Weekend Open thread
Friday the 13th! With all the memes floating around involving Donald Trump holding animals, and running from foreigners, the above meme comes in handy for today. Enjoy your weekend!
Category: Open thread
Friday the 13th! With all the memes floating around involving Donald Trump holding animals, and running from foreigners, the above meme comes in handy for today. Enjoy your weekend!
Category: Open thread
Oh, wise and Al knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone be unburdened by what has been in order to secure the highly coveted and rarely awarded of First Commenter for the Friday September 13, 2024 This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he once again be denied to his rightful claim because of the vast chicken wing conspiracy? Magic 8-Ball says…
Magic 8-Ball says “All Signs Point To Yes”
Until you get close to her and she says; “SUCKERRRR!”
Wearing out that F5 Key, Mr. Stone? Even a blind stone will get turned up now and again! Good Jerb!
Been pounding that refresh on the company issued pay cellphone since 12:45 Eastern. Probably missed a few dozen Red Hat sales commissions, but it was worth it.
KoB’s F5 key:
Not mine, Slow Joe. Laptop has a refresh button…and it’s made of titanium, designed to withstand the Hunka Hunka Burning Love I have for OAM.
As the reigning First Commenter for the WOT, part of Hack’s responsibilities include issuing the Weekend Safety Brief. Excuse me while I whip this out.
1. If you live In Springfield Ohio and plan on being out of town this weekend, DO NOT ask your Haitian neighbor to “take care” of your pets.
2. If you plan on flying into Sisters Eagle Airport, ensure you have enough aviation fuel. Add enough to travel an additional 200 yards, just in case.
3. If Phil Monkress calls you and asks that you do a personal favor him involving military blogs, politely decline.
4. If you find yourself behind bars this weekend, tell your cellmate that you are saving yourself until Mr. Right comes along.
5. If you travel 1500 miles across the country to hook up with a 14 year old girl that you met online, in addition to bringing the White Claws that she asked, be sure to include some I Can’t Believe It’s Not KY Jelly, because you are about to take in the ass.
6. If you get a call that comes up as Spam on caller ID and the guy with the thick Indian accent says is from from Amazon, be sure to give him your complete name, address, birth date, Social Security number, and bank account routing number so he can cancel that order.
Now go out there and enjoy yourselves this weekend. But not enjoy it too much.
Have a great weekend o fearless leader😎
And whatever you do…
Cat lives matter!
You forgot “DON’T piss on the electric fence”!
The king of the thread does not always give useful advice, but this is a f****** treasure trove, treat it as though it came from the Bible itself.
Damn forgot it was Friday. Congrats,Hack! I called it last week. Here are your trappings. Long May You Reign!” (which will be about a week.)
If Hack Stone does not retain the throne next week, there will be a bloodbath in software third party vendor industry.
Rats o’th Cong, Hack!
Oh, wise and Al knowing Magic 8-Ball: does The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) work balls?
Yeah, I got yer magic 8 balls right here!
Whoa! Hack Stone finally made it! That’s fantastic! And in honor, here’s some trivia for him, and for you!
Did a clown’s act lead to a massive tragedy in 1845?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024
Summer is sputtering along to its conclusion, though with the weather we have you might not even realize that.
You’ve noticed, of course, that the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. That will continue until September 22, when the day and night will be pretty much equal in length.
Then, the days get shorter still, and the nights get longer.
If you like to sleep, as I do, then that’s good news.
More good news follows … it’s time for some trivia! Enjoy!
Did you know …
… a nightclub owner in Milwaukee had a pretty good sense of humor? Right next door to the Milwaukee Performing Arts Center was a dive playfully called Art’s Performing Center. In 2019 it was sold and rebranded Silk on Water. (I’ll let you figure out what goes on there.)
… the oldest living rose plant on Earth is in Germany? Believed to have been planted in the 9th Century, the Rose of Hildesheim grows alongside a wall of the Hildesheim Cathedral. The cathedral was pretty much destroyed during World War II, but the roots of the rose bush survived and began to bloom new roses. (A rose by any other name still grows in Germany.)
