Daily FGS

| September 6, 2024 | 7 Comments

Sig-Sauer MPX-K

No charges filed against homeowner who shot, killed man in north Tulsa

Paris Rain
TULSA, Okla. — Police said one man is dead and another is in critical condition after a shooting in north Tulsa Tuesday night.

Tulsa Police said officers responded to a shooting near near M.L.K Jr. Boulevard and East Apache Street around 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Officers found 47-year-old Marco Richardson laying in a driveway with a gunshot wound to the chest.

EMSA took him to Saint Francis Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Richardson’s 31-year-old son was also shot and taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Police said the shooting was the result of an ongoing feud between Richardson and the homeowner.

According to detectives, Richardson, his son and three others rushed the homeowner at his house and pinned him against a vehicle. The homeowner pulled out his gun and started shooting, hitting Richardson and his son. The three other people left the scene.

When officers arrived, the suspect turned himself in for questioning without incident and was released pending further investigation.

Based on witness statements and evidence collected, no charges were filed against the homeowner.

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Fox 23

Tell me again why I need only a 10-round mag?

Cullman County Sheriff’s Office arrests illegal immigrant after he allegedly injures U.S. veteran during online shopping meet up

By Tristan Ruppert
CULLMAN, Ala. (WBRC) – More information was revealed Wednesday about an attempted robbery and shooting that left both the suspect and the victim, an armed forces veteran, injured.

On Wednesday, the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office called a press conference to provide an update.

Sheriff Matt Gentry says 21-year-old illegal immigrant from Guatemala, Abel Medardo Sacrab-Chen, attempted to rob a 36-year veteran of the armed forces during a potential trailer sale that was negotiated online.

Now Chen is facing a first-degree robbery first.

Chen has an Aniah’s law hearing set for 2 p.m. Thursday and immigration agents encountered him in Texas back in 2021 and ordered him detained back then.

The Guatemalan native has also now been placed on an ICE hold following the shooting that took place Sunday on County Road 463.

Investigators say Chen and the victim were both shot and injured in the potential internet trailer sale gone wrong.

Gentry said that Chen threated the veteran and placed a knife as his throat. The veteran then shot Chen in act of self defense.

Investigators say in the struggle that followed, the veteran’s face was cut up and he was also shot multiple times.

Both men are now in the hospital recovering.

“The victim is recovering. I spoke with a family member today and our investigators have been in constant contact with him,” Gentry said. “He is recovering and really it is by the grace of God that he is here and his family expressed that.”

District Attorney Champ Crocker says Chen will face justice for his alleged actions.

“The subject will face charges here,” Crocker said “Someone asked me the other day, ‘Well, can this person just be deported in lieu of prosecution?’ No. If you commit a crime in Cullman County, whether you are in the county legally or illegally, you will be prosecuted.”

Crocker says the first-degree robbery charge has already been approved. This means Chen could spend anywhere from ten years to life behind bars. Still, both the DA and Sheriff say more charges will follow in this case.

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Mr. Sacrab-Chen isn’t in New York City. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
Thomas Paine

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Stay well-armed. If you can, live in a state that still recognizes freedom. I could go buy 10 FN 509s today if I had the funds and wanted to. All with the full capacity 24-round magazines, and to boot, I could buy a few AR-15s with some spare 40-round mags. A little extra paperwork on the federal side of things, but Louisiana doesn’t restrict our rights and lets us do what we want within legal boundaries. Maybe that’s needed, given the large reptiles and snakes we have down here. Even the rodents are a bit bigger than the norm (nutria).

I don’t think any of us carry with the hope of having to utilize our firearm. Personally, I like to stay away from people, especially those involved in the “justice” system (one way or the other). It costs money, time (again, money), and potential loss of freedom depending on the judge and/or jury.


Having had to pull my weapon, fortunately without having to fire it, I don’t want to have to do that again, but there are circumstances where the possibility of having to are very real. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and watch out for the drug-crazed mentally-ill folks.


“Chen will face justice”

For cutting up the vets face.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The biggest surprise that I got out of the Tulsa story is that Daddy Marco was only 16 when he begat Jr. Don’t often see a daddy-son combo. Well, Jr is going to have to carry on, on his own now. Tsk.
Think Jr may have learned something about not rushing & crushing people? Nah, me neither.
Sounds like the closing lyrics to Jim Croce’s “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” and “You Don’t Mess Around With Jim”.

Other then that, sounds like a typical day in the ‘hood.

“…a typical day in the ‘hood.” Welp…it was on MLK and the odds were 5 to 1 so….

Just think…there are millions of “their best and brightest” just like Senor Chen in this country illegally…doing illegal things. And our evil grubermint has allowed this to happen. Prepare

“…short stroke piston…” No need to be insulting.


If I could afford it, I’d gladly add the Sig MPX-K to my toolbox.

Have to make do with what I own, but alternate (not “extra”) tools are always good to have on hand.


Well, Ed, you only should need one round per perp to shoot them in the arm or the leg because they will instantly stop perping and immediately lie down in submission. You will never be attacked by more than 10 perps, right? Research is under way to determine whether any attacks involving more than five routinely happen – if not, five shot revolvers will become mandated.