VP Candidate Tim Walz – Stolen Valor Stories

| August 7, 2024

The broadcast news networks were running heavy with stories about VP candidate Tim Walz (D) and alleged stolen valor. These stories were influenced by VP candidate JP Vance (R) running point on the accusations.

Most people use the term ‘stolen valor’ and apply it to everything. We tend to think of ‘Stolen Valor’ (caps) for violations of the Stolen Valor Act of 2013. Then, there is ‘stolen valor’ (lowercase) for things like falsely claiming to be a Navy SEAL or Green Beret, claiming military service when they never served, claiming higher rank than they earned, etc.

Claiming to have been in war straddles both of these terms. If there was a CIB, CAB, or CAR, then that is a violation of the Stolen Valor Act of 2013.

Walz claims he carried a weapon ‘in war’ when he was never in combat, contained in this clip from KARE 11.

We have discussed on this site Walz’s issue with being a Command Sergeant Major. Although selected, Walz did not complete the contract to finish the transition to CSM (Command Sergeant Major, E-9), by completing the CSM Academy as well as serve for two years, so retired as a MSG (Master Sergeant, E-8).

Some sources say he attained the rank of CSM, and others say he is a retired CSM. Hard to say if those quotes are attributable to him claiming that he is a retired CSM, but I’m still looking for a video of him stating that.

This is similar to the story that we featured about similar accusations against Ronny Jackson.


We make every effort to be non-partisan and provide equal opportunity when it comes to pointing out questionable military claims.

Here is a photo of him wearing a Special Forces insignia. Walz was never in Special Forces.

Courtesy: Guardians of the Green Beret

We looked for active duty, and this year is the only one we found. This represents his deployment to Italy.

Timothy Walz – DoD Manpower Results

We have ordered Walz’s official military records, but we don’t suspect there will be any huge surprises.

Category: Stolen Valor, Stolen Valor Act

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Slow Joe

That’s why the dems are running him

Last edited 5 months ago by Slow Joe

Forgive the crude attempt, but I think the message is clear…

Last edited 5 months ago by HT3

What Lars wishes he was, more or less.


Yet more… went to A’stan apparently, too:

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Picking this turd to run with the Babylonian Wannabe is all the proof I need that the results of the November (s)election have already been tabulated. Dominion…grins

Bet he could make you a deal on a nice M4…never fired and only issued/turned in once.

SgtMaj Basil Plumley…weeps

Last edited 5 months ago by KoB
MSG Eric

Ironically enough, another voting machine CEO was just charged with election / voting fraud. I’m sure everyone here will be shocked by that…



I think the big surprise will be if you get unredacted copies if you get anything at all.


Beats me, for now. What was his MOS? How many years of service?

He is “that” to be avoided, from all I can determine. At most, he loved a government teat.


Info extracted from E-8 Tampon Tim’s NGB-22:

MOS(s): 13Z50, 11Z50, 71L50

Total Service for Retired Pay: 23 yrs., 05 mos., 27 days.


13 series is tube arty, 11 is infantry/mortar, 71L is clerk-typist. The Z is for E-8 (Master Sergeant) and above. Does not mean he served as a Master/First Sergeant in all those fields, making E-8 rolls them all to that level.

MSG Eric

71L is no longer an MOS, it was changed to 42A along with 75B and a couple others as I recall. There was a point around 2004? that they gave everyone the opportunity to do training to update their MOS to 42A, which he obviously didn’t do.


Thank God no Signal service.


I’m donning my Carnac the Magnificent turban.

“How do we get rid of Kamala without passing over the female, POC, sitting Vice-President and the only one who can access that war chest”?

What is, “pick a running mate that is guaranteed to tank her in the polls and her chances of winning so we can select someone else at the DNC, without making it just about how terrible she is”?



But for realz, looking at the pic at the top, don’t you think he has pix on his phone that would land him in federal, fuck me up the ass, prison?


