Tim Walz against free speech, JD Vance trolls Kamala Harris in front of her airplane

| August 7, 2024

Tim Walz, during an interview, expressed his views on the applicability of freedom of speech.

Approximate transcript:

“I think we need to push back on this. There is no guarantee to freedom of free speech on misinformation or, or, hate speech, especially around our democracy!”

Meanwhile, JD Vance walks up to members of the media to review the plane that hopefully “would be his” in a few months. He addressed the reporters.

Approximate transcript:

JD Vance: Hey guys, how are you?

Man: Alright!

JD Vance: I think they’re covering the vice president here, I figured I’d come by and uh, [inaudible], I wanted to take a good look at the plane, because hopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months but I also thought you guys may get lonely, because the Vice President doesn’t answer questions from reporters and hasn’t for 17 days! Ah, have they give you guys an explanation for why she wont take questions from reporters?


JD Vance: No? Nobody? Okay, great, well I hope that she [faces the plane] changes her mind because it would be good for the American people, and I think it would be good for you all if she actually ran a real campaign instead of one from a basement with a teleprompter, so have a good one guys! See you!

Reporter: What would you like to hear from her?

JD Vance: I’d love for her to answer some questions, I’d love her to just answer what she wants to do and also explain why every single position she has, has changed. She pretends to be a prosecutor, yet she’s, she supposed to be tough on crime prosecutor and yet, here she is, wanting to defund the police…

Reporter: [asks question]

JD Vance: She’s the Border Czar yet she has opened up the American southern border. This is a person who has to answer some questions to the media, and it’s disgraceful as she was with you guys, it’s also insulting to the American people but, anyway, where do we go to do our event? I appreciate you guys being here, I wish she ah paid you more attention, see you!

Category: 2024 Election

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A Proud Infidel®™

So just how soon will Kamala’s minions throw the “racist’ flag on JD Vance for questioning “Cackles” Harris?


Wait, wait, I think I hear it coming………………


The more I see/I hear from Vance the more I like. Trolling the Harris/Walz shit-show and showing how a real VP interacts with the “press” was such a baller move…

BlueCord Dad

More like this I think…


Leftists against Free Speech? I’m shocked, shocked! /sarc
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Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Doesn’t the pinhead in the picture realize that what he is doing is a form of free speech? How stupid are these people? Wait, that was dumb of me to say……..I think we all know how stooooopid they are…..

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s a useful idiot doing the bidding of his herder.


They are against any “speech” they don’t like, period. The First Amendment be damned, if the content is anything that impairs their propaganda.


Shore be am, dam am glad you straightened that out for me, rgr769. Thought maybe the FIRST (ht2 CW) Amendment had been repealed last week when I was taking care of duty “ashore”. Reading the headline here was concerned I had missed that Kongressional Klown Kritter action. If the Klowns hada passed that legislation, wouldn’t that be the ONLY legislation, other than massive giveaway bills, they’ve passed of late? Proud that you stated out loud the fact that the Kritters are passing out nothing but their propaganda. I mean FFS, is this best that we can get to “choose” from? Oh…wait…TPTB did not allow We, The People to choose the demonrat anointed one. If I was a demonrat, I’d be raising pure Holy Hell over this. Even those of us that are NOT demonrats should be raising hell. IIRC when Georgia had the Presidential Primary back last near Spring, the only two names on the ballot was The Bad Orange Man and The Blithering Idiot. This whole thing reeks to High Heaven and only tells me that “someone” “somewhere” are making the decision to run two of the worst candidates for high office that we have ever seen. GMAFB! Tells me, too, that they are not concerned about who votes…or how they vote. The destruction of these States United continues…unabated.

Good on Vance for trolling The Whore of Babylon, but in the grand scheme of things? BFD. She is trolled everyday in comment sections of blogs and news feeds alike. Who among us, if given the bully pulpit that Vance had handed to him, would not have trolled her just as well? TBH, hadn’t really made up my mind about Vance. Is he a deep plant ala Pence? Was BOM told to pick him? Has he seen the light and actually want to move America back to where we used to be? Is it too late?

Hope & Pray (not a Battle Plan) for the best but you’d better…Prepare…for the worst.


Freedom of THEIR Speech they like, otherwise not.


Hoping for a debate soon between JD and Tampon Timmie. Go get him Devildog!!!


Harris/Walz campaign still peddling MSG Tampon Tim as a retired CSM/SGM. Harris has been the presumptive nominee for close to three weeks, but no pressers or long form interviews. Everything has been tightly scripted and on teleprompter. The democrat shot callers don’t trust her to be extemporaneous.


They learned their lesson with Gropey Joe’s off- teleprompter comments.

MSG Eric

That’s why she wants to do the debate on ABC, so she’ll get the debate questions ahead of time and have someone write answers for her like happened with Hillary in 2016.




So he is getting us prepared for a massive expansion of the
If you can’t say that on the air then pretty soon you can’t say
that or anything else anywhere.


Bet they’ll be able to cuss like drunken sailors on shore leave on your kids/grandkids shows the kids like to watch , but don’t you dare say anything about their current, latest thing our “betters” are for.


That’s some good trolling there.

Skivvy Stacker

J.D. Vance is a United States Marine, and that was on full display with his questions to the press. When we know we’re being fed bullshit, we TROLL.
And to “my” current governor, and future unemployed ass clown, I exercise my right to free speech and tell you to suck my dick.


The balls on this guy! Magnificent!

AT1 ret

A pic of him by the plane

fr in sc

Some panelist on the Clinton News Network said “how dare he?” regarding Vance’s chutzpah to actually step onto the sacred ground of Vice President Heelsup’s plane while another stenographer on the panel called him a stalker. These vermin couldn’t be more obvious if they wore Harris/Walz hats on every show. It never occurred to any of them to ask why doesn’t the Most Joyous, Accomplished, Charismatically Brilliant Politician Since the Obamessiah actually have a press conference like Trump did yesterday? After all, it’s not like they’re going to do anything besides give her a good tongue bath!


As Carlin quipped “well, at least he’s honest”.



They had to pick Waltz because otherwise they lose Minnesota. They still need Georgia and one more state to win, maybe Arizona. They have been pushing the phony lawfare there in hopes. It would be the ultimate humiliation of the Dems lost by a couple of electoral votes after debasing themselves in all these different ways.