Military issues
Coronavirus Survivors Disqualified from Entering Military
A new memorandum, provided for Military Entrance Processing locations, bars entry to coronavirus survivors. Those who tested positive, or who were clinically diagnosed, would have to wait 28 days before reporting for processing. There, they would be marked unqualified for military service. This designation would be a permanent designation. Those that receive this designation may […]
Iran’s Demands
Hassan Rohani Following thebesig’s Iran lead. Iranian President Rohani is making demands and threats to the US. Apparently Trump’s sanctions are hurting them badly, and now they have to deal with the coronavirus pandemic to boot. The regime is on shaky ground, and they know it. Iran’s Rohani vows ‘crushing response’ if US extends arms […]
Just In…
Stu sends. Little Rock AFB – COVID-19 6 Apr 2020 Update Subject: Little Rock AFB – COVID-19 6 Apr 2020 Update To Our Military Retirees, Effective immediately, per the Secretary of Defense’s direction, and to the greatest extent possible, all individuals on Little Rock AFB will wear protective face coverings when they cannot maintain six […]
Mosaic Warfare
Even before joining the military, many of us were familiar with the race to develop better weapons and tactics. America’s performance and victory during the Gulf War surprised/stunned our enemies and adversaries. A few years later, a couple of Chinese colonels wrote a book called “Unrestricted Warfare”. In the book, they cover topics on how […]
Well, This Ought to Stir the Pot
I’d guess this is likely to make idiots of all political persuasions go bonzo. National Guard Sent to NY Virus ‘Containment Zone’ My take? Probably a bit of an overreaction – but better such an overreaction than “too little, too late”.
News From the Nork Missile Range
Seems that our Chubby Chum, ND:tBF over there in Norkiland is unhappy that he didn’t get to have his way with things in that agreement he agreed to agree to with Die Trumpster, and is firing off missiles to let us all know how butthurt he is about it. From the article: South Korea’s […]
The Philippines Notifies the US of Intent to end a Military Agreement
Philippine’s president, Dutarte, made good on his desire to notify the U.S. of his intention to end an agreement related to U.S. forces in the Philippines. Both countries engage in bilateral military exercises in training areas in and around the Philippines. This brings American service members into the country for both training and recreation. This […]
More Than 3 Dozen Military Hospitals to Stop Treating Retirees, Families, Memo Shows
Skippy sends us a link to a disturbing memo being distributed to the commanders of 50 military treatment facilities (MTF) by a Lt. Gen. Ronald Pace, who directs the Defense Health Agency. Of course, the specific MTFs affected are not mentioned. I get my health care and referrals from the clinic here at Pax River, […]
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