… Thomas Edison’s first invention was a vote-counting machine? The prolific inventor (1847-1931) patented his Electrographic Vote Recorder in 1869, thinking it would speed up the voting process. He especially wanted it used in Congress, where instead of shouting “yea” or “nay,” Congressmen could flip a switch and have their vote tallied. Politicians were not too pleased with the idea, though, as they felt overall it would leave them little room to make last-minute deals or even filibuster bills they didn’t like. The device went unused in the halls of Congress, which was a blow to the young Edison’s hopes. (Proving once and for all … the opposite of Progress is Congress.)
… the most expensive manuscript ever sold was a notebook? In 1994, Microsoft founder Bill Gates (born 1955) purchased the Codex Leicester, a notebook of scientific musings and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Gates paid the highest price adjusted for inflation ever for a manuscript, some $60 million in today’s dollars. (If you can’t read da Vinci’s handwriting, though, it’s just an expensive book of pretty pictures.)
… a clown’s act led to a massive tragedy? On May 2, 1845, a bridge spanning the River Bure at Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, collapsed under the weight of a large crowd of people. Officials said 79 people died, most of them children. But what were all those people doing on the bridge? Watching a circus act, which was taking place on the river below. A clown named Arthur Nelson (1816-1860) was “sailing” up the river in a washtub, which was supposedly being pulled by four geese. That was the effect, anyway; the tub was actually attached to a rowboat by an underwater line. While the hundreds of people were on the bridge watching the silly stunt, the bridge collapsed, sending the crowd into the seven-foot-deep river. (Thanks to Mason for the tip!)
(If you can’t read da Vinci’s handwriting, though,…..
it’s because supposedly he was left-handed, and wrote backwards, right-to-left.
One would need to be able to read mirror-written Latin in da Vinci’s handwriting.
And sometimes he used a code, I believe.
Are you sure he wrote it in Latin?
Weren’t there several dialects of Italian (admittedly, all evolutions of Vulgar Latin) at that point? Also, it wouldn’t surprise me if, like Marcus Aurelius, Leonardo wrote his notes in Greek. I almost expect the dude to have created his own language purely to hide his ideas.
Unlike pirates burying treasure, Leonardo da Vinci wouldn’t need to encode his thoughts for any practical purpose: He is among the most obvious choices for someone being cryptic purely for the intellectual exercise.
As I’ve now spent a lonely few Friday night hours digging into this, there is no evidence to suggest da Vinci was fluent in any language besides the Tuscan dialect of Italian (in many respects, the mother of modern Italian); he had exposure to Latin, Greek, and French, but never showed much promise. Supposedly, his polymathic skills did not extend to linguistics.
He couldn’t use his tongue?
Well I guess that puts to rest any idea that he was gay.
Not to scare you, but my
Commissioner Wretched expires on January 1st, 2025.
As long as MINE doesn’t …
… the African Rock Python can survive without eating for two years? (But brother, when they do get hungry, you’d better hide.)
… a jellybean was created especially for a President? The Jelly Belly™ company supplied gourmet jellybeans to Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), the 40th President of the United States. In his honor, the company created Blueberry Jelly Bellies. (And then Reagan said red jellybeans were illegal and we’d begin bombing in five minutes.)
… one of the greatest speeches by a man who would become President is lost to history? In 1856, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) delivered an anti-slavery speech in Bloomington, Illinois. The speech so captivated listeners that reporters tasked with transcribing it instead listened in awe, not writing down what was said. (Talk about holding your audience’s attention!)
… you may know someone who practices umbilicanism? If you do, you know someone who – for whatever reason – engages in the philosophical practice of staring at their own navel. (A navel – er, novel idea, eh?)
… the phrase “cold war” came from a novelist? Used from 1945 to 1991 to describe the state of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the phrase was written for the first time in that context by novelist George Orwell (born Eric Blair, 1903-1950). It appeared in an essay titled “You and the Atom Bomb,” written following the use of atomic bombs against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States during World War II.
… you may suffer from atychiphobia? If you do, you suffer from the fear of failure. (Fear it? I celebrate it!)
