Rand, Academia Discover Military Has Recruiting Problems

| January 23, 2024

Still Not Picking Up

The Military Recruiting Outlook Is Grim Indeed. Loss of Public Confidence, Political Attacks and the Economy Are All Taking a Toll.

By Richard Sisk

Recruiting patterns in the military have increasingly come to reflect the nation’s red state-blue state political divide, with recruiting strong in the South and Midwest but lagging on the coasts, retired Army Brig. Gen. Michael Meese said at a Rand Corp. event Thursday.

“When you look at it regionally, the North and the West tend to be less positive” on military service “than the South and the Midwest,” said Meese, the former head of West Point’s Department of Social Sciences.

“The implications of that for recruiting are problematic,” he said, “because where are you going to fish” to fill out the ranks?
The military also has to contend with drawing recruits from a stressed-out society, according to the latest “Stress in America” survey conducted by the Harris Poll for the American Psychological Association and released in November.

“The COVID-19 pandemic, global conflicts, racism and racial injustice, inflation, and climate-related disasters are all weighing on the collective consciousness of Americans,” the survey said.
Duke University political science Professor Peter Feaver, who moderated the discussion with Wormuth, told Military.com last Thursday that charges of wokeness in the military have primarily come from Republicans who have shifted from “adoration of the military to criticism of the military.”

“There’s no evidence that the military itself is woke” or has been taken over by the political left, Feaver said in a phone interview…


Active-duty drag queen Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley

Then there’s this:
US Army Shuts Down Comments on ‘Woke’ YouTube Videos After Barrage of Mockery
By Cassandra MacDonald
Gateway Pundit
The Emma Malonelord Youtube video generated 3,400 “likes.” It was the 61,000 DISlikes along with comments that seems to have upset Big Army. The first step in troubleshooting is to recognize you have a problem. The recruiting crisis will continue until what passes for leadership stops living in denial.

Category: Big Pentagon, The Stupid is Strong

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When you have zero understanding or accountability of the disaster you have caused…there is no fixing it.

““There’s no evidence that the military itself is woke” or has been taken over by the political left, Feaver said in a phone interview…”

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Them: “…There’s no evidence that the military itself is woke” or has been taken over by the political left.”


Gosh, they don’t say– maybe this is why recruiting is off?
comment image

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The first rule is, when you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING!
Apparently Big Mil never got the memo.


“Need another dozen cratering charges, ASAP!”


M180 Cratering machine.



You forgot to post this picture of another Military White Dude (Army) and HIS story….😆😉😎

Question: When deployed or in the field, what gender does he bunker down? Guy or Gal?

While in Garrison, which bathroom does he use? Guy or Gal?

When doing a PT test and weight test, which gender standards apply to him? Guy or Gal?

“Living Authentically Saves Soldier’s Life”


“Coming out as a transgender female saved Maj. Rachel Jones’ life.”

“The U.S. Army Sustainment Command Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management), struggled with depression and suicidal ideation for most of her life. Today, she is living her truth and is no longer battling depression or suicidal thoughts.”




Army Major Rachel Jones’ twin from another mother….😉😎🥴


The Air Force equivalent to Major Rachel Jones and Rachel Levine:

Alice Magner:



The Marine Corps version of Major Rachel Jones.

CPT Emma Shinn




Over 10 years Air Force as an E-4 Senior Airman?
2x Longevity medals given out every 4 years.
3x Good Conduct medals given out every 3 years.
10 years, according to the story.
Problems with the E-5 testing, points, or APRs?

Skivvy Stacker






Hack Stone

Hack Stone would have the utmost confidence in the abilities and judgment of his Commander who had thoughts of suicide. 🥴


In that particular case it may have shown good judgement.

Hack Stone

Maybe some Junior Enlisted might get lucky and go home Major Jones after the next Army Birthday Ball. Set Beer Goggles to Stun.

Green Thumb

Transgender Soldiers make great Infantrymen.

What I was told anyway….


When this “person” needs a shower, in a communal shower bathroom, is it showering with the real women? You know, the real females (with XX chromosomes).


It is probably showering alone; maybe not initially, but within one or two minutes.


