Subway Franchises Fed Up with Megan Rapinoe Ads

| August 9, 2021

Some Subway franchise owners are expressing their displeasure with Subway ads featuring soccer star and SJW Megan Rapinoe.

I guess the issue is if they were going to pick a spokesperson, why did they have to pick her?

Subway franchisees are fed up with Megan Rapinoe’s TV ads

Rapinoe inked other endorsement deals besides Subway, including tie-up with Victoria’s Secret

By Josh Kosman | New York Post

Megan Rapinoe kicked up another round of controversy at the Tokyo Olympics — and now a group of Subway franchisees are pressuring the fast-food giant to give her the boot.

The 36-year-old, purple-haired soccer star — who kneeled during the National Anthem to kick off the Tokyo Olympics before leading the United States to a bronze medal this week — began a stint as a pitchwoman for the fast-food giant this spring.

In one spot, Rapinoe — who has been a vocal proponent of equal rights and equal pay for women — knocks a burrito out of a guy’s hands by kicking a soccer ball at him.

The response has been mixed, according to franchisees. Late last month on a discussion forum hosted by the North American Association of Subway Franchisees, a Wisconsin store operator posted a picture of a hand-scrawled note from an irate customer taped to the front door of his shop.

“Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American … Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!” the note read.

“The ad should be pulled and done with,” the franchisee wrote of the Rapinoe spot. “It gets tiring apologizing.”

Fed up?   Get it?

I think choosing Megan Rapinoe was a bad decision along several fronts, not to mention it may conflict with the Subway brand.  Perhaps the desire to be ‘cool’ or ‘woke’ was just too tempting?

Is Bill Cosby still the face of Puddin’ Pops?

What image do you want to see when you wrap your lips around a foot long?  Maybe don’t answer that… it’s rhetorical.

Will buying from Subway provide me with immunity from political criticism?  Will I be ‘woke’ or ‘cool’ waving around that Black Forest Ham after I dye my hair florescent green?


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics

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Her 6″ or 12″ comes with batteries. No meat!

Hack Stone

That would be a tuna sandwich.


So that’s where Subway’s non-tuna sandwich came from




I guess it should be called the Sub-penis Way…..


Why does any product need a spoke person anymore? Everything is on the internet and you can look at an Athlete’s shoes on the web as he or she is playing. You can see almost any product with reviews under it

Hack Stone

The Director Of Media Relations for Subway was probably thinking “I can’t fuck this up any more than having convicted child molester Jared Fogle as a spokesperson. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that controversy anymore.” Maybe they can hire Roman Polanski to direct their next series of commercials, the Hollywood Elite sure do think that he is the bees knees.


To be fair, Jared wasn’t convicted or even suspected, as far as I know, when he was the Subway spokesman and was given the boot as soon as everything came to light.

Green Thumb

I wonder what Phildo thinks about when he wraps his lip around a footlong….?


Black Forest Ham

Milo Mindbender

In between Jared” Got famous and arrested for getting into smaller jeans” and the purple haired kneeler was the Moose. Or am I the oy one who stopped eating there when it started advertising for them.


They chose Rapinoe because Jared Fogle was not available.


He’s still getting a footlong in prison though…


If Pete Butt-a-dig-dig had a sister….

Daisy Cutter

There goes Victoria’s Secret.


Spoiled meat.

RGR 4-78

Extra flakey buns.

Keepin' It Real

You say you want a leader
But you can’t seem to make up your mind
I think you better close it
And let me guide you to the purple mane

Purple mane, purple mane…

(You know what we’re doing here.)


Subway pretty much sucked already, and now this marketing coup. Small wonder the franchise owners are screaming.


Unavailable for comment.

Keepin' It Real

There, fixed it for ya…


Hack Stone

Kind of ironic that she is taking a knee to speak out about “racial injustice in America” as she is wearing Nike paraphernalia manufactured by slave labor in Chinese prisons. Just a matter of time until Subway contracts with The Chinese Government to have their “labor pool” remove the pimentos from the balcony loaf.

Hack Stone

Baloney loaf. Stupid autocorrect. But Balcony Loaf would be pretty funny.

USMC Steve

Hack, that would require some common sense and critical thinking skills, and she don’t have either.

I wonder what demographic Victoria’s Secret is going for with her – the bull dike manly fugly angry homosexual sector? I doubt they shop much there.


It’s okay when the Chicoms or Leftists in general do it, of course…

AW1 Rod

Jersey Mike’s subs are far better, and they don’t have a purple-haired, carpet-munching spokesdike as the face of their company.


One of the best kept secrets onboard NAS Patuxent River was the to-order subs made at the base commissary.


Commissary subs at DM were very good as well.


Same-same Huachuca until the last upgrade. Don’t fix what ain’t broke.


The Ft Wainwright commissary subs were the absolute best back in the day.


Sorry – big fan of Firehouse Subs… that is some good stuff! Plus, they support First Responders by helping with purchasing AED’s and other gear.

AW1 Rod

Those work for me, too!

The Stranger

As someone who had the privilege of commanding firefighter detachments in the Army, I agree.


Could you imagine if they had Andrew “Dice” Clay as their spokesperson, kicking a phone out of some girls hand?

