Woke anti-cop non-profit needs the police

| August 27, 2024

What do you do if you’re a radical leftist organization that wants to abolish the police but you become the victim of a crime? It’s quite the conundrum. Do you call in that which you hate to bring some justice to the world, and risk being called hypocrites? Do you let your founder make off with hundreds of thousands of dollars in pilfered funds, but not risk him getting killed by over aggressive and militarized police? Whatever the answer, I’m sure there will be no self-reflection.

From Daily Mail;

Employees at an anti-police nonprofit have been left in a bind after their woke founder allegedly blew hundreds of thousands of dollars on designer clothes and mansions for himself.

Brandon D. Anderson, 39, who founded a citizen app intended to replace law enforcement called Raheem AI, is being questioned about $250,000 in suspicious expenses he submitted in 2021 alone, according to the New York Times.

But the alleged brazen fraud presented staffers with a dilemma – should they call the police on the founder of their anti-police project?

In the end, after being unpaid as Anderson allegedly siphoned away the money and feeling they had no other way to reclaim their wages, they resorted to telling the District of Columbia’s attorney general – who may now open a criminal probe.

‘Brandon is a masculine-presenting Black person. And the way that police treat masculine-presenting Black people is terrible,’ Nancy Mariano, a former software engineer at the nonprofit, told the NYT of the dilemma.

‘Even if Brandon committed a crime, I don’t want Brandon to die, so I don’t want to put Brandon in that position,’ she added – while recognizing though that he appeared to have committed ‘the perfect crime’.

It was deputy director Jasmine Banks who eventually called in law enforcement to hold Anderson accountable for the alleged fraud.

‘Do I have personal guilt? That’s an interesting question,’ she told a NYT interviewer, and paused for a long time. ‘No.’

Raheem AI was launched with a radical mission to abolish the police and build an alternative network of ‘liberated dispatchers’ comprising medics, social workers and psychologists to take would-be 911 calls.

‘Essentially, it’s an alternative dispatching system to 911,’ US Army veteran Anderson said when the initiative began in 2021. He paid himself a salary of $160,000. The project was inspired by Anderson’s late fiancee Raheem, who was allegedly killed by an abusive cop.

It was an iteration of an earlier failed attempt at creating an app for people to report wrongs they felt they had suffered at the hands of police officers.

Money quickly poured in, with donors giving more than $4.4 million to bolster the initiative over the course of the nonprofit’s lifetime.

Anderson used the funds to hire a team, including Banks, 38, a mother-of-four with plenty of experience working for tiny liberal nonprofits.

It was Banks who uncovered Anderson’s jaw-dropping spending habits – which included a $2,000 transaction at Bloomingdale’s $2,800 at luxury Italian clothing store Bottega Veneta, and many more at Saks, Alexander McQueen, and Farfetch.

According to records seen by the NYT, Anderson spent upwards of $11,000 in charity money on designer clothing in 2021 alone. Each purchase was marked ‘executive director clothing allowance’.

Banks said the first suspicious transaction she noticed was a $1,536 credit card bill. The eyebrow-raising record prompted her to dig further into the records.

Anderson allegedly spent $46,000 on Uber and Lyft, and $80,000 on vacations and hiring mansions around the world, including a luxury resort holiday in Cancun.

He was so audacious about his spending that he posted a photograph of himself in a pool on Facebook, captioned ‘Cancun’.

More at the source.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", BLM, Crime, Police

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Hack Stone

Just getting his reparations that he feels is due him. And kudos for grifting all of those Woke White Liberals. 😜


Feelings and all that.

USMC Steve

It certainly leaves me no one to root for.


Masculine presenting black person? If you can’t come straight out and call him a guy, how can you accuse him of being a thief?

You reap what you sow, and it sounds like they sowed abundantly.

Suck it up butter cup.


Masculine presenting black people treat the police terribly. They are more than five times as likely to kill a police officer than an officer is to kill them. The police practically always kill masculine presenting black people on the course of stopping a crime. The black person normally does it to escape after committing in a crime or in the process of committing a crime.


TWEEEEEET! Flag on the play, illegal use of facts. Report to the re-education center immediately.


Lol 👍🏻


Probably because he’s gay.. a nice way of saying he wasn’t the “bitch”?
That Mariano chick is a complete leftist dumbass (I know, that’s redundant), and the Banks one is a complete hypocrite. as those above have said, I hope the DA refuses the case. They asked for it, let em have it..