Under an honest FBI / DOJ, yeah, for damn sure.. definitely a meat-gazing kiddie-diddler… But being as he’s a “D”, Garland will give him a pass…


As Governor, he put legislature that adults attracted to minor children are a protected class. Of course he did because aside from spending other people’s money there is NOTHING Democrats like more the sexualizing children.


Much better photo.




Kinda looks like Steve Martin with that grin.

A Proud Infidel®™

In days past BEFIRE the FBI became the DNC’s KGB, maybe, but I don’t put much trust at all in “Feebies”!


The Democrat Controlled legacy media is supporting his lies. This disgusting article from The Hill is typical.


Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC

According to the quoted democrat strategist, people in their mid 40s didn’t deploy to Iraq (insert laughing emojis here). There was also a statement about his unit being “Fully staffed”. Well, someone else still had to go in his place (been there, done that when my shop had a BF).


I turned 40 in 2002. Served in Afghanistan and Iraq x3 after. Lying fuckers.


Here’s to the Geezers!!!! 🍺🍺👍

(In my 40s in Afghanistan, early 50s on my last deployment to Djibouti)


Old Guys Rule!


I turned 20 in Viet of the Nam then did another 30 in
the military industrial complex earning my pension
that I enjoy as an old guy.


I’m thoroughly enjoying being an eebil triple-dipping gubmint employee as an old guy!


Welcome home!!! 11th ACR 67-68. I turned 20 years six weeks before landing in that shit-hole.


24th and 25th birthdays in the Viet of the Nam. I got the peaches and pound cake in the bush both times from my RTO’s, FO and company medic. Whoever had those two C-rats had to give them up for the birthday boy.


Turned 43 over in A’stan.


shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid…I turned 50 in Iraq…and I was not alone.

What a slimy, wet, turd.

MSG Eric

Sounds like your recruiter screwed you.


Woah, they didn’t tell me soldiers in their mid 40s didn’t deploy. I was cheated! Twice!


He “staffed” his unit, indeed.

MSG Eric
Last edited 5 months ago by MSG Eric

CDR Bone Spurs, with 3 Viet of the Nam medical deferrals as a favor to his daddy, approves the comments below. A man who could never be bothered to serve, and compares dodging VD as his personal Vietnam, doesn’t get to attack those that did serve. Not a democrat either. Just hate hypocrisy.

Last edited 5 months ago by W2

That’s why He isn’t attacking. But he can definitely say, that he got shot in the service of his country. Which is a lot more than the fake and lying sergeant major can say.

Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC

You want hypocrisy, look in the mirror. You’re obviously not aware that biden has more deferrals than Trump. The final one was for “asthma” which is strange give how great of an athlete he claimed to be


He used to jog with Jessie Owens.


Has he claimed he was faster than Jessie yet? He has claimed most everything else.

A Proud Infidel®™

Joe Biden worked summers as a LIFEGUARD despite claiming to have asthma to avoid the draft while bone spurs are a legitimate disqualifier, W2 loses like a UC Berzerkely-educated minion.


JDV is NOT knocking the he served, and neither is Trump. There are knocking a guy that would be one heartbeat away from being CIC ducking out on his troopers as they deploy. Trump took a bullet to his dome and wouldn’t leave the stage without letting the crowd know he was going to be alright. Tampon Timmy just bailed at the first sight of danger. Walz is using some bullshit that he would violate the Hatch Act if he delpoyed and ran for congress. Didn’t stop Tulsi Gabbard from running for Congress or President while serving in the NG. That and he lied about being in combat, his rank, and he wears that camo SF ball cap so people might think he’s a “cool guy”. I even saw some chump in an X post saying he was SF because they “don’t just give those hats to anybody.” He’s right. They don’t give them out because you have to buy them as shown below:


Last edited 5 months ago by HT3

I preferred the cunt cap over the bus driver hat.


“A man who could never be bothered to serve, … doesn’t get to attack those that did serve.”

