Saturday FGS
‘We killed him graveyard dead’: SWAT officer shot, suspect killed in Polk County standoff
by: Kevin Accettulla
POLK COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — An officer was shot, and a suspect was killed after a gunfight in the Frostproof area, according to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.Deputies in Highlands County attempted a traffic stop on a vehicle for running a stop sign, which wouldn’t stop and continued into Polk County, Judd said.
Highlands County deputies were going to cancel the chase because they were only traffic charges, but then received a 911 call from a woman who said she was being held in the car.
The vehicle eventually lost traction and got stuck in the area of T S Wilson Road and South Scenic Highway, Judd said.
Raymon Martinez, 37, was a passenger in the vehicle and was believed to be forcing the woman to keep driving, Judd said. Deputies were led to believe there was also a baby in the car, but deputies later learned that was not true, and Martinez only said that to keep the deputies away from him.
Martinez was asking negotiators for water, but still wouldn’t get out of the car, Judd said.
Martinez told negotiators that he had two guns with him, according to Judd.
Negotiators asked what he could trade them for the water, and he threw a magazine and gun out of the car.
Judd said during the incident, Martinez was smoking meth while talking with negotiators.
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Some negotiations reach a point of diminishing returns- the meth pipe coming out is an indicator. Fortunately the injured LEO reportedly will be OK after surgery. Unlike Mr. Martinez.
Link once again courtesy of our own Gun Bunny.
How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!
Samuel Adams
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
The press conferences with the Sheriff of Polk County, where this took place are amazing.
His press conferences are must-watch.
Here is the money shot of his press conference about the shooting:
After reading the post about softening his language. I still think Sheriff Grady is the G.O.A.T.
Here’s the YouTube transcription with timestamps for the YouTube Fox News link above:
when you start
shooting at a SWAT team it doesn’t end
up well
and we shot Raymond Martinez a lot
we killed in graveyard dead
we gave him exactly what he asked for
after negotiating and trying to
de-escalate him for hours
he was shot and killed in an Orange
Grove in Polk County because he asked
for it and we gave it to him
we’re not going to allow him to shoot at
anyone certainly not our deputies or the
Highlands County deputies
without us taking the appropriate action
make no mistake about it
we can’t at this point even count all
the rounds that we shot back at him
Being a Meth Head is no way to go through life, which is now over.
Graveyard dead.
Not zombie dead.
Not almost dead.
Not mostly dead.
But…..graveyard dead.
Got it!
You know that thing about the further north you go in Florida, the further south you are? Apparently, Polk County is far enough.
And you do you, Sheriff.
Guys in Polk County: 1) Glad wounded officer will be ok.
2) Glad victim ok.
3) How about next time you’re in front of media say something like: “Suspect fired. Officers returned a copious amount of gunfire. Suspect is dead.” One suspects this is less likely to be quoted by an opposing attorney in court. (even leaving out ‘a copious amount’ would be better). 4) That’s my opinion; not a lawyer. Take it with 75 cents and get yourself a drink. 5) Good job. All the good guys got to go home.
Check out the video above.
Judd doesn’t use the word copious, but he does say, “We shot him a lot.”
I liked the prior response to why so many shots were fired: “… that is all the ammo they had…”
Polk County deputies should have on their badges
Yeah. That was a case where the dude took down a deputy and when he was down walked up to him and shot him at close range behind the ear and again in the temple – execution. He also shot and killed a police dog.
I think they hit him 68 times out of something like 112 shots fired. They all apparently unloaded on the dude.
From the Orlando Sentinel
“That’s all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more,” Judd said after autopsy results were released Saturday.
I have watched several news conferences from Sheriff Judd. He does not mince words. He fiercely defends his Deputies. He also is just as determined when one of his Deputies crosses the line and he prosecutes them.
When it comes to a shooting situation, he expects his Deputies to win and the suspect to be booked into the morgue. Seems like one hell of a Sherriff to work for unlike far too many Chiefs and Sheriffs are in this nation.
Home nino really methed up, didn’t he? Being in the Frostproof area didn’t keep him from being put on ice, man. He’ll warm up when he gets to Hell.
Remington shouda built the R51 right the FIRST (grin) time. Wonder how many took them up on their offer to swap the R51 for a proven design in God’s Caliber?
Put meanings to the words and take tools of destruction to the perverted tyrants that were (s)elected to destroy our Republic.
Full disclosure…DX4 (Daddy’s Darlin’ Dumplin’ Daughter) snagged the article for today’s FGS and sent it to me earlier. Not the FIRST (giggles) time she has done sweet things like that. Kinda makes ya proud…don’t it?
It’s over…

(Kermit The Frog voice, singing…)
Someday they’ll find it, the rainbow connection…
Life’s lesson #1: Don’t be messing up and shooting at Polk CSO peoples.. It will not end well for ya. Grady Judd is one of the top LE execs in the nation. I imagine the medical examiner report will conclude that ‘homie’ died of natural causes. When you get shot that many times, you are naturally gonna die.
Milley announces U.S. military must modernize now– can’t say I disagree:
But was he not the very model of a modern Major General?
Let us antique it to say Rome in the mid Republic. Or at least early Empire.