Weekend Open Thread

| June 21, 2024

Leftists like to think that they are in possession of the facts, that they are open minded and willing to change their positions, that they are inclusive, etc. In many instances, their actions show them as being what they accuse conservatives of being. Compromise, for them, involves the other side giving up their own argument in favor of that of the leftists. Many of these folks honest to God think that they’re the critical thinkers when in fact they argue media talking points. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched


Hack Stone

Missed it by a fraction of a second.

A Proud Infidel®™

For that, you get Second Place Prize, HALF of a Mailbox Door!!!!


All the Rats of The Kong to you, Good Sir. Lois Lane’s stroking of your refresh knob beats outdated Red-Hatted Soft Wear of The Proud but humble woman owned company…and her Director of Media Relations! Every! Damn! Time!

Last edited 3 months ago by KoB

CW is the pink hatted WOT First Bitch on STATION!!! 😀
Good Jerb. I’m late as usual because I’m doing travel for retards.
LIke Herding cats like the Bestest Super Bowl commercial of all time…OF ALL TIME!!! KANYE!!!

Hack Stone

Can Hack Stone get first comment for Weekend Open Thread?

Magic 8-Ball says…

Commissioner Wretched

You missed it by a millisecond, Hack. Sorry ’bout that.


DENIED!!!…By The Vast Chicken Wing Conspiracy!

Hack Stone

Hack Stone showed up 15 minutes early, per This Ain’t Hell SOP, and Commissioner Wretched said “As long as you are already here, you might as well do a police call of the All Points Logistics parking lot.” Hack was expecting the cigarette butts, but what’s the deal with all of the used condoms by Phil Monkress’ parking spot?


Did they smell like sulfur or did they smell like seafood? I just found out the other day that there’s a big difference between the two.


A vast right chicken wing conspiracy. Ya gotta know who’s keeping ya down.



Hack Stone


Commissioner Wretched

Sorry about that, King …




Guess not.


Here. Stupid t mobile refresh rate.

Commissioner Wretched

Well, with my place on the WOT Throne secured for a second consecutive week, I offer the usual goodies – all supply stores open to enjoy, along with something to read while you do so. Here’s the trivia for the week!

Did a well-known actor flatly refuse to shave off his mustache for a role in a television series?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Ever have one of those days? You know, the kind your mom warned you would come?

I’ve been having one of those decades.

Seriously, though, how we slog through the bad days has a lot to do with how we sail through the good days, doesn’t it? It’s attitude, after all, and if you have a good attitude, you have half the battle won already.

A good thing to have by your side, in the good days or the bad, is trivia. The things that can distract you, if you catch my meaning. So get ready to be distracted! Have some fun.

Did you know …

… it’s very possible that you suffer from “cute aggression”? What’s cute aggression, you wonder? It’s a reaction to excessive “cuteness” that includes a minor violent impulse. So the next time you see a puppy, or a kitten, or a baby that you could just “eat up” or “squeeze to death” or that makes you “just die,” you are likely having a cute aggression attack. (That kind of explains the look in my grandmother’s eye when she held me while I was a baby, now that I think about it.)

Commissioner Wretched

… President Gerald Ford (1913-2006) was once accidentally locked outside the White House? He was walking his dog Liberty (1974-1984) at the time. The dog had alerted Ford that she needed to go out at 3 a.m., and Ford got out of bed, pulled on his robe and slippers, and took the dog downstairs out onto the south lawn. When Liberty had finished her business, the president and the dog returned but found the elevator to the living quarters was not responding. Undaunted, Ford decided to try the stairs, but when they got to the second floor, the door from the stairwell was locked. Ford went to the third floor … also locked. The two went back down to the first floor, and by then the Secret Service realized where the president was, and had the elevator ready for him. (Somehow, it’s fitting that this would happen to Gerald Ford.)

… you may suffer from glossophobia? I certainly don’t. Glossophobia is a fear of public speaking. It’s a common phobia, studies tell us. (Not to me it isn’t. Put me in front of people and I’m on!)

