Sunday FGS

| May 5, 2024

Magnum Research BFR

Neighbor confronts undocumented couple, leads to shooting at Northwest Side apartments

SAN ANTONIO – Two people are hospitalized after a shooting involving undocumented immigrants took place at a Northwest Side apartment complex.

The shooting happened around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday at an apartment complex off Vance Jackson Road near Fredericksburg Road.

Police said an undocumented couple were arguing inside an apartment when a neighbor, identified as William Oliver, 49, told them to calm down. The 21-year-old man allegedly put a gun to Oliver’s head and, while speaking Spanish, threatened to kill him. Oliver then walked backed to his apartment

Oliver told police that he thought the other man was trying to kick in his front door. That’s when he grabbed a shotgun, loaded it with bird shot, and shot the suspect in the hand and foot. A female bystander was also hit in the leg.

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News 4 San Antonio

Bird buck or slug, ya still gotta aim the shottie.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Two myths about the shotgun:

  • Magical hit percentage
  • Pump the action = bad guy scared

We have sights for a reason. Depending on choke and/or barrel length, the shot group is going to be tighter than what many people think. I’m pretty certain that people think of the modern-day shotgun loaded with buck shot as a blunderbuss loaded with whatever was available at the time.

Pumping the action is akin to using a white light in a home invader scenario. Maybe it surprises or shocks them into rethinking their choices in life. Or maybe it just gives them an idea of your position and the potential threat they face.


I never understood why you’re going to rack a shell into the chamber AFTER you come in contact with the bad guy. Bad tactic in my book. Might as well walk up with a holstered sidearm.


LEO (former AB) Brother had to ride with his chamber empty, would rack as he came out of the vehicle.
He happened to key his loudspeaker mike as he did this once on a fleeing suspect, who then skidded to a stop with hands in the air before he said anything.

The “myth” has a basis in fact, but when various additives to one’s bloodstream are present the results might not be the same.


The enemy will never follow your plans – he hasn’t read them.


I won’l leave a shotgun’s hammer cocked for my own personal reasons, therefor stored/stowed for HD/duty without ‘one in the pipe. On the 870, 500, 930 (prob more) the safety doesn’t block the hammer from hitting the pin, imho ‘not drop-safe enough’. I pretty sure all the aforementioned connect the safety to trigger block/disconnect by spring also.

We all know springs work until they don’t.

If I was to rely on one system (given an incomplete data set) to be safe enough for SHTF work with a loaded chamber on the reg, the 500/590 would be my choice. It passed the Army’s standards and seems like the most robust spring.

Also if the Mossy was to ‘fail’ it’d have to be from a butt strike as opposed to muzzle with the 870.

[ymmv, these opinions are not formed in the mind of greatness, I did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, do your own homework]

Last edited 1 month ago by Roh-Dog

If you want to see the first myth disproved, watch someone shoot skeet for the first time.


The number of DVs in some cities from the illegals is so high it is causing the crime rate to shoot up. Don’t confront them though, just call the police because they are prone to get violent towards you as this case shows.


Does the Soros money end once they cross the border? Gotta be rough to show up and not speak the language, not have your own transportation, no skills for anything beyond labor in a place where you are not very welcome.

RGR 4-78

The Soros money ends at getting the prosecutors elected to not prosecute criminals.


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove


To illegal aliens, and cartel members especially, our prisons are luxury resorts compared to what they have in their countries of origin.

Not a deterrent at all.


Prison is Like dining in a five star hotel for a poor drug mule. No future for most of them. Prison is a chance for cartel members to get educated, learn English. That’s part of the reason why we need to deport illegals and change the law and stop anchor babies. No free ride. Kick them back to their home country.


I wants me one of them thar Sister Golden Haired Surprises.