Weekend Open Thread

| September 6, 2024

Break glass in case of emergency… The Russian election interference argument is starting to ramp up again. From both the government and from the media, we’re hearing that Russian troll farms are attempting to influence the election, and that they’re mostly in favor of Donald Trump. It looks like they’re just setting the stage just in case Donald Trump wins in November. Commenters on this website, with perhaps a couple of exceptions, will see right through this claim. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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A Congolese Rat on your FIRSTNESS, Good Sir. I verily do hereby present you with the Crown and all of the trappings.

Rule wisely…you have my deepest sympathies. Your larder and Class VI Supplies will be sorely depleted.


Ahhhh still has that new crown smell. I’ll take excellent care. I’ve tapped the keg and meat, cheese and bread will be brought out for all. HAIL!


WOW! :O That’s a first FIRST of a good while BennSue, conga-line of the near-doo-well ratly folks aruond herez.
No I didn’t have a stroke….and VA was in and out and fun. YAY!
Tra La, my good people. and hangingout for a FABULOUS FRIDAY!!!
Smooches, bitches!!


Rats of the Cong at’cha BennSue.



Hack Stone


Hack Stone


Hack Stone

Hack has been burdened by what has not been.


You are burdened by a magic 8-ball that tells you lies.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Your magic 8 ball needs a tuneup, 3 point maintenance inspection and maybe a lube job..


Exactly how does one tuneup a magic 8-ball? Inquiring minds of 8-ball owners need to know.


BFH. 5 lbs minimum.

Last edited 4 months ago by SFC D
A Proud Infidel®️™️

DID YOUR computer get slowed down by outdated Red Hat Software while trying to get something done? You may be entitled to compensation, call the Firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe!




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Damn by 23 seconds. Hack was on my tail. Next week Hack for sure.

Hack Stone

Hack tried the old cut and paste, but his company issued cellphone uses some crappy Black Spandex edition of Red Hat Software purchased from some crappy software company in Bethesda Maryland.




5th. Dang.


Present! Happy friday, dickweeds!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Meh. I’m here. Just not first (or second, or third, or…..)

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) takes it in the ass (willingly) as he continues to avoid inquiries seeking information and explanations concerning his highly questionable and potentially felonius Native American, Navy SEAL and LEO claims.

Commissioner Wretched

BennSue gets the coveted FIRST of the WOT! I’m amazed! I hope he does a good job in the footsteps of the King. Meanwhile, I – your ever-loyal scribe – offer up the weekly installment of silly trivia for all to enjoy!

Are British pirates the reason for the United States not being on the metric system?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

September again. That’s a good thing and a bad thing.

The good part, of course, is the coming of fall. After a sweltering summer, it’s going to be nice to get the coolness of autumn in the air again.

The bad part? I have another birthday this month. (Ever notice how those things seem to come around every year? Amazing.)

Later this month I’ll be 66 years old. If I had known I was going to make it this long, I’d certainly have taken better care of myself!

Oh, well, I’m stuck now. And as they say, it does beat the alternative.

So while I prepare to get older, you enjoy some ever-fresh trivia!

Did you know …

… marine biologists tell us that more eels swim out of the Bermuda Triangle than into it? (Do they know something we don’t know? And why are they measuring such things, anyway?)

… the man who invented the telephone did not want one? Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) actually considered the telephone – the invention for which he has gone down in history – to be an intrusion on his scientific work. Bell refused to have a telephone installed in his study, saying time spent on the device was time taken away from his actual work. (I know how he must have felt.)

Commissioner Wretched

… you may know a danceur? Don’t head to the Sheriff for an arrest warrant if you do, though … a danceur is a male ballet dancer. The female dancer is, of course, a ballerina. (And they make beautiful music together.)

… female cats tend to be right-pawed? On the other hand (other paw?), male cats are more likely to be left-pawed. (That’s a paw-erful thought, isn’t it?)

… a father and son won Nobel prizes for opposite ends of the same research? In 1906, Sir J.J. Thomson (1856-1940) was recognized with the Nobel Prize for Physics after he proved that electrons (tiny negatively-charged parts of atoms) were particles. But in 1937, Thomson’s son Sir George Paget Thomson (1892-1975) won the same prize for proving that electrons are waves. Physicists today say both men were correct. (I’ll leave it up to you to figure out how they are both right.)

