Yes, she really said it

| June 22, 2024

The Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker hit a new high – or low – Friday the 14th.

“No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden as far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton?”

Apparently she is concerned with Biden’s current ratings as moribund as month-old-Alpo, so she wants to shake things up.

“At 76, she might want no part of it, but it’s hard to retire when you feel your job isn’t done,” Parker wrote, arguing that Clinton is one of the few leaders in the Democratic Party who has enough respect and “relative centrism” to be a serious contender to replace Harris.

“If Biden needs to step down, even those who didn’t vote for Clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track,” Parker wrote.

Track to what? (Cue “Highway to Hell”)

The columnist wrote that Harris is a “significant obstacle” to Biden’s victory in November, especially as Harris continues to suffer from poor polling that has only been worsened by her “lackluster performance” in office.

Somehow, I don’t think Parker is gonna be on Kamala’s Christmas card list this year.

“More independents and disenchanted Republicans might swing for Biden if it weren’t for the prospect of a President Harris — not because of her sex, race or any other demographic category, but because of her competency, or lack thereof,” Parker wrote.

So she thinks Harris is less competent than Biden – really? And Hillary can save the (snerk, giggle) day? With what, HER competence? Her charm? Hell, may as well go all in and bet on her stunning LOOKS.

Parker wrote that possible replacements for Harris other than Clinton would include Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth.

“The question now is, how risky would it be for Democrats to replace her?” Parker asked. “Some worry that a change would jeopardize Black votes.”  Fox News

Were there any black voters who voted for Kamala because, like Obama, she is of mixed race?  I thought the only ones who really cared were rich white  liberals.

Gotta hand it to her – she definitely sees things differently than many. My personal advice to Joe if she got on the ticket would be to pay up that insurance and hire a food taster. But objectively, I kinda like the idea – people aren’t sure about Biden and dislike Trump. Why NOT put Hillary on the ticket – she is the one person who has PROVEN she could poll less votes.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2024 Election

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Hack Stone

If Hillary Clinton is as qualified to be Vice President, and by extension President, why wasn’t she on the ticket in 2020? What changed between 2019 and 2024 that Kamala Harris is not capable of executing the duties as President? //S///


She is qualified to be President, but only if you want to empower an evil, vindictive, corrupt grifter as President who has more dead witnesses in her CV than any other politician.

Major Tuddy

It’s time for a Gen-X President. Harris, born in 1964, is technically Boomer but close enough. DeSantis is undeniably Gen-X.

Seriously, it’s time for the dinosaurs to retire. We need fresh blood at the top. I won’t even consider anyone born before 1960; neither should you.


There’s a difference between somebody who wanders around looking for ice cream talking nonsense about his uncle being eaten by cannibals, or whatever the f*** it is he says….

And someone who is still with it. I’ve known people in their ’90s that were 100% lucid. But it isn’t the same for everybody. One could make a solid argument that Biden was never mentally sound. At the very least he is a pathological liar.


Personally, I don’t think it matters who the Demorats put forth – 0-Bama is running the show and would be even if ole Cankles McPantsuit where in the ring!


I feel you…
out with the Dino’s in with some fresh blood
The Deep State has decided this cycle
That it’s going to be the battle of the Depends

Slow Joe

Major Tuddy,

Very smooth anti-Trump message. But not as smooth as you think.


If Hillary gets on the ticket. The plan is have FJB step down, or fall down some steps permanently.

Hack Stone

Midnight picnic at Fort Marcy Park. And Joe’s Secret Service detail have to go back to the limo to get the ice cream when Joe accidentally falls off the cliff into the Potomac.


Joe was an olympic swimmer and almost got chosen
to play Tarzan but they chose Johnny Weismuller instead.
Not a joke.


Was that before or after he saved 17 downing peeps as a public pool lifeguard?

A Proud Infidel®™

While suffering from asthma which disqualified him from the Military Draft?

Commissioner Wretched

The peeps were pushed into the pool by Corn-Pop, as I recall. He was, by all accounts, “a bad dude.”


And……before he was recruited to play QB at Annapolis……………?


It was after he turned down his football scholarship to the naval academy But before he graduated at the top of his class in law school.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

With the presidential candidates being in their late-70s and early-80s, they need running mates that are much younger (20+ years) than themselves to ensure that they not only maintain continuity should something happen to them as President, but also to help appeal to the younger demographics. DEI stuff is a bunch of BS to most of us, but with anything involving politics or even leadership in general, it’s a smart move these days. Harris clicks a few diversity boxes: mixed-race, “Black”, female, and of course generational. Clinton would click only one: female. Biden, on the other hand, represents the status quo: old White men running this country with few exceptions.

That aside, the bear in the room is, Hillary? I know she’s beloved by some who think she’s been cheated out of the presidency and forced to serve a secondary role her entire life because she’s a woman, but there’s a lot of people who either just plain dislike her or who at least peer through the smoke and mirrors and ask, why? Why was she let off the hook for the classified email scandal? Why is she allowed to question the 2016 election while the 2020 election is untouchable? Why do so many Clinton associates end up dying under questionable circumstances? Why does she continue to pop up when Dems feel threatened? Why do I think that Biden would step down or be stepped on within months of a second term for Saint Hillary to ascend to power?

