Vindman brother accused of embellishing his military service

| September 14, 2024 | 22 Comments

Eugene Vindman, brother of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, is running for Congress in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. He is running as a Democrat. His Republican opponent is Derrick Anderson, a Green Beret veteran. Vindman’s campaign is facing allegations of campaign-finance laws/rules. Vindman is also facing allegations that he misrepresented his military service.

From Fox News:

“The law is quite clear that providing a service to a campaign is an in-kind contribution. Communication is something a campaign usually pays for, not having a super PAC make statements,” Kendra Arnold, executive director of the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), told Fox News Digital.

Eugene Vindman is the brother of retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a former National Security Council member who testified in the 2019 House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This led to Trump’s first House Democrat-led impeachment.

Eugene Vindman is running against Republican Derrick Anderson, a former Army Green Beret.

FACT is basing its complaint on a documented email exchange between a Washington Free Beacon reporter, Vindman’s campaign manager and Travis Tazelaar, the political director VoteVets PAC.

“We have seen campaigns push the limits with super PACs, but this is not just pushing the limits. It’s an explicit in-kind contribution,” Arnold said.

Thanks to 5JC for the story.

Additional Reading:

Lucas, F. (2024, September 12). Questions over Vindman’s military records evolve into campaign finance probe for super PAC ties. Fox News. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Veterans in politics, Veterans in the news

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Hack Stone

Can someone please explain to Hack Stone how Donald Trump asking about Joe Biden withholding US aid to Ukraine until they fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s employer is worthy of impeachment but Joe Biden withholding US aid to Ukraine until they fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s employer is not worthy of impeachment?


Ain’t no ‘splaining it, Mr. Stone…other than to say this. Liars gonna cheat and cheaters are going to lie…every.damn.time!


Biden = establishment politician with Obama/Clinton/Pelosi, etc. backing.

Trump = political outsider without the backing of any major political dynasty, even fellow Republicans like Bush. Well, you have Kennedy now, at least.

Biden is infallible, a dedicated career lawmaker who has always had the best interests of his family, friends, and fellow deep pocketed politicians the American people in mind.

Trump is an evil Orange Man who must be stopped at all costs because his sole desire is to restore America to her once-great state and ensure the safety and well-being of the American People become Dick Tater for Life and undermine our Founders’ great socialist ideals that they somehow forgot to include in the Constitution.


The first one wasn’t crooked enough. If he had just taken a bribe and shut his mouth he would have been fine.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like asking the mainstream whorehouse media WHY Hunter Biden’s laptop story was “Russian Propaganda” while the “Russian Dossier” which came from the Das Hildebeast camp was “real”.

E. Conboy

Maybe even ask the old witch how come Hubby was on the same plane as all those naughty little boys going to Pleasure Island? Didn’t he have nuff fun in the WH ? Must have gotten on the wrong plane? Things happen.


I would not trust a Vindman as far as I could toss them from a basement window.


You would be hard pressed to toss either of those fat fux anywhere. He would be intolerable in Congress, but at least he would shore up the membership of the squad.


And getting a portion of the proceeds from the, what is it now….., billions(?) of dollars from daddy warbucks, I mean, uncle Sam’s evil half brother who has no fiscal sense.


Riddle me this: How does a JAG officer (lawer) experience combat in a combat zone? Asking for a fellow who was a combat infantryman and later a lawer. Last I knew JAG lawer did not have a combat MOS.


Under his desk screaming like a little puppy, then off to S1 to demand a CAB for being 195m (≤200m required) from an indirect fire impact.

Last edited 3 days ago by Anonymous


My rule of thumb was if I could feel the heat or hear the shrapnel whizz by it was close.

Notice the lack of ‘and’ condition? It ain’t both.


If you can feel the heat…the shrapnel is close by too. Really gets bad when the heat is from the shrapnel.


If you can’t hear anything for a few days after it goes pop. Good indicator too.


Your autocorrect misspelled puppy.. oh look,, so did mine.


The policy on that was weird. Some units didn’t issue a CAB for IDF unless you were inside the blast radius others gave it if it happened anywhere around.

A couple of times when I went to FOBa I would just about soil drawers when the C-RAM would go off nearby. it was so loud, sudden and would go off without any warning often. I would literally jump about two feet into the air.


I hear ya. 32nd SIG BN ops was right next to a C-RAM on Balad.


It was be in a firefight or ≤200m from IDF, straight from the reg, for the folk at Bagram– why the JAG and such folk were down at the PAC all the time about getting there. (As often as Bagram got rocketed, the 200m radius eventually covered everyone there at least once.) 

Honestly, I had stuff hit within 100m from me, but if I wasn’t knocked down or wounded, or the building I was in wasn’t hit, screw it. (Try telling some guy who lost his arm or leg in combat how you got your I-was-195m-from-IDF! CAB.) 

And it was usually 107mm fire, too, not heavier 122mm sh*t either– “Unless the building’s on fire, don’t wake me up,” my roomie said after a month of getting woken up at night for that. (We were in 20ft CHUs assembled into a building and their 1/4″ steel stopped shrap from the 107mm rockets– only a direct hit, which sounded like a dumpster dropped 6ft onto concrete, meant something.) Guys got killed in the open.

Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

I was mortared twice with 82mm mortars in the Viet of the Nam. I got zip. Of course, happily, I didn’t get hit with any shrapnel. I already had a CIB.

Commissioner Wretched

I think the last JAG lawer to experience combat was Commander Harmon Rabb, Jr.


I was about to bring him up. He has more combat experience than most SEALS, including RADM Chegwidden.

Green Thumb

Just another loser who will be employed by All-Points Logistics.