OFA attacks News Corp

| August 19, 2010

The political action wing of the White House, Organizing for America, sent out this letter to all of us Obama supporters this morning taking the unprecidented step of attacking an American company for their political donations;

It’s hillarious that OFA accuses Fox News of merely repeating Republican talking points when most of the alphabets merely mouth the words sent to them by the White House. i wonder what Democrats would have done if the Bush White house had launched a campaign against MSNBC for General Electric’s donations to Democrat candidates.

of course, news Corp’s donation is the largest of any media organization’s check to political causes…but maybe that’s because News Corp is more successful than any other news organization. Wonder why.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Michael in MI

Interesting… I just read on Big Hollywood and Newsbusters that Jon Stewart went on a rant about this very topic as well. Seems that he got his talking points and is doing his duty for the White House as well.

Also, on those sites, they mentioned that News Corp in the past had donated more to Democrats than Republicans. And that Jon Swewart failed to mention that, as well as failed to mention that the owner of Comedy Central donated more to Democrats than Republicans. (64-36, I believe)

So this is simply an attack — by the Administration and his minions in the MF-ing media — on a private company for having political donations that the Left does not like. Pathetic.