… the first sporting event on American television was a baseball game? On May 17, 1939, a college baseball game between Princeton and Columbia was broadcast on NBC to about 400 television sets capable of receiving the signals. The experiment was successful enough to convince the network to try broadcasting a Major League game, and pretty soon the Game of the Week was born. (And for those who don’t like baseball, the first football game on U.S. television was September 30, 1939, between Fordham University and Waynesburg College. So there.)
… turkeys are known by other names in other languages? For instance, in Arabic, turkeys are called “Greek chickens.” In Greek, they’re known as “French chickens.” And in France, they’re called “Indian chickens.” In India, the turkey is called a “Peru.” (Nothing chicken about that one.)
Now … you know!
Time to take Commissioner Wretched to task. If you are going to enlighten us us as to (see what Hack did there?) what name other countries use for turkeys, how could you leave out Turkey? According to Al Gore’s Amazing Internet, in Turkey they are called “Hindi”.
Well, Hack, I try not to be too obvious.
When I was learning Arabic, the word we learned for Turkey is ديك رومي (dik romi), “Byzantine/Roman cock.” “Greek chicken” is close.
I have what Johnny Carson had…Nictophobia.
That’s the fear of running full speed, totally naked, into a cold doorknob.
Get ready for autumn season. You may even want to…Prepare…for The Fall.
Wonder what kind of “performing” Art was doing?
The Rose won that war.
Dominion sez…”Hold these fake ballots and watch this, Tom!”
All of the Lisas are moaning over what gates has done to us. Leo was unavailable for comment.
The whole world is a clown show now. Pity
I can barely go two (2) hours with having a snack of some sort. Be it beans or a jelly sammich, I gots to put something in my belly.
Ironic that Ol’ Abe gave an “anti-slavery” speech in a state that had the most restrictive “Black Laws” in the country at the time. ie…by law Blacks were not allowed to settle in Illinois.
Many will get philosophical when they stare at the score as Naval Middies are whipped up by the (GO) Army Kay-Dettes. Be a real blow to their belly buttons.
The Cold War is heating up…again. The MIC…grins!
Better to try and fail than to never try at all. The only thing I fear is rejection from OAM.
Pro sports players are ALL turkeys to me. I do likes me some TeeVee tho…now and again…and some chicken. Not a fan of turkeys. SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC gabn/gabaf/hbtd/rtr!
Thanks again, CW!
4th again.
If you thought your day sucked:
Report of Survey is gonna be interesting on that! Oh, Present!
Cause of loss was attributed to the truck driver not wearing his reflective PT belt.
That will buff right out.
First day pulling a low boy trailer or did he/she want to put that theory of movable/immovable object meet up to a test because, well, science.
Yeah, that’s gonna take more than a new boresight.
There’s gotta be a joke about arty in here, somewhere…
Spent the major part of the day at the ER for something they couldn’t figure out. I thought it was a heart attack, but it was a blood pressure crash, like to damn near 0/0. Bad day.
Breitbart article with multiple views of the accident:
AWW MAN, I can already picture it: “HEY Stevens, our gun got hit by a train, you’re gonna fill out a 2404 on it when it gets here to the motor pool!”
It’s only 1337!
You guys are starting this game too early.
What are you bitching about? Last September Hack Stone had to travel all the way to the UK in order to score the highly coveted and rarely awarded First Commenter for WOT. And the strange thing was that Hack could not figure out while all of these people attending the University of Kentucky spoke with British accents.
Wait what?
You have more than one First?
It’s rigged. You don’t have to be a vet to know that but it helps.
Happy weekend to anybody that wants it.
Absolutely right.
At least KoB didn’t win this one.
We should probably make an alliance against KoB to keep him away from the weekly crown.
You go first.