I have always thought that those who served did so to protect and defend the Constitution,which contains an amendment specifically protecting freedom of speech, which includes speech you don’t like. So, they DO get to attack those that did serve. Isn’t that why You served?

“Just hate hypocrisy.”


Oops! My bad.
I assumed that you served.

Hack Stone

“A man who could never be bothered to serve, and compares dodging VD as his personal Vietnam, doesn’t get to attack those that did serve.”

Folks serve to protect the very rights every American use on a daily basis, including… wait for it.. the right to criticize others — whether they’ve served or not. Besides, President “is this shit over with? What time is it?” staring at his watch while our dead rolled by in flag draped caskets had more deferments than DJT and still insists he was a USNA appointee.

You may not like it — but them’s the facts, Jack.

Slow Joe

W2 is a cunt.

Did them evil Republitards pop your cherry with a sledgehammer and dumped you after pumping you?

Do you really hate hypocrisy?
Or just when the other guys do it?

MSG Eric

Biden and Clinton received similar “deferments” during Viet Nam.

And Trump has been closer to combat than Tim Walz. In fact, he’s checked more requirements for a Purple Heart than Tim. lol


Here’s an outstanding quote I found in this article: JD Vance Faces Backlash From Military Vets for Tim Walz Attack—’Unbecoming’ (msn.com)

“Alexander Vindman, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, added: ‘Let’s be clear, you served honorably, including 6 months in combat in a public affairs unit. Walz retired after 24 years and achieved the rank of command Sergeant Major. I do not think you want to compare service records.'”

From the perspective of someone who spent two decades in a “wartime Army”, let me clarify the mentality of a lot of us GWOT types. We’ve all had buddies that did their time and got out. They enlisted, many went overseas to do their jobs, they came home, and they went home. As my career progressed, I was almost envious of how “easy” they had it. Solid guys, but they did a single deployment, saw varying levels of combat (or none at all), and then moved on. The military didn’t define their lives.

When you commit to something more, like say a career in the military, you start getting looked at a lot more scrupulously. Let’s reflect on a certain retired CSM Jonn himself wrote a few pieces on, Crybaby Teresa King to sue Army : This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here (valorguardians.com). I daresay that if you want to bring up rank or position, those serving under you are going to check your accolades. CSM is the pinnacle of enlisted ranks, but if that CSM has spent over two decades in a wartime Army and hasn’t deployed (especially holding both Infantry and Artillery MOS’), he’s not going to have the full respect of the junior and senior NCOs who’ve actually done their job, nor will he as respected amongst the junior enlisted as his subordinate–but combat tested–NCOs are. There are definitely exceptions–combat experience alone doesn’t make good leaders–but the overall mentality is that you want to see a combat patch and maybe even a tab and a few badges on your senior enlisted advisors.


I share the above because I saw it time and again. As I progressed in my own career, I got a little more forgiving of senior leaders lacking combat experience. In The Old Guard, for example, we had both regimental and battalion CSMs who lacked combat patches. This was around the 2006-2008 timeframe, when the Regiment was getting in more and more Iraq/Afghanistan veterans, so it was noticeable, and some were a little vocal. Despite my service in the Invasion of Iraq and OIF1, I started feeling like I was way behind my peers and even many subordinates. For example, one of my good friends had gone to Afghanistan in ’02, Iraq in ’03, Iraq again in ’05, gotten out for a few years, reenlisted and went to Afghanistan in ’11 or so, then deployed to Eastern Europe around 2015. I fought to go to Afghanistan for my second and final deployment in ’13, going so far as to make plans to separate if they denied me the opportunity. My 20 months overseas pales in comparison to the 60+ months some of those I served with had.

Which brings us to the bear in the room. This never-was CSM screwed the pooch, and his unit, by committing the cardinal sin of abandoning his post and scurrying away from a combat deployment. He might have worn the rank, but he was never a CSM. A CSM would have led his troops to hell and back (okay, let’s be honest, many would simply sit in their air-conditioned offices and come up with ways to make their troops more miserable, but they would have at least deployed to save face if nothing else). An Infantry or Artillery senior NCO should feel honored and even obliged to go abroad to serve their country. I’d take Vance’s four years of service over Walz’s 24 years any day.


