Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on military issues

| September 6, 2024

Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery, at the invitation of Gold Star families, highlights one aspect of the presidential campaigns. Both sides want to portray themselves as best for the military, while describing the other side as falling short. With the military and veteran communities, as well as their families, Trump appears to have an advantage. However, how those outside the military and veteran communities view the respective candidates on military and veteran issues is also at play.

From The Hill:

According to the poll, Trump leads Vice President Harris among veterans with 51 percent support to 41 percent, among active-duty service members with 49 percent support to 44 percent and among their families with 47 percent support to 45 percent.

“[Trump’s] character and his patriotism and his pledges to fix big problems for veterans’ care are the reason why he has such a following among veterans and active duty military,” said John Ullyot, a former National Security Council spokesperson under Trump and a Marine veteran.

Still, the former president has faced a barrage of criticism, particularly for his recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the 13 service members killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan three years ago.

NPR first reported that an official at the cemetery was involved in a confrontation with Trump campaign staffers who were filming and taking photos in Section 60, a restricted area where recently killed soldiers who served in Afghanistan and Iraq are buried.

The Army said in a statement last week that the official was trying to enforce rules prohibiting political activity on cemetery grounds and the official was pushed aside. The Army said “the employee subsequently decided not to press charges” and “considers the matter closed.”

The Trump campaign, on the other hand, said there was no physical altercation and that it was cleared to film on the grounds.

But that has failed to mitigate the criticism.

Additional Reading:

Manchester, J. (2024, September 4). Harris, Trump clash over patriotism and the military. The Hill. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Military issues

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That’s mighty white of you Karan…

Press charges for taking a photo.

“The Army said in a statement last week that the official was trying to enforce rules prohibiting political activity on cemetery grounds and the official was pushed aside. The Army said “the employee subsequently decided not to press charges” and “considers the matter closed.”

Forest Bondurant

Being that the funding to upkeep and maintain Arlington National Cemetary is funded through taxpayer dollars, it should be considered a public place, not one that the government can put restrictions.

As I understand a separate report, the families of those fallen at Abby Gate invited Trump and took photos with him.

The story was just another fabrication – a hit job by the media to stoke the “orange man bad” fallacy


The families of the fallen also invited Biden and Harris. And we all saw how that worked out.


Gropey and the Ho just ignored it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gropey and K-ho decided that going off and playing instead was more important.


The families invited Trump, some low level “woke” partisan bureaucrat took it upon herself to interfere and an irate family member shoved her out of the way with words to GTFO effect. Probably how it happened– a cemetery worker upsetting family members like that is mondo bad, so “Trump!” (but no details) and she lets it drop.


From the fake marxist legacy media…

“But that has failed to mitigate the criticism.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

How come they don’t mention all the demoRat socialist Presidents that visited Arlington in the past the same way President Trump visited the ceremony by invitation of the fallen family members.
The socialist US Govt. sponsored NPR
(Nationalist Progressive Revolutianarys) just keeps going like the bunny battery commercial.


What is surprising to me is “Trump leads Vice President Harris… …among active-duty service members with 49 percent support to 44 percent…”

I expected a larger gap.


That may be so but I imagine the numbers being reported for support of kamala is not as close as they say. I imagine it’s angry Karen’s and lbbtqxyz are being counted twice.


True that, but still more conservative than without service.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

“The Army said in a statement last week that the official was trying to enforce rules prohibiting political activity on cemetery grounds”

“An Official…” in other words, a bureaucrat, not a military member.

Most likely a liberal bureaucrat that was outraged that Trump was even there and, as a result of his TDS, decided that taking pictures was “political activity” regardless of what was actually going on.

Trump wasn’t making a speech or electioneering or holding a rally, he was comforting grieving parents and attending a respectful memorial service at the request of those parents. Taking pictures and videos of it doesn’t magically turn it into a political event.

My guess is that this bureaucrat realized how much benefit Trump was going to get from the optics of this and how bad it was going to look that his favored candidates weren’t there, so he tried to pre-empt it by ginning up a controversy…and of course the democrat PR wing in the media immediately jumped right on board.

The only thing that was shocking to me was his support numbers among veterans being that low…only 51%? I’d say that poll was flawed.

RGR 4-78

Trump wasn’t making a speech or electioneering or holding a rally, he was comforting grieving parents and attending a respectful memorial service at the request of those parents. Taking pictures and videos of it doesn’t magically turn it into a political event.”


Also, the family members requested the pictures and videos.


Then they’re co-conspirators, off with their heads!

RGR 4-78

This is why I like hanging out here.

Come for the posers, stay for the world class sarcasm.


jeff LPH 3 63-66

OFF Topic,
Could someone put me in for FIRST on the WOT. Will be in the recliner taking a nappy poo or doing Penny Press crossword puzles…


Or dealing with a pharmacy or insurance provider and trying to tell your Dr your blood pressure is fine?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Just got on the site 5:30 and saw that no one put me up for first on the WOT. Oh well, life goes on.


Yeah, the sun will still rise in the east. There’s always next week.


I’ve yet to meet a Vet that supports Harris.


There’s a streetcorner as you exit the Buffalo Soldier gate at Ft. Huachuca that gets filled with campaign signs every election cycle. Right now, there’s a sign stating “Vets for Harris/Walz”. I’d love to see the group that put it there and ask some questions.

Skivvy Stacker

Probably a group of veterinarians.


I’m Jusmpign in there because the WoT hasn’t dropped EARLY yet….maybe because Ed is back on track 😉
Going to the VA for an ortho appointment but I”ll see you tards tardy and shortly


Agreed. Mean ol disrespecting Trump.


It’s only horrid when Trump does it, of course. /sarc


Only military issues Kum-Hella is concerned with is how quickly she can either dismantle it, finish the destruction of it, or fill it with the millions of illegals that she and sniffy creepy imported to continue the “…fundamentally change the face of America” the JEF started.

I do know this…I’m purely sick and tired of seeing that skrunt show up on my TeeVee set every other commercial break spewing her lies.

Again…as sooooo many of us have said soooo many times…the only thing the demonrats have to run on is “Orange Man Bad!” And the rino republicunts are just as bad. They are both equally worthless to me.


Multiple people who were not part of the Trump campaign were present and said this bitch is lying. There was no confrontation and no one touched or pushed her. She is the sole source of this bogus claim.


Kind of like that gal who claimed when Trump lunged for the steering wheel of the car he was riding in.


Yes, except that bint was not even purporting to have seen it. She was lying about what she claims a SS agent told her. It never happened.

Old tanker

Given that the families of the 13 invited Trump that pretty much puts the politicking to rest especially when they asked him to pose with them for pictures, not the other way around.

A Proud Infidel®™

Mmmmyeah, in another article I read, Biden, Kamala-Ho and DJT were ALL invited, Biden and K-Ho decided to go play while DJT showed up to pay respects, and the D-rat whorehouse media bags on Trump for it.