… you can probably blame pirates for the United States not using the metric system? In 1794, not long after the U.S. achieved its independence, the first Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was awaiting the arrival of French scientist Joseph Dombey (1742-1794). In addition to trade issues, Dombey was bringing to the U.S. the metric system of measurements. In those first years of separation from Britain, many Americans wanted to move as far away from anything British as they could, including the British system of weights and measures. However, Dombey never made it – his ship was hijacked by pirates (British ones, no less) and Dombey was taken prisoner. Dombey was bringing with him a one-kilogram copper weight and a one-meter-long copper rod, which would be the official sources for the metric system of measurements in America. But since he never made it, and ended up dying in captivity, the U.S. never received the instruments it needed to “go metric.” (I knew there had to be a reason other than pure stubbornness in there somewhere.)


Isn’t the feminine of danseur “danseuse”?

Ballerino/ballerina is Italian, not French. Granted, those distinctions seem less strict in English.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

THERE ARE TWO kinds of Nations, those who use the Metric System, and THE ONE which has repeatedly put Men on the Moon!


I believe there are three countries that still use the imperial system: US, Liberia, and Burma.

We’re keeping great company, in that.

Commissioner Wretched

… double-parking in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was once a very bad thing to do? It’s so bad, in fact, that the law used to prescribe those who double-park be put on a chain gang, with only a bread-and-water diet. (Boy, are they strict!)

… scallops have about 100 eyes around the edge of their shells? (All the better to see you with, my dear!)

… the movie with the highest-ever profit margin was made on a very cheap budget? In 2007, the film Paranormal Activity was released to theatres. It’s a “found-footage” kind of movie, a ghost story where you’re supposed to think that what’s on the screen just so happened to people … and so on. Made for a budget of just $15,000 and with a marketing strategy best described as “grass roots,” the movie raked in a profit of $193.4 million – an estimated 19,758% return on investment. (And it was a pretty scary movie, too!)

… worker wasps attack because they’re drunk? You may have noticed that in late summer, wasps get a little more aggressive. There’s a reason for that – they have one job. Their sole purpose in life is to provide nectar for their queen. They store all they can hold, and then have little or nothing to do. So the wasps feast on fruit that has fallen off of trees and has fermented, causing them to get pretty tipsy. That leads them to think it’s a good idea to attack things that are bigger than they are – like you and me. (Not at all unlike how people act.)


Scallops have 100 eyes yet they still manage to get caught.

Dennis - not chevy

Those same fermented fruits got me in trouble. When I was a young lad I knew nothing of monetary loss based on damaged products. My Grandfather made certain I knew it wasn’t funny when the milk cows got into the orchard and were eating the rotten fruit. Lemme tell you what, when a drunken cow is sleeping it off, she will not get back on her feet no matter how hard one pushes.

OK Grampa, lesson learned; the next time I saw a holstein stagger up the path, I ran out of earshot before I laughed.

RGR 4-78

Holy cow! Think of the butterfat in that cream.


That’s what she said.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

and the butterfat is butter than nothing

jeff LPH 3 63-66

a cows cheap moo’ n shine.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Was that Cow drunk, or did you sneak up and tip it?

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Come to think of it, at one time up around Silverton CO, a group was caught making moonshine during Prohibition, and “The Revenuers” decided to dump the mash where cows were grazing. The result? The Cows’ milk contained enough alcohol to where the G-men decided it HAD to be dumped! Ain’t gum’-mint wunnerful?


Eggs, bacon and a glass of milk before sending the kids off to school.

Dennis - not chevy

If you want to make a mistake; make a mistake. If you really want to foul things up; get an engineer involved. However, if you want to test the law of unintended consequences; get the Government involved.

A Proud Infidel®™

To err is human, but to REALLY mess thing up, just involve Government.