I did the math once and in my 21 year career I spent about 1/4 overseas, in Asia, Europe, and 2 tours in the Middle East. How else are you going to get experience without going, but there needs to be a mix of experienced NCOs and FGOs to make it work. Also, anyone else remember the “bucket deployment” system (can’t remember if that what it was officially called) that they claimed “if you are not in the bucket, you aren’t going anywhere.” Yeah, 4 straight years of deployed during the Holidays told me that system was bull.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The statement is from Fat Boy Foreign Born Traitor Vindman.
Are you REALLY going to give credence to anything he spouts out of his blow hole?

Not at all. He doesn’t even know what a real CSM smells like, given the fact he never held a battalion command.

No. Here’s one for him:


Vindman can eat a duffle bag of 🏔️ 🦪. Zero respect for that guy. The left trots him out every time they need liar support.


I was Cold War “Warrior” in the 80’s, but we had plenty of Vietnam vets and 1 old-ass BMCM that saw service at the end of the Korean War. My Chief was on DD doing lifeguard duty in VN plucking pilots out of the drink. My second CO was a pilot on the Forrestal in ’67 during the huge fire. Much respect for the guys as they wore plenty of ‘fruit salad’ on their blues. I can’t imagine serving under someone who’s just Joe-shit-the-rag-man with NO deployment experience and expect that person to be a leader. The Dems downplaying the issue is laughable because if the shoe was on the other foot and Vance was the liar they’d screaming their fucking heads off.

USMC Steve

Isn’t this the same shitbird that made himself terminal in grade by running his suck wildly and made a bunch of false accusations he could not prove, among other things? And Waltz was nothing significant. He was a professional fobbit / REMF. I bet Vance would compare his record with that guy and come out favorably. No extra points for hanging around longer than everyone else when for the most part you only put about 40-50 days in the job a year.


At least Vance was outside the wire, escorting reporters. One of his fellow PA officers was killed doing that.


We had a couple of senior NCOs that suddenly decided to retire in 2003. Within a month we got news we were mobilizing. After we got to Ft. Stewart about a dozen troopers developed medical conditions. One of our super-troopers turned into a medical basket case. One of the mechanics developed some joint injury in his shoulder and had to wear a sling perpetually. Some of the other mechanics started gaslighting him about which shoulder he had the sling on the day before. They had that boy so confused he couldn’t remember which shoulder was troubling him. I feel bad about one kid, he had sleep apnea very badly. He wanted to go with his unit and he’s the only I still have respect for. We had to recruit 12 members to get to strength, 9 from NY state and three from (I think) Mass. All stand up guys. What is so troubling about Walz, he rabbited out but still tried to profit from it.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s like one Boy we had in our Platoon during part of A-stan. During training for deployment, he was a true “Sick Call Ranger” who brayed that he was once part of a Marine Recon Unit. He did half-ass come range time, needed remedial PT, and one time I said “If you really were Marine recon, …” to which his reply was “I was in Recon SUPPLY!”. During the first part of the deployment, he was an ACE at going to Sick Call or IG to avoid doing things, at one point he got himself a “Dead man’s Profile” which he rode like there was no tomorrow, and went STRAIGHT to the IG whenever our NCOs tried to make him even do nighttime Radio Watch. He got himself sent to Germany on medical just before we went on Mid-Tour Leave, and upon return we met his replacement, an IRR Recall who was a decent Soldier. Once he went home, he went around town braying that he was Combat Wounded, and as soon as WE got home, we set the record straight with his Civilian Employer (I was NG at the time) as well as EVERYWHERE he hung out, never saw him after that.

Green Thumb

NO disrespect to the USMC, but I never saw a former Marine that came into the Army worth a shit.


CSM Rogers my 1SG until he made E9 and went to another battalion. Good man. I was later informed he was prior Marine.

