Navy Sets the Bar

| August 14, 2024 | 15 Comments

USS Pierre LCS-38


SWO Boss: 75-Warship Readiness Goal Remains a Work in Progress

Gidget Fuentes

Eighteen months into its two-year, data-based maintenance plan, the Navy hasn’t yet reached its target to have 75 of its warships as mission capable and prepared to deploy at any time, Naval Surface Forces leaders told reporters.

“It’s a data-based and informed analyses that we’re doing to make sure that we’re going to have 75 ships ready to fight. We don’t make this easy on ourselves, by design,” said Vice Adm. Brendan McLane, the Naval Surface Forces commander. “We want to stretch the system across the board so that we can make systemic, long-term improvements. And this is aligned with CNO’s goal to have more players on the field.”

McLane did not say how many ships currently meet the target. “We have made steady progress, but we still have a lot of way to go,” he said. The top surface warfare officer provided the update during a call with reporters last week ahead of Surface Naval Association’s Warriors and Warfighting 2024 waterfront symposium, which will be held this week at Naval Base San Diego.

McLane’s predecessor, retired Vice Adm. Roy Kitchener, in April 2022 had announced a goal to reach “North Star 75” by Fiscal Year 2024, which ends Sept. 30.


What our blackshoe brethren fail to mention is there are ~300 deployable combat ships currently in service. At the risk of public math that is a dismal 25% mission capable force goal which Big Navy is unable to achieve. On a side note the final LCS ship, USS Pierre (LCS-38) was just launched. I don’t think this will improve the numbers.

Category: Big Navy, Schadenfreude

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BlueCord Dad

Haze grey and maybe underway?

Prior Service (Ret)

“Haze grey and under wayyiitt a minute!”

BlueCord Dad

I see what you did there. Well played😎🇺🇸


Can a V-22 Osprey land on one of those?
How bout a CH-47 shithook?
I’m serious. Looks to be a bit tricky especially if under way.

RGR 4-78

I’ve been told there is a lot of spray when they are underway.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When I went aboard the LPH 3 in 1963, I was told that they experimented landing a small light plane and with no wire to catch catch the aircraft, it almost went overboard. Don’t bring an airplane to a helo carrier untill the Brit Harriers came into play a few years later.


Obviously AI just like those one legged pidgeons.


Saw a tag line on another site not related to this one that said.. Coast Guard, for when the Navy is scared of the weather.

I’ll see myself out.


I was on a Wichita Class fleet oiler, and we carried 2 CH-46 for VERTREPS. They fit easy enough, but we did have CH-53’s land on occasion. My friend would be in the tower during flight quarters, and when a -53 was landing he said it was about 9.8 of the Sphinct-o-meter. Those big blades passing by your tower windows on that BUFF make you question your life’s choices…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Navy sets the bar?
More like, “Navy trashes the bar”.


Oh, FFS! Our foreign enemies are laughing their asses off. DaHell happened over the years? Did we forget how to build things that work? Anybody else remember when quality and pride in workmanship was the expected norm? Granted, today’s weapons platforms are way yonder more complicated and technical than during WWII, but those weapons platforms were complicated and technical for their day. And we pumped them out by the hundreds…and they worked straight out of the “box”.

It’s all fun and games when (GO) Army takes on (BEAT) Navy every December, but I DO NOT want to see our floating Artillery Platforms and the Kid Squids on them sent to Davy Jones’s Locker when the shooting war breaks out. Notice I said WHEN…not IF.


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yep. No one else can poke fun at our fellow brothers-in-arms except us.


NDSM will get you in the door.




…and it still doesn’t work