Last edited 4 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™
Commissioner Wretched

… a popular rock foursome originally had five members? When The Beatles were being formed in 1960 in Liverpool, England, Stuart Sutcliffe (1940-1962) was the bassist. He joined John Lennon (1940-1980), George Harrison (1943-2001), Paul McCartney (born 1942), and Pete Best (born 1941) to form the group. Sutcliffe was primarily in the band because he was a friend of Lennon. When Sutcliffe died of a stroke in 1962, the other members chose not to replace him. McCartney changed from rhythm guitar to bass, and the band became a four-man group. Best would be replaced as drummer by Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey, 1940) in 1962, about six months after Sutcliffe died. (And the rest, as they say, is history.)

Now … you know!


Comm Wretched, in reference to your having another birthday and making it this long, ” I know exactly how it’s gonna end for me. One of my grandkids will unplug my life support to charge their iPad.” /s/

Happy Birthday!!


CW, My Main Man! As you…Prepare…to get older, make damn sure you…PREPARE…for The Fall…and I don’t mean Autumn Season.

The word on the eels is electrifying.

Bell grew rich on the telephone ’cause he got to the Patent Office FIRST (ht2 BennSue)

I had to do the perp walk dance when my ballerina danced around the truth and had the sheriff bring an arrest warrant.

Smokey The Tom Cat always snuggles up on my right and uses his left paw to slap my hand when I’m typing and not giving him chin scratches. Little Girl Sassy perches on my left and does the same with her right paw. Both are spoiled rotten and pushy.

Makes sense since everything is a particle of some sort and electrons wave their sine.

How much does lovely Rita The Meter Maid’s booty weigh in kilos?

Make chain gangs great again!

See if we can have a low country boil.

Never saw that movie. If I want to be frightened I watch a Kum-Hella political ad.

Seen all kinds of critters staggering around the old pear tree fallen fruits. Gets me a good laff out of it.

Many Thanks, again, for the weekly trivia. I know that this column…it don’t come easy.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Diesel Engine almost ended up being called “The Duetz” instead, Rudolph Diesel and Duetz were in competition, and Diesel was first to build a working prototype and obtain the Swiss patent. Rudolph Diesel dies broke, and Duetz MWM still produces engines to this day!


Have a great weekend yall!

And lock up your guns or feel the wrath of a more-merderous-to-liberty state, apparently.


Tucker Carlson was also implicated in this Russian bought propaganda scandal.

But we already knew he was a piece of shit traitor shill for Russia.

Tucker was even paid to do pro Putin and pro Russian fluff pieces.


Russia! Russia! Russia!

TDS much?

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

I heard that in Jan Brady’s voice:

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!


Or in kamala voice… mmmmph mmmmph mmmph?


That’s sounds like a mouthful!



Hack Stone

So you are saying Commissar has gone Full Jan Brady?

A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat aka Commissar has Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) to the point where it runs his life, making him an Operative of it, a TARDO!


Welcome back!


And you’re paid by who? I think you just like the abuse and scorn we heap upon your fraudulent little head. You kinky little monkey!


Me thinks his income is derived from his standing on a street corner with a Cum-ala sign and a hand out for “donations” from passers by.


One could say he’s collecting the cream of the crop.


I think he lost his gig where the Party paid him by the word for his long, verbose comments. Instead of multiple paragraphs of his blather, now he just posts a few sentences.


You’ve been missed commisar. However, Putin has said he supports kamala over Trump, so if she should have a blow out victory, will you be claiming Russian interference?


Welcome Back, Commissar.

You have been missed (Not Sarc).

BTW, since you do not care for DJT, does this mean you will be voting for KH? (Not Sarc).



Of course he is. He’d never stray from the party line. And I’m not talking about the democrats.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Love your Schtik act and looking forward for more.


I could have predicted this would trigger the commie cuttlefish. Whenever it opens its cockholster, it spews more BS. The mollusk is nothing but a megaphone of mendacity.

Warren Peece

Just sayin’


Welcome back, Scroty McDickinass


She’s baaaaaccccckkkkk and more fabulous than ever.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ah yes, our favorite TARDO is back!


Look who came back…. Why am I not surprised? He obviously missed the abuse he so richly deserves..


Don’t know if this has come up yet (or is bullsh*t) but:
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Plausible. True? Who the hell knows. Probably Russian disinformation from Tucker Carlson.