Green Thumb

You, my man, are one of the few exceptions to the experiences of many in my former world – and if I judge right by your handle – yours too.

I did see one older prior service Marine dude back in IOBC that was a former Recon Marine (14 years older than the rest) that was pretty fucking squared away. I think they sent him to a mech unit. Yeah.

I guess my point is, the USMC has higher standards. So when they drop or “lose” shitbags, the Army will take them as our standards are lower.

Hack Stone

On Hack’s first assignment in the fleet, there was a prior service Marine in the Company. While he was in the Army, he was a Chinese Linguist, having completed the DLI course. From what Hack has heard, DLI has one of the highest attrition rates of any school in the military. It takes a lot of intelligence and determination to make it through and graduate. He did his time in the Army, got out, and decided try the Corps. So what did the Marine Corps do with someone who had all of the requirements as a Chinese linguist? Put him in an Intel Battalion? No. Put him in a Radio Battalion? Of course not. They made him an Amtracker.



Hack Stone

3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion March 1983 through April 1984, then off to Camp Schwab 1st Tracked Vehicle Battalion May 1984 through May 1986. Keep on tracking’!


I was Motor T but was right across the apron from the YAT YAS guys. They were always asking us to help fix their stuff. They had this state of the art dyno room for engines and was using it for storage. Got that sucker put together and dynoing we did go. Still got a set of melmacs, I was an unofficial E4-ever with them as a Cpl.


I had two former Marines, both were exemplary Soldiers.

Green Thumb

Good for you as well. You seem to be another exception. See my earlier comments about standards.

To be clear, I was IN and those are the guys to whom I am referencing.

But in as IN my entire career.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve had a few Prior Service Marines, only one was a batshit crazy dud.

USMC Steve

Based on what others who have also had Marines in their units, your opinion is significantly unique.

Green Thumb

Maybe I was around a bit longer or just the exception to the rule.

Could care less.

Green Thumb

Based on others – what – two comments?

Nice sample size.


In 2007/2008, my company had a couple of NCOs who’d won extremely high-level boards. One had gone from The Old Guard (TOG) to Drill Sergeant (with less than a cycle under his belt before going to instruct at the schoolhouse and winning the installation Drill Sergeant of the Year board) and opted to go back to TOG during the height of the Surge. The other had been busted from SGT to SPC, won the Army’s highest board, and spent a year touring around with the SMA. He’d spent his entire career in TOG, having been a Pentagon Tour Guide on 9/11. Both made SFC in under eight years, and while the former eventually deployed as a 1SG, never earning a CIB, the latter opted to go Green-to-Gold when he was pressured into leaving TOG and sharing his skills and knowledge. I don’t think he ever deployed.

When I first got to TOG, those types were called “Old Guard Babies”, being guys that had arrived before the wars started but having zero desire to see war themselves. I reported as a young SPC with my CIB still relatively fresh, and we had a handful of NCOs who’d also gone off in 2002-2003, but most of TOG was very much a slick sleeve organization, with the exception of some field grades and senior NCOs. It wasn’t uncommon to see TOG Soldiers who were fully onboard with reenlisting to stay with the unit decide to get out when they were told they couldn’t, and in 2005, HQDA decided to make a decision for us. Soldiers who’d been with TOG for more than three years who put on orders to Korea or FORSCOM units. I got caught up in it due to an admin error that didn’t reflect my August 2004 PCS, so I ended up on assignment to Korea (and promptly contacted the JSA CSM to get a job on the DMZ), but those orders were deleted when they found I’d been there well under a year.

Green Thumb

Busted down and hanging with the SMA?

Hack Stone

Someone has to answer the 03:00 call to pick up the Sergeant Major from the local gentlemen’s club.

Green Thumb

Very true…..

Green Thumb

Reach out to admin and see how we can contact each other.

You and I had to have crossed paths back in the day.


A bit late seeing this, but I reached out to Admin.

