Illinois law maker wants to criminalize flying the American flag upside down

| June 21, 2024

State Representative Harry Benton introduced legislation that would penalize flying the U.S. flag upside down on government property. A township supervisor ordered the U.S. flag to be flown upside down after Donald Trump’s conviction in New York. However, David Friess, a state representative who is also a veteran of the Air Force, feels that people should be able to fly the flag upside down if they feel that the country is in distress.

From the Washington Examiner:

“The public official who made this sad choice — to disrespect our nation’s flag and everything it stands for — may be disappointed in the outcome of a certain criminal trial, but that is no excuse,” said Benton. “That he then attempted to deflect rising outrage by draping himself in the very same flag he’d just finished spitting on makes his actions all the more pathetic.”

State Rep. David Friess, an air force veteran, said he believes if an individual feels the country is in a time of distress, he or she should be able to fly the flag upside down.

“Even as a veteran, I don’t lose my cool … I understand that one of the greatest freedoms we have is free speech and I may not agree with an individual if he or she flies the flag upside down, but I absolutely respect your right to do that,” said Friess.

Benton’s House Bill 5860 would make it a crime for a government official to knowingly cause the national flag to be displayed upside down on government property.

Friess said he doesn’t think the bill will go anywhere, but he hopes Benton will couple the legislation with a measure prohibiting the burning of flags at Black Lives Matter or Pro-Palestine protests.

“I would love to see him put out a bill that you can’t burn a flag during a Pro-Hamas rally, a Pro-Palestinian rally or BLM rally,” said Firess.

Benton said in a news release, “that despite our differences, we’re all Americans.”

Benton also filed House Bill 5861, which goes beyond making it a crime to fly an upside down flag but also makes it punishable by a fine of up to $25,000.

Additional Reading:

Petersen, C. (2024, June 20). Illinois lawmaker seeks to criminalize flying American flag upside down. Washington Examiner. Link.

Category: Liberals suck, Society, Veterans in the news

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And a “hate crime” if you don’t stand at attention when the alphabet flag goes by…


Don’t you dare turn money into smoke and noise on a BLM or Gay pride flag painted on a public street that was paid for by straight people either. Vandalism or something. Don’t worry about the potholes leading to or from the painted on display, just don’t destroy our symbol.


Remember “Its (D)ifferent when we do it” is their motto, and they constantly change the rules on the fly.


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Old tanker

If it passes then SCOTUS challenge in 3, 2, 1… Struck down per the 1st.


This lawmaker is just attention seeking. Or he is an idiot. Probably both.

If passed it will waste state taxpayer revenue defending it in court until it is struck down. It has zero chance with a SCOTUS that has a prominent distress flag waver on the bench.

And it should have zero chance because it is blatantly unconstitutional.

Politicians that propose these kinds of opportunistic attention seeking laws need to be punished by voters.

He is not a serious legislator. Just another attention seeking clown on the grift.

If burning a flag is constitutional then flying one upside down is constitutional.

And both burning a flag and flying a flag upside down are in the flag code.


“This lawmaker is just attention seeking. Or he is an idiot. Probably both.”
“He is not a serious legislator. Just another attention seeking clown on the grift.”

Well, he is a democrat….

I am a little confused though Commissar. Your entire post was relevant, accurate, articulate, and contained no signs of rampant TDS… You feeling ok??


Just a little bit. He said there was a upside down flag waver on the Supreme court, there isn’t. But for him with only one thing being factually incorrect it is like the whole broken clock thing.


Fair enough. I did miss the SCOTUS part.. should have figured he’d shit the bed somehow…


The therapy worked!


Except the flag burning in the flag code is for the disposal of worn and tattered flags, not as a political statement.


So, it sounds like you only have a problem with 1 person who chose to display their flag upside down, on their residence, as a private citizen. No problem with others doing the same, just that 1 individual.

Got it.


There is only one person on the Supreme Court flying upside down flags.

And I have no issue with someone flying a flag upside down.

My issue is with why they are doing it.


TDS is really bad ehhh! Does he live in your head all the time?


There’s nobody on the Supreme Court flying the flag upside down now or ever. I know the left is big into keeping women under control with beatdowns but since that didn’t happen Mrs Alito can do whatever she wants. But keep pumping the lie. Anything to discredit the most conservative court in a while, and try to stack them up.

The best part will be 3 years from now. Sotomayer steps down and Trump replaces her with a young conservative.


Put plastic down on what you wish to protect, because commisars head is going to go splodey with those facts.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone is still trying to figure out how Donald Trump “stacked the Supreme Court”, per those on the left. Seats became vacant on the Supreme Court during President Trump’s term, President Trump nominated judges to fill those positions, and the nominees were interviewed and confirmed by the Senate, just like every other Supreme Court Justice since 1789.


