Obama as Reagan

| August 21, 2010

The Washington Post tries to draw parallels between Reagan and Obama;

President Obama’s advisers have sometimes looked to Ronald Reagan for comparison and inspiration. If the Gipper could survive a deep recession, low approval ratings and an adverse midterm election in his first two years and win reelection handily two years later, then Obama could easily do the same, they reason.

Obama’s presidency has looked like Reagan’s in some broad ways. Both men succeeded unpopular presidents of the opposite party. Both offered big and bold plans — Reagan with massive tax cuts, Obama with a massive stimulus and national health care — that set the country in a new direction. Reagan’s goal was to shrink government. Obama’s efforts have enlarged government.

Yeah, tax cuts and massive spending are exactly the same – especially in the effect they’ll have on the economy. Reagan let us spend out own money, Obama takes our money and directs how it’s spent. That’s the same, right?

The Post goes on to focus on the unemployment rate during both administrations and their popularity ratings. The big difference is that Reagan’s policies carried over into the next two administrations and brought on the economic boom of the 90s. It’s doubtful that Obama’s policies will last through his own administration because of the misguided ideology behind them.

Tax cuts saved the economy twice in the last thirty years, it’s beyond me how the Obama Administration that tax hikes will have the same effect.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media

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B Woodman

“Comparison and inspiration . . ”
More like comparison and contrast.


One difference between Reagan and Obama being at the helm of the USS America is that Reagan set her on the right course. Obama but her in reverse. Another difference is that Obama wants the USS America to fly under his own flag, not ours.


Newsflash to Pravda on the Potomac–This isn’t 1982. The reason the recession is going to get WORSE in 2011 where we got out of it in 1983 is very simple–Obama is jacking taxes through the roof, and yet it still won’t even come close to paying for all the spending he and the Democrats have proposed.


Yes, it’s sad when our politicians have obviously never taken an econ class. One thing both Reagan and Obama have in common though is they both like huge deficit spending.

Bubblehead Ray

Obama=Reagan ….. Sharia law = the Declaration of Independence.

Once again the Libs are pissing on our leg and telling us it’s raining.


Oh, what’s the use. I give up……


And, one important difference, Paul. Reagan’s economy created jobs, O’s has lost jobs. And will continue to lose jobs, until he’s gone.

Bubblehead Ray

Joe! Best news I’ve heard all day. LOL

Old Tanker


Democrats over rode Reagan’s vetoes to force deficit spending after the Dems PROMISED him they would cut spending… Slight difference. I also believe this is when they introduced the concept of baseline budgeting. If an agency was expected to have a baseline increase of 7% and their budget only got increased by 6% it was called a “budget cut”


And Paul, FWIW, had Congress (and guess which party was cutting the checks back then?) simply passed Reagan’s proposed budgets without adding a whole shitload of items to it, the federal government would have been running a SURPLUS by FY1990. Look it up. And when Reagan tried to veto the spending inserted in appropriations bills, the Supremes determined a line-item veto was unconstitutional.

Context FAIL, Paul. Back to your hole.

Old Tanker

Hell Sparky, the Republicans even gave Bill Clinton a line item veto only to have the Supreme court overturn it….


I had the honor to serve during Reagan’s presidency. He instill a renewed belief in America, and brought a strong sense of pride back to the Armed Forces. Reagan may have done things to make him unpopular, but he did make this nation strong again. So far, everything Obama has done has been in direct opposition to what Reagan did, and believed. Reagan did not apologize to our allies, nor did he mollycoddle our enemies. Obama has done both on numerous occasions. To try and compare and equate Obama to Reagan is an absolute joke!

USMC Steve

Yeah, let us compare the two.

Reagan loved his country, Nobama hates it particularly the white part.

Reagan put together an excellent and intelligent, well versed cabinet, Nobama grabbed up a bunch of yes-man kowtowing leftists who wouldn’t know reality if it bit them on the ass.

Reagan included in his achievements the destruction of the Soviet Union and the opening up of eastern Europe, Nobama can claim socialized health care and forcing the spending of almost a trillion dollars AFTER over 70 percent of the people in this country voiced their strident opposition to it.

Reagan had a great deal of unified support in America, but Nobama has basically set race relations back 40 years, and has people at each other’s throats, no doubt in order to help fulfill his socialist agenda. You can’t force through marxism if the country isn’t totally fucked up you know.
The list could go on and on and on. Yep, lots of similarities.