Lies, damn lies…well, just lies

| October 24, 2024 | 13 Comments

No shock that much the media is biased , but this week we have great examples to look at. The Atlantic is leading the way with this little gem about Trump offering to pay for Vanessa Guillen’s (young soldier beaten to death a Ft. Hood) funeral, and exploding at the reported bill:

In the meeting, Trump maintained a dignified posture and expressed sympathy to Guillén’s mother. “I saw what happened to your daughter Vanessa, who was a spectacular person, and respected and loved by everybody, including in the military,” Trump said. Later in the conversation, he made a promise: “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that,” he said. “I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.”

According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000.

Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”  The Atlantic

Whoa…strong language, and a VERY bad look for a Presidential nominee. I did a quick search for “murdered Mexican funeral Trump” and see virtually every MSM carrying the story virtually verbatim. The Atlantic article goes on to allege Trump continually disparages the military (well, he has stepped in THAT cow patty more than once – he is VERY quotable when you take his remarks out of context) .They bring up every allegation pretty much ever, including of course that Trump had a medical deferment that kept him from being drafted. Funny, they don’t mention the slavering hero-worship of Joe Biden, who had exactly the same number and type of deferments, riding out Vietnam in his Corvette. Presumably with that life-threatening asthma Joe alleges (which never prevented him from playing intramural sports or being a LIFEGUARD) Joe needed the motorized assistance?  The Atlantic

What most of the articles omit, and the Atlantic buries ‘way down in the article, is denials from people who were IN THE ROOM.

In statements shared with The Independent, members of the Trump campaign and former staff members vehemently denied that such exchanges took place. “President Donald Trump never said that. This is an outrageous lie from The Atlantic two weeks before the election,” said Trump campaign adviser Alex Pfeiffer.

Kash Patel, former Pentagon Chief of Staff, who was reportedly in the room at the time of the alleged comments said: “Of course, President Trump didn’t say that. President Trump ensured that this victim received full military honors.”

“In addition, President Trump was able to have the Department of Defense designate her death as occurring ‘in the line of duty,’ which gave her full military honors and provided her family access to benefits, services, and complete financial assistance.”  The Independent

And from the Guillen family?

In addition, following the publication of the claims in The Atlantic, Mayra Guillen, sister of Vanessa Guillen, blasted the outlet for “exploiting my sister’s death for politics,” describing the piece as “hurtful and disrespectful.”

“President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today,” she wrote on X.  The Independent

It’s interesting that this morning the breakfast talk was about Harris is doing particularly poorly among Hispanic voters and young black males. Although I am sure the Atlantic article is pure coincidence, eh?

Category: 2024 Election, Trump!

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A Proud Infidel®™

Happenstance? Coincidence? Like we don’t already know that the mainstream media is a DNC whorehouse!


As someone said yesterday, there are no coincidences in politics. There is no coincidences in most media reports now days either.

I remember seeing a video montage where it started with 1 newscaster reporting a story, then 2, then 4, 8 etc etc reporting the same story verbatim. Many voices reporting the same story, as was written and handed to them to read.

News reporters… Lol. Well paid news readers.


Goebbels smiles…


The Latin/ Hispanic vote has them in a panic. The normal method of passing out borrowed money and weed to ensure a vote doesn’t work so well on immigrants because, well they were motivated to change their lives and came here. If they wanted to sit around on their ass and smoke weed all day they could have stayed right where they were.


I remember a time when the news merely reported events and let you decide what side was “right”. I also remember when reporters or anchors were just that and not opinionated or personalities. They kept their politics out of the news reporting, but the 2000 election was the breaking point and it’s all gone downhill since.


The media abandoned journalistic integrity well before 2000. Remember when legitimate sexual assault claims against Bill Clinton didn’t get much air time as the BS ones against Donald Trump? This was during the 1992 elections. The economy also started to pull out of the recession that year, but the media didn’t hype that fact, even ignored it.

I remembered how CNN and others only showed Bob Dole as a stiff older man “out of touch”, meeting small crowds in contrast to Bill Clinton being portrayed as approachable and likeable, with large crowds. It wasn’t until Bob Dole conceded that the media portrayed Bob Dole the way they portrayed Bill Clinton.

Bernard Goldberg wrote a book on the media bias he witnessed as an insider for one of these news networks.

These are just but a few examples, like their double standards when it comes to reporting economic numbers and the economy. But CNN’s coverage in the 1990s was the beginning of the end for me when it came to relying on these folks for the news. I’ve been following the news since the summer of 1982. Today’s media has become like the Soviet Pravda that we mocked in the 1980s, and the Wag the Dog movie.


I wish I could say that.. I wasn’t born yet (though my father was in country) when Cronkite gave his extremely biased reports on the Tet Offensive… So they’ve been telling us what to think since AT LEAST that far back..

Forest Bondurant

Jeffrey Mark Goldberg, the editor in chief of Atlantic Magazine is an antisemitic cocksucker.


I’m MORE than over the lying Ho ads I hear on the radio.. They attribute all sorts of things to DJT that he has nothing to do with, distort crap that Heels-Up did or didn’t do, not even the tiniest shred of truth in them, but you know the sheep on the left are lapping it up and parroting it to all their friends..

USMC Steve

That is as it is. The sheeple on the left will do like they are told, like good little nazis. And their side actually bears a very significant resemblance to that crew. It is the so called independent voters that must pay attention to what is said versus what is real, and in this case, it actually is very clear who is the good one and who is the evil one.

USMC Steve

That sounds like a business ownership changing law suit that cannot wait to happen.

pookysgirl, WC wife

I don’t want to give MSM the clicks, and by now it’s buried in the controversy, but what initially happened to the soldier?