Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| August 14, 2024 | 13 Comments

Mother of the year here

An even better mother here

He wants to help others like he helped his men go to war…oh wait

Wait until you hear about the massive rise in juvenile car jackings

Training your dog to hate a race of people to…fight racism?

“Joy” is such a misnomer

Can confirm, he’s not popular here

Old news, we’ve known they did this for a while now

Gunfire is the sound of suburban bliss

Oh, here’s the carjack data!

Nothing like complaining about not fixing the problems you’ve created

We’ll need to put the world’s best scientists on this!

I thought the military wasn’t woke?

Mental illness votes

Quiet part out loud


Totally normal and not weird

What has she accomplished? Even the WH says she ain’t done shit

Elon bringing the memes

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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RGR 4-78

In regard to the letter from the euroweenies to Musk, here is the condensed version, “blah, blah, say only what we want you to say or else, blah, blah, blah.

The above post is intended for American audiences only, everyone else can get bent.

Last edited 27 days ago by RGR 4-78
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I am SO glad to see Elon give the EuroWeenies two big upraised digits in response to their demand for censorship across this side of the pond.


Second attempt didn’t work like I thought either. Thanks for your patience in letting me try my posting skillz.

Last edited 27 days ago by Odie

Not a believer in pre birth abortion, except certain cases (rape, incest, health/danger to the Mother), but I am becoming a strong believer in post birth abortion for these kinds of people.

We’re gonna need more wood chippers.

Forest Bondurant

Thierry Breton and the European Commission can eat a bowl of dicks and go fuck themselves, and take their DSA and shove it up their asses sideways.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So….if Sen Kelly is a “mayo sammich”, then what does that make Joyless Reid? Burnt toast?


Bagram airbase was relocated in the last round of BRAC changes.


It’s time for The Purge.


That’s good.


Even the anime folk know something’s up…
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I’ll just leave this here… y’all can find the appropriate left/libtard to whom to apply it… enjoy:
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Last edited 24 days ago by Anonymous