Tuesday tidbits

| September 17, 2024 | 57 Comments

Se7en grumpy cat.jpg

Mucho controversy over Springfield, OHs overstock of Haitian refugees. No, no one credible alleges they are stealing Fido and Puss-puss to make breakfast (maybe a few ducks or swans allegedly missing but no one sleeps with their pet swan. We,, you wouldn’t think so, but with more genders appearing daily, who know if eiderborking is gonna show up.) Howevah:

Springfield, Ohio resident Mark Sanders detailed Thursday how the influx of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants has left a devastating impact on his community’s small population.

A big problem, he says, is the impact on the roads and driving: “Our roads are like it’s like ‘Escape from New York’… You don’t know if you’re going to get from point A to point B without getting run over,” he said, referring to the 1981 movie.

Residents say auto wrecks have also spiked since migrants arrived.  Fox News

Have driven in Jamaica, China, Taiwan, Brazil…seems like traffic laws are considered as suggestions. Just what we need. Isaac is dead, so no chandeliers?

George Gascon, George Soros’ bought-and-paid-for DA in  Los Angeles, is familiar to us as a typical defund cops/defend criminals/soft on law enforcement kind of guy, the kind of return-on-investment Soros can be proud of. But now he is getting sued – by his own employees.

The Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA) sought information about Diana Teran, a top Gascon aide who is facing felony charges, in May and received an incomplete response, according to a 200-page court filing unveiled Thursday. Prosecutors sought her emails and information about whether she remained on the county payroll after her indictment. They also wanted to know if county taxpayers were on the hook for her criminal defense.

The lawsuit seeks to force Gascon’s office to disclose the requested records, to declare the DA in violation of the CPRA and to pay the ADDA’s attorney fees for the lawsuit and the denied requests.

“They have repeatedly stalled, delayed or outright ignored numerous requests,” said John Lewin, a deputy district attorney who is separately suing Gascon in a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit.

The DA is facing more than 20 lawsuits from individual prosecutors as well as four from their union.  Fox News II


And Dick Blumenthal – yep, DaNang Dick himself – says we are all going to be shocked by the report on the Trump assassination attempt.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., predicted that Americans will be “shocked” and “appalled” when lawmakers release their interim report on the assassination attempt on former President Trump and the security failures of those involved in protecting the GOP presidential nominee.

…Blumenthal told Fox News. “But I think they also ought to be appalled and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming, to be as candid and frank, as it should be to them in terms of providing information.”   Fox News III

Who could imagine a government agency would be less than forthcoming? It does seem to be the norm nowadays, though….perhaps it would help if Congress set deadlines like ‘Tuesday at 2PM’ and then filed to have unresponsive agency heads fired/impeached/etc. at 2:30PM.

And as a follow-up – we spoke earlier in the year about a deck of training slides at Ft. Bragg Ft. Liberty which questionably referred to several different groups as “terrorists.” Congress is going to be asking the Army some well-deserved questions about this.

The Army recently wrote back, admitting that the slides “inaccurately referenced” pro-life groups like Right to Life and Operation Rescue, and a slew of pro-animal and green groups like PETA, as “terrorist organizations.”

(Agnes) Schaefer, (assistant secretary of the Army for manpower and Reserve affairs) wrote that the training deck, which was used to teach 9,100 Army soldiers at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, between 2017 and 2024, was “inconsistent with Army’s antiterrorism policy and training.”

Can’t blame Biden’s folks on this one, although brought into use in 2017 strongly suggests it was compiled during the Obama administration. But to remain in use 8 years?!

The slides were used to conduct terror awareness training for soldiers assigned to guarding the gates at Fort Liberty. Schaefer said the slides were not shared outside of Fort Liberty.  Fox News IV

So if you have a PETA sticker on your car, or a ‘Stop Abortion Now’ the gate guards need to search yer car extra carefully? What numbnuts let this through the first 5 minutes. Eight years?

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election

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Conspiracy + 18 months = truth

Hack Stone

Those security forces need to be concerned about bumper stickers that pose a greater threat to the troops, like those reading “Ask Me About Herbalife”.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

A number of days after 9/11 we had to park in a designated area a block before the NY Stock Exchange to make our deliveries to our customers in the financial district. A guy comes over to the truck with a dog and a pole with a mirror on the bottom of the pole. Hey Brink’s, how you guys doing, but I have to play the game and check out your truck so he has the pooch sniff around the truck and slides the mirror underneath the chassis. I say to the guy, don’t worry about us, worry about some guy with red hair talking with a brogue checking out the Exchange Got a chuckle from him. Retired NYPD Officer


Next time Dick Blumenthal gets asked to do an interview, let the media ask all the standard questions, get the standard responses, and then, throw these in for grins and giggles….

1. When will the attempted assassination report be released.
2. When will the Epstien client list be released.
3. When will the Nashville shooters manifesto be released.

A must see TV event.


