
When A Wackjob Is Just A Wackjob

| September 1, 2010 | 14 Comments
When A Wackjob Is Just A Wackjob

So this guy who took hostages today at the Discovery Channel building in Silver Spring, MD is truly in his own class of craziness. I am glad the cops were able to take him out without any of the hostages being hurt. All-in-all it was a good day for the good guys. But lets be […]

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Gretchen vs. Gibbs

| August 31, 2010 | 30 Comments
Gretchen vs. Gibbs

I’m pretty sure that White House press secretary Gibbs is glad he wasn’t in the same studio with Gretchen Carlson this morning. She interviews him on the upcoming speech tonight on Iraq; Watch the latest video at She beats on him for answers on two main points; will the president admit was he was […]

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The Hate Crime That Wasn’t

| August 26, 2010 | 15 Comments
The Hate Crime That Wasn’t

On Tuesday, 21-yr old Michael Enright was arrested for attempting to murder a Muslim taxi cab driver in New York City. Enright had gotten into the man’s cab and after a short conversation where Enright supposedly asked the man about how Ramadan was going, Enright started attacking the man with a knife. The cab driver […]

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Obama as Reagan

| August 21, 2010 | 13 Comments
Obama as Reagan

The Washington Post tries to draw parallels between Reagan and Obama; President Obama’s advisers have sometimes looked to Ronald Reagan for comparison and inspiration. If the Gipper could survive a deep recession, low approval ratings and an adverse midterm election in his first two years and win reelection handily two years later, then Obama could […]

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On The NewsCorp Donation To the Republican Governors’ Association…

| August 20, 2010 | 2 Comments
On The NewsCorp Donation To the Republican Governors’ Association…

This week, the left-stream media has been going nuts over news that NewsCorp (the parent company of FoxNews) donated $1 million to the Republican Governors’ Association. This donation was certifiable proof for many Fox-haters that the network was in the bag for the Republicans. Of course, most media outlets did not report NewsCorp’s other donations. […]

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OFA attacks News Corp

| August 19, 2010 | 1 Comment
OFA attacks News Corp

The political action wing of the White House, Organizing for America, sent out this letter to all of us Obama supporters this morning taking the unprecidented step of attacking an American company for their political donations; It’s hillarious that OFA accuses Fox News of merely repeating Republican talking points when most of the alphabets merely […]

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The whole Hanson CNN interview

| August 9, 2010 | 5 Comments
The whole Hanson CNN interview

Blackfive emailed us a video of the the entire interview that Uncle Jimbo did with CNN. Some fuckstick editor thought he could homogenize the essence of the interview out – you can compare the two for your own edification; As Jimbo exonerates the US military of any war crimes, CNN conveniently edits his facts out […]

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Brit soldier refused beer

| August 7, 2010 | 17 Comments
Brit soldier refused beer

Ben sent us a link to a story about a British engineer, Anthony Walls, fresh off the plane from Afghanistan, still wearing his uniform, who stopped to buy beer on his way to his nephew’s birthday party; But when he arrived at the till to pay he was met with a blank stare from the […]

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