School apologizes for calling ISIS a terrorist group

| June 21, 2024

A pro Muslim group took issue with a test question, and its options, which showed up on a school’s test. The question involved a terrorist group that engaged in acts of violence and had the goal of global Islamic law. The options included Islamic State, Al Qaeda, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The pro Muslic group took to social media to complain about the correct answer. They also complained about the inclusion of the PLO among the options. The school eventually caved and apologized for the question and options. However, what they should’ve apologized for was not replacing “Peru’s The Shining Path” with “All the above” and moving it to the last option. Global Islamic Law is the ultimate objective for these radical Islamic groups.

From The Daily Fetched:

However, the group known as ‘Teaching While Muslim’ (TWM) charged, “We have seen anti-Muslim & anti-Palestinian sentiments, teachers, and content in our schools over and over again. But we must not allow it to continue.”

The social media post from the group continued:

“Call and email everyone that you can. This is NOT okay on a million levels. Go. And yes. This is real.”

The post ended with the hashtags “anti-Muslim racism” and “Islamophobia.”

The group claimed in a follow-up statement that the test “wrongly implies that terrorism is a fundamental part of an ‘Islamic State,’ and has a ‘goal of achieving global rule under strict sharia law.'”

The group went on to describe that as “anti-Muslim hate” and “factually inaccurate,” asserting, “This is a continuation of US and Zionist propaganda aimed at fear-mongering against Muslims AND Palestinians.”

“Why is the PLO on that quiz?” The statement continued, despite it being the incorrect answer to the question.

“This is indoctrinating children to hate Muslims and making Muslim students targets of bigotry and prejudice in a place where they should feel safe,” the statement concluded.

The school caved and immediately issued a groveling apology.

Additional Reading:

Walsh, J. (2024, June 21). ‘Woke’ school APOLOGIZES for telling children ISIS is a terrorist group. The Daily Fetched. Link.

Category: Liberals suck, Society, Terror War

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Well I’m glad they’ve straightened that out.


Islam is a murderous political ideology masquerading as a religion. It was founded by a pedo, and has lying and terrorism as major tenents of it’s beliefs.. It is NOT compatible with civilized society.

Nothing follows


Testify! Turn them into true followers of The Religion of Pieces. Their own “Bible” instructs…no…COMMANDS them to lie, cheat, steal, and KILL The Infidel. Don’t get no plainer than that.


Last edited 3 months ago by KoB

Plus they make them get four wives, all at the same time! It’s hard enough to get a word in edgewise with just one. I would just end up sending out mass text and emails every day.


That’s probably why they make em wear that sheet on their head, so ya can see the gag… of course it’s perfectly acceptable (even commanded in that book of theirs) to beat their wives if they don’t submit to their husbands, so there’s that..

Major Tuddy

In fairness, many Muslims reject those verses as outdated and inapplicable to the modern world. Kinda like how Jews and Christians interpret “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean like how Osama Bin Laden said after 9/11 that terrorist attacks on the USA would cease if AMericans converted en masse to Islam? They still scream for the heads of non-believers of Islam, and I am proud to call myself one.

RGR 4-78

many Muslims reject those verses as outdated and inapplicable to the modern world”

In fairness, how do you know they are not lying to you?


In fairness, those Muslims you refer to are viewed only slightly more favorably than the rest of us infidels by radical Islam, and are slaughtered last.


Nothing wrong with the passage “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”, as there are no, have been no, and will not be any actual witches.

Islamic terrorists following the tenets of the quran? Verifiably millions of them.


A witch turned one of these guys into a newt!

He got better.


Mooslums can’t live with them and you can’t live with them. And we will fight back against a religious group trying to kill us.

A Proud Infidel®™

YOU CANNOT make peace with those of a religion whose “Holy Book” tells them to KILL everyone not just like them.



You do know that they are a (THE religion of peace)????




A Proud Infidel®™

Mmmmm, just how many of the 9/11 hijackers were Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist?


All of those other groups do have terrorists among their numbers. Even the Buddhists. However, this is normally a corruption from their religious doctrine, instead of being actively written in.


Religion of pieces.. FIFY

Forest Bondurant

Uneducated morons who don’t understand that establishing Islam as one world religion is expressly stated in Islamic law and religious verses.

Hack Stone

Waiting on the WOT to drop.


comment image


Well,,,,,,Hell,,,, let’s go see who we can piss off!!!!

Are ya coming?????

Come on!!!!!!


They need to fire everyone involved with issuing the apology, as well as any teacher or other employee involved in filing the complaint.. It’s obvious that NONE of them should be around children…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

isis not a terrorist group, I keep a number of emails in my archive with pictures of decapitated heads on fences and isis terrs decapitating people. Not terrs, WTF.