Daily FGS

| August 8, 2024

Walther P38
Would-be robber shot, injured by homeless man in Kensington: Police

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — A homeless man allegedly shot and injured a would-be armed robber in the Kensington section of Philadelphia on Monday night.

It happened near the intersection of A and East Somerset streets just before 8 p.m.

Police told Action News a 35-year-old man approached a homeless man on the street and attempted to rob him with a BB gun.

That’s when the homeless man reportedly pulled out his own gun and shot the suspect in the back.

He then fled the scene, according to police.

Officers say the would-be robber was taken to an area hospital in critical condition.

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No forwarding address?

Norwalk business owner shoots and kills attempted burglary suspect

By Amy Maetzold
A business owner opened fire on three burglary suspects who targeted his tobacco store in Norwalk Tuesday morning.

The crime occurred around 9 a.m. in the 10900 block of East Firestone Boulevard, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

One of the store’s owners told KCAL that his business partner was pepper-sprayed by one of the suspects, which prompted him to grab his gun and open fire, hitting one of the intruders.

All three suspects took off on foot after their getaway car was blocked in.

The suspect who was shot was found in an alley way nearby. The man was taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries, according to the sheriff’s department.

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CBS News

Thanks once again Gun Bunny.

I feel like I’ve got feet firmly in different camps. Between the right of gun ownership and public safety.
Tim Walz

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Dear Little Timmy,
Freedom and Citizenship are scary things.
If you feelz uncomfortable, we can place you in a niiiiiice hospital bed, with restraints so you don’t roll out and hurt yourself on the floor.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nice pistol. I wonder if it has the WWII Nazi (WaffenAmpt?) roll mark on the other side.
I have a post WWII copy, a Manurhin P1. Nice pistol, shoots great. But stick with 115 grain factory loads. That open top weakens the slide. Ask me how I know.
It took me awhile to find a replacement slide. But it’s all good now, albeit the s/n’s don’t match.
And yes, I kept the original slide, in case I ever run into a situation or a person that could fully restore it to operable condition.

Dad’s has the roll marks and everything. I did the research & found it was a late-war manufacture.
I put nothing but the 115g FMJs through it, though.
AB Son found a repro holster for it, too.

Still don’t get the DA trigger weight only a lawyer could love, but it makes more sense for then than for now – which they still have in my experience.

If the streets are that guys’ home, could he claim a home invasion self-defense? Did he ‘leave the scene’ or just go to another part of his home?

Pepper spray to a gun fight. Some vets I know, pepper spray just makes ’em madder. Not a good idea.


GB – you made me laugh out loud. I really, really want to see his defense attorney, in the unfortunate circumstance he is ever identified, use this as his defense. Pure gold.

“If the streets are that guys’ home, could he claim a home invasion self-defense? Did he ‘leave the scene’ or just go to another part of his home?”


Pepper spray. I put that shit on everything!

From the article:

The serial number 629 D AC 45 on the slide also marks it as a 1945-production pistol. Walther’s government-assigned inspector’s proof mark (commonly called a Waffenamt) was an eagle above the number 359, and that is also on the pistol at several places.  However, the serial numbers on the slide, frame, and barrel do not match. That means this is a Frankenstein of various parts.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Mine has been tucked away for too long.
Reading the article makes me want to pull it out and check for s/n’s and history (if possible to find online).

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Two new entries into the 3″ three ring binder of T2NB2AGF. We’re on a ROLL, baby!

Trying to use a BB gun to rob a homeless man? And the homeless man has a real gun? And uses it in self defense? And then the homeless man takes a powder? You can’t make this stuff up, no one would believe you. I hope the po-po never find Mr Homeless Man, and that he manages to slip away into the background of all the other homeless.

Bringing pepper spray to a gun fight. And having your get away car blocked in. Bunch’a real smart crooks there. (face palm!) I hope the shot up perp was in agony up to his death rattle.
The cops should be able to get info from the abandoned car to get the ID of the other two assholes.
If nothing else, the car can be sold (abandened title) whole as-is, for parts, or scrap, as restitution to the shop owner.


Kensington? Used to be a cool part of town, but now it’s nothing but drug zombies.. hell of a shame that..

As for the other one, it’s LA.. expect the store owner to catch charges, and doubtful they’ll get any info from the car, as it’s highly likely it was stolen already.. But hey, once can hope..

Always make one feel extry good to have new entries into “The Binder” don’t it, Tox. Almost as good as the baked ham, tater salad, and fresh baked bread that my escortees provided for me. We won’t talk about the apple cinnamon pie with the vanilla bean ice for dessert.

Wonder how safe Tampon Tim’s citizens felt when their cities were burning down on his watch?

Old school Walters? Meh, maybe. How many wars did they win? New fangled Walthers? *spit-tooie* Graybeard approves this message.