But it’s OK if the roles are reversed.

*SIGH* I miss the days that SNL would do a parody skit of this. Now, they’re woke too.


Well, no kicking a phone out of a girl’s hand, but still more appeal than Rapinoe:

A Proud Infidel®™

Their ingredients are probably THE most processed there is, thus I quit eating there years ago, but there are other products that use that purple-haired wombat for advertisement and I won’t buy their products either!


“…including a tie-up with Victoria’s Secret.”

Okay, so Victoria’s “Secret” is that they are all lesbians I guess.

This is just woke on steroids. Out of the potential thousands of possible ad reps, they go with an anti-American scissor sister.

Way too many places to get a far better sandwich than Subway, so I’ll continue supporting the local, one-off businesses.


I’m confused… what gender is Rapinoe again? For some reason whenever I hear the name I go blank.






An anti-American lesbian whom other lesbians wouldn’t find at least cute… yeah, let’s have her pitch Subway sammiches to the whole American market.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure THAT was a great big hit in Red State America!


“Son, this is what happens to you when you listen to Democrats.”


Or… “Son, I don’t know how Bradley Manning ended-up there, but let that be a lesson to you.”


Jimmie John’s is better with than Subway, but my favorite is Lenny’s. When they make your food, you don’t get a mouthful of lettuce and little meat.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ll stick with Firehouse myself!


Firehouse!!! YES!!!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I don’t hear too much about Blimpies with their see through meat slices and lettuce piled a foot high on the poor boy, hoagie, sub, hero etc., to make it look like you were getting a thick meal on the bread.


I remember when the Jared Fogle story broke. Obviously, most people never blamed Subway for Jared’s behavior, but just their general chickenshit behavior after the fact pissed me off.

In announcing that they were ending their association with Fogle, they just had to throw in that “we were moving in that direction anyway.” Total horse dung. They were perfectly fine with him being their spokesman up until the facts came out.

They could have simply said, “We are shocked by what we have learned and have ended our relationship…” without trying to pull the “we were done with him anyway” nonsense.


Subway is not that good anyway, its all bread and very little meat. Somebody above mentioned Jersey Mike’s, and there are several places in my area, that are FAR better than Subway.

USMC Steve

Wife and I went into a local Subway one time, and they had no bread. No Bread. They asked me what I wanted and I said “A sammich on brtead, dammit.” They acted surprised that i didn’t want them to just hand me a bunch of sammich parts in a wrapper. WTF, over.


I’ll just let this speak for itself:


Maybe, instead, they might hire that 100 year old vet who is Jumping again to commemorate D-Day.


Good one and RIGHT ON the money!!


Megan Rapinoe…is nothing more than a typical whining millennial and not too much more than a greasy little git. Pardon my lack of insight but I simply do not understand WHY anyone would want this ‘person’ as their ‘spokes-person”. Er sorry “woke-person”. Pretty sure KoB would very probably call her a disgusting scrunt… One look at any of Megan Rapinoe‘s pic’s definitely bears the afore mentioned out.


From one of my favorite web sites,


The Jared

A tuna sub pressed into the shape of Subway Jared’s face, with a tomato slice for a leering smile and jalapenos for his dead eyes. This sub proved to be unpopular because Subway is bland trash on garbage bread.

STILL better than anything endorsed by Megan Rapinoe.


When my brother was a stockbroker, he would call companies like this and tell their shareholder relations department he was not recommending their stock because they were insulting their potential stockholders (primarily men) as well as half the public- their potential customers. He said companies like this think they are cute, and their ad agencies are the same- ignorant.


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Green Thumb

I wish old Hope Solo would punch her in the face!

The Stranger

I wish ANYONE would punch her in the face.

A Proud Infidel®™

Up until this year I have never wanted to see a US Olympic Team get greased until this year’s crusaders on the Women’s Soccer Team as well as the Primadonnas on the US Men’s Basketball Team.

The Other Whitey

Rapinoe is known to be a vicious, toxic cunt with a history of bullying Christian teammates. She also demands more money for a team who got their asses handed to them by a high school boys team in an exhibition game.

What exactly was their target demographic?

USMC Steve

They told her to go dildo herself too, she agreed to a contractual salary, and that was what she was getting.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The kneeling at international games has nothing to do with any national anthems.

FIFA has determined the level of worldwide racism is so prevalent that international competitions start with a few seconds of kneeling while a message deploring racist remarks and treatment of minority players should not happen.

US men’s team player Josi Altidore, along with Brazilian player Dani Alves were called monkeys by European fans…Alves had bananas thrown at him and to his credit he actually picked it up, ate it and took his corner kick.

Racism is a problem in soccer, as is homophobic slurs directed against players.

FIFA has decided it’s problematic enough to ask all teams to kneel. This is after they are on the field ready to play, just prior to kickoff.

Not during the anthems. This took place during the European cup in July as well.

Rapinoe has knelt during the anthem in US home games, so I’m not suggesting she doesn’t deserve the dislike she gets from those bothered by such things.

It seemed clarification about kneeling at the Olympics was in order.

Here’s a link to the Sweden game where both teams were kneeling. No one from either team knelt during the anthems while both teams knelt before kickoff. The referee was also kneeling…

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