… diamonds have been a feature of engagement rings since the 15th Century? The first recorded instance of a diamond being used in a ring to signify engagement is believed to date from 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria (1459-1519), later Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, proposed to Mary of Burgundy (1457-1482) with a ring featuring diamonds in the shape of the letter “M.” (So it’s Max’s fault!)

… debates in ancient Persia were probably fun? Ideas up for debate in the old Persian Empire would be discussed twice – once sober, and once drunk. The idea had to sound good in both states of mind to be considered a good idea. (Sounds like Washington, D.C. sometimes. The jokes often write themselves.)

Hack Stone

What’s the opposite of glossophobia? Quite often people have a problem with Hack Stone constantly speaking in public. But in Hack Stone’s defense, it is very difficult not to share with random strangers the benefits of purchasing outdated and overpriced Red Hot Software from a proud but humble woman owned business.

Hack Stone

Paul of The Ballsack had to be drunk when he thought it was a good idea to go on to military blogs to defend Phil Monkress’ fantasies of being a US Navy SEAL. He learned too late that fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through corporate life.


I was overseas at the time of Ford becoming President and Nixon resigning etc. The first I heard Fords Name was when my squad leader said we were going on a mission that was ordered by Ford. I said “what fucking country is Ford King of. “ I was brought up to snuff very quickly who Ford was. But, I didn’t find out about watergate details till I got back to the states in 76. It was a revelation to me that I should pay attention to the news. I miss the days of being ignorant.

Hack Stone

Gerald Ford was our first King. His birth name was Leslie King, and took his stepfather’s family name, Ford, when he was adopted.

Now Hack will suffer the wrath of Commissioner Wretched for swiping one of his future trivia entries.


So I did work for Royalty. I did feel like a subject at the time.

Commissioner Wretched

… a well-known actor flatly refused to change his appearance for a television role? From 1966 to 1968, Cesar Romero (1907-1994) played the villainous Joker on the Batman television series. The Joker has a unique appearance featured in the comics, and that appearance did not include a mustache – but Romero, whose film career was built around the image of a “Latin lover,” wore a mustache which he called his trademark. When he was cast as the Joker, Romero refused to shave off the mustache for the role, so the producers of the show came up with a compromise: the flat white makeup used on his face would also be thickly applied on the mustache. With Romero’s beloved over-the-top performance and the remainder of the unique makeup, most viewers of the show never realized the actor had a mustache at all.

… an American soldier earned the Medal of Honor after laughing at the enemy? On January 29, 1945, First Sergeant Leonard A. Funk (1916-1992) and a squad of his soldiers was confronted by a contingent of 80-90 German troops. When the Germans called on Funk to surrender, the sergeant laughed hysterically – then unleashed his machine gun on the Germans, killing 21 and capturing the rest. For that, Funk was awarded the Medal of Honor. (The German suggestion was pretty funny, at that.)

… the first use of a submarine in warfare took place in 1776? On September 7 of that year, the American submarine Turtle tried to plant a time bomb on the hull of the HMS Eagle in New York harbor. The attempt was unsuccessful. (Define “unsuccessful.”)

Dennis - not chevy

Sgt Ezra Lee of the 10th Continental Regiment was the guy on board the Turtle (the name of the submarine). It has been said he couldn’t attached the explosive device to the HMS Eagle because the Eagle’s hull was clad with metal. Uh okay sure, the metal was copper sheet and hardly a barrier to a drill bit, it was a barrier to worms and such who made their living damaging wooden ships. I more readily believe the CO2 level inside the submarine made doing anything would have been next to impossible.

Those of us who are NCO’s should take pride in Sgt Lee’s example; not many folks volunteered for such duty. We should ignore the Navy types who are thinking that’s what you get for sending a Sergeant when you should have sent a Petty Officer.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but Romero’s was the worst so far in a growing list of awful Jokers.

