Just 2 hours of online training for Donald Trump Butler agents

| September 6, 2024 | 25 Comments

Whistleblowers claimed that the agents assigned to protect Donald Trump at the Butler rally were under-prepared. According to these whistleblowers, these agents just received a couple of hours of webinar training. Most of the agents were apparently “egregiously under prepared”. Senator Josh Hawley subsequently sent a letter to the acting Secret Service Director detailing these whistleblower complaints.

From Daily Fetched:

“Think about this: This former president of the US…is sent out on stage, most of the people there are not trained, they’re not qualified. They only got a webinar training, and even that didn’t work.”

Hawley sent a letter to Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe highlighting the new claims about Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) agents that partner with the Secret Service.

He said the recent allegations “suggest that a significant number of personnel tasked with providing security for former President Trump at the July 13 rally were egregiously under-prepared by the Secret Service to carry out this mission.”

“When Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents partner with the Secret Service, they should be properly trained. New whistleblower allegations contend that this isn’t happening…,” Hawley wrote.

Hawley added that a whistleblower told him “that the only training received by many HSI agents reassigned to work protective details is a two-hour webinar on Microsoft Teams featuring pre-recorded videos.”

“Imagine 1,000 people logging onto Microsoft Teams at the same time after being informed at the last minute that everyone needed to login individually,” a whistleblower said, according to Hawley.

“Once it got rolling, the Secret Service instructor couldn’t figure out how to get the audio working on the prerecorded videos (which I’m told are the same videos as last year). All told, they restarted the videos approximately six times …. The content was not helpful.”

Additional Reading:

Walsh, J. (2024, September 4). Whistleblowers says agents assigned to protect Trump at Butler rally received just ‘2 hour online training’. Daily Fetched. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Government Incompetence

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Forest Bondurant

More political theater. Nothing too see here…again.


The only question is: did they actual plan the assassination attempt, or were they sure ANY attempt would be successful because of the high level of incompetence? There is no third option.
If DJT is taken out before the RNC, then chaos ensues in the GOP as there was no clear successor without a VP named. After Biden flamed on 6/27, the next step was to eliminate DJT, so they cued up the mixed bag in the protection detail of novices and untrained personnel. They didn’t count on the shooter being seen and local LEO’s acting to end the threat. When that failed, they had 3-Martini lunch Nancy orchestrate the coup to take Biden out of the race and install and even more malleable puppet, Heels Up Harris.
Of course the DOJ has interfered with and continues to interfere with the upcoming election with their operatives like Jack “unanimous reversal on appeal” Smith, and DA’s in DC, NYC and Atlanta. They sent out their marching orders to their DOJ warriors to ‘get Trump at all costs’. Any man that draws that kind of response from the establishment must be doing something right.


It was a set up.

Blame incompetence…so sorry. Won’t happen again. Promise.


I could’ve picked two dozen dickweeds from TAH and done a far better job. No one will be held accountable, nobody will get fired. I’d love to see criminal negligence charges filed, but that Garland guy is probably pissed that Trump is still breathing.


Gee, I am confused (again). Is “dickweed” a compliment now? Or do you think as little of us as He-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named (Hint; starts with Commissar)?

RGR 4-78

It is a compliment.

We are the deplorable dickweeds/weedetts of TAH.


The term “dickweed”, along with it’s variations, are intended solely as a badge of honor among the denizens of TAH. ChipNASA has many many more, but I won’t steal his thunder.


Then I shall have a tshirt made with “DICKWEED” boldly printed on it. It will go nicely with my “DEPLORABLE” tshirt.


Cock Gobbling Farm Animal Rapers.


Dickweeds for Trump!


This is more evidence that the (D)emon-rats wish to destroy the Constitution, and pretense of fair and just procedures, all those who oppose them, and reduce all of us to servitude.

Just like Venezuela, and many other countries.

Lars’ wet-dream.

BlueCord Dad

My comment to a previous post applies here as well….


Yeah, but most of us are likeable assholes.


DJT is not the only one that dodged a bullet that day. The Republic of these States United did too.

RGR 4-78

He’s just in the way.


At least they weren’t victims of a Power Point presentation.


Has congress been reduced to just saying hearings and investigations? Do they not have power to yank knots out of assholes when needed? Why are we paying them.


Kinda like when Ron White says “you have the RIGHT to remain silent, what you lack is the ability”… Congress has the POWER to do so, what they lack is the WILL. Garland refuses to do a damn thing about contempt of congress, and is guilty of it himself. Congress needs to do their duty and remove him (and send him where he belongs, behind bars), along with many more. They also need to ensure that the payment to Strzok and his ho are stopped, and they face appropriate criminal charges as well. Of course none of this will happen, because too many in congress are more worried about keeping the grift flowing than they are about the fate of this nation and We the People..

Green Thumb

I imagine Turd Bolling and Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both and national and international) is looking pretty good about now…..


I have a friend who taught at FLETC- Glynco, Georgia, back when it was run by the Treasury Department (pre 9-11). He said nearly all Secret Service agents were former military or police, often both. Many were combat vets. During election years Secret Service would call on other Treasury agents to help out. Those bureaus also had many vets and former cops. The former USSS Director, Kimberly Cheadle, publicized her agency’s commitment to 30 X 30- a program to have 30% women by 2030. It sounds like they lowered their standards. Maybe they need to go back to the way it was.


p.s. The women surrounding Trump (including the one who ducked behind him and the one fumbling with her gun) were Secret Service, not HSI.


And they were practically midgets– 5’0″ to 5’3″ when their principal was 6’3″.

Last edited 9 days ago by Anonymous

And all that close protection crew seemed clueless about what to do next after the first eight shots were fired.

Army-Air Force Guy

They did a pretty good job of looking around and looking concerned /s/.
Sunglasses were pretty stylish too.

A Proud Infidel®™

The USSS Director was quoted as saying that she was intent on doing as much DEI as possible and we ALL know that DEI means “Didn’t Earn It”!