Gratuitous use of the Biden rule?


As I mentioned in my original post, it was at their residence, not a government building. On PRIVATE property.

As to why they are doing it, do you feel the country is on the right track, doing well, or do you see it as a slow motion train wreck.

Hack Stone

Well, then you do have an issue with someone flying a flag upside. Why would the reason that someone flies a flag upside be an issue? Either you support free speech, or you don’t support free speech. Your post proves that you support free speech as long as you approve of the reason for the speech.


And you were doing so well. Which justice flew the flag upside down? Take your time, I’ll wait.


“And it should have zero chance because it is blatantly unconstitutional”

BUT First you said:

“It has zero chance with a SCOTUS that has a prominent distress flag waver on the bench.”

So,,,, even though that SCOTUS justice has the RIGHT, (2nd comment here!)he’s biased, according to you!!

By the constitution!!!!

The irony is mind boggling!!!

You were WRONG and RIGHT within a few words!!!


Kinda makes you shake your head and mumble wtf.


sock puppet.


I buy us flag postage stamps at the post office.
Also use standard stamped envelopes.
The stamps get attached upside down on my outgoing mail
because I feel like it. If one of the standard stamped envelopes
requires extra postage I attach it upside down. Because.


Been doing that for years myself, ‘beans.

I have attended/participated in many a “Flag Retirement” Ceremony. Done with the utmost of respect for Our Colors. It is odd that the malicious burning of The US Flag is considered “Free Speech” but the burning of other “flags” is considered “hate speech”. This dood is for sure an attention whore.


Same here.


Stamps are on the roll that way. When you peel off the roll. They end up upside down. And I don’t look to see which Way they should go all the time.


It’s not Free Speech if left/libtards don’t like it.


Just reading the other day about a vet who has designed and sells fireproof unburnable flags. Would love to watch the frustration…


Pride flags made from braided guncotton would be pretty cool too

Last edited 3 months ago by RCAF-CHAIRBORNE

“Benton’s House Bill 5860 would make it a crime for a government official to knowingly cause the national flag to be displayed upside down on government property”.

That much I can agree with. On your own property, feel free to fly it upside down. State Rep. David Friess nailed it. I don’t agree with it, but I respect your right to do it. It’s a legitimate distress signal, although it wasn’t intended to be flown upside down for political distress.


WORD ^^^^^


Unless said government property was under physical duress. “Ships at sea” and all that. I rembember my Dad turning around on Route 66 to a gas station with the flag upside down. He thought there might be trouble there, but the employee accidentally hooked the flag up; it got righted. This happened in 1964.

Last edited 3 months ago by rgr1480

I agree 100%. Once upon a time in Korea, it was a cold sunny day at Camp Jackson. Some bonehead in a PLDC class ran the Korean flag up the pole… inverted. Nearly caused an international incident. No, it was not SPC D.


The corner trigrams are the secret: 3, 4, 5, 6 with 3 at the hoist.


Just like it’s disrespectful to turn the flag into a pair of shorts or a shirt or to drape oneself in it as if it were a cape. I followed that flag twice into a war zone. If you didn’t, then you have zero reason to fly it upside down just because you disagree with someone’s politics. I know it’s a long poem, but I thought it appropriate to leave it right here: I am the flag of the United States of America. My name is Old Glory. I fly atop the world’s tallest buildings. I stand watch in America’s halls of justice. I fly majestically over institutions of learning. I stand guard with power in the world. Look up and see me. I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice. I stand for freedom. I am confident. I am arrogant. I am proud. When I am flown with my fellow banners, My head is a little higher, My colors a little truer. I bow to no one! I am recognized all over the world. I am worshipped – I am saluted. I am loved – I am revered. I am respected – I am feared. I have fought in every battle of every war for more than 200 years.I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox. I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome and the beaches of Normandy. Guam, Okinawa, Korea and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me. I was there. I led my troops. I was dirty, battleworn and tired, but my soldiers cheered me and I was proud. I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of countriesI have helped set free. It does not hurt for I am invincible. I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and trampled in the streets of my country. And when it’s done by those whom I’ve served in battle – it hurts. But I shall overcome – for I am strong. I have slipped the bonds of earth and stood watch over the uncharted frontiers of space… Read more »


When I am torn into strips and used as bandages for my wounded comrades on the battle field,
when I am flown at halfmast to honor my soldier,
or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent at the grave of their fallen son or daughter,
I am proud.
I am the flag of the United States of America.