Although he has long hair and was hassled by dudes who called him gay:

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Welp, now we know. He was unhappy because he hated his penis and had an imaginary vagina. Too bad we couldn’t have paired him up with the Covenant Christian shooter; they could have traded genitalia. Maybe it could have saved lives.

RGR 4-78

The ghost of shitbag dan is haunting small aircraft now?

A Proud Infidel®™

THE FIRST THING I saw upon clicking that link was Bernie Sanders pandering for D-rat donations like his life depended on it!


Probably Drunk


Where the fuck is all this Iraqi oil we were supposed to get 20 years ago?

No BlOoD fOr OiL….


You mean I deployed 3x for NOTHING?




On a side note, I bet Cindy Sheehan’s pussy looks and smells like a wet, tweed sock.


But with a dead fish in it.


Oh for fucks sake. Jameson’s, take me away!


I’m hitting the single malt. I need to chill, as I just watched the news.


Any volunteers to see if it passes the sniff test? Any tasters, I mean, takers?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

First 42nd



Major Tuddy

Why is red for Republicans and blue for Democrats? Since red is associated with Communism, and many Democrats are Communists, shouldn’t it be red for Democrats and blue for Republicans?


I don’t know if you’re genuinely asking, or trying to make a snarky comment about Democrats (or, hey, both!), but I actually saw an article about this recently so I thought I’d share. Turns out it started as recently as the 2000 elections, and colors were chosen largely because Republicans and Red both start with ‘r’:


… Now I feel like I’ve channeled Commissioner Wretched!




The guy’s pink shorts and his pedo stache says all we need to know.


That and he threw up a finger like a girl.


ran like a bitch too..


So they’re…
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Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Here you go

Major Tuddy

I was indeed genuinely asking, but will confess to a wee bit of snark. 😜✌️

Thanks for the information!


Hey, a little snark gets me through my day – I feel it’s always warranted. Glad the information helped!


OK, now explain why democrats are depicted in blue.


Oh, you know what, I recently read an article that explained that.. wait, let me see if I can find it. Oh, yeah, here:



I saw that earlier, but I didn’t make the connection as to why democrats were labeled as blue. Perhaps it’s because they lost.


Thanks for that LC, I have always kinda wondered where it came from (though not enough to look for the answer lol)


One possible answer goes to the Civil War. Union units were depicted in Red and Southern units were depicted in blue. However note in the 1904 election this is not the case.


In the 1908 election green and yellow were used.

A Proud Infidel®™

On Election Night in 1984 when Ronald Reagan steamrollered Mondale, blue was used on the electoral map for GOP and red for D-rat, it got swapped after that election.

Last edited 4 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™
Hack Stone

Hack Stone is burdened by the Vast Chicken Wing Conspiracy. He is currently resolving this situation by placing those VCWs into the air fryer in preparation of the Eagles crushing the Packers this evening. Beverage of choice is some ice cold Orion Beer, the Beer of Beers, in a frosted Orion mug liberated from a bar in Henoko decades ago. Now Hack has to fork over $8 for a month of Peacock in order to watch the game. Ran the numbers and $8 is a lot cheaper than watching the game at a sports bar where the beers will $9 or more and 6 wings for $12.

RGR 4-78

Now that is a conspiracy you can sink your teeth into.

Green Thumb

All-Points Logistics has raised their prices.

Phil Monkress approves of this message.

Major Tuddy

Really? I’m looking forward to my Redskins brutally scalping the Chumpa Bay Suckaneers this Sunday. Got three racks of baby back ribs in brine this evening; will slow-cook them after Church Assembly Sunday, so they will be ready for the game.

Orion? The real Beer Of Beers is Steel Reserve 211.


And if the receiver on the final play of cheifs/ravens game wore size 9 shoes instead of 9.5, there may been a a different outcome.

Hack Stone

The Beer of Beers. How long did it take them to think up that slogan? Reminds Hack how Kamala Harris explains collective bargaining.

Hack Stone

Orion beer commercial.



You mean like union bargaining is collective bargaining which is bargaining collectively for those employees collectively for the benefit of the collective group of employees?

Green Thumb

We will bring them social justice!


There was once this thing called Radio.

Skivvy Stacker

I have to wonder how stupid the mainstream media has to be to think that We The People are stupid enough to fall for that same old bullshit from 2016!
On the other hand, they just continue to prove just how much they hold us folks in “Fly-over Country” in contempt.
So, fuck ’em.

