Happy New Year!

| January 1, 2025

Welp, here we are – another day older and deeper in debt at the dawn of a bright shiny spankin’-new year.

A hopefully optimistic section now – two of the biggest governmental overreaches we have now are the guv’s seizing your assets on the flimsy pretext that it might be the fruits of drug trafficking and forcing you to Napoleonically prove it ain’t (civil asset forfeiture), and them deciding they have some other purpose for your land better than what you want to do with it and forcing you to sell (eminent domain.) We’ve discussed the former a few times, and a few states are finally taking some baby steps, but eminent domain is landing in front of high courts now and maybe there is some relief in sight.

The Supreme Court opened the door to such abuse with its widely reviled 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, which blessed the use of eminent domain to promote economic development by transferring property from one private owner to another.

Just because the Supremes decided something does NOT mean they did so correctly. I know Roe v. Wade proponents may insist that is so as they whine, but you always have a two word response to whether the Court is ALWAYS right: “Dred Scott”. In Kelo the court decided the city could better use a parking lot than whatever the land owner wanted to do, and essentially allowed the city to confiscate private land. Now, we have a different case:

After the Mohawk Valley Health System announced plans for a new hospital in downtown Utica, New York, Bryan Bowers, a local developer, saw a business opportunity. He and his partner contracted to buy the former Rome Plumbing and Heating Supply building at 411 Columbia Street, across from Wynn Hospital, intending to offer medical office space.

Unfortunately, a different developing group (cardio0logists, no less) wanted to use that building as a parking garage – and sued to stop the sale. Oh, and the office space would have competed with THEIR medical office space building across the road. So they appealed to the Oneida County Industrial Development Agency (OCIDA) to seize the land.

Although Bowers objected, OCIDA favored Central Utica’s proposed project, which it said would “result in the betterment of community prosperity within Oneida County.” Last February, after years of litigation, a New York appeals court upheld OCIDA’s decision, blessing the agency’s protectionist intervention.

Specifically, the court said, “the acquisition of the property will serve the public use of mitigating parking and traffic congestion, notwithstanding the fact that the need for the parking facility is, at least in part, due to the construction of a private medical facility.” In New York, it noted, “what qualifies as a public purpose or public use is broadly defined as encompassing virtually any project that may confer upon the public a benefit, utility, or advantage.”  Reason.com

In this case there is no broad public benefit – there is an agency trying to seize property to give to a different private entity.

Not exactly a mainstream topic… but worth reading about. Hopefully the Supremes will make a good decision. Now if they would tackle civil asset forfeiture…

Category: Supreme Court

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RGR 4-78

Happy New Year!

May you all have a safe and productive 2025.


Same to you RGR!

Hey admins, I know it’s a lot of work, but can I make a New Years request? Since Mark L. so enjoys meme’s, would it be possible to do a special holiday version of Boomers, just to welcome him to the site?


I second the motion! Welcome him properly! Perhaps sing a hymn in his honor.


Since you had to go and mention the retarded one, the fetal alcohol syndrome, one, the short bus 🚌, Fisher-Price helmet, could’ve done a cameo in Forrest Gump as Forrest’s “special friend”, (if Forrest Gump the movie was a 1980s television show series, Mark L would guest star, “And now, a very special episode of…”
Because I give and I give and I give and I care and I’m just that kind of a nice guy, Mark L….
For you…


Of course, he could just be an asshole. And, to be fully inclusive of neurodiversity and open-minded as we should today, autism and being an asshole are unconnected– a person with autism is just as capable of being an asshole as anyone else, too!


This site used to get a better class of shitposter. Disappointing to see standards slip.


Happy New Year.

RGR 4-78

Greaat party.

Nooo whiskey.

We go home now.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nice John Wayne reference.



(Grin) (Pulls bottle of bourbon from stash)


Probably the good stuff. Not for random visitors.

Commissioner Wretched

A Happy and Prosperous New Year in 2025 to all my friends here on TAH!!!


Here’s to hoping that 2025 is a positive year for our nation’s future. Trump isn’t the end-all/be-all of politics, but I have a feeling that the cash flow to other countries will be stemmed in the coming months. We need to focus internally…let the affairs of governments halfway across the world take their course with little to no intervention from us.

