Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that Team Biden pressured Facebook to censure Americans

| August 27, 2024 | 63 Comments

Mark Zuckerberg sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee chairman admitting to what many conservatives have been complaining about. Team Biden pressured Facebook, and other social media platforms, to remove content deemed harmful to the government’s stance. Zuckerberg’s letter emphasized government efforts against posts related to COVID-19. The government didn’t just stop at regular posts, but also wanted action against satire posts.

From Fox Business:

Zuckerberg made the admission in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, more than a year after providing the committee with thousands of documents as part of its investigation into content moderation on online platforms.

Along with documents, the Meta CEO said, the company has provided a dozen employees to be available for transcribed interviews, stressing Meta’s cooperation with the investigation.

“There’s a lot of talk right now around how the U.S. government interacts with companies like Meta, and I want to be clear about our position,” Zuckerberg wrote. “Our platforms are for everyone — we’re about promoting speech and helping people connect in a safe and secure way. As part of this, we regularly hear from governments around the world and others with various concerns around public discourse and public safety.”

He told Jordan that in 2021, “senior officials” from the Biden administration and White House “repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire.”

When Facebook did not agree with the censorship, Zuckerberg said, the Biden administration expressed a lot of frustration.

“Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure,” Zuckerberg wrote. “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it.

“I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today,” he added. “Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens.”

A White House spokesperson responded to Fox News, “When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety. Our position has been clear and consistent: we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”

Facebook declined to comment beyond the text of the letter.

The committee first subpoenaed Meta for documents and information on Feb. 15, 2023, related to content moderation and Meta’s engagements with the executive branch to censor speech.

At the time, the committee was investigating whether, and to what extent, the executive branch pressured or worked with private companies to stifle or tamp down certain kinds of speech at the request of the government, which could potentially be a violation of the First Amendment.

Additional Reading:

Wehner, G. (2024, August 26). Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor Americans. Fox Business. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Government Incompetence, Joe BIden, Society

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The weasel is trying to avoid the consequences of his marxist action – after the elections.


He’s trying to cover his ass. I expect Trumps polling numbers has him freaked out. The real polling numbers, not the made up ones from the lefty outlets.


Remember how he went around the country donating money to the “get out the vote” lefty groups, the one’s that signed up lefties only.


Actually, I think he is signaling he will continue to do just as he has done, according to his ideology. The only, meager, admission was an acknowledgment of the pressure FB faced and how they didn’t resist it more strongly.

But, the key statement stands above all else “Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure,”

In other words, we will admit we were pressured and let people think that means we really are unbiased and fair, but it’s what we wanted to do anyway. In other words, it’s not government censorship, it is censorship of your betters.


Not buying it. It was more of a wink wink, nod nod and the feds will provide a get out of jail free card.


Well, no doy!


To the rest of the legacy Media…
We’ve know that for years and years

Hack Stone

And suppressing Hunter Biden’s laptop story was related to COVID how?


It was for the greater good. Think of the children. If it saves just one life.

Hack Stone

Would that include any I acknowledged children born out of wedlock? Asking for a former US Naval Reserve Ensign with a plethora of legal issues.

Hack Stone

“any I acknowledged children…”

Hack Stone

WTF? Unacknowledged. Stupid autocorrect keeps changing it.


Yes, think of the female children it “saved” for Gropey to hair sniff at those White House events.


As left/libtards tell everyone else:


What laptop? And who is this Hunter Biden person you are talking about? What does that have to do with Trump destroying democracy for the second time?

Hack Stone

I, for one, welcome our new Democrat overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground cobalt mines!


He can say whatever he wants. The truth is that he was complicit, an instrument of the federal government in violating the first amendment rights of Americans. He could’ve stood up and said no. He didn’t. Another willing stooge.




Start naming names Mark, show us how sorry you really are.


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Forest Bondurant

Well, Merrick Garland was found in contempt of Congress on June 12th and he was never punished.

Zuckerberg will get a pass – just like Garland did.

Congress is full of useless fuckers.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Unless your a Conservative


Can’t give either one of you enough thumbs up.


Same-same with Eric Holder. Fuck ‘em all.


I knew the politicians were crooked (as usual), but little Marky played along. F him, F FB, F those elitist politicians (DS and Rs- I’m quite sure a bunch of them were in on it as well), and F the MSM for continuing on with their charade.

Veritas Omnia Vincit



Ok, so what the government did was obviously illegal, and by cooperating, and keeping quiet about it, Zuck and his crew also committed criminal acts.. so when is the DOJ gonna do it’s damn job and file charges against all involved??? and When is Congress going to initiate some consequences for Garland, and many others with a D after their name (Holder anyone) for being held in contempt of Congress??

Yeah, Yeah, I know… and they’re screaming about how DJT would weaponize the govt… Holy Crap!