Mercy sakes, Slow Joe, why you gotta go hating on The Gun Bunny? Man I thought we wuz buds, after all, I was the FIRST to come to your defense when some were hating on Yef. Even posted an article in a comment a few years back, showing that you ARE a War Hero that DID/DOES War Hero stuff. And shoot man, there already is an alliance to FIRST block The Gun Bunny, made up of a full basket of d’weeded deplorables, including but not limited to…CW, Hack Stone, Tox, Chip, even my Main Main Man, Roh-Dog, ‘beans, the list goes on. I will allow that thebesig has rigged the game in that he, and only he, knows the exact time the Thread will drop. Not even the other admins or editors know that. If that ain’t rigging, I don’t know what is. 😉 I have no more idea when it will drop than anyone else.
I do have a slight advantage now, unlike the years before 2018 when I could only lurk here on occasion but not comment, in that I am medically retired from Ma Bell, have my very own laptop with a shared inherwebz connection, and spend a lot of time researching various topics for submission to the editors/admin on my laptop. Do I sit here all day on Friday pounding the refresh button. Nope. But during the time frame when the WOT was dropping at a regular semi time, I sat close by, watching and even giving a ten (10) count before typing and posting my comment. I do have a very fast connection, for copper fed lines, running between 80-100 meg. My local telecom gets that fiber finished I’ll be in the gig speed then. You want to speed your’s up? Run at least a Cat V or VI copper to a terminal block to plug your modem into. Have the tech “recondition” your pair going to the CO, removing any halftaps or crappy connectors.
Here ya go my man…have a Yuengling Flight Sixer from my personal stores…and some of these hot wings.
An alliance against KoB?
Sounds like a job for Super OAM!
I think KoB would enjoy being told by OAM to knock off his winning ways.
Ahem. Odie redeemed himself nicely with a feel good and a chuckle post so my attitude is much improved from earlier today, but that can change.
KoB is a big boy and can defend himself but for all the kindness that Southern Gentleman has shown me, I feel obliged to give him some cover. Chip, if you were so maligned and plotted against, I’d do the same for you.
Okay, I’d do it for any of you deplorables. So, everyone play nice and be good to each other. In other words, don’t make me prove I’m a redhead again.
Be still my beating heart! *sigh*
20th? Anyway, I’m here.
I know this is supposed to be a fun thread, unwind from the week and all, but it seems some want to push people’s buttons.
grrr – my blood pressure was just beginning to return to normal. First it was the post here about Kirby that set me off, then social media did it again.
I have some social media contacts, actually childhood friends, who appear to have terminal cases of TDS. Out of over a dozen in that group, there are only one or two capable of having a rational discussion. I don’t understand personally attacking someone for bringing up facts for which they have no counter beyond “but, but, but, what about…”
I guess it’s a good thing I usually don’t have time Monday through Thursday to get on TAH or social media.
We enjoy your company regardless of when you get here.
Then why must you piss me off so often? Yes, I’m a redhead, that means you don’t have to set my hair on fire!
Yes, that is unreasonable of me, and yes I’m just teasing. Mostly.
Lucky for me then. I’m out of your arms reach.
I shouldn’t have clicked on that…
Democrats feel a helpless, cowering citizen is a good citizen.
I’ve always wanted to pull off a prison break. It’s looking like more and more are warranted, every year.
Since Trump is the topic of this WOT…….
Escalation in the media around Trump again today,
for associating with this nutjob of a loony bird.
Graphic shows what is currently on DrudgeReport.
Yes, he took her on his aircraft to Philly for the debate.
Then to NY for 9/11.
Then to western PA for more 9/11.
Melania Trump was nowhere to be found (for these special public events).
Talking about finding ways to alienate not only the GOP base,
and all the party constituents, but also the sizeable bloc of undecided voters.
Trump should win the November election.
However, if Trump blows the election and loses, he surely did it to himself.
And it won’t be due to voting conspiracy theories, or being rigged.
“Drudge report”.
Is that considered a reliable source?
Yes, it’s sarcasm.
Slightly more reliable than snopes?
SFC D and Odie,
Trump just replied to all this.
Trump is claiming he had NO knowledge of her history,
and only today heard details her past behaviors and statements.
But it appears more will be coming soon.
—- In response to questions about Loomer’s racist and conspiratorial comments, Trump said that he had just heard about it for the first time, and that Loomer waas a person with “strong opinions.”