Masculine presenting just means he takes “pride” in his male appearance. Probably how he attracted Raheem as a lover/fiancée. As Fyrfighter mentioned this likely also means that he was only presenting a masculine appearance but did not follow through.
Now, I do not know for sure how it goes for those non-heterosexual types, but when most males have their masculinity repressed it often comes out all at once in a rather violent way. See Soy-boys and INCELs for example.


Honor among Thieves…Another Myth in a Karmic way!


Never had a cop give me a hard time.
Never gave a cop a hard time.
It rhymes.


It keeps me from doing hard time.


Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.


As Chris Rock said:

Army-Air Force Guy

Yes, the cops are going to kill a white collar crime suspect. As long as the lib/progs keep donating their cash to idiots like these and not the Dems, then I’m ok with it.

Hack Stone

The idiots who donated to this scam are probably the same Woke White Liberals who wash the feet of African Americans in public spaces as a sign of atonement for slavery in America, because we all know that prior to the existence of America there never was slavery, and slavery has only taken place in America. 🙄

Army-Air Force Guy

Exactly, when the Roman Empire conquered another country or land, people volunteered to sit in the galley of their ships and row, row, away.

Hack Stone

The Egyptian pyramids were erected by Day Laborers that the Pharaohs picked up at Home Depot.


So is that like a form of Stockholm syndrome?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I never would have Banked on Banks ratting out her boss maybe because she didn;t get her cut or she was an honest person.


Honest person??? In an org like that??? Not a chance, unless she was a mouth breathing moron, in which case, she wouldn’t have found his grift..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sooo? A head grifter stealing from a gaggle of grifters?
Just so long as they grift from each other, and not from me, I’m ok with that.
FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF…..and I think a’y’all know the rest.

Hack Stone

Hard to pick a side in this one, but it sure is funny.

BlueCord Dad

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA(gasp) HA HA HA HA….does my former street cop self good to see this


Using an App instead of calling the popo is apt to not work out for someone.


Probably, but maybe they can get sympathy likes and sell the content on Only Fans.


I don’t know maybe it will get people to only call the police when they truly need them, instead of things like hey my cat is stuck in the tree (call a neighbor with a ladder), my door doesn’t seem to shut right (quit slamming it and kicking it; call a handyman), or hey my son has a mental illness and has not been taking his medicine and is now threatening us… but I don’t want you to send untrained police officers, who might take unkindly to him waving a knife at them and threatening him (call a social worker)!


Heard a 911 police call on the scanner.
Apparently a skunk had it’s head stuck inside a
pumpkin on a womans porch.
Not sure what I would recommend the woman
do but calling 911 ain’t one of them.


Well, if it’s a really bad skunk that, perhaps, the cops should shoot… otherwise, as cops aren’t super-humanly skunk-proof more than anyone else, handle it yourself with a hose (preferably with a nozzle to get some range on it) and lots of tomato juice.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Ditto, BCD!!

Forest Bondurant

“…a citizen app intended to replace law enforcement.”


They deserved it.

Hope the court refuses the case.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

WOKE, Well how about “When I Woke Up This Morning”
By the Bop Chords 1957 on the Holliday label.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wait, wait, WAIT, have they contacted any of their Social Workers yet to come deal with this? Headshrinks?

Hmmm, just like the BLM top echelon treating themselves to luxury on the donations given them, same kind of sucker bet!


I can’t wait till they send a bounty hunter to execute an arrest warrant. That has all the portents of a good time.


The have badges n’ stuff 😐


comment image


Brandon D. Anderson is an American sociologist…

That says it all to me right there.

Just like the folks who started BLM. They are living a high life on the money they embezzled from donations.

Screw him and BLM!


If you don’t want to allow for community justice, street justice will rule.

Some of them might not want this “masculine-presenting” black person to die… without the social compact, it only takes one who does.

Personally, an eye for an eye never seemed like enough.

Skivvy Stacker

Amazing what happens when you find out the people you trusted are actually ass clowns ain’t it?
Even worse when you find out that the people you hate are the ones who are your best friends,,,ain’t it?
Hully gee…wutyagunna do…..ya morons?


It’s just so weird that people who hate the police run around committing crimes. I wonder if there is a correlation there?