Hamas supporters disrupting Pride parades

| July 1, 2024




Hmm, my 7AM column schedule didn’t happen. Wonder if Ed is trying to tell me something….

Seems ya just can’t win.

The latest cause to warm the cockles (or maybe the sub-cockles) of liberal hearts is the poor desperate situation of the Gaza Palestinians. They elected Hamas, lived with them for years, and when Hamas attacked Israel – well, life has been rough ever since.  Naturally, the Hamas propaganda machine has made hay – they have little opportunity to look sympathetic to Western eyes, so an opportunity to make their aggressors who attacked, raped, took hostages, etc. is not to be missed – and their seed has fallen on fertile ground as the American intelligentsia has wholeheartedly embraced the cause. But there is a fly in the ointment – all this attention on the Gazans has diluted and diverted attention from another sacred cow – even in THEIR MONTH. How shameful.

In Philadelphia, pro-Palestinian demonstrators temporarily blocked the city’s June 2 march, confronting participants with placards that read “no pride in genocide.” In Boston, hostile clashes with police broke out during the city’s annual parade on June 8, leading to the arrest of three protesters. And in Denver, dozens of protesters bypassed SWAT teams to make their way onto the street designated for the city’s annual PrideFest this past weekend.

For some queer people, the protests have called into question the meaning of Pride Month and why it is celebrated worldwide every June. The country’s first Pride marches were held on June 28, 1970, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots, which are credited as a turning point in the modern gay rights movement.

(I’m guessing ‘worldwide’ means as much as “World Series”, given that many countries don’t like gays much).

Israel is perhaps the most LGBTQ-friendly nation in the Middle East, with its most populous city, Tel Aviv, hosting one of the world’s largest annual Pride celebrations.

Okay, they are on the ‘right’ side. But…

Consensual sex between gay men has been criminalized in Gaza since 1936, with a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment, and queer Palestinians are often subjected to a hostile living environment and sometimes face violence, according to U.K.-based LGBTQ advocacy group Human Dignity Trust.

Damn the Israelis! Up the Palestinians. Oh, wait… which way around is that?

Pro-Palestinian protesters have called on the nonprofits that lead the country’s established Pride parades to reject donations and sponsorships from corporations with financial ties to Israel.

Just as fiercely as they have angered pro-Palestinian LGBTQ people, this year’s Pride marches have raised concerns among some LGBTQ Jewish Americans.

“We in the LGBTQ community have a rich tradition of protest, and so it is fine and expected for people to bring their important issues into these conversations,” Felson said. “What’s not OK is to take Pride away from others. That is what is happening for a lot of particularly queer Jews.”  NBC

Lord, what’s a korrect-thinking liberal to do?

This crowd reminds me of a rom-com called “Someone Like You”, in which a central theme is that once a bull services a cow, she becomes the ‘old cow’ and is no longer interesting. Drape another hide on her, paint her, whatever – the bull knows where he has been before and ain’t interested. And men are the same (until the feel-good conclusion challenges that and all live happily ever after.) Boy, when I use the phrase ‘old cow’ about something the wife gets spun up….  Gay…Palestinians…old cow…new cow…

While I am not sure what verbal contortions and mental gymnastics will be needed to resolve these apparently contradictory positions, I have faith that American liberals will do so somehow. But watching ’em try is gonna be fun…

Category: "Teh Stoopid", LGBTQWERTY, Liberals suck

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RGR 4-78

Commiesaur, would you be so kind as to (swidt) explain this one to me, I am confused.


At the same time? Does the Left really not give a sh*t about either except for power? Gosh, I’m so confused. /sarc
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

I got a 30 day time out on Facebook for posting that.
Fuck Facebook fuck Mark Zuckerberg


I didn’t on X
The reason way I off-loaded my Facebook account

A Proud Infidel®™

I got one 30-day stint in Farcebook Jail for posting a meme with a picture of Che Guevara that said “You can’t spell douche without Che” and another for posting :

  1. Rope.
  2. Tree or gallows.
  3. Pedophile.
  4. some assembly required.

Goes to show just which crowd runs Farcebook. I wish they posted lists of just who has blocked me so far, I’d look at that like a Jock does his trophy case.


I cannot comprehend how willfully ignorant you have to be in order to believe that it’s possible to be a proud member of the LGBTQ community and pro-Palestine (or any fundamentalist Islamic nation , for that matter.). It’s as incongruous as chickens for KFC or fetuses for abortion. It makes me think of the 60’s slogan, “Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity”.


Well, as left/libtards expect, anyway:
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

I repeat my comment on the pier post. They want to support Ham-Ass and the palis? Go on over there and start redistributing the boat loads of aid. The warehouse is that multi story building at the end of the road.

Hack Stone

This is getting confusing. So it is a hate crime to not accept, embrace and promote the LBGQT+}@~¥ community, except if they are Jewish, then you must also physically assault them and violate their civil rights by denying them access to public places. Does Hack Stone have that right?

And Hack Stone doesn’t normally watch CNN or MSNBC, but could someone post their videos of the Gay Pride parades in Jorden, Yemen, Iran and Syria?


Don’t worry about all that. Just remember if Trump wins it’s the end of America. Therefore I know we can count on your vote.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Once again, not my circus, not my monkeys.
But I would pay a pretty penny for PPV to watch an LGBT(etc) at a pro-Palestinian protest, get “invited” to a rooftop flying lesson, first time free.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yet more proof that LIBERALIAM IS A MENTAL DISORDER. The Muzzie savages say they execute gays, but just ask anyone who has ever deployed downrange there what the local guys do on “Man-Love Thursday”.