1. Right after the next attempt.

2. November 23, 2144

3. Already happened, back in June.



All the written ravings of that looney dead bitch have not been released. Only about fifty pages of several hundred were leaked. They clearly show she was she was a mentally ill sociopath. She should have been committed.


Maybe I should have said in entirety. My bad.


comment image

Major Tuddy

Well, four years ago we had a deadly virus that shut down the whole country and tanked the economy. So, yes…yes, I am better off than I was four years ago.

I get the idea, though. We were better off under Trump than Biden. I just think that maybe we should reconsider using this slogan in 2024. Save it for 2028, please.


Dick Blumenthal Said he served in ….. so how can we believe anything he says.


To be honest, calling PETA a terrorist org isn’t really that far off the mark.. if they did so for animal liberation front and similar, they were spot on… of course lumping in anti-abortion groups is straight up BS..


Meh, if they are talking Army of God then maybe, those guys are a bit nutty. The rest are pretty harmless except for your lone wolves like pothead Eric Rudolph.


So from when I was policing I can tell you the following:

Haitians Can’t drive worth a shit: Confirmed. Including a number of fatalities because they refuse to wear seat belts and utilize car seats. Poor driving habits combined with poor safety habits is bad juju. They run stop signs and red lights all the time and get buggered. Traffic fatalities have jumped 80% in our little county.

Domestic Violence: Bad. Not just the usual Johnny slapping around Janey for stepping out either. Like putting their women in the hospital on the regular basis bad. Kicking pregnant women in the stomach bad.

Jay walking: I know, seems like BS till people start plowing into people walking down the middle of the street at 1AM. Apparently walking in the street is ordinary on the island but will definitely get you run over here.

Last edited 1 day ago by 5JC

Plus, they do have a tradition of eating cats as a delicacy. Based upon your experience, I can’t imagine these people being deterred from eating a cat that wandered in their path, since they have zero respect for our laws, traffic or otherwise.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

A late Volly Fireman I knew was stationed at the Tons inut mail facility and the guard tower standing watch saw one of the Viet civilian workers trying to smuggle a dog off the base. I don’t know if the base spelling was correct. Jimmy was leg and they switched him over to the mail facility because he was a mail man before getting drafted.


There are a bazillion cats running loose around our city. The last time the population was down was over a decade ago when we had a kitty stomper. He got caught and sent to jail for a while and has since moved away. They want to eat the cats running around loose? I’d encourage that but there is no evidence it is happening around here.

A few years ago ducks were down at our local duck pond and they thought people were swiping them from the pond at night. This was during COVID when everything was closed. Some cameras were set up and it turned out we had a really bad possum problem.

I wouldn’t have thought a possum could kill and haul off an adult sized duck but we sure were wrong about that. Those vicious bastards would sneak up on them while they were sleeping, ambush them and drag them back to their lair for dinner. Sometimes they would just tear them to shreds on the spot. We speculated that the restaurants being closed deprived them of a ready food source in the dumpsters and they went all killy at the next closest food source.


All those activities should thin the herd over time.

Prior Service (Ret)

I’ve got no problem believing a government agency wouldn’t review or update slides in eight years. I recently got a letter from the VA advising me to do something or other, unless something something unique about 2018. Can’t recall the exact context but as we are seven years past that, it was clearly no longer relevant.

Side note: some of those animal rights groups ARE terrorists. They’ve just laid low in the last several years.


I’ve seen videos and read articles from independent journalists in Colorado, Ohio, and now Texas. They highlight the fact how so many of these illegals are a menace on the road. We have stories weekly about some illegal from XYZ country cause a fatal accident here and there. They don’t have licenses, many of the cars they drive are stolen and without plates. This occurs most frequently deep blue areas where police are instructed NOT to do anything. Just a preview of Harris’ America. Hey, that guy without citizenship, license, or insurance totaled your work truck and his just going walk away? Too fucking bad for you. He’s going to steal another car and back on the road before lunch. You’ll just have to miss work, and enjoy the higher insurance rates because Allstate has to pay for this illegal’s damages. Just another day in Harris’ America.

Major Tuddy

Thank God that I live in Polk County, Florida.

Our Sheriff would never tolerate this bullshit.


Living / working inn Colorado, I can for DAMN sure confirm that. On certain highways, it’s not at all unusual to have a large van rollover, reports of more than a dozen people scattering afterwards, and only those too injured to run remaining on scene.


Just like Hell Paso, yeehah! And it’s not that they don’t know better, they don’t just give a f*ck because it’s not their country.


You may recall that I commented that the eating or not eating of various critters was not the real concern of all the invaders we have in this country…it was more to point out that you can’t just dump 20K+- people into a town of 60K and NOT expect all kinds of issues. Believe I also mentioned “coming to a town near you…” and “Prepare”!

Make tar and feathering great again…starting with the Soros bought and paid for crowd.

DaNang Dickless would have done better to just be proud of his Marine Reserve Status and especially his work with “Toys for Tots” instead of becoming a lying, embellishing POS.

