When A Wackjob Is Just A Wackjob
So this guy who took hostages today at the Discovery Channel building in Silver Spring, MD is truly in his own class of craziness. I am glad the cops were able to take him out without any of the hostages being hurt. All-in-all it was a good day for the good guys.
But lets be clear: politics/ideology didn’t have anything to do with this. Of course, the bums over at HuffPo started speculating immediately about whether he was Tea Party supporter or not. I shouldn’t just single out HuffPo either. I do not doubt that some conservative blogs have had posters who were happy when it came out that the guy was a fan of Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
Sometimes crazy people do crazy things for no other reason than they are fucking crazy. Simple as that. Be thankful no one got hurt and for the marksmanship skills of Silver Spring PD.
Category: Media
It seems to me that the Progressives and those from the leftist media are quick to jump on stories and try to make tenuous connections and affiliations to groups that oppose their ideals & political philosophy with stories like these. After all, it’s the lazy person’s way to do things. Disparage opposing views and associate those opposing views with psychopaths.
the guy lost his shit when he realized that man vs. wild had some staged scenes and fabricated danger.
AOL news had a screen grab from Lee’s myspace page. At the top of his page: “Lee says: It’s time for REVOLUTION!!!”
Hmm… sounds familiar…
Reminds me of a movie I’ve seen…
V is for Volition… of Vapid Vermin.
“In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.”
Or vice versa…
Either way, the dude’s a creep. Police done right. =0)
I don’t think there is a Silver Spring PD. This was handled by the Montgomery County Police Department.
I do not doubt that some conservative blogs have had posters who were happy when it came out that the guy was a fan of Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
“happy” or “relieved”? No doubt you’re right about the left (HuffPo et al) jumping on the “tea bagger, right wing nut job” meme. They do so with such frequency and ferocity that the right is automatically on the defensive… It’s reflexive…
According to Ward Reilly, this guy was seen at an antiwar demonstration at the White House on Jan. 19, 2009, with a very anti-troops type of sign, not a part of the usual antiwar crowd, and not affiliated with or known by the antiwar organizations. Ward Reilly says he’s crazy and if even Ward Reilly says somebody’s crazy, then there’s got to be no question about it. He has a pic of him on his FB page that he took at the aforementioned antiwar demo.
I’m sure you’re right….he had to be crazy. My wife is a Social Worker that deals with mentally ill adults, she knows teh crazy….but fortunately, it’s rare that these folks go this deep end. I say he was ill because what rational person goes this far? People who are paranoid/delusional don’t usually exhibit signs until their 20’s so you can’t predict what they might do unless they’ve already been receiving help….
F*ck HuffPo and co… the first thing they wonder when someone goes nuts is when was the last TEA Party he went to.
Some guy on Ward Reilly’s FB page thinks that this wackjob is a right winger because he’s a Malthusian. When I challenged that, I was informed that I was very much wrong and that Malthus and his ideas are very much ruling class ideas. I was then advised I don’t know my right from my left, or my ass from my elbow. Things further deteriorated from there, then I left. (If I’ve learned just one thing in life, it is to never argue with a left-winger.)
HuffingPost seems to have removed their tea party references, but the guy was certainly a far left loon, as I said in our “just facts” segment on it. They’ve also downplayed any left wing connections.
If you read the “manifesto”/demands, there’s no doubt about the left wing loon thing, so loony even the left wing loons didn’t want to associate with him.
Amen for that, and I agree with you. Crazy=crazy.
There are nutbars on both sides of the political fence, however, it always seems that when the nutter is from the rightwing side, the left uses that for political gain and to push a political agenda and to attempt to take away more freedoms in the interest of “safeguarding the public” from all those eeeeevil rightwingers. How many times have we heard the drooling moonbats of the leftist chattering class bring up that stupid DHS memo on Veterans? The last time I heard one use it in their attempt to outflank and marginalize was just a few short weeks ago. They attempt to paint with a very broad brush.
OldTrooper, that is right, but watch how they scream for civil rights if the government looks a little hard at, say, animal rights or eco activists…never mind that they are sometimes known to commit crimes and be loosely affiliated with domestic terrorist groups. Seems their civil rights are only for their own agendas; everybody else they want to straight-jacket. (Though the wackjob in question here would have obviously been better off to have been straight-jacketed about a year and a half ago when even the hair on the back of Ward Reilly’s neck was raised. Alas, probable cause and all that.)