It’s okay when Democrats do it… again.


As always..


Zuck The Cuck…just doing as his masters bid him. TL’s take on what’s ahead makes for an interesting read. Well worth the two (2) minutes. Prepare…


Some sh*t’s about to hit the fan, that’s for sure.

We’re wide-open for some BS from foreign sources to befall us like Dec 6th or 9/10… but, though that’s the way of the world, nothing’s happening (yeah, it’s quiet… too quiet).

Progressive left/libtards eagerly await “the event” (and talk too much, especially the rich ones) to effect the Great Reset or whatnot (impose “social justice”) for their Utopia. Or crush the evil MAGA folk who like freedom. Whichever.

Chicoms, Iran, etc. (the Axis of D*ckheads) actually support and cater to the transnational progressive WEF-type, etc. BS over here while cracking down on anything “woke” at home as destructive to their societies. (Hell, Russia pays no Leftist lip service to any of that at home and thinks it’s perverted now.)

However, our enemies know “useful idiots” when they see them. Sure, Chicoms and terrorists are infiltrating our open borders… but they ain’t here to help Democrats impose Nirvana. Democrats are just suckers they’ll exploit to hurt us strategically. While “the event” jacks us up for a while, China will invade Taiwan, etc. Watch.

Buy ammo, canned goods and gold. You might need all of them. (Stocking up on water, candles, batteries, etc. might be good, too.) It’ll be like World War II 2.0 after that and you’ll want to be around afterward to say how f*cked up Democrats were to make us vulnerable.

Foreign powers will exploit left/libtards “coup” to f*ck us over, make no mistake.


Same song, different verse..


No (0) carrier strike groups in the Pacific right now. Just sayin’.


wonder how much the Chicoms paid Joe and his syndicate for that little move? At least 10%, but 10% of what???


Can we just skip to the part where the useful idiots get disposed of, without the rest of us first suffering for their complicit stupidity?


That would be nice.


Phuque Zuck…and all of the other despotic phuquers that want to eliminate We, The People.

Gonna get lit come the (s)election.



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F*ck the UN.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Them there baby blue helmets make such purdy targets.
“Save the UN! Collect the entire set!”


Censor: suppression of political or obscene material

Censure: Express formal disapproval of a particular person or official

Just saying.


TPTB certainly did censor Jeff’s client list of pedos and rapists that took a vacation to a certain island. And none of those said clients have been censured.

Just saying.


Yep, too many of them on that list. It’ll never see the light of day… President Trump says that he’ll release the JFK investigation after he’s reelected, how about releasing the Epstein (who didn’t hang himself) list??


Let’s not forget that the even though the Dems lost on their first efforts to create a ministry of truth through the government, they went ahead and created quasi governmental agencies instead.

A Proud Infidel®™

Okay, so Der Zuckerfuehrer has admitted to being a BITCH to the Biden Administration, the COVID-19 shit is all he admits being a censor-bitch to, but one look at Farcebook tells all, commie censorship still reigns supreme there.

Forest Bondurant

More proof that that if there’s ever another national public health crisis, a vast majority of Americans will ignore whatever politicians and medical bureaucrats say, as well as well ignoring the CDC and whatever mandates or restrictions might be put in place.


I’m already ignoring them now.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Only one thing to do, RESIST.


Zuckerberg is a lying POS! All he is doing is CYA, so he will perhaps not be indicted.

Army-Air Force Guy

The only thing I’m mildly surprised about is that Zuckerbot actually came clean and admitted it.


Only because he got the go ahead from those actually running things. Biden is beyond a lame duck, so he’s now politically expendable, and will get ALL the blame for this, in order to protect those that are still in positions of power. On top of that, we all know that Zuck is lying about changing the way things were done, and will continue to censor the truth, and support the dims.


Zuck’s still hoping to be People’s Media Minister in the new order.

They’d probably nationalize all his stuff and gulag (or worse) him instead.

Army-Air Force Guy

And the dementia/senility will ensure his absolution of his crimes.


Zuck has lost his cover. He’s got to play the victim now, it’s the only defense he’s got. It has to look like the feds strongarmed him into participating. “Nice company ya got there, Zuck, Be a shame if something happened to it…”


Just in today:
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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

It’s only for the eastern Europe countries.
Most of the EU (western) countries are attempting to pressure the eastern European countries to open their borders to the “migrants” (illegals).
Eastern Europe ain’t having any of it.


More evidence that what the left mocked the right for by calling it a conspiracy theory is actually true.

Skivvy Stacker

I guess that “explains” some of the “community standards” that were used to bump my ass into Facefuck Jail.

Bill R.

Censor, not censure.


Reward for doing a good job.


And I’ll just drop this year in memory of our old friend Frankee Cee