As for Hack Stone’s question about the 2020 ticket, in my opinion the Dems had a plan. They knew a Clinton v. Trump repeat would turn out poorly. Instead, send in the lackey Biden with a diverse young female VP. Evil Trump and stuck-up Pence would be challenged more by them than by Hillary and any given running mate. Meanwhile, distract and mislead Americans. “Trump’s America” culminated in mass riots, a deadly pandemic, and extensive job losses (due to said pandemic). Whether that was the plan or not, it worked.


Be grateful for small blessings, Pence is gone and won’t be back.


Race Bannon, though fictional, would’ve been better.

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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

It seems pretty likely that Trump’s pick will be either Stefanik or Scott with Cotton, Carson and Vance all being outside choices. Cotton seems to be the best choice of the outside three.

Rubio and Donalds are out because of the Florida thing.

Scott and Trump have always been close and a pretty well aligned. Scott does suffer from the leftist rumor campaign of being either gay or bisexual, much like Lindsey Graham. He would be a pretty solid choice.

Any who’s it, All of them except for Ben Carson are Gen-X. Stefanik would be a good choice because even though she’s younger, she started early. It would be a great Segway into the presidency. But right now we have no idea he’s going to pick.

I think the worst choice would be Carson. He’s a great administrator but he doesn’t have the right leadership skills.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

He could pick Michelle Bachmann. A conservative lady.


She doesn’t bring much to the ticket. Stefanik OTOH, could potentially deliver the state of New York. At the very least it would force button to campaign up there. You might think I’m smoking something because no Republican has won New York since Reagan but this afternoon in early summer, it’s true.

If they pull New York and it’s 28 electoral votes, it’s bedtime for Biden. I don’t care how many votes they pretend to have in Philadelphia.


Stefanik represents the 21st District – it’s about as opposite from NYC as you can get without moving to Montana.

I wouldn’t mind seeing her as VP, but the only person that could possibly deliver Trump NY is Joe Biden.

Son of Rusty Shackleford

IIRC a big part of the reason Mittens selected Paulie Ryan in ’12 was “he could deliver Wisconsin” even though he was only a congresscritter. He couldn’t and didn’t. Neither will Stefanik deliver the Empire State.

Trump should hope RFK Jr. campaigns a lot in NY to siphon off votes from Drool Bucket Joe. The reason Reagan won NY in ’80 was because John Anderson ran as an independent and got 10 percent of the vote there and a lot of his votes would’ve probably gone to Carter if there had been no other choice.


I generally try to not talk about people’s physical disabilities. That picture of Hillary completely reflects the real Hillary. And there is no picture of her that can put her in a positive perspective.She is just fat butt ugly.


.She is just fat butt ugly.”


A Proud Infidel®™

Anybody who has ever met or seen her off camera confirms that she is acidic and venomous as all get-out.


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Or, as has been parodied, in 2016:


After the killings at Columbine a few decades back, I had the opportunity to spend some time with the Secret Service detail for Clinton. They all had positive feeling about Bill, on a personal level, but to a man, they had the same feelings about Hitlery, and the clip that Anon posted pretty much sums it up… They mentioned such things as her blowing up on them if they had the temerity to make eye contact and similar heinous acts..

Forest Bondurant

FJB and FHC.


The White House truly would be a nursing home

Son of Rusty Shackleford

An incredibly venal, malevolent, incompetent and pyschotic one.


She’ll get huge, ugly ass whipped again, in front of the world.


And there will be rejoicing everywhere.


If I had an old cow like Bitchlery, The Murderous Skankapotomus around Fire Base Magnolia, I wouldn’t spend so much time and $ cutting the grass. I still find it hard to believe that anyone still doesn’t realize just how evil she is. Are far as “voting” our way out the mess we’re in? News flash…we didn’t “vote” our way into it.

Just received another shipment from Sam’s Garden Accessories (IYKYK) and MPS. Make of that what you want.

Barry picked joe as insurance…Heels up was picked as insurance for joe. Both were (s)elected to be the candidates in 2020 by their handlers so barry could have a 3rd and 4th term.



Finally someone who sees through the haze


You knew this was coming…

Daisy Cutter

It’s summer! Just gonna leave this here…

Daisy Cutter

Call of Booty




It would be beneath the hag to be second fiddle to Joe. When she has been second fiddle to bill for years. The hag needs to run on her own ticket. She’s no man’s stepping stone, not even obama.
Thats a very scary picture, should save it for Halloween.

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT is what they show guys who have an erection for more than four hours after taking Viagra®™.


Gotta be a fake.. no way she’d wear an American flag.. a Russian one maybe…

Daisy Cutter

Who’s gonna take the call at two in the morning? … Call of Booty

BlueCord Dad



I say cheap fake. There is not enough cellulite, flab, and face wrinkles to be anything otherwise. I want to see a photoshop analysis.


The aura of evil is missing


They tried to make her look good!


You know commissary is vigorously fapping under a blanket somewhere.



The boat in the background is a Boston Whaler.


Hillary’s personal yacht?


I can see Hillary breaching in the background, but who is that lady in the foreground?


Umm,,, GD it!!! That was really uncalled for!!!!!!



BTW, no wonder Bill “stepped out “!!!!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The DemoRats are dumping and getting rid of everything that had to do with slavery, so how come they don’t dump and get rid of kamela since her family were in the slave business.

A Proud Infidel®™

Do that and Biden would suddenly drop dead after the election.


He better stay away from Fort Marcy Park.


USSS would never let him make that choice. Nor would his insurance carrier.