Commissioner Wretched

Context is important in that regard … the entire series was camp and foolishness, a satirical lampooning of the superhero genre not to be taken as canon. In that context, Romero was a fantastic Joker. If you ask me (and you didn’t), Jack Nicholson’s Joker in the 1989 movie is the best.


I disagree with your choice of Nicholson as the best, but I can understand it.

Every different serious exists within its own canon – the TV series was accompanied by its own movie, encapsulated within that canon. Even in the campy world of the TV series, Romero’s Joker was outshined by almost every other member of Batman’s rogue gallery – Romero took the most compelling villain of them all and made him the most boring.

Commissioner Wretched

… a popular singer was once a cast member of a soap opera? Kylie Minogue (born 1968) was in the cast of the Australian soap opera Neighbours in 1985. She used that as a springboard to her musical career. (And did it ever work!)

… the first patent for a tree was issued in 1932? James E. Markham (1881-1959) of Illinois received a patent for a peach tree he genetically developed on February 16, 1932. (A patently good idea.)

… a Brazilian island is inhabited solely by snakes? Ilha da Queimada Grande, or Big Snake Island, is one part of the country you probably don’t want to visit. Estimates vary, but it is believed that for every square meter of land, there are one to five snakes – and so many of them are so venomous that people are forbidden from going there. On the rare occasion scientists are allowed, they must have a medical doctor among them … just in case. (Scratch that one off my vacation list.)

… Earth may once have had two moons? According to 2011 research by planetary scientists Dr. Erik Asphaug (born 1961) and Dr. Martin Jutzi (born 1986), Earth had two natural satellites millions or even billions of years ago. The smaller of the two is thought to have slammed into the Moon we know in a massive cosmic collision. The two scientists say that accounts for the vastly different landscapes of the “near” and “far” sides. (Works for me.)

Now … you know!

Hack Stone

Another pop star/soap opera actor was Rick Springfield. Started his career as a struggling musician, took a gig on General Hospital, which caused an untold number of Hack Stone’s female High School classmates to get all “squishy”, and helped propel him to mainstream radio airplay. And now you can catch him live on any number of 1980’s retro tours.

Commissioner Wretched

I had forgotten about Mr. Springfield. During my full-time radio days in the 1980s, I played his hits repeatedly, always mentioning him as a star of “General Hospital.”

Hack Stone

He had a brother in the Navy, Admiral Hospital. 😅

A Proud Infidel®™

Rick Springfield’s real name was Ron Springthorpe.


Until you see The Gun Bunny…

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Everybody laughed at Ford, til Jimmuh came along. IMO, Jimmuh got screwed by his own party ’cause it was supposed to be “Ted’s Turn”.

I ain’t skeered, yield the podium, Good Sir.

DeBeer’s has done a fine job of over inflating the value of diamonds…their vaults are bulging with the things.

Some think that our Kongress Klowns are idiots or drunks, but what we’re seeing today is a deliberate, planned assault on our Country. Prove me wrong…I’ll wait.

Never cared too much for Batman, Robin, or The Joker. Now…Cat Woman?…I’d hit that…MEOW!

1SG put the Germans in a funk.

It took Mr. Hunley’s invention to make the submersible idea work.

I gots something Kylie can spring on.

Got a buddy that makes peach brandy. That dog will bite you. SMOOOOOOTH!

My final ex wife’s head has more snakes in it than that island has.

Cue up CCR…Bad Moon Smashing…

Another fine job, CW. We Thank you. Now, if you could spend as much time on writing Book III (IFYKYK) as you do pursuing the WOT FIRST, you could might sell a copy or 2 and have enough $ to take Lois out to a nice place for supper. “Well…we’re waiting…” (ht2 The Judge)


Ok King… the question is… WHICH Catwoman?


I’d pretty much herd all of them into my lair, Lil’ Brother. Don’t want to cull the herd. Howsomever, iffen I HAD to choose…only one…*sigh*…it’d prolly be Lee Meriwether…or Julie Newmar…or Halle Barry…or Michelle Pfeiffer…or Anne Hathaway…or Hedy Lamarr (yes I know Hedy never played Catwoman on film, but she WAS the inspiration for Catwoman in the original comics).