Soon (by progressive design) this’ll be a documentary of daily barracks life:

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

I don’t expect every soldier to embody the Rambo fantasy physique, but there are limits. Those “pride” flags are definitely inappropriate.

Skivvy Stacker

This boy needs his ovaries removed.


Since we are talking about Army recruiting, there is this ad I remember from late 80s? early 90s? It had all these rapid jump cuts, this pumping music beat, and like this screaming? as part of the music, and in one part of the ad was a guy HALO jumping and he just slides through the air right towards the camera. I’ve tried searching youtube, but no luck, the closest I found was the one with the guy HALO jumping, but wrong music and they have him hit the ground and instantly changes to a construction site and he’s in civies and wearing a hard hat.


Don’t remember that ad, but do remember THIS one….(and who doesn’t…) 😉😎

“Be All That You Can Be”

“Hey, 1ST SGT! Good Morning!”

“We Do More Before 0900 AM…”


Hack Stone

The new Army Recruiting slogan will be “We Change More Genders before 09:00 AM…”


“Be what you want to be… and we’ll pay for the surgery”

Green Thumb

Be careful.

I could see it be an option versus college or enlistment bonus.


Just wait until quotas need to be met.

“Listen up cocksuckers, BN wants two names for gender reassignment by COB. Volunteer or I’m picking two”



I’m only laughing this hard because I can see this happening.

Hack Stone

And you thought that getting the shakedown to contribute to Navy Relief was bad…


Or… “Hey, fleanuts, did you get your [platoon’s/squad’s/individual] PCCs/PCIs done?”


Miles better than the remake lately.

Hack Stone

Can’t understand why the military is missing their recruiting goals. Thoroughly Modern Milley said that White male service members are the problem in today’s Armed Forces. Maybe they expected that the numbers would be offset by an increase in minorities, and more importantly the LBGQT+%{~ community who are patriotic and eager to serve for the free abortions and sexual transition surgeries. We had a good run, almost 250 years before the Democrats ruined it.


When I recruited for the USAF, I was continually beaten over the head with this concept: failure to make goal lies with the recruiter, not the service. We could give them solid proof that a given problem was out there affecting our recruiting, and USAF would come back with a study stating it wasn’t, and all would be well if the recruiter would just work harder.

Dennis - not chevy

I had a similar problem as a Tech Training Instructor. We had a commander who said students didn’t fail; the instructors didn’t teach properly.

Hack Stone

The Tech School student’s failure to learn had nothing to do with his Recruiter using his “Ringer” to take the ASVAB for him.

Whan Hack Stone was at 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion, he had a room mate that scored on 40 on the AFQT (per our Training NCO). No way would he have been able to get into any branch with a score that low. So one day Hack was talking to said room mate, and he steered the conversation towards ASVAB scores. Hack asked him was his GT was, and he responded, and Hack is quoting, “Below vegetable. I do not understand. I take test in New York, I do good. I take test in Parris Island, and Drill Instructors yell at me.” This was back in the day before a photo ID was required to take the ASVAB.


At the beginning of basic training we were filling our paperwork and one of the questions was “civilian job”. The guy sitting next to me turned to me and asked, and I also quote, “How do you spell roofer?”. He was still smarter than some of the guys I served with.


And, let’s not forget reservists…


Work will make you free.


Recruiting Command: where morals, integrity, and motivation go to get azteced.


When I PCS’ed for recruiting, I had two goals: keep my integrity and keep my rank.

It might be argued that I sacrificed the first to an extent, as within the first few months I realized I had to fake the funk on my calendar. We were fully online, though each morning we did have to replicate the laptops to send off info and update. The USAREC Portal allowed leaders to look at all of their subordinates, meaning that technically even the USAREC CSM himself could pull my activity. Being an ultra-low producer, I set my goals, then ensured that all “contacts”, “appointments”, and “follow ups”, along with details of my day were input. Most of the time it was false data, but unlike others, I never got threatened with an Article 15.

End result: 16 contracts in 38 months = two Gold Achievement Stars. I asked for and got an AAM instead of the ARCOM they tried giving me.


Totally not toxic…

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Well, Fort Benning is “graduating” female Rangers and Infantrydoods, so you can miss me on recommending the Army for anyone that’ll listen.