Fly it upside down as a political protest. Prepare to get a poke in the nose.


One of my favorite examples of rural lawn art is the standard
wooden pallet painted to resemble old glory and leaning against
some old rusted farm implement.
Gotta be half a dozen of them within ten miles of here.

Hack Stone

If you want to fly it upside on your property, that is your right. On government (local state or federal) Hack can’t get on board with. Taxpayer facilities should be apolitical, and that includes flying BLM and Pride flags should be prohibited. Show your support with your own money and on your own property, not with the peoples property and tax money.


Let’s face it. For a mere 68 cents you can purchase a first
class US flag stamp and stick it on your forehead upsidedown
if you like.
Just make sure you keep the reciept.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I keep suggesting this is why it’s critical to fight all incursions into any amendment….when no knock raids became normal I pointed out it would lead to other egregious incursions, like civil asset forfeiture without due process, loss of bodily autonomy, etc…etc..etc..

We don’t have to like what others do with their personal freedoms but we all need to understand it’s part of what Jefferson called the “tumult” of liberty…and if we like our own liberties we must allow others theirs as well or risk losing them all to an ever more militarized, corrupt, and dangerous Federal government.


Giving public servants qualified immunity needs to be done away with too. Servants are the government and they must be controlled by the citizens. They must not be exempted from control or prosecution for violation of rights.


I can’t stand Biden or Trump
They are both too damn old for the Job
Both spend money like there is no tomorrow
And the BS with COVID sealed what was left
Of any feelings for either party


Do you have an alternate for either?


Between these two running I’d lean Trump
It’s embarrassing this is the only choice


RFK jr.

Slow Joe

RFK jr. is a communist in disguise.


No, he’s an alternative to the demo’s and repub’s offerings. Just curious if you think he is a card carrying member of the communist party or a closet commie? I’ll also take Chase Oliver, the Libertarian party’s nominee, over the two main party candidates.

Last edited 3 months ago by W2
Slow Joe

What did Trump do to you? Did he negatively impact your income? Did he inflate the inflation balloon? Did he hurt your feelings with a mean tweet?


Don’t forget the worst crime, he started no new wars. Inherited, yes. Started, no.


He lies. It’s the volume of nonsense and lies that come out of his mouth. He is a lying liar. That is indefensible. I know all politicians lie, but the volume of 45’s lies about is the issue with him.

Last edited 3 months ago by W2

But. Don’t even think about disrespecting the Fag Flag or a HAMASS banner


They will send you to prison for that


This is what I get to stare at at the VA
where every month is pride month


Here a better photo


I was at the VA yesterday. Seems they show that crap at all the VA hospital’s.
I hate how the abc crowd hijacked the word pride. How does one describe the pride you have now that saying pride doesn’t mean pride.The word “cornholers” was available to use and may be more appropriate to describe the abc group. Just my rambling out loud.


So I guess “Butt Pirates” is out of the question?


I think that’s a good choice. No longer the Pride group, From now on they will be called Butt Pirates


We have a Winner



Yar! Swab your poopdeck, Matey?

A Proud Infidel®™

If not that, then “Rump Rangers”?


They are Proud of how many fists will fit and how many servings of trouser chowder they can get in a night.
Proud of finally getting to watch little girls change.
Proud of ruining women’s sports.
Proud of knocking up real female inmates.
Proud of sexualising children in kid’s Drag shows.
Proud of spreading disease
Proud of ruining June


Unless you are involved in the ever more popular game of cornhole. These atheletes bristle at being called cornholers. Hell, they even have grown men cornhole-ing each other on ESPN.

Last edited 3 months ago by W2

Taste the rainbow!
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A Proud Infidel®™

Celebrate perversity by bowing to a tiny minority.



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He’s going the Sen Orrin Hatch (R-UT) route.
Hatch, at one time, wanted/tried to pass a law making it illegal to burn/deface the American Flag.
He got enough pushback from 1A advocates (myself included) that he eventually shut up about it.


Agreed Tox. It should be perfectly legal to burn a flag ANY flag.
It should also be perfectly legal for anyone else to beat your dumb ass should you decide to burn an American flag in their presence…


“Just like you have the rights to burn the flag.” {Boos} “Shh. hush up now…just like we have the right to bear arms. And if you burn my flag I will SHOOT you.(Cheers) But with love in my heart, like a good American should.”

Johnny Cash

You mean that guy that ran because the incumbent was there for like 47 terms, got elected on a promise to never do that, then stayed forever? THAT Orrin Hatch?


I have zero appreciation for politicians that introduce bills that run contrary to an amendment.