Full disclosure…I’ve only watched the TV Show version a coupla times in all the times it’s been broadcast and that was usually when I knew that Julie would be on. Thought that the whole BAM/POW/BANG thing was kinda lame and Adam West was too stilted…like Kirk’s Character on Star Trek…don’t watch much of that either. DS9 reruns gave me the hots for Jadzia Dax. I have never watched any of the Batman movies either.

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Did you say Hedley Lamarr?



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Hey, this is 1873, you can sue her!


Sean Young? (Well, she made a good suggestion… )


Wait, Kylie Minoque is older than my ass? No way!


Maybe your grandmother tried some cute aggression on you. But had lost her strength to squeeze hard enough with her age.


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Hack Stone

Hack Stone is just glad that his tax dollars are able to help this worthy individual.



This should frost your berries as well. They have us too distracted and fighting about proper flag flying, student loan forgiveness, etc., and shiny new objects on the one hand, and a dagger to stab you with in the other.

They really do hate us.

https:// yiotwreport.com/why-is-idaho-ordering-farmers-to-not-use-water-for-their-fields/


The Middle East is celebrating pride month
Thanks to LEGO
This all new pride set with get you into the sprint


ICYMI this morning.

Yes, it’s the 1 and the same Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass.,
founded by the now infamous and not so dearly departed Les Brown,
and confounded in 2019,
1st by MP,
and then five fold further here at VG.

More details at today’s Daily FGS.
And here…. (NOTE – The Elko Daily Free Press is NOT FREE.
It’s now behind a PAY WALL.)

Headline – Elko’s POW/MIA chapter closes
April 15, 2024.


Hack Stone

Maybe people were not aware of the Elko POW/MIA Association? How ironic.


Hack Stone,
It’s apparent that the city AND county were quite aware….
….of the lies and phonying, by Les, Ron, and likely others, too.

IMHO – Recent attempts to recruit new members
over the last 4 years were all but impossible,
as any new veteran or “vest” that showed up,
had town and county family and friends,
as well as other (honest) veterans, telling them to
AVOID the Elko POW*MIA Awareness Ass (Clowns).

NO more free trips to DC for the Ass Clowns.
NO more subsidized Harley rides to Reno or Vegas for the vests.
NO more free bling for the vests worn by the vests.

YES – BONUS – Another organization in Elko County
has picked up the ball on fundraising,
with their own NEW annual CHILI FEED.

The last vestige of brown stain remaining in Elko County
is the Elko Daily Free Press,
that willingly and knowingly sided with Les Brown
and his not so merry band of phony enablers and phony defenders.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone was the Adorable Deplorable who came up with the name Les Brown Stain, probably his greatest contribution to this site outside of the Phil Monkress/Psul of The Ballsack comments.


Not this Les Brown and his band of renown:



Certainly not.
The highly respected and dearly departed bandleader Les Brown was born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains of PA
(along US209, near I-81),
not far from MarineDad61.


Hack Stone

They can always meet in Kelly’s Canyon. Word is that you could fit a Winnebago in there sideways.

Army-Air Force Guy

Damn, was hoping to make the chili feed this year.


Army-Air Force Guy,
Look for a chili feed January 2025.
Look for the cowboy poets, who gather in Elko.

Army-Air Force Guy

Honestly, I could go for that!

Hack Stone

No chili for you! Next!


This bit of news cheered me up. Happy that there are still good people left in this world.


jeff LPH 3 63-66

I ordered 2 “A” cases of MREs 2024 inspection date,for the coming up hurricane season. Got to watch the calorie and sodium intake. Ate them in the past and stopped for a number of years.


Get them now before they fly off the shelf…..