“Second place in combat is a pine box” –Unkn

You own this dodmil. Sit, spin, and repeat as I know you want to do.


Green Thumb

With nine recycles and a free year train up.


Do the females still get a go-along general as a lane grader to insure they get a pass on their patrol leadership performance?


The material they have to work with today:


Future Smadges (Sergeants Major) right there.

Someone’s gotta be first…?


I’m so glad I’m retired

Green Thumb


You wont get killed by a historical first.

AT1 ret

calling them Fucker is gen neut.


“Recruiting patterns in the military have increasingly come to reflect the nation’s red state-blue state political divide, with recruiting strong in the South and Midwest but lagging on the coasts, retired Army Brig. Gen. Michael Meese said at a Rand Corp. event Thursday”

How much did the Rand study cost the taxpayer? Anyone who ever served since WWI could’ve told you that.

Green Thumb

Rand used to be a lot more credible.


Robert McNamara agrees.


I wonder what Emma is up to these days.

Just kidding, IDGAF.


Probably PCSed to Korea and became just another queen for a year


So, according to the people in the know, there is no evidence the military is going “woke.” Where has Professor Feaver been for the past four years? In a coma?


WKRP in Cincinnati?


“WKRP, with more news and Les Nessman”.


DD Form 214 Group Hug on my mark…3.2.1.MARK!

The destruction of the US Military started with The Jug Eared Fukker and has continued unabated.



In his first term, he started getting rid of the flag officers that were war fighters. Replaced them with bootlickers.


Meawhile, Brits’ military so critically short their public is being advised they might be called-up in the event of sh*t:


Welcome back to thinking about stuff like this, kids:


Between my basement and first floor is ~7.5 inches of reenforced concrete with a sturdy bench and about a hundred 4x8x16 solid block for zoomies protection in The Hole.

Even built a forced air filter from a Homer bucket, PVC pipe, scour pads and a jug of activated charcoal.

KI for our thyroids.

Did you know a 5 gallon bucket holds about 35 pounds of rice? Add that to a mylar liner with an O2 absorber, seal it up with a curling iron at ~420º at that sucker will stay fresh for 20+years.

“[T]hinking about stuff like this”?

Naw man. Living it.

If this thing ever goes horrifically wrong, I hope people here have done enough to isolate themselves.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Yet more Brit commentary of the lack of European (and, in particular, UK) military readiness:

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

We’re stationing nuclear weapons in the UK again now, too:


Sounds marvy.

I’m sure weapons in Belarus and Kaliningrad are going to be the rebuttal.

Anyone falling for the “next 20 years” line from Bauer should have their head examined. This is getting quickeninged quickly.

Got shielding?

Edit. No ‘e’ in marvy. Dictionary hates both speelings.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roh-Dog

Hey, Twilight: 2000 is topical again– deja vu!
comment image


Not privy.

Does that need to change?


Re the UK and the unnecessary but necessary conscriptions.

Happen pushback may.


They used to have a program in the UK in which all able bodied University graduates would receive officers training to be drafted in time of war. That’s what inspired Monty Python’s ‘How to Defend Yourself Against Fruit’ and the ‘Holy Handgrenade of Antioch’. They had plenty of enlisted recruits because 1945 to 1969 was the “Happy Time”, lots of deployment to former colonies and lots of combat with commie rebels. 1969 was the beginning of “The Troubles” in Ireland.


Need more info:
Where the 3400 likes generated by the target audience and the 60000 dislikes from people outside the target audience ? The mist important part is who?

Skivvy Stacker

I spent the better part of 1979 to 1985 in earning my BES (Advanced Liberal Arts) Degree in Anthropological Studies, and at least 2 quarters in Graduate School in pursuit of my Masters in Science. So I believe I can state without too much fear of anyone giving me any serious counter argument, that I can say that the conclusions made by the study of the reasons for this shortfall in recruitment could fall under the category of “No Shit Sherlock; What Was Your First Fuckin’ Clue?”


4 minutes well worth watching…

“Russian Army Ad Makes Woke US Army Ad Look Like A Joke For Kids”