“She’s a strong person. She’s got strong opinions, and I don’t know what she said, but that’s not up to me. She’s a supporter,” Trump said.
“I do know that she may have said something based on what you’re telling me, but I don’t know what she said, but I’ll go take a look and I’ll put out a statement later on.”
Get your popcorn for this!
It’s CNN. I don’t recognize them as a reliable source.
Sounds pretty silly, doesn’t it.
Well, it’s on in every airport, so….
As well as VA waiting rooms, that and MSDNC.
It is, if you are MarineDud61.
![comment image](https://public.newsdirect.com/636896304/yLa9bj6n.jpg)
I don’t care how much anti Trump shit you post, I will vote for him.
My vote is set in stone.
This is not 2016.
Trump is a known quality.
Did better than the current dude.
By definition, an open thread has no topic.
And Drudge is an amalgamator, not a news source… just providing links to steer the gullible audience to what they want them to read. That site lost all credibility around 2019.
Plus, Matt Drudge sold out years ago. The Drudge report has been taken over by propagandists/progs.
To all the above….
Well, I just checked in with Fox News,
and still NOTHING. Nada. Crickets.
I like Fox, but can anyone explain why dodging the Looney factor this week is any better than CNN or other lefty sources going crickets on Biden, Harris, and/or other various Dems when they misbehave, misspeak, or lie?
Maybe because nobody really cares? I used to read her stuff all the time, but she kinda got way out over the edge. Same with Candace Owens. Both loony but essentially harmless. Unlike many on the left, who are in positions of power and authority.
Well, there goes the super legit SEAL vote: https://youtu.be/UVznnSjLi6I?si=l3HD8SGUhRs0xFP2
Well, there you have it. The single most important qualification for President, being a woman.
Now, require all who decide based on this qualification to define “woman”.
Ventura was never real a SEAL. He was on UDT teams and never served in combat in Vietnam or anywhere. He was a club bouncer in Olongapo, Philippines, though.
That’s like, the same thing, right?
In his mind it is.
Maybe there should be an inspection. Anything extra automatically disqualifies the candidate.
Naw, Willie wouldn’t hit anything with a willie.
Have a great weekend y’all!
I hate stepping on our resident triviaologist’s toes, but cover me! I’m going’ in!
Today is the 50th anniversary of James Brown’s performance of The Payback on The midnight Special (below).
Also on this day, 39 orbits ‘go:
Much kvetching was had by hippies everywhere over this Greatest Duckhunt Ever!
I wonder what the bet was that he couldn’t do it.
Thanks, Roh-Dog
From This Day in Aviation
“13 September 1985: Major Wilbert D. Pearson, U.S. Air Force, flying McDonnell Douglas F-15A-17-MC, 76-0084, Celestial Eagle, launched an anti-satellite missile in a test, approximately 200 miles (322 kilometers) west of Vandenberg Air Force Base, on the central coast of California.”
On 14SEP84, A Soldier’s Story opens in LA.
Cast is a bunch of nobodies (/s).
I am having a rough week; even my wife was giving me grief. She was complaining about how I never do anything romantic anymore. So I took her to a fancy restaurant; we walked into the place, they handed me an apron.
Mrs. A Proud Infidel®™ demanded I take her someplace this weekend that’s expensive, so I took her to the lumber yard!
I brought aggravating news earlier, so let this be more upbeat and better news.
Can one sue the govt?
Yes, you can sue the federal government; but the judges will make sure your lawsuit is unsuccessful in most cases.
Sigh, okay Odie, you’re forgiven. Truly, I appreciate it at this late hour. I was taking a chance coming on here before bed, and I want to say thank you for offering up this kernel of better news.
Happy weekend!
Friends don’t let friends not account for accelerated hydraulic fluid heating.
Is the NSN on that thing good? Asking, you know, for a friend.
Nope. Bogus NSN. Here’s the real deal for an ACE:
2350-00-808-7100 M9 Armored Combat Earthmover
And here it is for the DEUCE:
2430-01-423-2819 30/30 Model DV100 Deployable Universal Combat Earthmover
I’ll take me one, Claw Daddy…one (1) of each model.