For most of my adult life, I’ve heard that we take the fight to our enemies to avoid having to fight on our own soil. However, it seems we’ve grown so fixated on projecting our economic and military strength externally that we’ve allowed our country to start decaying internally. Crime, immigration, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, greedy tech giants, etc. are all combining to make us easy prey for future attacks–especially in this day and age where a coordinated cyber-attack can be nearly as destructive as a physical act of war.


May she be a damn sight better than the last one.


That didn’t work as I planned.


comment image


Thanks for helping out.

Old tanker

To me the new year will actually start on Jan 20th. Then there should be something to celebrate, especially the end of the last 4 years.


I’ll believe that it’ll be a happy new year when I start seeing the despotic domestic enemies of our Republic do the perp walk…all the way to the gallows.

Had a coupla cases of “Eminent Domain” on properties in the little big town right up the Big Road. City wanted four (4) corners near the major “Health Care Center” for development. One corner had an electric motor rewinding shop that had been there for 100+ years and the family didn’t want to sell. Cost them a bunch of $ but the family did eventually win their case. Odd that hizz dizzhonor the mayor was on the BoD and the lawer for the hospital. Hmmm

Another case was some river front property that had a used car dealership the city wanted for hotel/riverfront development. Same mayor. The car dealership tried to fight it and ultimately took a buyout of a bunch of city $. Somebody (I wonder who?) dropped a dime to the EPA, pointing out that waaaaay back yonder the property had been used as a coal conversion gas plant and that there may be contamination in the soil. Oops. Oddly enough, there WAS severe contamination so much that the land could not be used to place buildings with people in them, and the city was forced by EPA to dig up a whole bunch of dirt, replace with “good dirt” and it is now a “green space”. Odd, too, that the mayor had been the lawer for the power company and investigation showed that he, in fact, DID know about said issues.


I hate eminent domain BS, but glad the folks in the second story were able to get into the city’s pocket not once, but twice. Good on them.


Problem was, in this case, it was the taxpayers that had to pony up the $. When the power company sold the adjoining piece (where the most pollution was) the terms were to relieve them of any responsibility for any “issues” that may come up. Taxpayer got scammed twice…once on the purchase and then again on the EPA fines/cost of cleanup. City did scarf up some “Super Fund Site” $, but no where near what it cost.

A Proud Infidel®™

Give some people some power and money and it goes straight to their heads.


Career Demonrat rode oblowme’s coattails for the mayor’s job after spending several terms as a state house critter. Got his lawer degree after serving as a chopper pilot in the Viet of the Nam and then some reserve time. Old $ family roots going way back. (S)Elected City mayor then pushed thru a city/county consolidation and served two (2) more terms for a total of nearly 13 years. Very, very connected lawer firm and tied in with the Big $ hospital/lawer school crowd. I Salute his military service, rumor is he was a decent ossifer (WO), and he did clean up some messes (budget looting) that went on with his predecessor.


With the exception of President elect 47 Donald J Trump on the way I’m kinda like this…


Not gonna replace Devo anytime soon.

Green Thumb

Happy New Year, TAH!


Bless your pea-pickin’ little heart.


Speaking of pea-pickin’…, Graybeard. I know you can relate to this. Imma pickin’ up forkfuls of black eyed peas (Good Luck), turnip greens ($), baked ham (shorely be damned am good!), and Real Southern Buttermilk Cornbread (sans sugar) for the New Year’s Day Dinner doings here @ Fire Base Magnolia. They’ll be some molasses/ginger bread cookies with ice cream a little later. Debated putting the dinner news on this thread and the FGS thread, cause it is shorely making me feel good. I believe that I hurt myself by getting plate two (2).


Mrs. GB will be firing up the pot on some black eyes with the Christmas ham bone.
Home-grown and canned turnip greens and/or cabbage, and a good fixin’ of her wonderful cornbread (with a tablespoon of sugar) and some other goodies.

Still have several desserts layin’ round from Christmas Eve to round things out.

And it is another beautiful day at the GB Compound.

RGR 4-78

Went to the local steak house for lunch, they are still out of Yeungling with no relief in sight, had to drink a Sam Adams, again.

2025 is starting out weak.

I need to kick that tiger in the balls and get things rolling!

A Proud Infidel®™

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of the Fine People of TAH®™ and your families! Things are well here at A Proud Infidel® Manor™, the beloved Missus making bacon and eggs, and it’s a day to relax.