay on the circuit and whine like Hillary? Host The View? Do political commentary on MSNBC? Or does she plan a comeback, thinking the Dems will put her front and center in 2028? There is one skill that she actually has – sticking her finger in someone’s eye. Whatever happens, it will be amusing.

Last edited 1 month ago by Daisy Cutter

She does have skills acquired long ago, so maybe she can fall back on that?


Or fall on her knees.

Peter the Bubblehead

Same skill set Odie mentioned.


Well, she’s had a distinguished, if unconventional, political career. From local DA to AG to Senator to VP and then to Democratic nominee for President, she’s definitely accomplished quite a bit in her 20-some-year career as an elected official. The level and quality of accomplishments can definitely be argued (as can the reason for her swift ascent, not to be confused with her ever-evolving accents), but I’m trying to un-Kamala my post-election life (the face, the pantsuits, the cackling, the wannabe catchphrases 🤢🤮…), so I’ll stop there. Seriously, I’ve been up for hours and am getting nauseous just thinking of what might have been, and the burden it would have placed on all of us.

There will be book deals, TV appearances, and very likely a continuing quasi-political career, with her becoming a subject matter expert on everything wrong with our system, the evils of Trump, and why she, as a Woman of Color, was prevented from taking her rightful place in the White House. I expect a biopic, autobiography of her time as VP, and being a guest host on The View, getting made fun of by Greg Gutfeld nightly.

Or maybe she’ll just become a backup dancer for Cardi B. They seem to have the same principles.

Forest Bondurant

If she doesn’t become a political pundit on some MSM station, she can always learn to code.

Good riddance, scrunt!

Daisy Cutter

Now you can get at a huge discount…

Hack Stone

Are we doing the obscured safety pins to show solidarity with the oppressed like we did in 2016? Asking for the snowflakes.


They could make some oversized PUzzy hats that have the green and black centers like the slides they used to show us before we went to Korea in the good ole USMC. That about sums her up.

Daisy Cutter

There will be some planned event to show resistance and solidarity. In 2017 it was the Anti-Trump March (w/ p* hats) disguised as the Woman’s March, designed to steal attention away from the inauguration. They are working on it now.


Speakin’ of all that, where is Lars? He should be telling us how bad Trump, etc. is right now.
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Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous
Old tanker

I for one am glad for the results and especially glad the idiotic commercials are done with for a while. I am SO sick and tired of the election ads and the concentrated BS they dump on the populace.


I wish there was a law that political road signs must be
removed the following day of the election. If not, then make it
legal to mow them down with a snowplow.


my next door neighbors had their Harris sigh pulled out and on the curb with the trash Tuesday night for our Wed trash pickup, lol


First President to win three consecutive elections since FDR!


Michigan and Alaska are now both a lock (not called by anyone yet). Arizona and Nevada both look solid but still too early.


Harris would have to get 88% of the vote remaining in Michigan and 71% in AK and the AP still won’t call it.


In Nevada she needs 66%.