If you were in TOG anytime between probably 2003-2010, you probably know of the two NCOs. Not sure when the one was busted (probably ’03?), but he was an E5 by the time I arrived and went to the E6 board the same day I went to the E5 board. He got in a little trouble during SOA in Rochester, then went on to make it all the way through the Army’s NCO boards system. The closest I ever came to any type of board recognition was getting an ARCOM from LTG Charles Flynn for coordinating MDW’s part in the 2019 BWC and AUSA conference. I only ever appeared before two boards: SGT and SSG. 🫡

My 1SG in Afghanistan knew the second NCO and told me he had burned bridges in the Regiment. Both were excellent board Soldiers (obviously), and good Garrison NCOs, but they were self-promoters to an extreme.


Incredibly hilarious ironic BONUS –

It was the KAMALA HARRIS campaign staff (HQ)
that put out the Walz “that I carried in war” video on X / Twitter.

Not only did Kamala HQ upload the video,
they typed out the incriminating sentence, too!

See and hear it all here, courtesy of “Kamala HQ” on X.
August 6.



They didn’t choose the governor from PA. because of the reason listed below.



Not only that,
former PA Lt. Governor (when Shapiro was PA Attorney General)
and current US Senator from PA John Fetterman
(remember the televised debate with Dr. Oz???)
reared his ugly head again at Shapiro.

>> Fetterman has concerns about Shapiro for VP, aides tell Harris’ team


Who knew there was a “war” raging in Italy in 2003-2004, cuz that was the only time Tampon Timmy ever left CONUS except when he was shmoozing the commies in China.


As I’ve stated before from mn.gov: “After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005.” This is classic misdirection/misleading. It doesn’t say he “RETIRED AS”, but the immediate insinuation is he did. If I stated “Brigadier General Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005” YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT I AM SAYING.


There I was… at Band Camp


I too was in Italy in 2008. I continued to carry on the Master Sergeants great war against the wines of Firenze, pizza of Napoli, and pasta of Roma.

My country called and I answered.


On per diem of course.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



The per diem was my ammunition, so that I could “carry my weapons of war” (spoon and fork) while on such dangerous orders.

I did this so other would not have to. You’re welcome.


Thank you for your service.


QMC, did you carry an M-4 or M-16 when you were engaged against those gastronomic foes?


If either of those words are interchangeable for a Cannon electronic camera or my dad’s hand me down fanny pack, then yes.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Is there an FOIA out there or did he post his forms for someone to review?

That seems it would put to rest any of his claims of wartime service with a “weapon of war” to bolster his bona fides as a second amendment expert or as a retired CSM….

When someone won’t show their paperwork it usually means their paperwork doesn’t match their words…which is not at all surprising.

USMC Steve

Wlould not believe or trust anything that lying cocksucker put out himself. it would no doubt be doctored. A FOIA would be more likely to be accurate.

RGR 4-78

it would no doubt be doctored”

Holy cow, what a gift that would be.

Green Thumb

I don’t really see any SV here.

A clown and shitbag NCO for sure, but SV?

Vance better be careful.


He’s just an ordinary average liar.

Marine 0331

Green, Ok, maybe you can make a case for it not technically being the aforementioned capital SV version of stolen valor, but the turd lied about his ever being in combat. Embellishment, lies, fabrication? It all points to, as you said, that he’s a shitbag. But I don’t see where Vance needs to be careful. He has called Tampon Timmie out on his lies and TT can’t support these claims that are clearly on video. Unless of course Heals Up Harris used her extensive knowledge of AI to hack the videos. Vance has never, to our knowledge lied about his military service, so what does he have to worry about? Just saying.

Green Thumb

Don’t really like the guy (Vance) that much. Read his book. But a better choice than the other side, for sure.

Aside, Vance is no frontline hero himself. Marine for sure, but no line combat IN or such.

Applaud his service and deployment, but he better be careful of one upping a total clown.

Point being, a Line IN Officer or such could call him out as well if he disparges a clown and he was a only a combat correspondent himself.