Frends don’t let friends weld alone.
He found the only one in the U.S for sale.
AAR improve #1: Install hydraulic boom for self-extraction.
This is certainly shocking. Who am I kidding, we all knew she was doing it.
Her campaign is as fake as her employment at McDonalds.
Also, there is a reason Heels-Up was kept away from the media. Today she gave her first solo interview as a prez candidate & she bombed. It was word salads – one after the other.
Are you referring to a robust economy being directly related to lawn care? Next thing you know, she will start talking about tying an onion to her belt, which was the style at the time.
Kamala Harris is more fake than a polyester blanket from the Civil War.
If this doesn’t make you laugh, I can’t help you.
Well, I’ll be a Monkey’s Uncle, I just found out that if I hit the little circle on the upper left under my name, it gives me the date and time that I commented. Amazing
Oh oh.
Someone said “Monkey’s Uncle”.
Enjoy some vintage Annette.
And the Beach Boys at their peak, doing a movie soundtrack.
As Monty Python used to say…. and now for something completely different.
This is much more humorous than another post I made.
Checking in late from the Biden beach area although I haven’t seen anybody I recognize.
Doing my part, offset the Liberal lunatic fringe idiocy that exists in the universe down here in Delaware.
Salt air smooches you bunch of butt munches. 💩🤡😘🏖️
Oh, and Hacker, wield that scepter and Tierra gleefully
Oh oh. Dick Blumenthal. Yes, that Dick.
Been busy, but nevertheless I once again declare myself present and unaccountable as I award myself yet another Honorary First.
Epstein did not kill himself.
Epstein’s list remains very heavily guarded by those currently in charge.
Presently still amongst the breathing.
And still unaccountable.
Our Grandkids are still fantastic, too. >grin<
Hope y’all have a blessed weekend.
Hack Stone just saw on a Marine Fakebook page that Sergeant Major Gerardo Trevino of 3rd Recruit Battalion MCRD San Diego is in the brig. If you look his name up on line and click on his bio link, you get this. Anyone know what’s up?
The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All Points Logistics) works balls.
For those longing for the golden age of Stolen Valor, when Posers were fully committed to living the lie, defending their claims with sock puppets, threats of lawsuits, and unleashing mentally unhinged employees on anyone who dares to question them. And as a reminder, it was ten years ago when Elaine Ricci hired Hack Stone as Director of Media Relations.
Ummm, happy anniversary?
Hack Stone has to update his linked In profile to celebrate ten years selling a quality product to the federal government. Not talking multiple copies, just one copy of Red Hat.
If you want a strong American economy, cut your damn lawn.
This is what happens when you don’t hire The Stunning Agency to coordinate your vacation.
Hack Stone just got a call from “Michael from your TV services”. Hack Stone asked which TV services that would be, but Michael did not answer. He did leave the phone line open, so Hack was able to listen as another “technician from your TV services” was talking another customer through installing their “upgraded software”. It was like standing on the other side of the river as you see someone being murdered. You know it’s not going to turn out well, but there is nothing you can do from where you are.
So, I see that Hack scored a “First” on a Freaky Friday the 13th WOT. Other scorers from years past have been:
13 Nov 2015 – Skippy
13 May 2016 – Mick
13 Oct 2017 – Graybeard
13 Apr 2018 – ChipNASA
13 Jul 2018 – Yef
13 Sep 2019 – IDC SARC
13 Dec 2019 – ChipNASA
13 Mar 2020 – ChipNASA
13 Nov 2020 – RGR 4-78
13 Aug 2021 – Sparks
13 May 2022 – Roh-Dog
13 Jan 2023 – Hack Stone
13 Oct 2023 – Commissioner Wretched
And, yes, I have been recording all this information for 10 (almost going on 11) years now in a handwritten Leather Bound, Gold Embossed Coveted Book of WOT Firsts which is almost 25 pages long.
And one of these days before I kick the bucket, I’ll name one of you deserving Dickweeds to continue the tradition. /s/
Any Volunteers?
I’m on profile. 😀
Here we go again, someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump on a golf course.
Ain’t this timeline grand?