Full disclosure…I am a proud member of PETA…People Eating Tasty Animals. I can surely terrorize a BBQ Buffet. And yes, I have issues with people murdering unborn babies. Deo Vindice!


There’s room for all God’s creatures. Right next to the ‘taters and gravy.

Major Tuddy

Including this creature?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nah. That one you flush down the toilet with the rest of the turds.
Bring a heavy duty plunger. You may have to push some to get it to go down the sewer line.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

You sewer about that


That’s not on the Cantina menu.


It’s listed under chefs choice on the menu. Also known as let’s clean out the refrigerator to toss what’s past its expiration date and let’s cook up something that’s close to its expiration date.


Off topic Alert –
What technology exists to make this happen?

Pagers used by Hezbollah explode after playing a “tune”, injuring possibly hundreds –
More than 1,000, including Hezbollah members, wounded in Lebanon when pagers explode | Reuters

Hospitals being overrun. IDF has no comment.
Didn’t I see something like this in a movie?

Last edited 1 day ago by OAM

That’s some Tom Clancy stuff right there!


And funny too for the bad guys. Sad for the innocent. I rate that as a smile. The innocents getting hurt or worse really flattens the curve.


I heard it described as a “Mass Circumcision Incident”.


In principal I agree Odie, but in that particular vacation spot, I remember large celebrations, and people dancing in the street on 9/11 and Oct. 7th. Not to mention that their childrens programs advocate martyrdom and killing JOOOS.. So IMHO, not too many actual innocents there..YMMV


NBC nightly news had a small video of one going off in a marketplace. I wonder if it’s been scrubbed by now.

Kudos to those who thought this up.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I applaud the person or group that was able to hack the Hezbo phone tree and cause all those pagers to go ‘splody. (what did they do? cause the battery to reverse charge and explode? Can’t see much in a pager that would go “boom!”)

As a security measure, Hezbollah had their agents communicating via coconuts. And we all know about ‘sploding coconuts.


I thought coconuts were used for hoof beats.



Yous mean Deez Nuts?

Supposedly, Mossad intercepted a load of pagers bound for hezbolla. They loaded them up with something called PETN. A little more stability than nitroglycerin, but packs the same or nearly the same punch.

BlueCord Dad

Too soon?


“…and suddenly jumped up two octaves.”


Nope. Not too soon


Hey, our aide packages to Ukraine are shrinking because we’re running short of ordnance… gee, the Chicoms and Russkies wouldn’t notice and exploit that, would they? (We haven’t refilled the strategic petroleum reserve yet either.) Something’s about to hit the fan.

Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Since this is tidbits, I heard last night on the radio that the DOJ wants to charge JFK JR. with crossing state lines with a decapitated buffalo head over 20 years ago and make it a criminal offence so that they can get his name off of the ballots. Having his name on the ballots would possibly draw democrat voters to take away votes from Herr biden, but if they wanted to vote for JFK JR, they would vote for him anyway. Anyone else hear about this to see if it is true. Lunch time now and the Dan Bongino on the radio.


Well, dead whale… it was dead already (even according to the allegation) so this is just lawfare BS:

Hack Stone

Maybe he thought it was a giant Carvel ice cream cake.


jeff LPH 3 63-66

My mistake Anonymous, I just got home and turned on NewsMax and the news strip had NOAA investigating The Whale head deal. Whale of a story. Wheres Capt Nemo.


On a lighter note, I’m working on a song parody to the tune of Silver Bells called splodey phones, in honor of today’s news. You go Mossad!


Yes I know it was pagers, not phones, I’m using creative license.
Splodey phones, Splodey phones it’s gutless time for some Hajjiis, see balls fling, hear Abdul scream, now he is ladyboy.


Damn autocorrect, nutless not gutless.


“No, no one credible alleges they are stealing Fido and Puss-puss to make breakfast (maybe a few ducks or swans allegedly missing but no one sleeps with their pet swan.”

David, thank you.
After a slew of thumbs down red minus counts
(at me and also a few others)
for calling out thebesig
for pushing his BS over 2 VG articles over several days,
plus remnants of arguments elsewhere….

I no longer see the (2?) VG articles by thebesig,
pushing his Springfield BS.

Remnants remain here…
where thebesig is STILL going after 5JC and Commissar
days after he tried going after me.

No good news for Trump David | September 14, 2024 | 107 Comments

Some of you readers,
who like PREJUDGING comments based on the COMMENTER,
NOW owe some niceties,
if not direct apologies, to
and myself,
for sticking to basics of truth, facts, evidence, and decency,
when it came to the cats and dogs Springfield shit show here on VG.

You’re welcome.


This 1 is still up.
Includes my comments “DEBUNKED” and “TRIPLE DEBUNKED”.

Haitians helping themselves to park wildlife-Pets reportedly not safe
thebesig | September 9, 2024 | 126 Comments

Last edited 1 day ago by MarineDad61

David (and admins),
Any buns in the oven on FOIA results
and impending phonies and Stolen Valor turds to be exposed?