MSG Eric

Has he claimed to be anything other than that, or claimed to deploy other than what he did?

Green Thumb

Not my point.

Dude better be careful.


It’s your right to not like Vance, but he did not embellish his military career as Tampon Timmie has on several occasions. Calling out the Tampon King for lying about his combat daring do was a great move, in my humble opinion.

Green Thumb

Once again, ain’t defending the guy and I do not like the guy and I agree is full of shit. Just pointing out Vance better be careful.

Green Thumb

Hopefully we do not lose the election because he gets personal and puts his foot in his mouth.

But hey, man, that’s cool. Just let bias and stupidity outweigh the possibility of getting these fucking clowns out of office for the next four years.

You can hope for another Swift Boat, for sure. But the reality is that Veteran attaching Veteran will not be seen in a positive manner in our current day and age.

And once again, I called Waltz a shitbag. Did I not?

Green Thumb

*attacking. My apology.

USMC Steve

Hate to tell you, but all Marines are trained as infantry. The first MOS you hold when you get to Boot Camp is 0300. Some just are not afforded the opportunity to do it as their primary duty. But all of us can do it.

Green Thumb

I know the rifle first component.

Missing the point.


He’s claimed he carried weapons in war and retired as a CSM as well as wearing a SF hat. Now, some could say, for example, “wearing a hat isn’t SF” but if anyone wore a hat with the SEAL insignia on it, you damn well know what is being implied. Walz is at best ignorant and at worst no better than the other shitbags that grace our Valor Vulture halls.

Green Thumb

Ain’t defending the guy and I do not like the guy and I agree is full of shit. Just pointing out Vance better be careful.


[…] This ain’t Hell… has lots more on Walz’s stolen valor, and that’s what it is. He’s stated for years that he served in combat, but, didn’t. He bolted right before his unit deployed. Respect that he served in the Guard, but, he ditched the people he was supposed to lead. I suggest we disallow all his security from carrying anything but bolt action rifles, and restrict their handguns to magazines that only hold 10 rounds. He’d be fine with that, right? […]

The Pirates Cove


[…] This ain’t Hell… has lots more on Walz’s stolen valor, and that’s what it is. He’s stated for years that he served in combat, but, didn’t. He bolted right before his unit deployed. Respect that he served in the Guard, but, he ditched the people he was supposed to lead. I suggest we disallow all his security from carrying anything but bolt action rifles, and restrict their handguns to magazines that only hold 10 rounds. He’d be fine with that, right? […]

Hack Stone

While appearing on CNN, Senator Tina Smith, D-Minnesota, said that JD Vance never served in the military. Jim Acosta immediately corrected her, saying that he served in the Marine Corps. She responded by saying “Yeah, but he was swinging with the Wing. We all know that real Marines serve in Division.”



Well played, Hack!

I need to go count my flight pay now. Happy Hour at the MCAS O’Club tomorrow!

Hack Stone

Hack was sweating his off in an open barracks and no AC on Camp Schwab while his younger brother Rollin Stone was living the good life on MCAS Futemna in a high rise backs with central AC and an elevator. Not to mention that the Fathom pinball machine at the Schwab USO required 200,000 to win a free game, the Fathom in his Dayton popped at 50,000, and someone disabled the tilt sensor on their machine. Mom always liked him better.

Marine 0331

You guys had barracks? We slept in foxholes at Camp Geiger!! LOL, No, seriously though, those yellow, pre Viet Nam era cinderblock one story buildings were not much better, and we needed those tall industrial floor fans to keep us cool until they could transfer us over to the brick two story barracks. This was early to mid 80’s.


Cinder block? Bricks?
Hell, Ft. Dix was stick built.

A Proud Infidel®™



LUXURY. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o’clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, and then go to work for fourteen hours a day week in-week out.


And walk up hill both ways with cardboard in your shoes to cover the holes in your soles? LOL, Heard that one from Dad all the time. He also told me that he and Babe Ruth went to different schools together!! Took a few years before I caught on to that one!! Figures. Dad was army and I’m a crayon-eater…….