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Too bad they don’t have ham & mother Fu, err, I meant lima beans Beans. Don’t know why I bought them around the 3rd time as I have a portable Coleman propane stove but I would have to use it outdoors if the power went out for a couple of days.


Timberlake’s Roadside Sobriety Test?




Open Thread!

Always late.

What you learned during Basic Infantry Training at Fort Polk.

Principles Of Quick Kill, TT 23-71-1 (May 1967):


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Leonard-Wood? (Been out in the boonies there where it’s nothing but over-grown foundations of buildings like that for acres and acres… looks like it might’ve been stuff like that in WW2 anyway, just came to mind.)

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

JRTC temporary housing in my days. GIANT ROCHES!


You have to hand it too these guys for not giving up on this douche bag. I felt sorry for him at first until a friend of mine in Texas gave me the back story from there. Talk about a Fuk-Tard


What is the deal with everyone running for office there being a train wreck blowing up what they did in the service


Nehls should stop wearing the CIB. If he thinks he’s entitled to it. Take it to the board of review. Until that time it is stolen valor. And is a complete douche. And should be censured in congress for this continuation of disrespect.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jimbojszz

Ditto here. I am no longer sympathetic towards him either. He has now doubled down on his f*cktardery. It looks like his award of CIB was accomplished with some chicanery in the S-1 shop.

A Proud Infidel®™

I once again declare myself PRESENT and UNACCOUNTABLE as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
Those in charge STILL guard Epstein’s list far harder than anything else.
The USG “Alphabet Agencies” are no honest person’s friend.


Likewise Present & Unaccountable.

Got a little trigger time today for the first time in ages. Didn’t do too shabby, scoring about 82%. Still wanna get that up.
Checked out a local indoor pistol range – think I’ll be back.

Mrs. GB and I went out to eat on a gift card given to us for our 50th – only to find out (after the meal) that is was very old. There was question about payment, but the lady at the restaurant figured it out for us. It appears to have been “regifted” by one of our less-affluent friends who didn’t know how old it was. 😀

Turned in the heart monitor Thursday, find out next Friday what the cardiologist thinks.

Y’all have a great weekend.

Major Tuddy

Jokes…hopefully, y’all can take them. 😜

Hack Stone

Well, if the Biden-Harris Administration has the authority to redefine the meaning of “recession”, Donald Trump should be allowed to redefine the meaning of words.

Build Back Better means rampant corruption and the diversion of billions of taxpayer dollars to Democrat politicians.

Hack Stone

Looking forward to Thursday night’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. What are the Las Vegas odds that there will be some crisis that pops up some time this week that requires Joe Biden to cancel the debate so that he can be laser focused on resolving whatever issue it is?


I’m betting there will be a Mideast crisis requiring him to be in
the situation room.


I’m just wonder how Joe will handle shitting himself on live tv. Will he be able to handle it in a nonchalant way. Or will that be when they have technical difficulties and the picture goes blank for 10 min while he changes his depends and pants. I think his mind is too far gone to stay on script and remember where he is without a teleprompter or ear piece to give him direction. Even with help he may not be able to handle the questions he has been given the answers too.


The rio grande has picked up new boarder patrol


All you can eat multi ethnical foods buffet, no waiting.

Major Tuddy

Just something to think about.


Who ever issued the loan is expecting a certain return on the investment in student loans. If the loan is not paid to conditions of the loan when issued. Then someone is not receiving all the interest that could be due. There’s always a chance a student pays the loan early. But that’s not typical. So it means student loans will not be attractive to future investors. So the interest on future loans will have to be increased to have financial institutions want to continue to offer the loans.

Hack Stone

No idea why the US Military cannot meet their recruiting goals when the Biden-Harris Administration calls US military members domestic terrorists.



Although they find military and religious people to be a threat, they never mention anything about the idiots on the left. The abc crowd, BLM, the Climate group, etc. That’s because the left is not a threat to socialism/communism. Because that’s who they are. The right represents the republic and conservative values, freedom, the Constitution, and we are a threat to the left and socialism/communism.