Last edited 4 months ago by Skivvy Stacker

I’m thinking that “Fly-Over Country” needs better air defense.


MT Washington NH. 6000 ASL. great chili dog and a fine cigar. 190 miles.


Liar Priest chilidogged “booty”

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I hereby declare myself PRESENT and unaccountable as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
The establishment still guards Epstein’s list harder than ever.


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Finally present.

Received the call that the oldest member of our Sunday School class was not doing well. Dropped by in time to sing him home.

A somber honor and blessing.

God bless you all.


Good on ya GB. Not surprising at all that you’d take on such Honor Guard duties..


Anyone here from Iowa?

A loo loo Scottish Walt is now a deputy sheriff
near (where else?) Waterloo, in Bremer County, Iowa.
Oh, he also has a domestic violence history.
And, he’s on a green card, after (conning and) marrying an American.

Mugshot in article below.


Last edited 4 months ago by MarineDad61

The hiring standards are set pretty low it seems in your example and this one.



The IL deputy sheriff’s forearm tat of a skull
is now a really really bad look.

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A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh, Bubba & Thor are gonna have a ball with his ass before he gets shared with the rest of the cell block, even CO’s hate ex-LEOs in prison!


A P I,
The new “jailer” and deputy sheriff in Bremer County, Iowa.
Mugshot from Europe.

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Major Tuddy

Does this uniform look right to you? Guy’s wearing medals and ribbons together, in Class A uniform but no necktie, and a badge indicating three awards of the CIB (no Korea/Vietnam service medals; just three awards, all from WWII).



He’s dead, Jim. Died in May 2022 and was born in April 1927.


Claw beat me to it. The video is from 2019. the guy was a WWII vet so I could cut him some slack on his uniform. He was 93 at the time so I could even cut him some slack on the crazy talk and language.


Anyway, the long and short of it is:

He turned 18 in February 1945, however, he didn’t enlist until April 1945 (early out from high school?).
He was a Motor Transport Operator? in the Army. (cause that’s what he did for a living after being in the Army)
The three ribbons/medals he is wearing (though not in proper precedence) are the Army of Occupation Medal, the WWII Victory Medal and the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal.


What about the third award of the CIB? There is supposedly a list at the Infantry Museum of every infantryman who has ever received 3 CIB’s. Also, he is wearing infantry officer branch brass on the lower portion of his lapels, which is improper for an EM.


Well, he’s definitely not on the list of the 325 men (most of them were Green Beanies) at the Infantry Museum. His obituary says he started driving for Kraft Foods about 1956 in New Jersey and stayed with that until he retired to Disney World in Florida.


Looks like another embellisher took his POSing to the grave. How apropos for this member of the VFW.


Dude, put on a tie– a clip-on, anything black!


Everyone here should get a kick out of this article and included video of another version of Kameltoe’s only media interview. Comedy Break With JP Sears as He Hilariously Roasts Kamala’s First Interview as Democrat Nominee | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin But with the exception of our beloved commie cuttlefish and a couple of others.


Eff Honolulu. I will never go there again, so I never spend a nickel there. Hawaii: Man Stops and Kills Mass Shooter ( Is Promptly Arrested for Murder) – IOTW Report


Guess who


Evil bastard, gone RINO for his own interests.

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Green Thumb

Been gone while so I had to scoop the yard.

I probably pulled about 50 lbs of Phil Monkress out of the yard.

That’s a lot of Phil Monkress.


Wanna see what the VFW is up to now? They opened a post in a prison. On the one hand, great for looking out for veterans. On the other hand after doing some googling, the inmate, err, post commander for this particular post is doing an 80 year sentence for killing an 18 month old child. The post quartermaster is locked up for child pr0n. The post service officer is in for rape that went on over the course of 3 hours. The other names that I could find associated with this post (I couldn’t find the whole chain of command for it) are in for murder. https://www.vfw.org/media-and-events/latest-releases/archives/2024/8/we-can-be-better-than-our-mistakes




Mike sleeper is still a cock sucker and not a Ranger.


Another Airborne Ranger has headed home:

James Earl Jones.