The wing wipers have no comment on living accommodations, and how put out they were to be living in such conditions.


Stay away from the dice cup.

Skivvy Stacker

She’s the representative of my district. I don’t like her.


The only place she ever served was in Planned Parenthood killing babies, so she can STFU. But hey if she wants to keep opening her mouth and remove all doubt that she’s a moron tham go ahead.

Honor and Courage

Let me be the expert on this one as it happens to be in my lane. When a unit gets a deployment order it automatically falls under stop loss regulations the ONLY way out is medical. For the Senior Enlisted NCO not to deploy and drop retirement does not fly. Someone had to pull strings and disobey Army Regulations PERIOD. 11Z


There’s fuckery afoot…


I’m stealing that phrase.


Honor and Courage,
Yes. And no.
Many in the chain of command of NG units can get days, weeks, and (yes) even months of advance notice of the possibility, and then the likelihood, of “stop orders” for certain selected NG units.

Most junior enlisted never see or know this.
Many, if not most, senior enlisted and officers are fully aware,
and in fact, discretely discuss it all as it unfolds.

That said, Walz likely DID KNOW, many months in advance,
that he had a window to choose to stay in,
and likely have at least 1 year tied up in a unit activation
(to anywhere, not necessarily a war zone, could have been Fort Drum),
which means leaving full time job, family and friends, schooling, etc,
or bail before the stop loss orders are issued, and walk away.

And he took it.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s VERY obvious that “NO-BALLS WALZ” knew and/or blew the right people to avoid deployment like a COWARD.

USMC Steve

I have heard of that occurring.

Sgt Ted

He one of the Vote Vets POS clowns. Figures he’d lie about his service.


I fully expect him to be listed as an honorary IAVA representative/spokesperson at this point.


We know what Walz actually did in the Guard because we have two CSM’s who served with in the subject artillery battalion. They have both said he demanded retirement shortly after the battalion received its warning order that it was being activated for 22 months and deployed to Iraq in 2005 for a year. Walz still had two years left on his six-year reenlistment when he retired as an E-8.


Unfortunately, the leftist spin has worked and the issue has now been spun into a dick-measuring contest between politicians with no real merit.

Sadly, even some on this thread have fallen for the trick.

A Proud Infidel®™

So will “NO-BALLS WALZ” ever have the spinal fortitude to debate JD Vance, who is A REAL Middle East Veteran?


Somebody ask the magic 8 ball.

Green Thumb

I will ask the Magic 8-Ball a question as I beat you to it fair and square (although off topic).

Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-ball: is Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) still a turd?


Maybe Walz was confused and thought he was somewhere in the Sandbox back in those Enduring of the Freedom times.


Here are some other bogus stories our hero put out to the media. The Big Lie That Launched Tim Walz’s Political Career | Frontpage Mag


Since I have so much idle time on my hands I decided to do a bit of arithmetic with Vance’s and Walz’s time in service. Please correct me if I err.

24 years X 12 months/year X 2 drill days/month = 576 days
24 years X 2 wks. X year summer drill X 7 days/week = 336 days
6 months active (Italy) X 30 days/month = 180 days

576 + 336 + 180 = 1,092 days

4 yrs X 365 days/year = 1460 days

So, by my count, Vance actually spent more time serving his country than Walz.
Feel free to correct me.


Move right on up to the head of the class, timactual!


Some MUTA points.


Had to google that. Interesting. Thanks for the new information.


Comment #100:

Walz’s official TAH Chew Toy moniker:

E-8 Tampon Timmy (H/T to Devtun).

Hack Stone

Some asshole named Hack from Bethesda Maryland was on The Chris Plante Show right before the 09:30 commercial break. He said “Tim Walz is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.” Chris chuckled at the reference. You old farts will get the reference, young whippersnappers may not.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have it on good authority that No-balls Tim Walz has been endorsed by Phildo and APL.