A Small Part of Why We Do What We Do at TAH
We all know that the myth of the “messed up Vietnam vet” is a persistent one, at least as applied to Vietnam vets in general. Despite clear evidence to the contrary it persists to this day. IMO it’s the genesis of the recent media efforts to demonize more modern vets due to PTSD. The term […]
Oh, This Is Rich
Remember those “fine folks” over at Media Matters? Those stalwart “progressive” people who think the mainstream media does a great job, who profess to speak for the “little guy”, and who often support organized labor? Well, it seems as if the folks who actually work for Media Matters want to form a union. So, since […]
If You Still Wondered Whether the NYT Actually Reports News . . .
. . . I think you can stop wondering. Remember Cliven Bundy – that dipstick in Nevada who got local militias to side with him after he refused to pay his legally-obligated grazing fees for 20 years and was being kicked off his Federal leased land? The media – specifically, the NYT – dragged up […]
CNN: U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists
Look! It’s an election year! Time for the media to scare the low-information voters again. CNN’s Peter Bergen and David Sterman from the “New America Foundation” write a piece at CNN which warns that right wingers are more dangerous than Muslim extremists based on a simple statistic; According to a count by the New America […]
Maddow on Fort Hood shooting
Are you sitting down? You may need to before you read this article sent to us by Greg. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow criticized the media for being lazy after the Fort Hood shooting for concluding that Ivan Lopez’ tour of Iraq was the reason that he killed three others before turning the gun on himself; “If […]
SPC Ivan Lopez; the anomaly
Yesterday, thousands of veterans suffering from PTS didn’t shoot anyone, however one, Ivan Lopez did kill three people and left 16 injured. One female military policewoman confronted Lopez and he did what he should have done before he started his spree. I heard Lopez’ name early in the erratic news broadcasts and checked AKO (Army […]
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